Design Notes
November 27, 2020
Defender Class Skills
Defender Class Overview
Originally released alongside the three verification classes Guardian, DragonLord, and StarLord, the Defender is meant to act as a group fight class that draws Focus from the monster to protect their allies.
The new Defender class has similar purposes in mind, but with powerful new effects to really punish your foes. Unlike the other three classes released in this bloc, Defender is more aimed at lower level players, and thus has no level requirement to use.
- Guardian Class: available to verified AdventureQuest Guardians
- DragonLord Class: available to verified DragonFable DragonLords
- Star Captain Class: available to verified MechQuest Star Captains
- Defender Class: available to all of the above
Each week in November, we'll release another verification class update. Earlier this month, we updated the AdventureQuest Guardian, DragonFable DragonLord, and MechQuest StarLord Classes! Get all the details on those class updates here, here, and here. THIS week, we've got... the Defender Class update! Read on for update details: what is changing, how to get your own, and the new balance details.
Defender Class Update Details
Recommended enhancements: Recommended enhancement: Wizard, Lucky. As a Defender, your selfless spirit defends others in combat from all threats across lore, but in times of peril you can shine above the rest.
Mana Regen: Defenders gain mana when they:
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Are struck by an enemy in combat
Skill Breakdown
Stanced Strike
Rank needed: Auto attack
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Physical
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Stick em with the pointy end of your shield.
Shield’s Blessing
Rank needed: 1
Target: Friendly
Max targets: 6
Type: Physical/Magical
Range: Infinite
MP Cost: 10
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Shield your allies and share your power! Reduces incoming physical damage by 25% and increases all outgoing damage and haste by 10% for 10 seconds for up to 6 friendly targets.
A basic support skill with a long duration and no drawbacks. Has a powerful mana support bonus as well!
Infernal Shield Slam
Rank needed: 2
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Physical/Magical
Range: Infinite
MP Cost: 8
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Strike back at your foe using a portion of their own power and set them Aflame, dealing damage over time for 4 seconds, stacking to 5. Additionally, applies Infernal Shield, increasing your outgoing damage by 3% for 6 seconds, stacks to 5.
This skill has 2 stacking effects, a boost for yourself, and a stacking DoT for your target. In addition to powering up your Shield of Wrath, this skill uses a function similar to Classic Defender’s Retaliation, dealing more damage the more damage you receive in a fight.
Shield Veil
Rank needed: 3
Target: Friendly
Max targets: 6
Type: Physical/Magical
Range: Infinite
MP Cost: 15
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Coat up to 6 friendly targets in a layer of protection, reducing their incoming physical damage by 40% for 4 seconds. Also applies Defender’s Pavise, reducing your incoming physical damage by 20% for 10 seconds. If you have Infernal Shield stacks, they are consumed to apply Shield's Veil, a small HoT for 10 seconds.
This skill offers healing for yourself and a tremendous damage reduction effect for you and your allies. Between Shield’s Blessing, Shield Veil, and your Rank 4 passive, Defender has a tremendous amount of physical damage reduction. However, casting this removes Infernal Shield, reducing the amount of damage you can output. You’ll have to alternate between attacking and defending to get the most out of your skills.
Shield of Wrath
Rank needed: 5
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Physical/Magical
Range: Medium
MP Cost: 10
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Vent your accumulated wrath and strike your foe with fervor, dealing high damage based on how many stacks of Infernal Shield you have (but does not consume stacks).
This skill deals extra damage based on stacks of Infernal Shield. It doesn’t consume stacks, which means after reaching full capacity you can keep dishing out heavy attacks as long as you have the HP or support to not need to heal.
Halo of Protection
Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Reduces incoming physical damage by 20%
Selfless Decree
Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
HoT and DoT power increased by 15%
Energizing Rally
Rank needed: 10
Type: Passive
When you call upon the healing power of your shield, each ally healed has a 20% chance to reduce their mana costs by 100% for 3 seconds. This passive is unlocked at rank 1.
Shield’s Blessing allows you to temporarily make any of your party members’ MP costs free for 3 seconds, turning the tide of battle and allowing otherwise impossible feats to be accomplished.
Defender is a solid choice as a low-level player support class, as well as a high-level player support class with a very specialized set of abilities.
Unlocking any of the three verification classes also grants access to Defender (as well as Classic Defender), providing another choice of class for those that upgrade.

November 25, 2020
HeroMart Black Friday Deals Coming Soon
Mark your calendars, because our 2020 Black Friday deals start this weekend! On 11.27.20, head to for new bundles, deals, and exclusive in-game reward items!
Deals starting Friday:
- Pre-order the 2021 Artix Entertainment Poster Calendar
- Buy 3, get 1 free on all t-shirts, prints, and posters*
- Get a free 2,000 Artix Points gift certificate on orders over $75 USD
- and more!
*Offer not available for poster calendars.

November 25, 2020
Get 50% more FREE ACs
Our 2020 Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus is now available
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package until January 6th! If you're excited about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday items, or are gearing up for all our December holiday items, now's the time to top up your ACs.
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

November 25, 2020
Now available: Dark Holiday 2020 Gear
The darkest gear of the year is here!
Our Dark Holiday 2020 Collection, featuring a backpack FULL of new Black Friday rares, is now available in Battleon! Find dark variants of your favorite gear arrive, plus all-new sets created just for this shop. The seasonal Black Friday gear also returns. Read on for more information about the gear you'll find in the shop this weekend!
Dark Holiday 2020 Collection Chest: Unlock 75+ items
Rare collectors, take note! The Dark Holiday 2020 Collection Chest -- with all of the new seasonal and rare event items -- will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of the Dark Holiday 2020 rare + new seasonal shop items (over 25,000 ACs worth of gear).
Dark Holiday 2020 Collection Chest contains:
- Shadow Dragon Shinobi Class + armor set*
- Dark-tic DragonSlayer armor + helm (with color customizable accessories)
- Darker Caster X armor + cape
- Hood of the Dark Eclipse
- EbilCorp Prometheus armor, helms, and cape
- Darker Cryptlord Armor + Crown
- Dark Luminous Armor
- Auspicious ShadowSlayer set
- Cybernetic DragonLord set
- Techno SkyGuard Uniform (color-customizabe, rare)**
- Dark RainWalker set***
- Dark Harbinger Blade Bank Pet
- DeadM0g pet (with exclusive quest for character page badge)
- plus more gear to come on Cyber Monday!
* You'll also be able to farm for the Shadow Dragon Shinobi class starting Friday night.
** The seasonal M4trix SkyGuard Uniform set will arrive on Monday with the other new and returning seasonal Cyber Monday items!
*** The Dark RainWalker helms + Shadow Slasher armor will arrive next week as daily login gifts so all players can enjoy them!
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items are available individually from the Black Friday Shop in your game menu until the event leaves in December
- The Hollowborn Collection Chest is a seasonal item and will not be included in the Dark Holiday Collection Chest.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Dark Holiday 2020 Collection Chest and DeadM0g pet cannot be sold.
HollowBorn Collection Chest
The Hollowborn Evoker set, created for Black Friday by AQW Community artist, Yo Lae, is a Black Friday seasonal collection chest. Unlock a TON of dark, deadly items for 5,000 AdventureCoins when you get the Hollowborn Chest pet (items available in the pet's shop).
The Hollowborn Collection includes:
- Hollowborn Collection chest pet (has shop for all the gear)
- Hollowborn Lightning pet (with quest for character page badge)
The Hollowborn Chest is seasonal, and will return every Black Friday. (Please note, the Hollowborn Chest does not receive new items each year, and will not receive the 2020 Hollowborn Nightmare farming items. You can battle the boss this weekend to unlock those.)
We’re very sorry, but we cannot offer exchanges or compensation or exchanges on IoDA choices when an item is recoloured and released for Black Friday or Cyber Monday anymore. The IoDA program allows you to access rare items you would not otherwise have access to. Due to this, and the fact that recolours are not the same as the original items, we can no longer give any additions bonus or compensation for these items.

November 25, 2020
Harvest of Nightmares War
Harvest of Nightmares: Feast of Fear
Murder Hornets. Zombie Cicadas. And Fire TORNADOS? Memet wasn't kidding. This really IS a harvest fest of nightmares. Just make sure YOU aren't on the menu! Log in now and join special guest Aurelio Voltaire to battle through our newest holiday event!
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Harvest of Nightmares War Rewards
Battle through tonight's Harvest of Nightmares WAR to get all-new holiday event gear in the Nightmarewar Merge Shop and 50% war chest.
Featured Gear: Pumpkin Paragon Set
SQUASH your enemies with the rare Pumpkin Paragon set! Available in your Featured Gear Shop for a limited time.
Holiday Bonus: Get 50% More ACs with ANY Pack
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package until January 6th! If you're excited about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday items, or are gearing up for all our December holiday items, now's the time to top up your ACs.
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
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November 20, 2020
Harvest of Nightmares, Part 2
Our 3 Part Event Continues with Memet's Birthday Screams
Last week... you, Aurelio Voltaire, and Memet were trapped inside Aurelio Voltaire's nightmare in the first part of our three-week Harvest of Nightmares holiday event. This week, log in and battle Memet's creepy dreams as you fight to escape and return home in time for the Harvest Fest. But beware, hero! Friday the 13th may be over, but the Nightmare Realm is a dark and twisted land. You never know WHAT you'll meet... or what might decide to follow you home.
This weekend, /join memetsnightmare to begin your adventure:
- Talk to Aurelio Voltaire to begin your quest to escape Memet's nightmare
- Battle Eye Worms, Burning Embers, and Cyclones
- Collect Nightmare Kibble and slay... CANNIBAL MERMAIDS?!
- Battle your way home to return in time for the Harvest Feast, releasing next Wednesday
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Memet's Nightmare Rewards
We've got a host of dark and creepy rewards for all heroes coming your way this weekend! Battle monsters in /memetsnightmare to get the merge shop resources to create the Terrifier the Clown armor set and Spooky Skelly suit!
Who is Memet?
Memet the Nightmare Moglin is the staff persona for Memet, AQWorlds' lead writer. She is the one who writes and designs the weekly releases you battle through. She is a huge fan of dark, offbeat, Lovecraftian/Geiger style art and fantasy... which is why her in-game NPC is a baku/nightmare creature. She’s crafted this nightmarish new event for you to battle through while she concentrates on celebrating leveling up during 2020. Wish her luck or happy birthday on Twitter!
New Featured Gear: Ghostly Wedding Set
They say love is eternal... and with our ghostly wedding gear, it CAN be! Find this hauntingly beautiful armor set in your Featured Gear Shop until November 30th. Then they'll leave be gone... FORVER!
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November 19, 2020
Tomorrow: StarCaptain Class Updates
Verification Class Updates
Our verification classes -- Guardian, DragonLord, Star Captain, and Defender -- are unlocked by AQWorlds heroes who have also upgraded in one of our 2D, single-player games. They've been asking for years for their exclusive classes to get updates... and now the time has come!
- Guardian Class: available to verified AdventureQuest Guardians
- DragonLord Class: available to verified DragonFable DragonLords
- Star Captain Class: available to verified MechQuest Star Captains
- Defender Class: available to all of the above
Each week in November, we'll release another verification class update. Earlier this month, we updated the AdventureQuest Guardian and DragonFable DragonLord Classes! Get all the details on those class updates here and here. THIS week, we've got... the Star Captain Class update! Read on for update details: what is changing, how to get your own, and the new balance details.
Star Captain Class Overview
Welcome to the Starlord rework! Renamed to Star Captain, the class now aims to honor the tradition of choosing a GEARS University House while excelling at what Mecha Pilots are best at, one on one combat. The first three skills behave similarly, but change the focus of the class depending on which you used first, and the final skill is an all out attack that can only be activated once you’ve used the first three skills enough times.
Before there was AQWorlds, there was... MechQuest
GEARS University, the most acclaimed Mecha Pilot institution in the Solaris System. Here you will learn a wide variety of skills required to become a fully licensed Mecha Pilot, including but not limited to, Energy Blade Training, Mecha Combat, Home Economics, and Insect Extermination. And let’s not forget about our annual GEARS Games, where you face off against other Pilots to earn points for a House of your choosing. We welcome all aspiring Mecha Pilots to GEARS University and we look forward to seeing you soon, but only if you survive the entrance exam that is, enroll at!
Read more about the class update here.

November 13, 2020
Harvest of Nightmares: Friday the 13th
Join us for the final Friday the 13th event of 2020!
Join Aurelio Voltaire and Memet the Nightmare Moglin for first week of our three-part Harvest of Nightmares holiday event as we celebrate Friday the 13th and Harvest Fest! After a year of battling natural disasters and unnatural horrors, Aurelio Voltaire and Oishii the Troll Chef have planned a double holiday extravangaza to help raise everyone's morale.
But when our favorite gothic pirate party planner slips into a nightmare he can't escape from, he and Memet will need your help to break free. This weekend, log in and battle terrifying creatures and ferocious food as you race to escape the Nightmare Realm and return in time for the Harvest Feast.
Join /gothicdream to begin your adventure:
- Fight through Aurelio Voltaire's nightmarish house
- Battle delicious-but-deadly food
- Assemble a hero's most intimidating combat gear: Gothic Teddy Pajamas
- Battle a boss who wants to put you to sleep... FOREVER
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Aurelio Voltaire Returns for Friday the 13th!
Friday the 13th and Aurelio Voltaire go together like Evil Armies of Undead and Horror Movies. So of course, this Friday our always-positive, family-friendly game team and community want to welcome him back for another musical event! This weekend, slay your enemies to the sound of music from his album "Raised by Bats". Once you've finished the event, make sure you check out his Youtube series, "Gothic Homemaking with Aurelio Voltaire," and stay up to date with all his dark adventures on Instagram!
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general).
On behalf of the entire AdventureQuest Worlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!
Your luck is in... Gothic Rewards!
Friday the 13th may be all about bad luck, but not this weekend! We've got two all-new armor sets available in the Gothic Dream merge shop:
- the Teen Slasher, a dark and destructive seasonal set available that will make you Scream
- the Unlucky Hoodie, deceptively cute and definitely deadly
Plus a plethora of gothic house items that drop from the monsters and boss in this weekend's event.
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Verification Class Updates
Our verification classes -- Guardian, DragonLord, Star Captain, and Defender -- are unlocked by AQWorlds heroes who have also upgraded in one of our 2D, single-player games. They've been asking for years for their exclusive classes to get updates... and now the time has come!
- Guardian Class: available to verified AdventureQuest Guardians
- DragonLord Class: available to verified DragonFable DragonLords
- StarCaptain Class: available to verified MechQuest StarCaptains
- Defender Class: available to all of the above
Each week in November, we'll release another verification class update. Last week, we updated the AdventureQuest Guardian Class! Get all the details on that class here. THIS week, we've got... the DragonLord Class update! Read on for update details: what is changing, how to get your own, and the new balance details.
DragonLord Class Overview
Lost to time and found again, the DragonLord class has evolved! Inspired by DragonFable, this new version of the class offers many powerful new tools to battle multiple monsters at once by imbuing yourself with the powers of ancient dragons.
The new AdventureQuest Worlds version of DragonLord draws heavily from DF’s DragonLord, and also DragonWarrior, DragonRogue, DragonMage, and the titan DragonRider. Take on one or more elemental aspects, and then tap into their full power with your Primalization ability! This class is designed to fight multiple monsters at once, while harnessing the full potential of the elements provides you the power to take on much more powerful creatures.
How to Unlock the Class
If you are a DragonLord in DragonFable:
- Log into the Account Manager site at
- Access the 'Unlock Verify Shops' menu in the Account Manager
- Verify your DragonFable account
- Log back into AQWorlds and /join tower
- All verified DragonLords can purchase the original DragonLord Class. If you are level 40, you can purchase the updated class from Tomix for 0 ACs.
If you are NOT a DragonLord in DragonFable:
- Create an account at (if you don't have one yet)
- Upgrade it to become an DragonFable DragonLord on this page
- Follow steps 1-4 above
Read more about all of the update details in the Class Skills design notes post.
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November 09, 2020
Harvest of Nightmares 2020 Rares
Available from your Featured Gear Shop!
Starting tonight and through December 4th, you'll be able to find the most elegant-but-evil Friday the 13th gear EVER in your game menu! Most of the gear will be available for AdventureCoins, but we've got gear for gold, as well, for all our members and free players.
Check out your Featured Gear Shop in the game menu to find:
- Spirit Harvester set
- Spirit Harvester's Invocation and Harvested Spirit Capes
- Broken Mirror Pet
- Gothic Vampire armor set
- Sanguine Vampire armor set

November 06, 2020
Kotaro's Gachapon Quests
Gotcha! Grab your Gear from Kotaro's Vending Machine
This weekend, journey into the future and meet Kotaro - a member of the mysterious Crystallis faction. You'll find him in the /onsen, a bathhouse built around the natural hotsprings in this futuristic version of Akiba.
This weekend:
- /join onsen
- Slay Skello Kitties in /yokaigrave and buy Gachapon Coins from Kotaro to complete his quests
- Save up your Second Chance Coins from the quest to get gear from his Merge Shop
Gachapon Gear
Complete Kotaro's quests in /yokaigrave to try your luck with the Onsen's Gachapon vending machines and collect a treasure trove of new gear!
"I heard you like Gacha" Quest Drops
- Second Chance Coins
- Onsen Helms
- Crystallis + Onsen treats
"Decorate Your Space" Quest Drops
- Akiban Onsen house
- Crystallis Bonsai
- Onsen Slippers
- Crystallis Lockers
- Vending Machines
- Crystallis furniture
Gachapon Armor Merge Shop
- Gachapon Coin (costs 100,000 gold, stacks to x300)
- Crystallis + Dark Crystallis Jinbei armors
- Crystallis Yukata + Yukata/Haori
- Cool Crystallis + Onsen Yukata armors
- Onsen Yukata + Yukata/Haori
Plus, keep an eye out for even MORE gear coming to the Onsen as daily gift drops.
The Crystallis Faction
The Crystallis is an organization which governs the version of Akiba you'll visit this weekend. It is lead by the Archivist, who is responsible for maintaining order. The fact that you’re here though means that something’s off... but there's time enough to delve into THAT mystery in the future. For right now, just sit back and enjoy the atmosphere of the /onsen.
Seasonal Harvest Events Return
The leaves are turning colors, the birds are flying south and the sweet, sweet smell of pie is in the air. Harvest is almost here! All our seasonal Harvest maps, events, and rewards return. Then next week, we begin our three-part Harvest of Nightmares/Friday the 13th combo event!
Battle through all our returning Harvest Fest maps:
- /harvest
- /cornycopia
- /turdraken
- /float
- /banquet
- /grams
- /artixhome
- /feast
- /foulfarm
- /foulestfarm
- /killerkitchen
- /feastofsouls
- /harvestzombie
- /harvestslayer
- /feastboss
- /fearfeast
- /dullahan
- /feastwar
- /meatlab
- /furblefeast
- /furborgship
Verification Class Updates
Our verification classes -- Guardian, DragonLord, Star Captain, and Defender -- are unlocked by AQWorlds heroes who have also upgraded in one of our 2D, single-player games. They've been asking for years for their exclusive classes to get updates... and now the time has come!
- Guardian Class: available to verified AdventureQuest Guardians
- DragonLord Class: available to verified DragonFable DragonLords
- StarCaptain Class: available to verified MechQuest StarCaptains
- Defender Class: available to all of the above
Each week in November, we'll release another verification class update. And first up... the AdventureQuest Guardian Class update is here!
Guardian Class Overview
The Guardian class in AdventureQuest Worlds takes inspiration from the gameplay of AdventureQuest. Heroes who are familiar with the world of Lore in that game may feel right at home when using Guardian in this game.
In AQWorlds, Guardian plays as a very powerful glass cannon, dealing incredible amounts of damage, but being unable to take very much itself. Having many skills with their own costs of use, and not a high amount of healing means that Guardian won’t be able to properly play to its full potential by itself. However, if you find a few companions and guests to help buff and heal you, you’ll be able to really unlock your full power.
How to Unlock the Class
If you are a Guardian in AdventureQuest:
- Log into the Account Manager site at
- Access the 'Unlock Verify Shops' menu in the Account Manager
- Verify your AdventureQuest account
- Log back into AQWorlds and /join tower
- All verified Guardians can purchase the original Guardian Class. If you are level 40, you can purchase the updated class from Wyrm for 0 ACs.
If you are NOT a Guardian in AdventureQuest:
- Create an account at (if you don't have one yet)
- Upgrade it to become an AdventureQuest Guardian on this page
- Follow steps 1-4 above
Read more about all of the update details in the Class Skills design notes post.

November 06, 2020
Become an Apocalyptic Lich King
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
With an army of the undead, you can destroy the world... all you need to do is create it! Unlock over 30 items in the Apocalyptic LichKing armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set to unlock the full armor set.
- Arcane Apocalyptic LichKing armor
- Apocalyptic LichKing armor
- Arcane Apocalyptic Necromancer armor
- Apocalyptic Necromancer armor
- 10 Helms
- 5 Capes
- 6 Weapons
- 2 Pets
- 1 Quest Pet (with a quest for 3 house items)
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Don't miss our other upgrade bonus sets
Maybe you prefer a more... ferocious theme. We've got you covered. Check out the Apocalyptic Werepyre Upgrade Bonus Set bonus set! You'll find it now in your Account Manager.
Werepyres are the ULTIMATE predators, combining the the strengths of both vampires and lycans. The time has come for a new world to rise... and the Werepyres shall will rule them all! Unlock all 16 items in the Apocalyptic WerePyre armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Apocalyptic WerePyre pack to unlock all 16 pieces of the set, including:
- Apocalyptic Werepyre armor
- Werepyre's Shadow armor
- Malevolent Werepyre armor (upraised back-hand)
- 6 helms
- 2 capes
- 3 weapons
- 2 sword pets
- Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- and a character page badge

November 01, 2020
Free Treasure Chest Keys
Monthly Membership Perk Now Available
Happy November 1st! Members, log in and talk to Twilly to claim your two FREE treasure chest keys! Collect treasure chests as you battle through Lore, then use the keys to open them for new free items.
Want to get in on this?
Upgrade your AdventureQuest Worlds character with any membership package to unlock two free Treasure Chest Keys for each month the membership is active.

November 01, 2020
November Seasonal Set: Harvest Hunters
Available every year from November 1st - 30th
November is when the Fall season REALLY hits in the United States. Pumpkin Spice everything is in stores, the leaves have fallen (or are starting to) and the temperatures around the underground lab finally drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere, and Thanksgiving in the United States, Canada, China, Germany, Grenada, Japan, and Norfolk Island. To help ALL our heroes celebrate, this month's seasonal set features the Harvest Hunters - the HeroHunter and Lycan Stalker armors.
November Set: The Harvest Hunters
Unlock the Hero Hunter or Lycan Stalker armors and all the Harvest Hunter accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Harvest Hunters pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- Hero Hunter Armor
- Lycan Stalker Armor
- 3 helms
- 3 capes
- 5 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY November.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in November?
The next upgrade bonus will be available from November 2nd - 30th, and is the Apocalyptic LichLord armors.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through November 30th.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.