Design Notes
October 30, 2020
Mogloween + Mysteries
Darkon's Elegy of Madness + Mogloween 2020 Rare Gear
Madness is calling to you... will you answer? Log in this weekend as we celebrate the real-world Halloween holiday with a malevolvently-creepy mystery ripped from the depths of Darkon's twisted mind. Just in time for Mogloween, join us for... Darkon's Elegy of Madness!
Your adventure begins in the /eridani map, where you'll meet Re, a mystery and veeeeeery impish girl sitting atop a guillotine. All very normal. She'll help you investigate a serious of deaths plaguing a town frozen in time under a blood-red moon. Again, all VERY normal and not at all suspicous. Good luck surviving. See you on the other side.
Who is Darkon?
Darkon is a mysterious artifact collector who is willing to sell some of his collection... to make room for more "valuable" things. (In real life, HE is one of our most valuable artists, working primarily on AQ3D, but also on AQWorlds when we can steal him away for a week!)
Complete his Elegy of Madness adventure and find a host of new item rewards dropping from the monsters in this weekend's event and in the Eridani merge shop. Next week, a few MORE items will arrive in the zone, dropping as 0 AC daily login gifts. So keep an eye on Twitter more news on when they'll be available!
Mogloween 2020 Rares Shop
Our Mogloween 2020 Event Rare gear is finally here! Find it in your game menu until November 27.
The shop features four new gear sets:
- Enchanted Hypnotist set (color customizable, click the skirt to reveal a VERY creepy surprise)
- Eldritch Hypnotist set
- Enchanted Fancy Suit (for all you fans of spooky gear who want a bit more color)*
- Re's Sporty Wear (female art only)
- Bydis' Dress (female art only)
- Loshe's Suit (Male art only)
- Void Understaker of far0 bank pet
*An all-black, non-color custom version of this set is available in the Mogloween AC Shop in your game menu. Plus, find the Spooky Kid and Spooky Goth Outfit items in the Mogloween Seasonal Merge shop!
12th Upholder ends November 2nd
Over 12 years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and our game universe was never the same. For the first time, we were able to go on adventures together. We've added new events, battles, rewards, and more for you every week since 2008.
If you are not already a Member in AdventureQuest Worlds, please consider supporting the game by becoming one during our 12th Anniversary event.
Upgrade your account with any membership until Monday, November 2nd and you'll automatically unlock...
- 24 Star Swords
- Sentinel Class
- Exclusive character page badge
- and more
AdventureQuest Worlds Members make our games possible, and allow us to keep the majority of the game free to play for ALL heroes. Thank you for helping us keep AQWorlds online and updating since 2008. Artix, the AE team, and I /salute you!
2020 Founder Pets Now Available
12 years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Every October after that, we show our appreciation to them for being the first to support AQWorlds by giving them a new Platinum Dragon pet.
This year, we've got TWO pets, both of which were inspired by the anniversary event's "Eternal Dragon of Time" theme.
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October 30, 2020
Final Weekend: ChronoStriker Seasonal Set
Available every year from October 1st - 31st
Every October, we celebrate the anniversary of AQWorlds' launch. This year -- our 10th anniversary -- we're showcasing a set that pays homage to the origin of your hero... and their future. AQWorlds was created when Galanoth the DragonSlayer killed the Eternal Dragon of Time* and the 3 original timelines** merged.
October Set: ChronoStriker
The Eternal Dragon of Time rules over the past, present, and future. The ChronoStriker armor will enable you to strike at your enemies regardless of the timeline they inhabit.
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the ChronoStriker pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- ChronoStriker Armor
- 3 helms
- 4 capes
- 3 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY October, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in October?
The current upgrade bonuses are the Guardian of Time sets. These brave warriors defend the timestreams from those who would corrupt them, or use them for their own nefarious purposes. Get more details here.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through October 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.
* To see this in-game, /join thespan and play through the 10th Chaos Lord's story, Iadoa the Chronomancer. Your hero may experience deja vu upon seeing the Eternal Dragon of Time. It is perfectly normal. Do not be alarmed.
** Based on the first three Artix Entertainment games, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and MechQuest.

October 27, 2020
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
We're back! It's been a crazy-crazy 2 months with TLaPD and the Birthday events! Some bug fixing did get pushed back a bit, and some DNs posting got pushed even further back. That means this is gonna be a long one folks!
Bug Fixes:
- Flaming Toxic Naval Top Hat + Locks was added to the Naval Top Hat Merge shop.
- Chaos Pirate Collection Chest & Chaotic Quibble Bank Pet have been convinced to allow you into their respective treasures.
- Doomed Flintlock & Doom Rapier + Flintlock have had their click animations corrected
- Skip button has been added to The Portal Puzzle in /Battleunderb .
- Artix’s eyebrows and eyes no longer matching player CC in “Legacy of Darkness” cutscene in /techfortress .
- Grim Naval Commander items have had their description typo fixed.
- A Second First Mate quest has been opened so that everyone may complete it.
- Sir Icy naval TopHat adjusted to “awesome rarity” to match other helms in the merge shop
- ShadowZard pet has had quests added.
- DeathKnight Blood Lord head remodeled so it isn’t so high.
- Cursed Chalice is no longer size-shifting .
- Wings of the Pain no longer trying to leave your body while you run.
- Female Mirror BladeMaster will no longer have shifty eyes.
- Shadow DragonMaster’s Polearm random box will no longer appear in certain maps.
- Sack of Coins (Cape) and Sack of Coins (Mace) no longer think they are each other.
- Female Doom DragonSlayer now has CC eyes.
- Obsidian Shadow Morph Locks eyes are no longer powering up.
Art Fixes:
- Dual Enchanted Kitsune Katana has been updated to accessory CC, no longer eye CC
- PaladinSlayer Naval Tophat & PaladinSlayer Naval Tricorn have had their ears reattached.
- Dark Master of Moglins Helm had CC removed.
- Female Necrotic Naval Commander armor has had a shoulder touchup.
- Female Celestial Pirate Commander has had its necklace reconnected.
- Horned Caster's Shag got a hair readjustment.
- Female Purple Hibiscus Sarong had some scrap fabric removed.
- Female Colorful ChickenCowMancer had some CC corrected.
- Male StarWalker Morph had a scar removed.
- Infernal Dark Lord had eye correction surgery .
- Void-Dweller Koofu had red outline on foot removed.
- Female Royal Vampire Renegade has had shading readded.
- Female DOOM Pumpkin Lord stray pixels removed.
- Mail of the Fallen both male and female have had their CC issues resolved.
- Abyssal locks, Abyssal tricorn locks & Abyssal tricorn morph have all been slightly adjusted to avoid conflict with respective CC.
- Male Chaos OverLord got a nosejob.
- Male SteamPunk Pirate Captain no longer has a CC collar.
- StarCrasher both male and female had some CC touched up on their legs.
- Dark Infernal Wings, Empowered Sword Of Light & Shimmering Sword Of Light had some line adjustments.
- Trophy Cape Evolved isn’t tilting a weird way when you run anymore.
- Cloak of Dage the Good has been lowered a touch.
- Yin-Yang Street Wear & Yokai Street Wear had an extra pixel removed.
- Prismatic Horned Dragonskull face shadow is no longer CC.
- Programmed Doom Blade had some CC bits removed.
- Male Dark Artifact Hunter had some minor adjustments to the arm.
- Rainbow Cat Ears + Locks had some CC adjustments made.

October 23, 2020
Shadows of Chaos Saga finale
Fight to save the Mirror Realm
Only the power of the Eternal Dragon of Time can end the attacks by Malgor the ShadowLord and his army of darkness! This weekend, battle to find the long-dead Lords of Order as we fight to save the entire Mirror Realm in our Shadows of Chaos saga finale.
This weekend, /join brightforest to begin your adventure:
- Fight the ShadowFlame army to defend the Mirror Realm
- Slay Time Wraiths and gather SpaceTime Energy
- Battle to find and return the Lords of Order
The Shadows of Chaos
To TRULY begin his return to power, Drakath -- the former Champion of Chaos -- needed his generals back. With Xing and Xang at his side, he chose to ally with you to defeat Malgor the ShadowLord. But without his Chaos Amulet, he can not channel the power that was his birthright.
If you haven't completed the Shadows of Chaos Saga, begin the adventure in /chaosamulet.
New Shadows of Chaos Merge Shop Rewards
Unlock the ShadowFlame Empress and ShadowFlame DoomLight armor sets this weekend as you fight to save the Mirror Realm from Malgor's army. all-new reward gear this weekend as you battle monsters in /shadowoff and /brightshadow.
And if you'd like the color custom versions of these items, you can find them in our 12th anniversary event collection chest!
Event Collection Chest
And if you're a collector or rare hunter, pick up the Eternal Dragon Collection Chest to get ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins (that is over 22,000 ACs worth of gear)! Then return next week as two more full event armor sets arrive.
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (that's over 22,000 ACs worth of gear) or
- Find the event shop on the Eternal Dragon Chest in Battleon to buy individual items from the collection
The Collection Chest unlocks over 60 items tonight including:
- Exclusive Eternal Dragon Collection Chest pet to unlock the full collection shop
- BrightFall Lion General armor set
- Flame Void of Nulgath armor set
- Lycan Warrior of Nulagath armor set
- Enchanted ShadowFlame Empress + Shadowed Empress armor sets*
- Eternal DoomLight armor set**
- Dark Asgardian armor set
- Grand Necromancer armor set
- Eternal Dracomancer armor set***
- Exclusive Dark Eternal Draco pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Eternal Dragon Alliance Collection Chest will also be available to buy individually in the 12th Anniversary Event Shop in Battleon.
Even MORE gifts for you this weekend!
We're increasing the sizes on max inventory and bank spaces, friends lists, guilds list, and the amount of starting inventory spaces. Plus, ALL accounts will get 10 free inventory and 10 free bank spaces.
Support AQWorlds and Become a Legend!
12 years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Every October after that, we hold the Upholder promotion - anyone upgrading their account during that period (or whose membership ends in early November of that year) becomes an Upholder... making them one of our most Legendary supporters. AdventureQuest Worlds would not be what it is today without their support.
How do I become a 12th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQWorlds as we continue expanding the game each week, and continue working to bring AQWorlds mobile to life.
Have an active membership that expires after November November 2nd, 2020 or
Upgrade your AQW account with a 3, 6, or 12 month membership starting today or
Upgrade your AQW account with ANY membership ANYTIME during the month of October
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend and your Membership expires AFTER November 2nd, 2020 then you are already a 12th Upholder. Congratulations!
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count towards 12th Upholder.
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October 23, 2020
Doom Set: Void Ghost of Nulgath
Available in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and as prepare for Mogloween next week (of the darkest events of the year), we have a BOO-tifully wicked new set for you in the Wheel of Doom merge shop... the Void Ghost of Nulgath.
Find all of the set gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:
- Void Ghost of Nulgath
- Void Hood, Void Skull, Void Mask
- Ecto Flame of Nulgath cape
- Ghost Clusters of Nulgath cape
- Unidentified 65 and 66 weapons
- Armscythes of Nulgath
- Ghost Strizer of Nulgath
Get your Free Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why we brought back back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
See the Free Spins Design Notes for more details.
Spin the Wheel, Collect your Treasures, and Choose Your Prize
The Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness is here! Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA will let you choose a rare or valuable item from the Prize Redemption section of your Account Manager.

October 16, 2020
2020 Achievement Tracker Rewards
The more you play, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Every time you log into AQWorlds, you've got some goal: meeting up with friends, ranking your newest class, or farming for the Blinding Light of Destiny. The sense of satisfaction when you accomplish that goal is one of the best things about playing AQW! But we want to give you even MORE rewards for playing... and that's where the Achievement Tracker comes in.
After 12 years of increasingly epic items (from pets to armor sets to map-sized houses, exclusive class variants, and bonus Items of Digital Awesomeness), we've gotten a lot of feedback. Last year, when we released Items of Digital Awesomeness for our Membership and AdventureCoin support achievements, we heard your requests for equippable rewards rather than "invisible" ones. That's why this year, every achievement pack is a full item set. These are some of our best, most visually impressive sets, so when you log in with this gear equipped, you'll have an immediate WOW factor.
Achievement Tracker Rewards for 2020
- Membership: Lion's Pride Paladin gear + Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
- AdventureCoins: Yokai Shadow gear + Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
- Time Played: Death's Alive + Death NPC gear
The membership and adventurecoins achievements each come with a cape that contains a quest for your Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness. Follow the instructions on the item to claim your prize!
The Death Alive set contains:
- Death Alive armor
- 5 helms
- Time of Dying Scythe
- Avatar of Death Cape
- Death's Quibble Pet
- Shadow of Grim Cape
- Avatar of Death armor + helm
The Yokai Shadow set contains:
- ShadowEater Samurai armor + accessories
- ShadowEater Assassin armor + accessories
- ShadowKage armor + accessories
- color custom- Skeletanoo guardian cape + helms
- ShadowEater's Lanterns cape (with quest)
- Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
The Lion's Pride Paladin set contains:
- Lion's Pride Paladin armor + accessories
- color customizable Lion's Pride Paladin + accessories
- Lion + Dark Lion Guardian capes
- Enchanted Lion Guardian cape (with quest)
- Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
What IS the Achievement Tracker?
If you're just hearing about the Achievement Tracker, it is one of the ways we reward you for staying, playing, and supporting AdventureQuest Worlds!
- Time Played Badges track how old your account is (1 week, 1 year, 5 years, etc)
- Sagas Completed Badges track which of the main storyline sagas you've finished
- Loyalty Badges tracks the support our Legends and AC buyers have contributed
Some of these rewards may take a while to unlock, but don't worry... they will never leave, so you can keep battling towards your goal!
- 3 different achievement categories: Sagas completed, Time Played, Loyalty
- 60+ badges and 250+ items
- 250+ permanent reward items for you to unlock, including the NEW gear below!
And the best news: ALL of the progress you've ever made count towards the Achievement Tracker!
How to unlock your rewards:
- Once you see an achievement unlocked on your Tracker, head in-game
- Open up your Book of Lore and go into the Achievements tab
- Scroll through your badges until you find your new badge and its shop
- Open the shop and get all the gear (0 ACs for free storage!)
Sagas Completed
Keep track of the main sagas in the 13 Lords of Chaos that you've completed! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
- Prologue: Ascended Avatar's Blade
- Shadowfall: Shadow's Fang Gear
- Chiral Valley: Phoenix Hunter Set
- Dwarfhold: Mountain's Heart Gear
- Yokai: Amethyst Enchantment Gear
- Darkovia: Sapphire Enchantment Gear
- Mythsong: Rockstar Armor
- Arcangrove: Arcana Invoker
- Sandsea: Sun's Tear Gear
- Bloodtusk: Horcs Master Phoenix Hunter Set
- Bloodtusk: TrollsElite Phoenix Hunter Set
- The Span: Ruler of the Deep Set
- Thunderforge: Blood Summoner Set
- Swordhaven: Cyber Ruler Set
- Mirror Realm: Mirror Daimyo Pet
- Chaos Realm: Lore's Champion Set
Time Played
Keep track of how old your account is... the longer you've been with us, the more rewards you get! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
Time Played
- 1 week: Ornate Blade of Light
- 1 month: Hunter's Gear
- 3 months: Vasalkar's Champion Set
- 6 months: Emerald Emperor's General Set
- 12 months: Beastmaster Ravager
- 15 months: DoomKnight Battlemage Set
- 2 years: Doomknight Shadowmage Set
- 3 years: Prismatic Laser Set
- 4 years: Bright Amadis Set
- 5 years: Cyber Dreadhaven General Set
- 6 years: Gravelyn's Champion Set
- 7 years: Light Mage armor set
- 8 years: NostalgiaQuest zone
- 9 years: Shadowfall Fortress House
- 10 years: Color-Custom Pirate class variant + set
- 11 years: 1,000 AdventureCoins + Blades of Honor items
- 12 years: Death Alive armor set + Death's NPC armor/helm
The heroes who support the game by purchasing memberships and AdventureCoins are the lifeblood of AQWorlds! Without them, we could not keep the servers running or so much of the game available to anyone who wants to sign up and play. To thank them, we have several inventories' full of exclusive gear!
Each of the items in the Loyalty Achievement category come with a bonus, special item animation... or both as our way of saying THANKS!
What counts for the totals?
- Each month of membership you've purchased (total time purchased, not used)
- ACs included in membership packages you've purchased
- The 5k bonus AC add-on you can choose to add to membership packages
- Any regular AC packages you've purchased
- ACs earned through doing AExtras offers
- 1 month: Gandolphin Pet
- 2 months: Ultimate Flame Katana
- 3 months: Celestial Paladin Set
- 6 months: Illusionist Set
- 9 months: Phoenix Armor
- 12 months: Elite Asgardian Set
- 15 months: Bitterblade Rogue Set
- 2 years: Chaos Watcher Armor
- 3 years: DragonSlayer Inquisitor Set
- 4 years: Jade Dragon Mage Set
- 5 years: Toxic Flame Biker Morph and house item
- 6 years: Nulgath Evolution set
- 7 years: Light Mage armor set
- 8 years: Swordhaven Castle house
- 9 years: Evolved Grenadier class variant + set
- 10 years: Bonus item of Donated Awesomeness
- 11 years: Lion's Pride Paladin sets + Bonus item of Donated Awesomeness
- 500 ACs: Floating Matrix Conduit Katana pet
- 2000 ACs: Blazing Chaos Gear
- 12000 ACs: Overclocked Techsuit Set
- 25000 ACs: Noxious Symbiote Armor
- 50000 ACs: Toxic Symbiote Armor
- 100,000 ACs: Necromancer Rising Set
- 200,000 ACs: Platinum GryphonRider Set
- 300,000 ACs: Swordhaven Mansion house
- 500,000 ACs: Brightfall Fortress House
- 750,000 ACs: Bonus Item of Donated Awesomeness
- 1,000,000 ACs: Yokai Shadow sets + Bonus Item of Donated Awesomeness
Achievement Tracker Rewards: The Whys and Whats
A "reward" is, by definition, something that must be earned. It's given in return for service, merit, hardship, etc.
- For players who unlock the "Time Played" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for their dedication and stamina, for staying with our community.
- For players who unlock the "Sagas Completed" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for their skill and drive to complete the many in-game sagas.
- For players who unlock the "Loyalty" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for having the desire and ability to financially support the development of the game.
Achievement tracker gear is a bonus, an extra bit of "oomph" to make the act of reaching the goals even more awesome!
For those of you unlocking new achievements this year, I hope you enjoy your bonuses! For those of you who are SO CLOSE to beating that saga or reaching that anniversary, keep at it! For those of you who have helped allow us to continue updating each week, thank you for your support!
Remember: none of the achievement tracker rewards go rare. If you can't get the thing you want today, it will still be here tomorrow, next month, and next year!

October 09, 2020
12th Anniversary Week 2
Story Release: Shadows in the Mirror Realm
Log in as we continue the Shadows of Chaos Saga this weekend! Your fight to defend the Mirror Realm is not even close to finished. Malgor is sending one of his most trusted Shadowflame Generals -- and Xing, the Mirror Twin that betrayed Drakath -- to finish the mission to conquer Brightfall.
Unlock all-new reward gear this weekend as you battle monsters in /brightchaos.
12th Anniversary Gifts: New Armor Set + Badge
Tonight, head to Battleontown and look for Zorbak's newest Aspiring Apprentice Necromancer. Help him on his quests to unlock the pieces of his set. Then merge them up into color-customizable variants. All set pieces are 0 AC for free storage!
Plus, talk to Alina in Battleontown and complete the quest to unlock your free character page badge! The quest will be available until November 2nd, when the event leaves.
The more you play, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Every time you log into AQWorlds, you've got some goal: meeting up with friends, ranking your newest class, or farming for the Blinding Light of Destiny. The sense of satisfaction when you accomplish that goal is one of the best things about playing AQW! But we want to give you even MORE rewards for playing... and that's where the Achievement Tracker comes in.
After 12 years of increasingly epic items (from pets to armor sets to map-sized houses, exclusive class variants, and bonus Items of Digital Awesomeness), we've gotten a lot of feedback. Last year, when we released Items of Digital Awesomeness for our Membership and AdventureCoin support achievements, we heard your requests for equippable rewards rather than "invisible" ones. That's why this year, every achievement pack is a full item set. These are some of our best, most visually impressive sets, so when you log in with this gear equipped, you'll have an immediate WOW factor.
Get more details in the 2020 Achievement Tracker Reward Design Notes post.
Support AQWorlds and Become a Legend!
12 years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Every October after that, we hold the Upholder promotion - anyone upgrading their account during that period (or whose membership ends in early November of that year) becomes an Upholder... making them one of our most Legendary supporters. AdventureQuest Worlds would not be what it is today without their support.
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October 09, 2020
12th Anniversary Event Shop
Unlock 60+ items in our Eternal Dragon Collection
It's AQWorlds 12th Anniversary, and we're celebrating with an all-new, incredibly bright holiday event rare collection chest! Find the event shop full of 12th Anniversary rare items in Battleon. And if you're a collector or rare hunter, pick up the Eternal Dragon Collection Chest to get ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins (that is over 22,000 ACs worth of gear)! Then return next week as two more full event armor sets arrive.
- Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (that's over 22,000 ACs worth of gear) or
- Find the event shop on the Eternal Dragon Chest in Battleon to buy individual items from the collection
The Collection Chest unlocks over 60 items tonight including:
- Exclusive Eternal Dragon Collection Chest pet to unlock the full collection shop
- BrightFall Lion General armor set
- Flame Void of Nulgath armor set
- Lycan Warrior of Nulagath armor set
- Enchanted ShadowFlame Empress + Shadowed Empress armor sets*
- Eternal DoomLight armor set**
- Dark Asgardian armor set
- Grand Necromancer armor set
- Eternal Dracomancer armor set***
- Exclusive Dark Eternal Draco pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
* This set it color-customizable. A non-color custom variant will be available by doing this weekend's event in the Mirror Realm.
** This set it color-customizable. A non-color custom variant will be available next week in the Mirror Realm.
*** Seasonal rare item set, will return next year.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Eternal Dragon Alliance Collection Chest will also be available to buy individually in the 12th Anniversary Event Shop in Battleon.
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's holiday event rare items will be available individually from the shop in Battleon until the event leaves November 2nd.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Eternal Dragon Collection Chest and Chaos Pirate's Loot Pet cannot be sold.

October 09, 2020
This weekend: Sentinel Class Update
Upgrade Now to Automatically Unlock the Sentinel Class
12th Upholder is live in AdventureQuest Worlds! As a 12th Upholder, you'll receive this year's starswords, a character page, access to the Dragonroad area, and the exclusive Sentinel Upholder Class! And this year, the Class's skills have received updated skills!
Gameplay Summary
Sentinels have watched over Lore for nearly all of its existence. Their ancient methods and techniques have resurfaced and are based on both being able to defend the innocent and to deal swift justice. Sentinels are able to enter one of two playstyles, a tankier Stance with access to heals and Damage over Time mitigation, and an attacking Stance, revolving around keeping your own health low to deal enhanced damage. The ability to play both ways means Sentinels are a two-way soloing class, able to deal with weaker opponents as well as tougher ones.
Recommended enhancements: Lucky, Fighter. Just touching this armor fills your mind with the whispers of your fallen brothers and sisters, telling you take the watch in their stead. You feel a strange compulsion to obey and mete out both protection and punishment.
Mana Regen: Sentinels gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP totalGameplay Summary
What's an Upholder? Read on!
12 years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Every October after that, we hold the Upholder promotion - anyone upgrading their account during that period (or whose membership ends in early November of that year) becomes an Upholder... making them one of our most Legendary supporters. They unlock exclusive items and a zone... and the Sentinel Class.
AdventureQuest Worlds would not be what it is today without their support.
Get a detailed breakdown of the new class skills here.

October 09, 2020
Battleon for our 12th Anniversary Event
Log in for gifts, your /birthday party, and more!
Welcome to your AQWorlds' 12th Anniversary party, Hero, and thank you for battling alongside us! Another birthday event is here, and with it comes a dragon's hoard full of loot, gifts, and exciting adventures for you to journey on. /Party up with your friends and head in-game this weekend.
Log in NOW as we continue our month-long 12th Anniversary celebration!
- Head to Battleontown to /party with all your favorite NPCs and friends from across our game universe... like The Hollow, Tomix, Verylrus, and more! Each NPC has words of congratulations, shops, or quests for you to take.
- "Sign" our Guest Book by posting on the event page here: Sign the Guest Book
- Head to the /birthday map to see even more friends, battle the 12th Anniversary Cake for delicious goodies and rare drops
- Battle through the next chapter of our Shadows of Chaos story in the Mirror Realm
- Talk to Zorbak in Battleon to quest for the pieces of the seasonal 0 AC Royal ShadowSlayer set
- Find the 12th Anniversary Event Shop + Eternal Dragon Collection Chest in Battleon
- All upholders can find 12 new Lords of Order-themed Star Swords in the Merge Shop in /dragonroad
- The Upholder-exclusive Sentinel Class has been buffed! Check out the Design Notes for more information.
Plus, each of the Game Leads' NPCs has their BattleCon shop featuring imported gear from their games for you to check out.
Our Gifts to You: House Size Increase
Last week, we gave all eligible heroes 500 free AdventureCoins as our way of saying thanks! for playing AdventureQuest Worlds during our 12th anniversary. This week, we continue our month of gifting: we've increased the room cap on ALL houses in AQWorlds. Your house will now hold up to 25 heroes.
Battle on for Birthday Gear
Talk to Zorbak in Battleon and complete his quest to create the first in part of the 0 AC Royal ShadowSlayer armor set! Find more pieces of the set released later this month.
Don't miss our newest class: Dragon of Time
AdventureQuest Worlds turns 12 this year, and our anniversary celebration begins October 1s with our 12th Upholder promotiont! Then, return this Friday, October 2nd as we start our month of gifts, events, and more with the return of our Mogloween hub town and... a new Tier 2 class -- the Dragon of Time!
Story Release: Shadows in the Mirror Realm
We continue the Shadows of Chaos Saga this weekend. Battle to defend BrightFall from Malgor's ShadowFlame army as he quests for the Amulet of Order and save Empress Gravelyn the Good's home.
Unlock all-new reward gear this weekend as you battle monsters in /shadowoff and /brightshadow.
Later this month, find...
- 11th and 12th Upholder Star Sword accessories in /DragonRoad
- New Achievement Tracker rewards
- New Mogloween event rares
Thank you
You make our games possible, and for that Artix, the AE team, and I /salute you! Here’s to another 12 years and more battling to save this world and all the future ones we journey through together.

October 02, 2020
Our Seasonal Mogloween Events are Back
Tricks, Treats, and Sweet Rewards are Back for Halloween!
Log in this weekend and return to the haunted town of MystCroft as all our seasonal Mogloween zones, bosses, and rewards return, plus find all-new item drops from the FrankenWerePyre! /join mystcroft to talk to the Cauldron Sisters and begin your adventure.
Getting a Head(less) Start on Halloween!
If you haven't joined us for this event before, Mogloween is the fall seasonal event where you Trick or BEAT your way through the spookiest, creepiest releases we've put out over the last ten years!
Returning Mogloween zones this year:
- /mogloweengrave
- /pie
- /candyshop
- /candycorn
- /cask
- /crusher
- /cruxshadows
- /cruxship
- /cruxvip
- /franken
- /mummies
- /mogloween
- /MystcroftForest
- /necronaut
- /poehub
- /ultrafranken
- /voltabolt
- /wyvern
Check out our Mogloween Event Guide to see all the maps, bosses, and quests waiting for you: Mogloween Guide. Plus, all heroes can battle the Frankenwerepyre in /franken and /ultrafranken for a chance to get all-new 0 AC gear and house items.
Candied Costume Merge Shop
Bubble (the cat) went on a candy binge and ate ALL of the ingredients Toil and Trouble saved for the Cauldron Sister's super-delicious Candy Batch Deluxe. If they find out, Bubble’s going to be turned into an animatronic, and I’ll have to help. Robots are the CREEPIEST things out there. Even worse than that Necromancer wannabe, Sally.
For helping Bubble (the Girl), you'll be able to pick up a cauldron full of new Mogloween costumes! Just keep completing quests to earn Bubble (the Cat)'s favorite candy, and she’ll let you choose your prizes.
Complete quests to earn the pieces of our newest seasonal sets:
- Super Scion Ninja
- Force Guardian
- Flesh Ripper
- Fairy Tale Wanderer
Spookiest Gear of the Year Returns Friday!
Find the Cauldron sisters, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble, when you /join mogloween and help them play their tricks to save Mogloween... and all the delicious treats that come with it! You'll also have a chance to unlock some of our most awesomely spooky (and most popular gear) of the year, plus new farmable rewards including the 0 AC Shadow Jester set shown below!
Talk Like a Pirate Day Rares leave Monday!
This is your last weekend to pick up any of Quibble Coinbiter's 2020 Talk Like a Pirate Day items, including the Chaos Collection Chest. They will leave Monday, October 5th, so get them while you still can!

October 02, 2020
Your First 12th Anniversary Gift
Log in to get 500 Free AdventureCoins!
Next Friday, we'll continue our Shadows of Chaos Saga in the Mirror Realm as we celebrate our 12th anniversary! But THIS weekend, we're giving out the first of our 12th anniversary gifts: 500 Free AdventureCoins to all our active heroes!
How to get your free ACs
Your account...
- Must have logged in within the last 3 months and
- Be level 10 or higher
The 500 free ACs will be awarded the first time you log in for the day. (So if you've already logged in once today, you'll get your free ACs the next time you log in after 12:01 AM EST server time.)
More gifts headed your way
Do you REALLY want to know? Are you SURE?! Then read on for a small spoiler.
- 12th Anniversary Gift, Part 2 and 3: House room size increases* + Eternal Hero Birthday Badge
- 12th Anniversary Gift, Part 4: (hidden)
- 12th Anniversary Gift, Part 5 and 6: (hidden)
* That means more of your friends can /join your house at the same time!

October 01, 2020
Monthly Membership Perk Now Available
Happy October 1st! Members, log in and talk to Twilly to claim your two FREE treasure chest keys! Collect treasure chests as you battle through Lore, then use the keys to open them for new free items.
Want to get in on this?
Upgrade your AdventureQuest Worlds character with any membership package to unlock two free Treasure Chest Keys for each month the membership is active.

October 01, 2020
October Seasonal Set: ChronoStriker
Available every year from October 1st - 31st
Every October, we celebrate the anniversary of AQWorlds' launch. This year -- our 10th anniversary -- we're showcasing a set that pays homage to the origin of your hero... and their future. AQWorlds was created when Galanoth the DragonSlayer killed the Eternal Dragon of Time* and the 3 original timelines** merged.
October Set: ChronoStriker
The Eternal Dragon of Time rules over the past, present, and future. The ChronoStriker armor will enable you to strike at your enemies regardless of the timeline they inhabit.
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the ChronoStriker pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- ChronoStriker Armor
- 3 helms
- 4 capes
- 3 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY October, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in October?
The current upgrade bonuses are the Guardian of Time sets. These brave warriors defend the timestreams from those who would corrupt them, or use them for their own nefarious purposes. Get more details here.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through October 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.
* To see this in-game, /join thespan and play through the 10th Chaos Lord's story, Iadoa the Chronomancer. Your hero may experience deja vu upon seeing the Eternal Dragon of Time. It is perfectly normal. Do not be alarmed.
** Based on the first three Artix Entertainment games, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and MechQuest.

October 01, 2020
Become a Chaotic DragonLord
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
Get the Chaotic DragonLord Upgrade Bonus Set upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock over 15 items and an exclusive character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Chaotic DragonLord Bonus Set to unlock the full armor set.
- Two armors
- Four Helm
- Six Capes
- Chaotic Scythe
- Two Pets (one with a quest)
- Four House Items
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Chaotic DragonLord Upgrade Set bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Chaotic DragonLor Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Chaotic DragonLor Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Support AQWorlds and Become a Legend!
12 years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Every October after that, we hold the Upholder promotion - anyone upgrading their account during that period (or whose membership ends in early November of that year) becomes an Upholder... making them one of our most Legendary supporters. AdventureQuest Worlds would not be what it is today without their support.
How do I become a 12th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQWorlds as we continue expanding the game each week, and continue working to bring AQWorlds mobile to life.
Have an active membership that expires after November November 2nd, 2020 or
Upgrade your AQW account with a 3, 6, or 12 month membership starting today or
Upgrade your AQW account with ANY membership ANYTIME during the month of October
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend and your Membership expires AFTER November 2nd, 2020 then you are already a 12th Upholder. On October 1st, you'll automatically unlock your new badge, 12 Upholder StarSwords, and gear. Congratulations!
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count towards 12th Upholder.
What does a 12th Upholder get?
As a 12th Upholder, you'll receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Sentinel armor set
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
Chaos Champion Star Swords
Royal Star Swords
Alteon's Star Swords
Elegant Star Swords
Toxic Star Swords
Grim Star Swords
12 Lords of Order Star Swords (next week)
12th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Each Star Sword theme comes with a 2020 + classic art variants.
* The Sentinel Class will be available for ALL previous Upholders and Founders as our way of saying thanks for supporting us in the past! The class team is working on a buff for the Sentinel Class now... stay tuned for more information and a release date.
Want to know if you're already an Upholder?
That's easy! Just click the Manage Account link on the left under the ACCOUNT section. As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires.