Design Notes
September 27, 2019
Last Chance for Celestial Naval Commander
Available every year from September 1st - 30th
This weekend is your last chance to unlock our September Seasonal Set - the Celestial Naval Commander. The set leaves at 11:59 PM EST on Monday and won't return until 2020. Buy the full pack + get an exclusive character page badge or get individual pieces from Garek's shop in Battleon.
September Set: Celestial Naval Commander
Remember to keep your wings tightly furled when on deck to avoid getting tangled in the lines. But if the ship starts to sink, you'll be GLAD to have them as you fly to safety!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Celestial Naval Commander pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- Celestial Naval Commander armor
- 2 helms
- 2 capes: 1 set of wings, 1 parrot cape
- 5 cutlasses
- 1 Parrot Pet
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Celestial Naval Commander pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
No, this is a different set. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior, you can buy the entire set for one price on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY September, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2020, 2021, 2022, etc.
Think of this like a carousel of gear. Every January, we'll have the January set. Every February, we'll feature the February set. The monthly upgrade bonuses will be separate and distinct bonuses.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in September?
The next upgrade bonus releases on September 6th, and will be the Galactic + Solar Pirate Commanders.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of each month's sets.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.

September 27, 2019
New Doom Set: Dread Captain + Crew
Available in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this week, as we prepare to remove our Talk Like a Pirate Day event (leaving next Friday), the team wanted to add one last pirate sett in the Wheel of Doom merge shop: the color-customizable Dread Captain and Crew Member!
Find all of the color customizable gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
- Dread Captain + Dread Crew Member armors
- Four Dread Tricorn helms
- Two Dread Captain Capes
- Three Dread Captain weapons
This set is based on the Crimson Captain armor set in Quibble's Shop and the Cursed Collection Chest. As a special bonus to heroes who bought the collection chest, you'll find all of the 0 AC Dread Captain items added to your shop automatically!
The Dread Captain set will only be available until Monday, October 7th. It will return next year and will be available for the entire month of September going forward.
Get your Free Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why we brought back back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
See the Free Spins Design Notes for more details.
Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness
You’ve asked for it, and now everything is ready to do it! The IoDA tokens are being taken to the next level! As of Friday, September 13th, the Platinum tokens have been retired and replaced with the Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. If you still have any unused tokens, you can still redeem those by following the instructions on this page:
This has been a much requested feature since the Wheel of Doom made its return. With the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness tokens, we were able to do a “test” run to see if increasing the awards was feasible. IT IS!
Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness Details
- The WIoDA will be a Wheel of Doom merge shop exclusive.
- Cost: 1,000 Treasure Potions.
- The WIoDA token will no longer be left in your inventory.
- With each prize awarded, it will be removed so you can obtain a new one. And another new one. And another new one.
- The stack limit shows as x1.
- At this time, the same rules as PIoDA will remain in place for what types of prizes you can ask for.
While we do have even more plans for the Wheel of Doom and the IoDA tokens, those are a subject for another day. (hint*hint*teaser)
* But since they are removed now with the placements of your prizes, you can get as many of them as you have Treasure Potions for. You just have to redeem them one by one.
** Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

September 27, 2019
Shadows of War: The Spirit Mage
Quest to guard Yokai's Ley Line Nexus
Malgor, Leader of the ShadowFlame army, seeks to gain control over the ley lines of Lore -- the veins of magic running through our world. In our quest to stop him, we sought the aid of Mahou the Spirit Mage, one of the guardians of the ley line nexuses. But he is much more than he seems, and after a life filled with tragedy and loss, working WITH him may be as risky as being hunted by Malgor. This weekend, uncover the truth of Mahou's past, exorcise the angry spirits preying on his memories, and show him that there IS hope. For him, for Lore, and for us all.
This weekend:
- /join ghostnexus
- Quest to find and save the boy who would change Spirit Mage Mahou's future
- Battle to help defend villagers under attack from Chaos monsters
- Help Mahou find peace, hope, and a new path forward
The Story So Far...
After the ShadowLord Malgor’s defeat in Arcangrove, he is eager to find a new connection to the ley lines of Lore - and it looks like he’s set his sights on the nexus in Yokai. The nexus is guarded by ancestral spirits, and if you're going to communicate with them to help defend the ley lines, you'll need the help someone who knows how to get their attention.
And what does Malgor even want with the ley lines? Because Lore's ley lines are like arteries of mana... and if they are corrupted with Shadow, Malgor will have made major progress towards controlling our world. Obviously, we can’t let that happen!
Celebrate Aranx's Birthday!
Aranx, defender of the Celestial Realm, leveled up in real life earlier this month. To celebrate, he’s created two new armor sets for you!
This weekend, find the...
- Celestial Slayer set in your Featured Gear Shop in the game menu
- Infernal Slayer set in the Celestial Champiosn Shop in the /celestial Arena
* And don't forget to wish Aranx a happy birthday this Sunday on his Twitter account! He created ALL of the rewards just for you guys to help celebrate his birthday in a celestially-AWESOME way!

September 20, 2019
New Talk Like a Pirate Day Rare Gear
Find over 150 rare holiday items in Quibble's Shop + Collection Chest
Friday the 13th and Talk Like a Pirate Day are two of our most popular holiday events in AQWorlds. Every year, Quibble Coinbiter returns with new doom or pirate-themed gear from the past, present, and future for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where their loot came from. This year, to celebrate the double holiday, we have enough naval and pirate sets to crew a warship!
Starting tonight, talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to find his Cursed Collection Chest, containing over 150 rare holiday items! This week, we've added four additional sets:
- Abyssal Naval Commander (with clickable shoulder/belt)
- xXGothicXx Pirate Captain
- Crimson Naval Commander
- Crimson Captain + Crewmember
Plus, last week's gear is still available!
- Pyromancer + Abyssal Flame Naval Commanders
- 13th Naval + Pirate Captain
- Underworld Naval Commander (with an Undead Legion exclusive set)
- Kitsune Commander
If you've already purchased the Cursed Collection chest, the new gear will be automatically added to your chest.
Available Until October 7th
All of this year's Quibble's Friday the 13th x Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items will be available individually from his shop in Battleon until the event leaves on Monday, October 7th, or you can unlock all 150+ items from the Cursed Collection Chest.
- Abyssal Naval Commander
- xXGothicXx Pirate Captain
- Crimson Naval Commander
- Crimson Captain + Crewmember
- Abyssal Orb pet (w/ quests for additional set accessories)
- Crimson Cutlass pet (w/ quests for additional set accessories)
- Abyssal Flame Naval Commander set
- Pyroclastic Naval Commander set
- 13th Naval Commander set
- 13th Pirate Captain set
- Kitsune Commander set (with color-custom trim)
- Underworld Pirate Caster set
- 2 bank pets: Abyssal and Pyroclastic Quibble pets
- Underworld Pirate Caster Pet (w/ quest for even more set accessories)
- and more!
The Legion Pirate Caster pet is also available in the Undead Legion Merge Shop for 5,000 Legion Tokens. It unlocks a quest for the exclusive Legion Lieutenant armor set (plus the other drops the Underworld Pirate Caster pet has).
Cursed Collection Chest: Unlock all 150+ items
Rare collectors, take note! The Cursed Collection Chest will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of Quibble Coinbiter's 2019 Friday the 13th x Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items (over 44,000 ACs worth of gear). This magic chest comes from the very depths of the dark sea, and has over 150+ items from all of Quibble's rare sets.
Cursed Collection Chest pet: 10,000 ACs
- 8 Naval Commander armor sets
- 3 Pirate Captain armor sets
- Crimson Captain + Crewmember set
- 100+ accessories and weapons
- 3 pets with quests for additional accessories
- 2 Bank pets: Abyssal and Pyroclastic Quibble pets
- Unlucky Parrot of DOOM Pet w/ quest for exclusive character page badge
This is a BOATLOAD of loot, but for you collectors (and would-be denizens of the sea) out there, the Cursed Collection treasure chest will overflow!
YARRR! Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's double-holiday event rare items will be available individually from Quibble's shop in Battleon until the event leaves on October 7th.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Cursed Collection Chest, pets with quests, and Unlucky Parrot of DOOM Pet cannot be sold.

September 20, 2019
Beware the Sea Witch's Cuse
Join us for the finale of our Friday the 13th X Talk Like a Pirate Day event!
AHOY! The paranormal storm begun last week on Friday the 13th has only gotten fiercer. After exploring the wreckage of his sunken ship, you and Aurelio Voltaire discover his candy-loving companion, Hargoyle, has fallen prey to... The Curse of the Sea Witch! This weekend, log in and battle through a ghostly pirate ship to rescue Candy Claws and recover their lost treasure!
If you thought Friday the 13 superstitions were scary, prepare yourself, because what you're about to face will have your hook hands shaking and your peg legs knocking!
/join ghostship to continue your cursed holiday adventure and...
- Battle alongside Aurelio Voltaire through a ghostly pirate ship to rescue Candy Claws
- Fight monsters to get 36 MORE event-exclusive reward drops
- Rock out to killer tunes as you take down spooky sailors and sea wraiths
- Face down the curse of the Sea Witch as you fight to survive
- Escape with your life... if you can...
Event reward drops include the seasonal Oeanic Treasure Hunter set, the DeckMaster and DeckHand set, a boss-themed armor set, pirate accessories, and more!
Aurelio Voltaire Returns for Friday the 13th!
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general). If you aren't familiar with his music or other works, you should check his site out here. This weekend, he returns to to rock out with your favorite sea chanties. This month's event also features She's Glowing, a track from his 2019 album, What Are the Oddz.
In addition to being an incredible artist, he's a downright amazing person to work with, and we're incredibly grateful for the time and energy he spent helping us with the release. (Especially since a few email gremlins sent most of his messages to our spam boxes! O_O) On behalf of the entire AQWorlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!

September 17, 2019
In Memory of Saiacosta
Dear AdventureQuest Worlds players...
It is with our deepest regret that we write to inform you that rising star guest artist Saiacosta was killed alongside several of his family members earlier this month.
Earlier today, we received rumors of his tragic passing. We were deeply concerned because we had not heard from him since late August. Our community is very close and as you know, word travels fast. We posted a tweet which led to a response from his friends, which included a link to this news article.
What is so terrible about this is that Sai was so young and so talented. We first saw his art several years ago, as he shared it on Twitter. We’ve watched his talent grow over time until, earlier this year, we were so impressed with his skill, that we began working with him.
For those who did not know him personally or in-game, you may remember when his first set - the Hanzo Void - finally released in-game back in January of this year. His latest sets - the Pyromancer and Underworld Naval Commanders - released this past Friday; he built them last year and was so excited for them to be available for everyone. Unfortunately, he never got to see how many of our community members were able to enjoy his work.
This is one of the most terrible events our community has faced. It is important for us to bind together at this time and be supportive of one another, perhaps moreso now than ever. The best way to honor the memory of someone who has fallen while achieving their dreams is to follow your own. Do not wait. Take action, right now.
We are waiting to hear back from the family, to see what we can do to help. In the meantime, we are reaching out to the community artists who worked with his so closely. We will create an in-game item, available for everyone, to honor his memory and commemorate his contributions to the game.
Though we discovered this heartbreaking new yesterday, the events had transpired at the beginning of the month. The funeral passed. We reached out to the family; they have been overwhelmed by your support and kind words.
None of us can imagine what going through this is like. So we took the best and only action that we could. On behalf of you and the team, we sent a monetary gift to the family taken from the proceeds of this year's Talk Like a Pirate Day shop. The family never asked for this, but it is the least we could to help ease their incredible burden.
I am very proud of this community and how we've come together to handle this very serious, sad event.

September 13, 2019
Double Holiday Collection Chest
Quibble Coinbiter + the Cursed Collection Chest
Friday the 13th and Talk Like a Pirate Day are two of our most popular holiday events in AQWorlds. Every year, Quibble Coinbiter returns with new doom or pirate-themed gear from the past, present, and future for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where their loot came from. This year, to celebrate the double holiday, we have enough naval and pirate sets to crew a warship!
All of this year's Quibble's Friday the 13th x Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items will be available individually from his shop in Battleon until the event leaves on Monday, October 7th, or you can unlock all 130+ items from the Cursed Collection Chest.
- Abyssal Flame Naval Commander set
- Pyroclastic Naval Commander set
- 13th Naval Commander set
- 13th Pirate Captain set
- Kitsune Commander set (with color-custom trim)
- Underworld Pirate Caster set
- 2 bank pets: Abyssal and Pyroclastic Quibble pets
- Underworld Pirate Caster Pet (w/ quest for even more set accessories)
- and more!
The Legion Pirate Caster pet is also available in the Undead Legion Merge Shop for 5,000 Legion Tokens. It unlocks a quest for the exclusive Legion Lieutenant armor set (plus the other drops the Underworld Pirate Caster pet has).
Cursed Collection Chest: Unlock all 130+ items
Rare collectors, take note! The Cursed Collection Chest will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of Quibble Coinbiter's 2019 Friday the 13th x Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items (over 42,000 ACs worth of gear). This magic chest comes from the very depths of the dark sea, and has over 130+ items from all of Quibble's rare sets.
Cursed Collection Chest pet: 10,000 ACs
- 6 Naval Commander armor sets
- 2 Pirate Captain armor sets
- 100+ accessories and weapons
- 2 Bank pets: Abyssal and Pyroclastic Quibble pets
- Unlucky Parrot of DOOM Pet w/ quest for exclusive character page badge
This is a BOATLOAD of loot, but for you collectors (and would-be denizens of the sea) out there, the Cursed Collection treasure chest will overflow! And even MORE gear will be added to Quibble's Shop and the Cursed Collection Chest next week, including:
- Gothic XXX Pirate Captain
- Nulgath Naval Commander (including an updated design for 2019 by guest artist, Noire)
- Dage's crimson captain and crewmember (an AQ3D set translated into 2D by guest artist, Lae)
- The "soon to be named" Naval Commander
YARRR! Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's double-holiday event rare items will be available individually from Quibble's shop in Battleon until the event leaves at the end of September.
- More gear will be added to the chest during the second week of the event. If you buy the chest, you will automatically unlock the new gear.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Cursed Collection Chest and Unlucky Parrot of DOOM Pets cannot be sold.

September 13, 2019
This Weekend: Special Double Holiday Guest Event
Two weeks of Friday the 13th AND Talk Like a Pirate Day start tonight!
YARRRRR! Friday the 13th is making landfall RIGHT NOW! Back in 2012, Aurelio Voltaire sailed to Pirate’s Bay, but his ship sunk just off the coast. The wreckage has lain at the bottom of the sea, undisturbed (?!), ever since... and so has the treasure it carried. His candy-loving companion, Hargoyle, set off to recover it, and hasn't been seen since. This year, log in and battle through a sunken pirate ship alongside Aurelio Voltaire in our double holiday event: the Sea Witch's Curse!
You think Friday the 13 superstitions are scary? Just wait until you battle these bloodthirsty sea monsters—THEN you’ll know the true definition of scary! And brace yourself… because the Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness is live in the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop!
This weekend, /join merrowtrench to begin a cursed underwater adventure and...
- Battle alongside Aurelio Voltaire through a sunken pirate as you search for Candy Claws
- Fight monsters to get 36 event-exclusive reward drops
- Rock out to killer tunes as you take down the waterlogged merdraconian pirates
- Defeat a boss so heartless that mermaids can barely whisper in her presence
- Escape with your life... if you can...
- How lucky—you can play through all previous Friday the 13th events!*
Event reward drops include the seasonal Cursed DeckStalker set, the rare Doomed DeckStalker set, the Waterlogged Zombie armor, a boss-themed armor set, unlucky 13th pirate accessories, and the Cursed Guitar of DOOM!
Aurelio Voltaire Returns for Friday the 13th!
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general). If you aren't familiar with his music or other works, you should check his site out here.
In addition to being an incredible artist, he's a downright amazing person to work with, and we're incredibly grateful for the time and energy he spent helping us with the release. (Especially since a few email gremlins sent most of his messages to our spam boxes! O_O) On behalf of the entire AQWorlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!
Wheel of Doom Update: Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness
Last week, we talked about some upcoming changes to the Wheel of Doom, to make how Treasure Potion drops work clearer.
Live this week:
- We added 200 free Treasure Potions to your account if you spun the Wheel between April 26th and September 6th, as our way of apologizing for any issues related to the Monster Priestess set's double release
- Replaced the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness (max stack: x5 items) with the Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. The new item will allow you to claim as many IoDA items (you can only have 1 in your inventory at a time, but each time you redeem it, you'll be able to get another.)
Still to come:
- Updates to the in-game information on Treasure Potions (when they drop, how many, and why) to clear up some confusion*
- Separating out the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop exclusive items into a separate shop so it is easier to see which items have Merge Shop and Wheel drop variants
Check this post for more information on the Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness.
PS: the Underworld Berry Mug has been added to Dage X Faith's Wedding Rares shop!
* The seasonal Talk Like a Pirate Day event maps, items, and class will arrive next Friday, September 20th.
** Treasure Potions are dropping as intended, but after reading many of your messages, we see that the information in-game could be clearer and will update it to be more explanatory.

September 13, 2019
Final Weekend: Get up to 50% more FREE ACs
Back to School AC Bonus: September 1 - 16th
Our Back to School AC bonus is now available and runs through Monday, September 16th. Get up to 50% more free AdventureCoins! (That is 6,000 more free ACs with the 12,000 AC package!)
If you're excited about our upcoming Talk Like a Pirate Day and the 11th anniversary events - or the rare gear they'll bring - this is the best time to stock up!
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12,000 AC pack: 6,000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5,000 AC pack: 2,000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2,000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.

September 13, 2019
Korn Battle Concert Event Leaves September 20th
Only 2 weeks left until this special event goes perma rare
Hope you have been enjoying this special event. On September 20th, 2019 the Korn battle concert will end and become perma rare. Which means when it is gone, it is gone forever. This is your very last chance to experience it and get the rare items.
Encore! Encore! Check out the Extended Event
Last week, we extended the Korn battle concert with the song, 'Cold', from their newly-released album, 'The Nothing'. 'Cold' is freaking awesome. It is also a pretty explicit song XD. (Don't worry, we added the radio edit in-game.) We also added new farming drops in the event merge and VIP merge shop.

September 12, 2019
Friday the 13th X Talk Like a Pirate Day, Pt 1
Our double holiday event begins tomorrow at sundown!
Way, waaaay back in 2012, Aurelio Voltaire sailed to Pirate’s Bay, but his ship sunk just off the coast. The wreckage has lain at the bottom of the sea, undisturbed (?!), ever since... and so has the treasure it carried. As Friday the 13th approached on Lore, his candy-loving companion, Hargoyle, set out to find it. But that was a month ago, and he hasn’t been seen since. This year, put all your points into your LUCK stat, log in, and battle through the sunken pirate ship alongside Aurelio Voltaire as you fight to rescue Hargoyle, recover the treasure, and survive the Sea Witch's curse!
Yarrrr! Th' Best Booty of th' Year is Almost Here
Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most popular holidays in AQWorlds. Every year, Quibble Coinbiter returns with new pirate-themed gear from the past, present, and future for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where their loot originated. Read on for a sneak peek at some of the gear available starting this Friday, September 13th!
Rare collectors, take note! The Sea Witch's Curse Collection Chest will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of Quibble Coinbiter's 2019 Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items.A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's double-holiday event rare items will be available individually from Quibble's shop in Battleon until the event leaves at the end of September.
- More gear will be added to the chest during the second week of the event. If you buy the chest, you will automatically unlock the new gear.
- Week 2 additions will include the Nulgath-themed armor set (with an updated design from Noire), the Gothic Pirate Captain (Aurelio Voltaire fans, rejoice!) and Dage's AQ3D pirate set, as translated by AQW guest artist, Lae.

September 12, 2019
Wheel of Doom IoDA Update
Mega - Super - Incredible Update to the IoDA Tokens
You’ve asked for it, and now everything is ready to do it! The IoDA tokens are being taken to the next level! Starting tomorrow night (Friday, September 13th), the Platinum tokens are being retired and replaced. If you still have any unused tokens, you can still redeem those by following the instructions on this page:
Yes, really! This has been a much requested feature since the Wheel of Doom made its return. With the PIoDA tokens, we were able to do a “test” run to see if increasing the awards was feasible. IT IS!
Introducing - The WICKED Item of Donated Awesomeness!
The new and improved Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness (or WIoDA for short) is taking the Platinum’s place. This new token will no longer be left in your inventory. With each prize awarded, it will be removed so you can obtain a new one. And another new one. And another new one.
The stack limit on them is going to show as 1. But since they are removed now with the placements of your prizes, you can actually get as many of them as you have Treasure Potions for. You just have to redeem them one by one.
So what other changes are there?
At this time, the same rules as PIoDA will remain in place for what types of prizes you can ask for.
While we do have even more plans for the Wheel of Doom and the IoDA tokens, those are a subject for another day. (hint*hint*teaser)

September 06, 2019
Mega News Update
September is HERE, and with it will come so many, many wicked releases, battles, boss fights, and more! Read on to learn more about the Extended Korn Concert update, Cysero's new quests, Dage x Faith's wedding shop, Extended AC bonus, Wheel of Doom changes, and more.
Dage and Faith Got Married!
Congratulations to Dage the Evil and Faith the BeastMaster on their incredible real-life wedding! Find the Wedding Rares shop in your game menu (and Undead Legion fans, you'll find items in the Undead Legion Merge Shop).
Wedding Rares Shop
- Formal Dark Caster armor + accessories
- Dage X Faith Wedding Outfit + accessories
- Dage x Faith Cake Pet (member gold + AC variants)
- Sapphire Eternal Flame
- Underworld Eternal Flame
- Paragon Ringbearer Pet (with Legion Farming Quests)
- Bouquet of Faith
- Formal Paragon Cane
- Formal Battle Cane
Undead Legion Merge Shop
- Legion Wedding Outfit + accessories
- Teal Eternal Flame
- Legion Eternal Flame
- Paragon's Gift Pet
- Smilin' Dage Wedding Helm
- Formal Paragon Cane
- Formal Battle Cane
ENCORE! Korn Battle Concert now includes the song, "Cold"
*chants* One more song! Thank you for the overwhelming love and cheers for this event. But... how do you do an encore in a battle concert? Add a song. How about a freshly released song? Log in to AdventureQuest Worlds and Battle to Korn's latest song 'Cold' from Korn's upcoming album 'The Nothing'. Experience the battle concert while you can. It Korn event ends and goes perma-rare on September 20th.
New Upgrade Bonus! Galactic and Solar Pirate Commander Sets
Unlock all 20+ items in the Galactic and Solar Pirate Commander sets with any membership or AdventureCoin purchase of $10 USD or more! (Plus, get 10 free Wheel of Doom Tickets with a 12k AC upgrade).
Back to School AdventureCoin Bonus extended
Good news! To help you celebrate Friday the 13th and Talk Like a Pirate Day in style, our Back to School AdventureCoin bonus has been extended until September 16th! Get up to 50% more AdventureCoins when you top up your ACs with one of the following packs
New Quests in Cysero's Forge
Head to /battleontown and talk to Cysero in his forge to begin his "weapon upgrade" quests. He's polish up some of your existing gear (like Taro's Manslayers, Sepulchure's Undead Blade, Sepulchure's Original Helm, and more!)
Next Week: Wheel of Doom Changes
The team has been reading your feedback and questions about the Wheel of Doom, and we've got some great changes planned to go live next week.
Live Now
- The Monster Priestess set has been removed from the Wheel of Doom and is only available in the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop
Next Week, we are:
- Adding 200 free Treasure Potions to your account if you spun the Wheel between April 26th and September 6th, as our way of apologizing for any issues related to the set's release
- Updating the in-game information on Treasure Potions (when they drop, how many, and why) to clear up some confusion*
- Separating out the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop exclusive items into a separate shop so it is easier to see which items have Merge Shop and Wheel drop variants
- Replacing the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness (max stack: x5 items) with the Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. The new item will allow you to claim as many IoDA items (stacks to x2, but can be redeemed repeatedly.)
More information and release dates on these changes will arrive next week.
* Treasure Potions are dropping as intended, but after reading many of your messages, we see that the information in-game could be clearer and will update it to be more explanatory.
Coming Soon... Friday the 13th + Talk Like a Pirate Day
September has SO MUCH going on! (That just means more victories and rewards for you!)
- On Monday: seasonal Friday the 13th event maps return for members
- Next Friday, September 13th: part 1 of our Friday the 13th / Talk Like a Pirate Day combo event begins
- Monday, September 16th: last day of our Back to School AC bonus
- Friday, September 20th: part 2 of our Friday the 13th / Talk Like a Pirate Day combo event begins

September 05, 2019
Early access! Extended Korn Concert
Encore! Encore! New song coming tomorrow
Tomorrow, the Korn battle concert is being extended with the song, 'Cold', from their upcoming album, 'The Nothing'. But VIP pass holders can access it right now!
Early Access (right now) for Backstage pass holders
Bought either of the special event packages? Both include a backstage pass. So, you can access the extended version of the battle concert right now. Just /join thrashvip
Only 2 weeks left until this special event goes perma rare
Hope you have been enjoying this special event. On September 20th, 2019 the Korn battle concert will end and become perma rare. Which means when it is gone, it is gone forever. This is your very last chance to experience it and get the rare items.
The Korn Logo T-Shirt is now available in the VIP Merge Shop, too. Show your super-fan status as you battle through Lore.
Extended "Encore" Battle Concert coming tomorrow! (9.6.2019)
Story time....
How do you do an encore in a battle concert? Add a song. How about a freshly released song?
'Cold' is a Korn song from their upcoming album, 'The Nothing'. It is the second song from this album to be released. The full album is not being released until the 13th of this month. 'Cold' is freaking awesome. It is also a pretty explicit song XD. Don't worry, we got the radio edit.
Tomorrow (Friday, Sept 6th), ALL players will be able to hop in the pit and experience the extended Korn battle concert with 'Cold' in both AdventureQuest Worlds and AdventureQuest 3D.

September 04, 2019
Unlock the Galactic and Solar Pirate Commanders
Upgrade to unlock new exclusive gear sets!
If a Galactic Pirate Commander sails a starship... would a Solar Pirate Commander fill their sails with solar winds? Unlock all 20+ items in the Galactic and Solar Pirate Commander armor sets when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Galactic Pirate Commander pack to unlock all 20+ pieces of the set, including:
- Galactic Pirate Commander armor (floating)
- Solar Pirate Commander (floating)
- Starry Swashbuckler armor (walking)
- Sunborn Swashbuckler armor (walking)
- 8 weapons
- 7 helms
- 2 capes
- Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Galactic Pirate Commander bonus set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Galactic Pirate Commander and Solar Pirate Commander gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Galactic Pirate Commander and Solar Pirate Commander gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Upgrade to unlock your choice of exclusive bonuses
When you buy any AC or membership pack worth $10 USD or more, you'll be able to choose one of the following bonus sets:
- Galactic and Solar Pirate Commanders
- Yami no Akuma / Hikari no Akuma and floating Guardians
- Infernal Invoker / Enchanted Invoker / Legion Pyromancer
- DoomDragon's Master mount/rider armors
- Infinity Titan Class / Throne / House
- Galactic Captain / Galactic Battle Pilot
- Paragon Fiend / Legion Paragon Fiend Rider
- Akiban Defender
- Copper Void ChronoKnight
- Golden Northlands Royalty
With our upgrade pack bonuses, you get even more options and choices in your rewards. Plus, each time you upgrade, you get to choose a new reward!
Important Details
- ALL of the upgrade bonus gear for a set will be available when you buy an AC or membership pack worth $10 USD.
- Each time you upgrade, you'll be able to choose another bonus set. If you've already unlocked all the available sets, once a new one releases, you'll be able to choose it immediately.
If you buy a 12,000 AC or 12 month membership pack, in addition to choosing an upgrade bonus set, you'll also get 7x Game Boosts, a character page badge, plus 10 Wheel of Doom Fortune Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs).
Back to School AC Bonus: September 1 - 9th
Our Back to School AC bonus is now available and runs through Monday, September 9th. Get up to 50% more free AdventureCoins! (That is 6,000 more free ACs with the 12,000 AC package!)

September 01, 2019
Get up to 50% more FREE ACs
Back to School AC Bonus: September 1 - 16th
Our Back to School AC bonus is now available and runs through Monday, September 16th. Get up to 50% more free AdventureCoins! (That is 6,000 more free ACs with the 12,000 AC package!)
If you're excited about our upcoming Talk Like a Pirate Day and the 11th anniversary events - or the rare gear they'll bring - this is the best time to stock up!