Design Notes
November 30, 2018
Tonight: Frozen Lair Boss Challenge
The Ultimate Lich King needs your help

- All Players: Battle the Lich Lord to earn the pieces of his armor set
- High-Level Challenge: face off against the level 85 Legion Lich Lord
- Undead Legion exclusive: craft pieces of the Legion Lich Lord's set with Legion Tokens
These sets were crafted by Aranx, and for the Legion exclusive variant, he tried something pretty unique in AQWorlds - a visible back-arm permanently holding a weapon.
- The Legion Lich Lord armor can be purchased in the Lich King's Bounty merge shop for Legion Tokens.
- Battle the level 85 boss to get his drop and get the Legion Lich Lord armor to unlock the Legion Lich Lord's Staff armor.
J6 and Cinazool's Real Life Holiday Release
Also coming this week...
Wheel of Doom update: Find an all-new color custom Cyber Samurai set from Crulon in the Wheel of Doom and Doom merge shop!
The Galactic OmniBlade series -- which lets you get one blade per year -- is back! Get the Galactic OmniBlade 1.0 from the Black Friday shop, then talk to Bido in /blackfridaywar to unlock his quest for the Galactic OmniBlade 2.0. Next year, you'll be able to get the next blade in the series!
Cyber Void Paladin set: Unlock the entire Cyber Void Paladin set for free if you have the Void Paladin armor, helm, katana cape, katana, and Void Light of Destiny. This 0 AC set will be in-game permanently as a bonus for all you heroes who've farmed for the gear.
Infernal Dark Companion Cape: The fix to Nakana Rei's Black Friday cape goes live this weekend! The original version is being renamed to the Shadowed Dark Companion Cape. Both that and the fixed version (called the Infernal Dark Companion Cape) will be available from the Black Friday shop in your game menu.
If you have the original, all-black version you can keep it as-is, or change it in Vinara's Odds Shop in /battleontown to get the fixed version for free.
Black Friday / Cyber Monday update: all our Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Harvest events leave Monday, December 10th.
Shadow SoulSeeker BattlePet update: this battlepet will not make it in-game in time for this year's Black Friday Shop. Apologies to those who saw the tweet about it and were looking forward to it. We will add it to the list for next year.

November 30, 2018
New Item Set: Cyber Samurai
Available in the Wheel of Doom and Merge shop!
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this week, as we continue celebrating Cyber Monday, we've got an all-new, electrifying set for you Samurai fans out there -- Crulon's Cyber Samurai!
New Gear from the Wheel of Doom!
We know a lot of you are raring to redeem your free spins... so we're adding a full new Epic rarity set for you! Each of the Cyber Samurai set pieces will be available from the Wheel of Doom and from the Doom merge shop. The red parts of the set shown below are color customizable.
Pieces of the set include:
- Cyber Samurai armor
- Cyber Samurai Helm
- Cyber Samurai Mask
- Cyber Samurai Visor
- Cyber Samurai Blade
- Cyber Samurai Katana (single and dual wield)
All our Cyber Monday gear - including the seasonal Cyber Samurai set - leaves Monday, December 10th. This gear will return next year during our Harvest event.
Get your Free Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why this month, we brought back back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
See the Free Spins Design Notes for more details.
Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness
We've gotten a lot of really positive feedback after introducing the free spins... but also a lot of you who wanted 1) a way to make sure you got an Item of Donated Awesomeness and 2) kept spinning in a quest to get the Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness to drop from the Wheel... and then not didn't get it.
That's why, earlier this month, we introduced the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness. This item is available from the Doom Merge Shop, so even if you don't receive the EIoDA as a bonus prize, you can save up your Treasure Potions and get the PIoDA.
Important Points
- The PIoDA will be a Wheel of Doom merge shop exclusive.
- Cost: 1,000 Treasure Potions.
- You can get both the EIoDA (from the Wheel) and the PIoDA (from the merge shop)
- The PIoDA currently stacks up to x5.
At a cost of 1,000 Treasure Potions, that means a member who ONLY uses their one free spin per day/week will need to log in every day for about 2.5 years to get it... but they WILL get it eventually.
* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

November 30, 2018
Get your Free Wheel of Doom Spin
Free Spins are BACK for all players!
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why webrought back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.

November 29, 2018
December Seasonal Set: Northern Wanderer
Available every year from December 1st - 31st
Winter is coming (for many of you, it's already here!), and so are all our snow-covered, ice-laden, gift-bearing holiday events! To help ALL our heroes celebrate, this month's seasonal set features the Northern Wanderers - the Northern Wanderer and Fallen Wanderer armors.
December Set: The Northern Wanderer
Starting this Saturday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the Northern Wanderer and Fallen Wanderer armors and all their accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Northern Wanderers pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- Northern Wanderer Armor
- Fallen Wanderer Armor
- 5 helms
- 6 capes
- 3 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
January - August: ??? - come back to see what we'll bring!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY December, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in December?
The next upgrade bonus will be available from December 7th - January 4th, and are the golden and platinum color-custom Northern Royalty armors.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through November 30th.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.

November 28, 2018
Harvest Hunters Leave Friday
One Week Left to Unlock Our November Seasonal Set
November is when the Fall season REALLY hits in the United States. Pumpkin Spice everything is in stores, the leaves have fallen (or are starting to) and the temperatures around the underground lab finally drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere, and Thanksgiving in the United States, Canada, China, Germany, Grenada, Japan, and Norfolk Island. To help ALL our heroes celebrate, this month's seasonal set features the Harvest Hunters - the HeroHunter and Lycan Stalker armors.
November Set: The Harvest Hunters
Starting this Thursday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the Hero Hunter or Lycan Stalker armors and all the Harvest Hunter accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Harvest Hunters pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- Hero Hunter Armor
- Lycan Stalker Armor
- 3 helms
- 3 capes
- 5 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December - August: ??? - come back to see what we'll bring!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY November, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in November?
The next upgrade bonus will be available from November 2nd - 30th, and are the Apocalyptic DragonLord armors.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through November 30th.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.
Treasure Potion Glitch Fix
The "missing treasure potions" banking bug has been fixed! We replaced missing potions earlier today. Treasure Potions can no longer be banked, to prevent this issue from re-occurring.

November 27, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Cysero’s apop in /battleontown now lets you do the A Golden Blade quest again.
- Starship House no longer lets you EVA.
- Surfboard of the Nation has been put in storage for the winter.
Art Fixes:
- Battle Commander Liest is back to his old Legion looking self. We finally convinced him Mogloween is over.
- Floating Skull Pet has been unsquooshed.
- Fancy Winter War Locks is fully CC now.
- Brightoak Blade and Shield trim is fixed to silver now.
- DoomKnightgown and Doom Midknightgown have proper back arms now.
- Cyber Reavers resized and repositioned. (Damage range change was intentional)
- Digital Phoenix Blade upsized.
- Dark Void Paladin Katana and Katanas had a stray line removed.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Nega Anubyx Warrior does not have CC skin on purpose.
- Obsidian Grovebreaker Armor M/F coat splits into two when walking. (this one is gonna be long!) The armour is not actually breaking, this is how layers work so that part is in front and part is in back. The front part is a layer called “Robe” and the back part is a layer called “BackRobe”. This keeps the pieces where they belong on the model. Due to this style of layering, it does cause this split effect when moving.

November 26, 2018
Patch Notes Extras! - Damage Boosts 101!
Brought to you by Brittney and Cheese Wizard of the AQW Hug Bunters!
Damage boosts! Everyone loves them, but sometimes they seem to misbehave. There are two common issues people report, which are not actually bugs: boosts aren't high enough (stacking), and the boosts aren't working.
Not High Enough (Stacking)
Damage boosts of the same type do not stack with each other. Instead, damage boosts are determined by the last-equipped item. This means that equipping a weapon that does 75% more damage to Undead, then a cape that does 5% more damage to Undead results in a 5% damage boost. They do not add up to 80% or multiply to 84%, as some players expect them to. It is solely determined by the last-equipped item.
Not Working
Every now and again, we'll get a report of a boost not working, and upon testing we discover the boost was indeed accidentally left off. However, the more frequent "issue" is simply the way game mechanics work.
Much like with the boosts not being high enough, you can overwrite a boost entirely. Say, like in the example above, you equipped a 75% Undead boost weapon and then a 5% Undead boost cape. Your current boost is 5% to Undead from your cape. If you equip a new cape with no Undead boost or unequip the damage boost cape, your current boost will revert to the baseline (no boost).
Many players expect the boost to go to 75% because they still have the weapon equipped, but because the boost is determined by the last-equipped item, equipping an item with no boost (or, seen another way, a 0% boost) last will cause you to have no boost. The same thing applies for unequipping the item with the boost; the game is now reading the last-equipped item as no boost, due to it only reading the last item equipped for the boost. When you unequip an item, it does not look back for others, just the one you took off.
To get your boost working again, you'll have to make your last-equipped boost item is the one you want the boost from, or re-equip an item when you change pieces of gear.
For race based damage boosts (vs undead, human, dragon, elemental, chaos), monsters can only be considered one thing. A Dracolich may look like both a Dragon and Undead, but it can only be one. Check the AQW Wiki to see what a monster is considered. If your damage boost isn’t working against a monster, it may not be a broken boost, just the wrong kind of boost.
There is also a "vs all" boost. This boost, like others, will not stack with it’s own type, but it will stack with any of the other race based boosts. So an DoomLord’s War Mask and a BLoD will stack, but a DoomLord’s War Mask and an ArchFiend DoomLord will not.
But why don’t they stack?
Boosts of the same type were originally never intended to stack. Sets of items which all have the same boosts have them because people do like to mix and match pieces to create unique looks. By having the same boost on multiple items from a set, this gives the freedom to do that!

November 26, 2018
Cyber Monday 2018 Shop
Gear up and get your glow on!
Congratulations on FINALLY getting to sit down and enjoy Oishii's Harvest Fest dessert! But with the feast done and the war won, the time for battling is over. Now heroes across the game (and America) are fighting for... NEW GEAR! Set your alarm clocks, because our Cyber Monday gear goes live at 12:01 AM EST on Monday morning.
Now available today in the Black Friday (also Cyber Monday) shop in your game menu...
- Digital Dark Caster armor
- CyberCaster armor (available for Legion Tokens)
- Cyber Duality of Nulgath armor
- Nakana Rei's Mecha Mediator set (seasonal rare set)
- Cyber Unarmed
- Mecha OMGZilla pet (with quest for Mecha Kaiju Slayer gear)
- Laser Hanzo Void Katana (and dual wield)
- Cyber Caladbolg 3017 (available for ACs or Legion Tokens)
The rare Digital Phoenix Blade (crafted especially for you by AQW Community artist, Hikari) now drops from the Harvest Golem.
Also available - all our Black Friday items:
- Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class
- Yo Lae's HollowBorn Evoker collection **
- Bido's Darkest Ninja set
- Dark Void Paladin Katanas
- Shadow Imp Tail
- Obsidian OmniKnight Blade
- Obsidian No Class ***
- Obsidian Pirate Mage
- Dark Frostval Attire
- Shadow Oathkeeper set
- Shadow Void BeastMaster set
- Austere ShadowSlayer set
- Chibi ShadowSlayer pet
- Black Fishbone helm
- Half-Off Unarmed****
- Plus all of the seasonal Black Friday
Both the rare Cyber Monday and Black Friday shop items will be availalble until Monday, December 10th!
Also coming this week...
This Friday, find an all-new Cyber set from Crulon in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
The Galactic OmniBlade series -- which lets you get one blade per year, will return later this week in quest form. You will be able to complete one quest per year. Unlock Galactic Omniblade 1.0 your first year, 2.0 your second year, etc.
Void Paladin set owners: keep an eye out for news later this week. We're adding in the Cyber Void Paladin set, and if you meet the requirements, you can unlock it for free! (An earlier post on Twitter stated the set would be in the Rares shop. This was incorrect.)

November 25, 2018
Harvest Hunter Gear Leaving Soon
One Week Left to Unlock Our November Seasonal Set
November is when the Fall season REALLY hits in the United States. Pumpkin Spice everything is in stores, the leaves have fallen (or are starting to) and the temperatures around the underground lab finally drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere, and Thanksgiving in the United States, Canada, China, Germany, Grenada, Japan, and Norfolk Island. To help ALL our heroes celebrate, this month's seasonal set features the Harvest Hunters - the HeroHunter and Lycan Stalker armors.
November Set: The Harvest Hunters
Starting this Thursday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the Hero Hunter or Lycan Stalker armors and all the Harvest Hunter accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Harvest Hunters pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- Hero Hunter Armor
- Lycan Stalker Armor
- 3 helms
- 3 capes
- 5 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December - August: ??? - come back to see what we'll bring!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY November, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in November?
The next upgrade bonus will be available from November 2nd - 30th, and are the Apocalyptic DragonLord armors.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through November 30th.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.

November 23, 2018
Black Friday 2018
The darkest gear of the year is here!
Our Thanksgiving / 2018 Harvest Fest event launched earlier this week. And now our Black Friday rares shop is HERE!
All-new, dark variants of your favorite gear arrive and the seasonal Black Friday gear are back because... it's Friday, Friday, gotta get gear on Black Friday!
- Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class
- Yo Lae's HollowBorn Evoker collection **
- Bido's Darkest Ninja set
- Dark Void Paladin Katanas
- Shadow Imp Tail
- Obsidian OmniKnight Blade
- Obsidian No Class ***
- Obsidian Pirate Mage
- Dark Frostval Attire
- Shadow Oathkeeper set
- Shadow Void BeastMaster set
- Austere ShadowSlayer set
- Chibi ShadowSlayer pet
- Black Fishbone helm
- Half-Off Unarmed****
- Plus all of the seasonal Black Friday
Black Friday exclusive Collection Chest
The Hollowborn Evoker set, created for Black Friday by AQW Community artist, Yo Lae, is our newest collection chest. This year, unlock over 25 items for 5,000 AdventureCoins when you get the Hollowborn Chest pet (items available in the pet's shop).
The Hollowborn Collection includes:
- Hollowborn Collection chest pet (has shop for all the gear)
- Hollowborn Lightning pet (with quest for character page badge)
- Over 20 items this year and automatically unlocks all 60+ items next year
The Hollowborn Chest is seasonal, and will return every Black Friday. Next year, we will release the rest of Yo Lae's Hollowborn items (he made so many, it was not possible to get all 60+ set-up in time for the event). If you buy the Hollowborn chest this year, you'll automatically unlock all the rest of the gear next year.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Frostval Collection chest will also be available individually in Quibble's shop.
Black Friday Boss Drops
You've made GREAT progress in the Feud Fight war for our Harvest Fest event! Once the war meter hits 100% and you unlock the war boss, you'll have a chance to get the following Black Friday item drops:
- Dark Void Paladin Katana (single/dual wield)
- Hollowborn Pistol (single/dual wield)
- Hollowborn Blade
- Hollowborn Spear
- Dark Infernal's Half-Blade
- Plus its Harvest Fest-themed drops
Plus find the Obsidian OmniKnight Blade and member-only Shadow Imp Tail dropping from the Red Dragon in Lair.
Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class?!
In order to keep as many players as possible on as even a playing field as possible, we're releasing a new version of the Abyssal Angel Class. It will have the same skills, but new art, a new name, and new skill names*****. That way, new players (or older players who missed their chance), will have a way to obtain that same type/power of gameplay.
Thousands of new heroes start playing AQWorlds every day. They'll never be able to get most of the exact same cosmetic items that you, reading this now, have, because they are perma-rare. With cosmetic items, that's ok. You don't need those to experience the game fully. When it comes to classes (aka gameplay), though... you do.
Though we released rare classes in the past, in hindsight, we should not have -- we've locked a huge percentage of our players away from a lot of really fun game mechanics. We're correcting that mistake in the fairest way possible -- by keeping the art and certain parts of the skills (like names/descriptions) rare.
Important Points
Goal: to be as fair to as many people as possible -- both the ones who have the original art/skill combo and ALL the many players who came after them.*
Rare classes will never return in exactly the same way (armor art + skills combination).
People who have the original Abyssal Angel class will get this version for free. (That way, our class collectors do not feel like they are being charged twice for the same set of skills.)
The Black Friday version of the Abyssal Angel class will have the different armor art and different skill names, but will still have the same power, skills, animations, and gameplay mechanics.
The Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class will be seasonal, and will return every Black Friday, to give future heroes a chance to get the class.
* If you used your Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness or Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness to get the Abyssal Angel Class, you can write in to Player Support and choose a new item.
** This is a 5k seasonal Collection Chest, and will come with 26 items this year. Next year, we'll add even more to the chest, so if you get gear this year, you'll get next year's chest update for free. All of the items in the Hollowborn Evoker collection will also be available to buy individually.
*** You can be a stylish peasant dressed in all black and still have No Class.
**** Members, here's your chance to add to your collection of invisible Unarmed weapons.
***** New skill names will be added next week.

November 21, 2018
2019 Calendar Class: Corrupted Chronomancer
The 2019 Calendar is ready - and it is forever EPIC!
Welcome to the Corrupted Chronomancer Design Notes! The design team -- after weeks of brainstorming, design, testing, and tweaking -- has outdone itself with the skill set for this new Chronomancer Class. With a crazy fun new mechanic and the potential to add in new updates in the future, for the first time ever, we are changing the course of space and time… and the rarity of the Calendar Class.
The Corrupted Chronomancer Class will return every year. This year, the base Corrupted Chronomancer Class is releasing. Next year, the Class will return plus a new item that (like the Hourglasses of Power, Paradise, and Transience) will affect the class’s gameplay.
Head over to Heromart to get your first glimpse of the 2019 Calendar!
So... this is the final Calendar Class?!
Not really. In keeping with our move away from releasing rare calendar classes, we've built this year's calendar class to be eternally useful. Each year, we will release the Corrupted Chronomancer Calendar Class with the new Calendar from HeroMart. Every year after this, we'll add a new Miscellaneous item that affects the class's gameplay.
2019: Corrupted Chronomancer Class
2020: Corrupted Chronomancer Class + a new item that affects skills
2020: Corrupted Chronomancer Class + another new item that affects skills
... and so on, and so forth.
The misc item that comes with the Corrupted Chronomancer is unique to that year. So the item for 2020 will be different from the one that releases in 2021. The AQW team and @HeroMart want to keep your rewards exclusive while not restricting functionality for the larger playerbase.
Each class will still have a new name and new art. The miscellaneous item will modify one or more of the base class's skills.
All about the Class:
We are trying something new again and have built a class around several unique class-only consumables*. There are 6 consumable items that act as a pseudo sixth skill you can use to customize the class to your needs. 3 of them are Hourglasses. Hourglasses provide a base to your class. They either flat out buff you in specific ways or provide complicated interactions. Then, there are 3 Corruptions. These corrupt your skills with different gameplay elements. You can prepare before a fight by equipping and using an Hourglass. Hourglasses last up to 2 hours (or until you log out or die). Then, switch to a Corruption to use during fights. The Hourglass aura will remain, meaning you can mix and match any one Hourglass with any one Corruption. Using a different Hourglass will remove all other Hourglass auras . Same goes for Corruption. You can only have one Hourglass and one Corruption on at a time. Also, did I mention this is all free and included with the class? You can also pick up a shop pet in the Book of Lore which will make it easy to top off your stacks of Hourglasses and Corruption.
*These items ONLY provide a benefit to Corrupted Chronomancer
Description: Recommended Enhancements: Lucky, Hybrid. Corrupted Chronomancers rely on Hourglasses and Corruption they create using their Hourglass Pet (equip-able items found in the Book of Lore) to manipulate and distort time itself.
Stats: Corrupted Chronomancers favor Strength, Dexterity and Intellect.
ManaRegen: Corrupted Chronomancers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Corrupted Sand Strike
Deals damage based on your weapon damage. Each of your skills gets an additional benefit from hourglasses and corruption you equip in your consumables slot. Hourglasses and corruption can be obtained from the Hourglass pet in the Book of Lore.
Type: Physical
ManaCost: 0
Cooldown: 2 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee Range
Dam: 100% weapon damage
Rank 1: Sand Rift
Deals damage to your target and applies Temporal Rift to you. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 15
Cooldown: 4 seconds
AOE: 6
Melee range
Dam: 10% APSP2
Rank 2: Hourglass Inversion
Reverses time to heal you. Heal is increased by stacks of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 30
Cooldown: 16 seconds
AOE: 4
Full range
Rank 3: Corruption Through Time
Applies Corruption Through Time. Corruption Through Time increases all damage you do by 20% for 10 seconds. Doesn’t stack.
Type: Physical/Magical
ManaCost: 20
Cooldown: 6 seconds
AOE: 6 (hostiles)
Melee range
Rank 4 Passive: Sandskin
Dodge chance increased by 10%
Rank 4 Passive: Corruption Master
Critical strike chance, Hit chance, and Haste increased by 7%
Rank 5: Temporal Collapse
Deals damage to your target based on the damage you've recently dealt while under the effects of Temporal Rift (in the past 10 seconds). Consumes Temporal Rift stacks.
Type: Magical
ManaCost: 35
Cooldown: 20 seconds
AOE: 1
Melee range
Rank 10 Passive: Timesmith
Starting from Rank 1, you can equip Hourglasses and Corruption as a consumable to enhance your other skills.
Hourglass of Power
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs your Hourglass Inversion skill now also increases most of your secondary stats a further 10% for 30 seconds. Doesn’t stack. This includes Damage Done, Haste, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Hit Chance, Dodge Chance and Damage Reduction.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: This one is as straight forward as you can get. It’s a broad buff on everything you want. It doesn’t complicate things or add strategy. You just smash it and go.
Hourglass of Paradise
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs, your Corruption Through Time skill now also toggles between several new buffs. You get a mana and heal over time, a reduction in damage taken by 40% and increased haste by 30%. Also, your crit chance and damage are reduced by 50%. These auras last 2hrs and toggle on and off each time you use Hourglass Inversion.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: Mix this with an offensive Corruption to mitigate some of the Corruption’s defensive weakness. Turn Paradise off right before your nuke for great sustain AND damage!
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs, Corruption Through Time makes you Transient for 20s. Applies a growing DoT to you. Using it again applies Ephemeral for 5s. Buffs dodge & damage by 50%. Using Hourglass Inversion while Transient gives you Incorporeal for 10s. Increases END & Haste by 50% & removes Transient & Ephemeral. While Transient, Sand Rift applies Flow. Increases enemy damage taken by 15% for 5s, stacks to 3. While Stable, it instead applies Ebb for 8s. Gives a growing DoT
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Infinite Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corrupted Sand Strike applies a DoT that stacks 15 times and lasts 40 seconds. Your Hourglass Inversion now applies a Heal over Time that lasts for 20 seconds and doesn’t stack.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: Throwback to Infinity Knight/Chrono DragonKnight where DoT/HoTs were the highlight of Chrono classes. Provides great synergy if an Arachnomancer is being used to further increase their DoTs which Temporal Rift records for an even more powerful nuke.
Entropic Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corruption Through Time skill now also reduces mana costs by 50% and increases Haste by 30% for 7 second. It also increases damage done by 100% for 4 seconds, and increases damage taken by 150% for 10 seconds. Finally, it gives up to 6 enemies Focus, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Note: This Corruption grants massive power boosts, but severely increases the amount of damage you take. In addition, Sand Rift starts applying Focus to monsters, forcing them to target you and making parties less of a safety net. You may have to combine this with a defensive Corruption or something like Archpaladin in order to get the rewards from this risky Corruption.
Foresee Corruption
[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 10s your Corruption Through Time skill now also applies Foresee for 150s. Using this hourglass while Foresee is active will consume it and apply Seer for 20s. Using Corruption Through Time while Seer is active removes it and applies Change the Future which applies Focus, reduces damage taken by 80%, increases Dodge Chance, Haste, Hit Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Outgoing Damage by 100% for 5s. 40s cooldown.
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Note: This is the slow burn of Corruption in its slowest of slow forms. The damage boost is one of the highest in the game, the defense fits the cap and that’s not even half of what you get! Patience is power here.

November 21, 2018
Happy Harvest Fest 2018
Let's come together to show thanks and... GET DESSERT!
Every year for the Harvest Fest, Oishii the Troll Chef throws a HUGE feast. This year, to promote goodwill and togetherness, Oishii's invited Gravelyn and her skeletal minions plus Robina, Brentan, and the Swordhaven soldiers. But ask yourself, just how long will turkey and gravy keep the warriors of the alliance occupied before they start to beat the stuffing out of each other? Log in for a family FOOD FIGHT of furious proportions, then return on Friday for all-new Black Friday gear!
The Harvest Fest is a time to reflect on gratitude, give thanks, and spend time with family. But with such a bountiful feast (and a potentially explosive mix of guests at the table), the war will be ON! Tonight, gear up and head into battle to quell the 300,00 feast guests and help bring Oishii's feast back under control.
Tasty Treats and Harvest Rewards
As you fight to raise the war meter, you'll unlock additional quests. Turn in the war quests for a chance to get the pieces of the Harvest Hunter set (shown below).
Once the war meter hits 100%, take on the war boss to fight for the:
- Hollowborn Pistol (dual + single wield)
- Hollowborn Blade
- Hollowborn Spear
Seasonal Harvest Event Return
Sample the tastiest battles AQW has to offer when you /join Feast, and don't miss adventures in:
- Harvest - Help Oishii, the Craziest Chef around!
- Turdraken - Take on the Turdraken for a deadly AND delicious battle!
- Float - Help Scott the Pilgrim save the Harvest Parade!
- FoulFarm - Something's foul in the Farmlands!
See all the Harvest events in our Lorepedia Guide!
The darkest gear of the year is here!
Our Thanksgiving / 2018 Harvest Fest event launched earlier this week. And now our Black Friday rares shop is HERE!
All-new, dark variants of your favorite gear arrive and the seasonal Black Friday gear are back because... it's Friday, Friday, gotta get gear on Black Friday!
- Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class
- Yo Lae's HollowBorn Evoker collection **
- Bido's Darkest Ninja set
- Dark Void Paladin Katanas
- Shadow Imp Tail
- Obsidian OmniKnight Blade
- Obsidian No Class ***
- Obsidian Pirate Mage
- Dark Frostval Attire
- Shadow Oathkeeper set
- Shadow Void BeastMaster set
- Austere ShadowSlayer set
- Chibi ShadowSlayer pet
- Black Fishbone helm
- Half-Off Unarmed****
- Plus all of the seasonal Black Friday
Black Friday exclusive Collection Chest
The Hollowborn Evoker set, created for Black Friday by AQW Community artist, Yo Lae, is our newest collection chest. This year, unlock over 25 items for 5,000 AdventureCoins when you get the Hollowborn Chest pet (items available in the pet's shop).
The Hollowborn Collection includes:
- Hollowborn Collection chest pet (has shop for all the gear)
- Hollowborn Lightning pet (with quest for character page badge)
- Over 20 items this year and automatically unlocks all 60+ items next year
The Hollowborn Chest is seasonal, and will return every Black Friday. Next year, we will release the rest of Yo Lae's Hollowborn items (he made so many, it was not possible to get all 60+ set-up in time for the event). If you buy the Hollowborn chest this year, you'll automatically unlock all the rest of the gear next year.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Frostval Collection chest will also be available individually in Quibble's shop.
Black Friday Boss Drops
You've made GREAT progress in the Feud Fight war for our Harvest Fest event! Once the war meter hits 100% and you unlock the war boss, you'll have a chance to get the following Black Friday item drops:
- Dark Void Paladin Katana (single/dual wield)
- Hollowborn Pistol (single/dual wield)
- Hollowborn Blade
- Hollowborn Spear
- Dark Infernal's Half-Blade
- Plus its Harvest Fest-themed drops
Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class?!
In order to keep as many players as possible on as even a playing field as possible, we're releasing a new version of the Abyssal Angel Class. It will have the same skills, but new art, a new name, and new skill names. That way, new players (or older players who missed their chance), will have a way to obtain that same type/power of gameplay.
Thousands of new heroes start playing AQWorlds every day. They'll never be able to get most of the exact same cosmetic items that you, reading this now, have, because they are perma-rare. With cosmetic items, that's ok. You don't need those to experience the game fully. When it comes to classes (aka gameplay), though... you do.
Though we released rare classes in the past, in hindsight, we should not have -- we've locked a huge percentage of our players away from a lot of really fun game mechanics. We're correcting that mistake in the fairest way possible -- by keeping the art and certain parts of the skills (like names/descriptions) rare.
Important Points
Goal: to be as fair to as many people as possible -- both the ones who have the original art/skill combo and ALL the many players who came after them.*
Rare classes will never return in exactly the same way (armor art + skills combination).
People who have the original Abyssal Angel class will get this version for free. (That way, our class collectors do not feel like they are being charged twice for the same set of skills.)
The Black Friday version of the Abyssal Angel class will have the different armor art and different skill names, but will still have the same power, skills, animations, and gameplay mechanics.
The Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class will be seasonal, and will return every Black Friday, to give future heroes a chance to get the class.
* If you used your Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness or Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness to get the Abyssal Angel Class, you can write in to Player Support and choose a new item.
** This is a 5k seasonal Collection Chest, and will come with 26 items this year. Next year, we'll add even more to the chest, so if you get gear this year, you'll get next year's chest update for free. All of the items in the Hollowborn Evoker collection will also be available to buy individually.
*** You can be a stylish peasant dressed in all black and still have No Class.
**** Members, here's your chance to add to your collection of invisible Unarmed weapons.

November 19, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Bloodtusk travel map for Dream Nexus updated so it no longer dumps you in a room with no boss.
- Click box for the Ebil Disk in the Be Ebili quest has been upsized.
Art Fixes:
- Legion Jolly Roger Armor has been de-pixeled.
- More pets have been tamed! Baby Wooly Mammoth, Goblin Forest Warrior Pet and Goblin Wolf-Rider Pet. (A side note here, not all pets can be moved, but we try to get as many as we can off your leg)
Not Fixed & Why:
- Battle Commander Liest using Scourge art WILL get fixed. He need to go into the shop for a full overhaul though. Keep an eye on My Twitter for news on when he gets repaired!

November 19, 2018
Get up to 50% more FREE ACs
2018 Holiday AC Bonus Begins Wednesday at 12:01 AM EST!
Starting this Wednesday at 12:01 AM EST and until January 2nd, get up to 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins when you buy any Adventure package until January 2nd! If you're excited about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday items, or are gearing up for all our December holiday items, now's the time to top up your ACs.
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.

November 16, 2018
This Friday: SpellSword Scaveger Hunt
Return to DragonRune Hall this weekend!
Calling all melee and magic-loving heroes... DragonRune Hall's premiere SpellSword is recruiting! Talk to Inanitas, in DragonRune Hall, Lore's premiere school of magic and witchcraft, this weekend. He has an all-new scavenger hunt ready to help train new Spellsword Artifact Hunters! Be prepared, though... if you want to join his crew, you'll need brains AND a blade to complete his quests. Decipher clues, battle bosses, and discover rare and valuable artifacts.
What's a SpellSword Artifact Hunter, you ask? Lore is littered with magical artifacts, and my Spellswords hunt them down! Why? For many reasons: to study them, to keep them out of the hands of evil doers, and of course to make ourselves more powerful! Some are just weird, though. The other day, one my Hunters brought back a magic plunger that unclogs toilets 17% faster...
Featured Gear: DragonRune SpellSmith Set
This weekend, find the DragonRune SpellSmith armor set in your Featured Gear Shop. Crafted by Crulon and inspired by Inanitas' Spellswords, this is a gorgeous set perfect for any mage who wants to stun their enemies with style (before beating them with a blade)!
- DragonRune SpellSmith armor
- SpellSword's Hair + Scarf helms
- SpellBlade BackBlade cape
- Shattered SpellBlade weapon
- SpellSword Daggers
- Dark Artifact Hunter's armor
- Artifact Hunter's Crossbow + Daggers
- Artifact Hunter's Scarf
The DragonRune SpellSmith is available for AdventureCoins or for gold if you have a membership. You can also find the gear in Inanitas' shop. Plus, complete his quests to unlock pieces of the SpellSword Artifact Hunter and SpellSword's Apprentice sets.
Wheel of Doom: Free Spins are BACK!
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why we're bringing back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
Happy Birthday, Inanitas!
Inanitas has been a contributor to the AE Team for many years now, in a number of different ways. From a release tester to a writer for AQWorlds and DF, we're very happy to have him around, and hope you enjoy his event. Wish him a happy early birthday on Twitter!
What about Memet's Birthday?
Due to a medical issue for one of our team members, we were unable to get all of the art done in time for this week's release, so we rearranged the November calendar of releases. Memet's birthday event will move to another week, later on in the year.

November 15, 2018
Black Friday 2018 Spoilers
We're really bad at secrets.
Late last night, a few of my Twitter followers got a sneak peek of one of this year's Black Friday Classes - the Abyssal Angel's Shadow. A lot of happiness and a lot of unhappy questions started flowing in on Twitter, in-game, and Discord. One of the most common was...
Why are you doing a Black Friday variant of a rare class?!
Thousands of new heroes start playing AQWorlds every day. They'll never be able to get most of the exact same cosmetic items that you, reading this now, have, because they are perma-rare. With cosmetic items, that's ok. You don't need those to experience the game fully. When it comes to classes (aka gameplay), though... you do.
In order to keep as many players as possible on as even a playing field as possible, we're releasing a new version of the Abyssal Angel Class. It will have the same skills, but new art, a new name, and new skill names. That way, new players (or older players who missed their chance), will have a way to obtain that same type/power of gameplay.
Though we released rare classes in the past, in hindsight, we should not have -- we've locked a huge percentage of our players away from a lot of really fun game mechanics. We're correcting that mistake in the fairest way possible -- by keeping the art and certain parts of the skills (like names/descriptions) rare.
Important Points
- Goal: to be as fair to as many people as possible -- both the ones who have the original art/skill combo and ALL the many players who came after them.*
- Rare classes will never return in exactly the same way (armor art + skills combination).
- People who have the original Abyssal Angel class will get this version for free. (That way, our class collectors do not feel like they are being charged twice for the same set of skills.)
- The Black Friday version of the Abyssal Angel class will have the different armor art and different skill names, but will still have the same power, skills, animations, and gameplay mechanics.
- The Abyssal Angel's Shadow Class will be seasonal, and will return every Black Friday, to give future heroes a chance to get the class.
Ok, but... What ELSE are you releasing?
Good question! The final list of Black Friday and Cyber Monday gear has not been decided. It won't be until I get to the Lab Saturday morning, coffee in hand, and lock down the final list. But if you want a sneak-peek of what will definitely be released on Black Friday...
- Yo Lae's HollowBorn Evoker collection **
- Bido's Darkest Ninja set
- Dark Void Paladin Katanas
- Shadow Imp Tail
- Obsidian OmniKnight Blade
- Obsidian No Class ***
- Obsidian Pirate Mage
- Half-Off and Cyber Unarmed****
- Plus all of the seasonal Black Friday
And for Cyber Monday we'll have...
- Nakana Rei's all-new Mecha Set
- CyberCaster armor
- and more!
But what will I FIGHT?!
Next Wedneday, November 21st, all our seasonal Thanksgiving events will return, along with an all-new war, written and designed by AQW Tester and Quest Designer, Asuka! Oishii's brought the food, and the members of the Good and Evil alliance will bring the FEUD!
* If you used your Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness or Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness to get the Abyssal Angel Class, you can write in to Player Support and choose a new item.
** This is a 5k seasonal Collection Chest, and will come with 26 items this year. Next year, we'll add even more to the chest, so if you get gear this year, you'll get next year's chest update for free. All of the items in the Hollowborn Evoker collection will also be available to buy individually.
*** You can be a stylish peasant dressed in all black and still have No Class.
**** Members, here's your chance to add to your collection of invisible Unarmed weapons.

November 14, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- The KS Twig pet got his forever name now (Twig Moglin Plush Pet), and that has convinced him he is loved and he no longer loses his head.
Art Fixes:
- Enchanted Naval Commander has been dusted for stray pixel removal.
- Arachnid Naval Commander female shoulder fixed again.

November 13, 2018
Tuesday News Updates
Spins, Bug Fixes, and More
Hello all! It's good to be back after a very fine trip to Chicago* to surprise a family member for their birthday. I've got my bug-boxing gloves on and am ready to hit the DNs with some updates, so let's get to it.
Treasure Potion Bug Fix
Yesterday, Yorumi and the Crew of Doom confirmed and fixed an issue with Treasure Potions dropping more frequently than they were supposed to (where x6 potions were dropping when only x1 was intended).
Here's the what and why of that bug, and its fix.
The Problem: Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you are guaranteed to get the following rewards: x1 Treasure Potion, 10,000 gold, and 1 XP boost... plus a chance for a bonus item. Even if you do not get a bonus item, you always get the Treasure Potion, gold, and XP boost. The problem was, every time you spun and did not get a bonus item, you were getting x5 Treasure Potions instead of x1.
That might not sound like a problem, but it threw off the balance of the Doom Merge Shop prices. If we increased the amount of Treasure Potions that each spin gives, we would also need to increase prices in the merge shop.
The Cause: The Wheel of Doom is built sort of like the Treasure Chest, where you never get an item you already have. On the rare off-chance that the Wheel of Doom tried to give you a duplicate item, we built in a failsafe to give you x5 extra Treasure Potions instead.** Instead, it was dropping the x5 failsafe potions every time you spun and did not get a bonus item.
The current code prevents duplicates:
- It won't pick a reward that has already been rewarded by the wheel
- When an item is picked, if you already have it, you get 6 potions.
- If wheel picks nothing, due to there only being super "rare" items left, you get 1 potion.
- If you have all of the prizes on the Wheel, you get 1 potion.
The only way anyone will currently get the 6 potions is if they happen to already have an item that is a reward on the wheel, and they'll get it just once per item like that.
The Solution: We fixed the code giving x5 Treasure Potions for every spin you didn't get an item. It now rewards x1 Treasure Potion, as intended and listed in the Design Notes and Guides.
After a flood of community feedback and sending Captain Rhubarb back in time to dig through some old code, we've arrived at the best compromise, so you can make the most out of your spins while maintaining the reward cost balance.
Changes incoming to the Wheel of Doom:
- Spin the Wheel, get normal rewards + bonus prize
- No bonus prize drops? Get 2 Treasure Potions instead of 1.
- Wheel tries to give a duplicate item? Get 3 Treasure Potions instead of 1.
- Already have ALL the Wheel drops? Get 6 Treasure Potions instead of 1.
If you got a ton of Treasure Potions legitmately from this bug, you lucked out! You will get to keep all of those Treasure Potions as our way of apologizing for the issue and any inconvenience.
Free Weekly Spin Update
The free Weekly Spin for ALL players is still in testing. We will know for sure by tomorrow (once the full week has passed) whether everything is working as intended, and if it can release this Friday.
Planned Release Change
Due to a medical issue for one of our team members, we have rearranged the November calendar of releases. Instead of Memet's Birthday update, this Friday, we'll launch the SpellSword Scavenger Hunt for Inanitas'*** birthday, and Featured Gear Shop update.
Next week, all our seasonal Thanksgiving events return, along with this year's new update and Black Friday gear.
* It will always be sweet home Chicago for me.
** That also helped avoid the possibility that you wouldn't get anything on that spin.
*** Inanitas is a member of the AQW and DF dev teams, as a guest writer.

November 09, 2018
Sepulchure's Saga: Into the Plane of Light
This Weekend, Sepulchure's Saga continues!
Love. Loss. And a Darkness that will change the fate of the world… This is Sepulchure the DoomKnight’s story.
This weekend, log in and battle as Lynaria, Queen of Swordhaven. Your mission: to save your best friend from the DOOM that consumes him. Journey through the Plane of Light to gather magical reagents, grow stronger than you've ever been, and cast the spell that could save your friend from eternal Darkness.
Queen Lynaria has vowed to save Sepulchure -- the man who was once Swordhaven's most loyal knight -- but neither situations, stories, or people are simply black and white. This weekend, events transpire that will change both their lives forever... for Good AND Evil.
Rewards of Doom and Light
Battle through this weekend's release to unlock pieces of the Worshipper of Doom armor set. These weapons, once handcrafted with care, have been corrupted by the darkness that surrounds the Blade of Doom.
The pieces of this set were crafted by AQW Community Artist, Reki Roland (also one of Lore's largest ShadowScythe devotees).
Complete this weekend's release to find Amie the Celestial StarMage in the Plane of Light. She's traveled from the Celestial Realm to gather starlight and, along the way, decided to spend time studying the nature of light itself. Find to earn the pieces of her bright armor set, crafted by AQW Community Artist, Ferozakh.

November 07, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Undead Boomstick’s description updated.
- Lightguardwar map set so to story progession now. You do still have to turn either war quest in to begin the story.
Art Fixes:
- Deathknight Helm now covers entire face.
- Male Brightoak Avenger armor - a few more fixes to the colours.
- Eternal Dragon Warrior armor hands CC fixed.
- Battle Commander Leist got his picture back.
- Bongo Cat helms - Twilly's paws stay red. All of them have stopped sitting on their paws.
Check out this Design Notes post for why we were so delayed this week:
This Weekend: Double DOOM

November 06, 2018
Ballyhoo Reward Issue Update
Fix in progress
Yesterday, I became aware of an issue with Ballyhoo rewards -- where the AC rewards were removed and the gold prices dropped.*
This was due to an issue with our ad network, where the available ads we had to show had dropped significantly, so the AC/gold rewards were trimmed.
Now that we're aware, I've asked Captain Rhubarb to return the gold rewards to what they used to be. That should happen this week. Once I get back from vacation, I'll look into other ads we can offer, so we can bring those free ACs back ASAP.
* Thanks for the heads up, ZippleClopper and Rastaban (for the forum report) and to everyone who submitted a Bug Report to the Tracker!

November 06, 2018
The Wheel of Doom Evolves
Free Spins, New Gear, and the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness!
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this week, we are adding a revolution(ary) addition to the Doom Merge Shop, bringing back free spins, and adding an all-new gear set!
New Gear from the Wheel of Doom!
We know a lot of you are raring to redeem your free spins... so we're adding a full new Epic rarity set for you! Each of the set pieces will be available from the Wheel of Doom and from the Doom merge shop.
Pieces of the set include:
- ShadowScythe Sorcerer armor
- ShadowHood of Doom
- ShadowHorns of Doom
- Dark Aura Staff
- ShadowScythe Spell Blade
- Shadow's Aura Orb (single and dual wield)
- Shadow Sorcerer's Wrap
- Shadow's Aura Wrap
Free Daily Spins Returning
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why we're bringing back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
Starting this Friday:
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
Members: you'll need to log in to claim your free daily spin.
NEW: Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness
At Artix Entertainment, we ALWAYS want to be the good guys. We know a lot of you are spinning the Wheel to get the Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness, which lets you choose one rare item from any point in the game's history.* It's great to see all that excitement and hope, one of the reasons we brought the Wheel back.
What we don't want to see is people getting frustrated after spinnning without getting the EIoDA as a drop. That's why we are introducing the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness from the Doom Merge Shop - even if you don't receive the EIoDA as a bonus prize, you can save up your Treasure Potions and get the PIoDA.
Important Points
- The PIoDA will be a Wheel of Doom merge shop exclusive
- Cost: 1,000 Treasure Potions.
- You can get both the EIoDA (from the Wheel) and the PIoDA (from the merge shop)
At a cost of 1,000 Treasure Potions, that means a member who ONLY uses their one free spin per day/week will need to log in every day for about 2.5 years to get it... but they WILL get it eventually.
* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

November 05, 2018
This Weekend: Double DOOM
Sepulchure's Saga Returns + Wheel of Doom Update
Love. Loss. And a Darkness that will change the fate of the world… This is Sepulchure the DoomKnight’s story.
This weekend, log in and battle as Lynaria, Queen of Swordhaven. Your mission: to save your best friend from the DOOM that consumes him. Journey through the Plane of Light to gather magical reagents, grow stronger than you've ever been, and cast the spell that could save your friend from eternal Darkness.
Queen Lynaria has vowed to save Sepulchure -- the man who was once Swordhaven's most loyal knight -- but neither situations, stories, or people are simply black and white. This weekend, events transpire that will change both their lives forever... for Good AND Evil.
This weekend, fight to unlock two all-new armor sets:
- Reki Roland's "Worshipper of DOOM" from the release boss
- Ferozakh's "Celestial StarMage" from tthe post-release farming quest
The Wheel of Doom Evolves... Week 1
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this week, the team is working on adding the revolution(ary)* Platinum Item of Donate addition to the Doom Merge Shop, bringing back free spins, and adding an all-new gear set!
We know a lot of you are raring to redeem your free spins... so we're adding a full new Epic rarity set for you! Each of the set pieces will be available from the Wheel of Doom and from the Doom merge shop.
Pieces of the set include:
- ShadowScythe Sorcerer armor
- ShadowHood of Doom
- ShadowHorns of Doom
- Dark Aura Staff
- ShadowScythe Spell Blade
- Shadow's Aura Orb (single and dual wield)
- Shadow Sorcerer's Wrap
- Shadow's Aura Wrap
Free Spins + PIoDA Update
The Team of Doom (tm) - aka Yorumi, Captain Rhubarb, Cemaros, and Reens - began laying out the return of the free spins last week. The Member Daily Spin already exists, but (surprisingly, after 10 years!) we do not have functionality for a weekly quest. Yorumi is coding that up today, then will send it off for testing.
Member daily spins back in testing today. Scheduled release this Friday, pending testing / tracking confirmation.
Weekly spins for all players in development. We will need at least a week for testing, to confirm it resets and awards properly. Scheduled release - next Friday, pending testing and tracking confirmation.
Aside from the weekly quest coding, Cemaros and her testers' main focus this week is confirming that all the new item tracking we are adding works and is accurate. Once they give the greenlight, we'll be able to add the Platinum Item of Donated Awesomness into the Doom Merge shop.
Micro-Trip: Check List
I am leaving super-early Wednesday morning, journeying to Chicago on a secret birthday-surprise mission. Before I leave the Secret Underground Lab for the Windy City, I need to...
- Make puns (not war)
- Break puns (not windows)
Reens and Memet will take the helm for AQWorlds while I am out gallavanting across the midwest. Have an EXCELLENT weekend full of Doom and delight!
* Wheel pun!
** Got feedback on the redesigned Help Center? Let us know your thoughts on Twitter!

November 02, 2018
Two Nights at Twig's 2: Zorbak's Revenge
Mogloween 2018 Expansion + Week of OMG ALL THE GEAR
Real talk, Zorbak was NOT happy that Sally replaced him as the boss of the 2018 Mogloween event, and he’s going to make sure Twig knows it. (At least, I THINK that's why Twig is cowering in the dark inside a secret tunnel deep inside the EbilGames Arcade Machine). Help Twig and show Zorbak he shouldn’t make threats his sass can’t cash. Take him on in this week’s expansion to our 2018 Mogloween event.
Once you've completed last week's story in /twigsarcade, make your way to the EbilGames Arcade machine. If you DARE... enter and battle to reach Zorbak. Tackle his pile of 8-bit animatronic rejects for a chance to get all-new costume-themed gear from AQW Artist Aranx, including...
- Galaxy Witch set
- Heroic Horror set
- Ghostly Top Hat
- Skelly Hug helms
- Knifed Top Hat
- Talking Wizard Hat helms
- I-Scweam Hood
Apocalyptic DragonLord Upgrade Bonus
Unlock the all-new Apocalyptic DragonLord upgrade bonus gear starting Friday, November 2nd at 6 PM EST! Buy any AC or membership package worth $10 USD or more to unlock the Apocalyptic DragonLord set or get the bonus Apocalyptic DragonKing armor and accessories with the 12,000 AC or 12 month membership packs!
New 9th and 10th StarSword Accessories
If you were one of last year's 9th Upholders, or if you are one of this year's 10th upholders, you can make your way to /dragonroad to unlock new starsword-themed accessories!
9th Upholders
- Vampire StarSword Backblades
- Reversed Vampire StarSword Backblades
- Vampire Star Staff
- Vampire Star Scythe
- Vampire Star Polearm
- Vampire Star Daggers
10th Upholders
- Spiderkin StarSword Backblades
- Reversed Spiderkin StarSword Backblades
- Spiderkin Star Staff
- Spiderkin Star Scythe
- Spiderkin Star Polearm
- Spiderkin Star Daggers
Bev's BongoCat Tribute Helms
If you've been on the internet for a while, you probably saw the super-popular meme, BongoCat. AQW player AgentasSVK suggested a sackload of BongoCat-themed helms. We loved the idea, and that's why 8 new helms will be permanently available from Bev's Battleontown Hair Shop (in helms shop).
Achievement Tracker Rewards, Part 1
3 new sets of Achievement Tracker rewards are available from your Book of Lore. Currently, only the armor sets are available. The class variants and exclusive micro-adventurezones will be released as soon as possible. We did not want to make you wait any longer for your equippable gear, though, so... this weekend, find your items in your Book of Lore!
- 10 Years Played: Enchanted Naval Commander set
- 9 Years Membership: Evolved Grenadier set
- 600,000 AdventureCoins: Evolved Necromancer set
With as many items as we released this week, there is something (actually - MANY things) for everyone. Log in and enjoy, and thank you for supporting AQWorlds! We would not be here without your support and encouragement... and because of that, we were able to donate $5,000 to help a fellow AQWorlds player battling cancer. Read about Robbie's story here.

November 02, 2018
Your Support Made This Possible
Thank you for enabling us to make a $5,000 donation on your behalf to one of our fellow players who is battling brain cancer.
You want to help everyone.
Of course you do. Everytime you see someone hurting or someone who needs a hand up, you want to help. You want to fix it and make things right. But there are so many people in need out there... so many causes... it's overwhelming and you simply can't do everything for everyone. So, what do you do?
You do what you can.
MikaCosplay and her brother Robbie have been players of AE for a long time. She made a name for herself in the community for her skillfully-crafted Artix Entertainment-themed cosplays, her kindness, and upbeat attitude. On a recent visit to the Secret Underground Lab, she and her brother brought Cysero a hand-made birthday gift - a clock that says it's ALWAYS Ready-O-Clock. He hadn't announced his birthday. That's just the kind of people that they are.
In 2015, her brother Robbie was diagnosed with brain cancer. Robbie is as much of a fighter as his characters in our games, and his family isn't taking this lying down. He bravely suffered through several surgeries and round after round of chemotherapy, and it worked for a while. But Robbie's illness has returned again. The medical bills are over a million dollars at this point and the family's resources are simply tapped out. They need our help.
MikaCosplay and her brother Robbie are part of this gaming family and when one of us is in trouble, we all jump in.
Thanks to you (and frankly the extra income resulting from the Wheel of Doom), we were able to donate $5,000 on your behalf to Robbie's GoFundMe campaign. They could use your help getting the rest of the way to their goal.
The AE Team will be visiting Robbie at the Hospital next week before he goes in for his procedure.
What can you do? You do what you can.
GoFundMe page for Robbie, Mika, and their family