Design Notes
August 31, 2018
September 2018 Event Calendar
This Month: Pirates, Parties, and Plunder!
YARRRR! It's high time we return to the open seas, and this month, we're doing just that! Join us as we celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day, Aranx's birthday, and face off against Jaaku, the Shogun of Shadows in the finale of our "Return to Yokai" storyline.
September 1:
- Back to School AC Bonus: September 1st - 7th: Get up to 50% more bonus ACs!
- September Seasonal Set: Celestial Naval Commander
September 7: Shogun of Shadows finale + Infernal Naval Commander upgrade bonus
September 14: Celestial Realm update + Aranx's birthday gear + LightCaster returns
September 21: Talk Like a Pirate Day: Heart of the Sea King + Quilbble's Shop + TLaPD Collection Chest
September 28: Talk Like a Pirate Day: Curse of the Sea King +
Plus... 10th Upholder begins on September 28th!

August 31, 2018
Cleanse the Valley Of Ghosts
The Shogun of Shadows Story continues this weekend!
The story so far... One of Akiba's greatest enemies has returned to make war on Yokai Isle, and this time, he has a dark new ally. In the first conflict, Emperor Daisho fell in battle, leaving Princess Miko to rally the troops and defend her country from Jaaku, the Shogun of Shadows.
This weekend... Empowered by an ancient artifact which enhances her Battle Priestess powers, you, Miko and her cohort head east to Jaaku's fortress. To get there, you must pass through the war-torn Heiwa Village. Once an idyllic town, its people must now fight to defend themselves from the ghosts spawned by the recent Shadow War. Their leader, Koro, offers a bargain - help them drive out the angry spirits, and they'll join you in your quest to slay Jaaku's 8-headed Shadow Dragon!
- Drive out the angry spirits
- Help Miko face the pain of her father's loss
- Bring peace to the people of Heiwa Village
New Farming Set: Void Shogun
This year, one of our focuses has been on featuring a new roster of artists from the AQW community. We have so many talented artists out there, and the reception has been great. This weekend, we're featuring once more Yo Lae, an avid gamer (and Nulgath fan!) who's been a part of our community for years, and their Void Shogun armor set.
If you're a fan of Nulgath's designs, it's time to break out your resources! And if you're not sure who Nulgath or the Nation are, here's your chance to learn. The Void Shogun's quest is based on one of the classic Nulgath quests, the Fiend of Nulgath.
To accept the quest, you'll need to complete the release in /heiwavalley AND have the Void Monk of Nulgath armor from the merge shop in /quibblehunt.
Gather the following items to turn the quest in to get the pieces of the gear:
- 1 Unidentified 13
- 10 Diamonds of Nulgath
- 1 Nulgath Rune 10
- 1 Unidentified 24
- 1 Orochi’s Shadow (from the Akiba war boss)
The 0 AC farmable Void Shogun set is a permanent addition to the game, so if you do not have time to farm this weekend, never fear. It will still be here when you do!
Limited Time Set: Shadow Void Shogun
We're calling back to the fan-favorite "Shadow of Nulgath" set and with Yo Lae, created the Shadow Void Shogun set. Find the pieces of this set in your Featured Gear Shop until September 30th.

August 29, 2018
September Seasonal Shop
Available every year from September 1st - 30th
September is coming soon, and that means... pirates and parties! YARRRRRR! Every September, we celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day and celestial AQW Artist Aranx's birthday. And this year, we're combining those two great themes to kick off a new monthly shop.
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month each year. There will be two different ways to get the gear from these sets:
1) Total package: Get the entire set and a character page badge for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
September Set: Celestial Naval Commander
Remember to keep your wings tightly furled when on deck to avoid getting tangled in the lines. But if the ship starts to sink, you'll be GLAD to have them as you fly to safety!
The set includes:
- Celestial Naval Commander armor
- 2 helms
- 2 capes: 1 set of wings, 1 parrot cape
- 5 cutlasses
- 1 Parrot Pet
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Celestial Naval Commander pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
No, this is a different set. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior, you can buy the entire set for one price on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY September, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
Think of this like a carousel of gear. Every January, we'll have the January set. Every February, we'll feature the February set. The monthly upgrade bonuses will be separate and distinct bonuses.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in September?
The next upgrade bonus releases on September 7th, and is the Infernal Naval Commander. It will go rare at the end of the month.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of each month's sets.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.
Is this the same as Tier 1 for the new upgrade package?
The seasonal sets are separate from the monthly upgrade bonuses, and won't impact the gear you get with them. The monthly upgrade packs will still have Tier 1 and Tier 2 options.

August 27, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Sir Icy Naval Tophat has returned to Barnaby’s shop.
- Shadow of the Past has been spoken to, and he will play somewhat nicer with the Memories of the Past quest now.
- Frogerion Pet is no longer so clingy, and has smoother hoppy.
- Twilly is no longer hoarding all the keys for himself. I told you he would see reason!
- Fire Dragon Scales, Fire Dragon Hearts, Pyritium Shards, Perfect Pyritium farming quests from Galanoth at /firewar have returned.
Art Fixes:
- Evolved Paragon Cape skulls now have blue eyes.
- Loyalty of the Dunes male shoulder is now CC.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Horns of the Blood Sworn are placed where the artist wanted them to be.
- Dual 6th Betrayal Blade is the size Miltonius sent it as.
Another little thing!
In the Story tab of the map, the Shadowfall rising entry showing like this:
This is because this part of the story actually begins with the quest “Hounds and Infernals and Imps, Oh My!” and ends with “YOU again!”. The tab display is broken up because of map changes during the story. Once you do finish these quests, the display will fix itself. Unfortunately, because of this, there really isn’t anything we can do to fix it while you are still in the process of doing the story.
The AQW Wiki has some very helpful pages for assisting with the storylines.

August 25, 2018
Official OverSoul Tournament of Champions
Calling all OverSoul Fans!
Hello everyone! It’s your favorite doggo here, Asuka! Recently we mentioned Oversoul and a lot of you seemed to be trying your best to get it up and running again. We appreciate your valiant attempts and decided to do something for you while you play, level and explore!
We are running an Oversoul Tournament for how much love and care you have been giving Oversoul from everyone in the community! We saw one generous player’s tournament D a w n and were inspired to do our very own as well! We are unleashing our latest tournament! There are very specific rules so be sure to listen closely if you’re interested in entering.
There will be two groups of around 32 each
What this means is there will be limited entry because of size and sheer numbers of possible entrants, but worry not! If this one is successful, we may do more in the coming future!
There may be a ban list of specific characters!
While we would love for you to use your fancy and awesome characters, we do know some are just..Really, really unfair to battle against most of the time. Custom decks may save one or two but we realize not everyone has this option. There will be a list available on my Twitter at @AsukaAE after this design notes has been posted and before the tournament heads under way. Worry not though! We will try to be as lenient as possible!
We will set the time and date of your match for you
This one will be tough but regarding to this please follow the criteria when entering for it. Make sure to pay attention to my Twitter at @AsukaAE to see your matchups of the day. You will have up to 24 hours to complete your duel. If you do not reach this requirement, you will be forfeited and your opponent will advance to the next round so please do your absolute best to pay attention!
We are going by the honor system
Since we cannot spectate actual matches, we will take screenshots of deciding duels. Please do not alter any images. If we find you to try and cheat or be dishonorable, we may disqualify you from current and future competitions at our discretion.
Please be sure to send me the screenshots of the duel at the end. You can each send one, or you may decide between yourselves before the duel begins who will send it.
Okay I read all the rules. Now, how can I enter?
To enter, you will need to tweet to on Twitter with the following the criteria that will be needed at @AsukaAE with the following. Selection will be from both Twitter and the forums so please do enter. It will be a very first come, first serve kind of situation.
Please follow this criteria when entering. It will allow me to help set up matches the best way I can. Failure to do so will be an unqualified entry.
Oversoul Name in Game:
Rank Tier and Level(s) of intended character(s) you will use:
Twitter or Forums name for contacting you (optional):
(This is in case you need a reminder on your match. Otherwise, a no show will result in a disqualification)
Will there be more tournaments or other things similar to this?
If this goes all according to plan with a positive reaction and willingness to enter then this will very much so continue to happen! We love and appreciate all your efforts and hate for them to go to waste.
Banned Characters
Neutral List:
Fiend of Vergill Boss
Witchblade Boss
Fire List: N/A
Ice List: N/A
Energy List:
Volt Engineer
Earth List:
Earth Elemental
Great Pumpking
Water List: N/A
Light List: N/A
Shadow List:
Ancient Shogun
Black Dragon
Nulgath's Shadow
Chaos List:
Chaos Drakath
Drakath Fiend
So I can use anyone not on the ban list?
You can! We will allow anyone from to use whatever they have that isn’t listed from level 1 to level 20. Be sure to use those legendary level 20s to good use!
Will there be prizes?
What’s a competition without some very useful prizes? We have something for 1st and 2nd place.
Grand Prize winner will receive 100 Soul Gems
Our 2nd place winner will receive 40 Soul Gems
I wish you all the best of luck in the tournament!

August 24, 2018
Princess Ai no Miko Needs your help
The Shogun of Shadows Saga continues!
Thousands fell during the War of Shadows... including Princess Miko's father, Emperor Daisho. This weekend, the Shogun of Shadows storyline continues in Yokai Isle.
Now, Miko needs your help to protect her home. Battle alongside her as she hunts for the Shinrin Do, an enchanted item that will help her become the Battle Priestess and ruler she was always meant to be.
- Battle through Shinrin Grove
- Quest for the Shinrin Do, an enchanted cuirass belonging to a mighty battle priestess
- Help the Kame of Greenshell Village
- Take down angry spirits, Kame-eating merdraconians, and more
Battle this weekend's boss for a chance to get:
- Ningen armor
- Doom Katana
- Magma Katana
- Training Katana
Plus, find the Akiban Defender set in the Yokai Rep Shop in /akiba!
Featured Gear Set: Blood Sworn Samurai
The Blood Sworn Samurai set is now available for AdventureCoins for all players. Members can purchase the set for gold. Talk to Ai No Miko in /shinringrove to find the pieces of the set in her Yokai Loyalty shop.
Treasure Chest Update
Grab your inventories and check for treasure chests! If you've got any laying around, talk to Twilly in Battleon because we have eight new weapons from AQW Community Artist, Hikari available from the Treasure Chest quest.
Treasure chests have a less than 1% chance of dropping from ANY monster in the entire game. Each one contains one of dozens of epi1c Items that you can't get anywhere else.
Members get two FREE Treasure Chest keys every month their upgrade is active, but all heroes can get you'll need a Treasure Chest key to try for a reward!

August 20, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- The quest “Tea for Me” can be completed now, and the typo has been fixed.
- Side Phoenix Blade & Phoenix Blade on Your Back descriptions have been fixed.
- Skeletal Fire Mage has returned to BattleunderA from his vacation.
- Elissa Keelhaul has a shiny new back button. Or at least one that works now.
- The map Desoloth now has the replay button for all 3 Dragonplane cutscenes.
- Orochi has made an appearance now and chased Orocheevil out!
Art Fixes:
- Tiki Fun amour unusual CC bits removed.
- Prismatic SkyGuard Warrior female has found her skirt again.
- ArchPaladin Cape has been told to lighten up a bit.
- Were-Diver Morph foot fur now CC.
Not Fixed & Why:
No list this week, but we do need to make a general statement on the art of REALLY old items. When something is super old, like 2008-2009, generally we aren’t going to change the art. These items were made using a different style, that many players liked and still like. So they will remain as they are now. They will only be fixed if it is something that is actually broke, like pieces of the model not connected.

August 17, 2018
This Weekend: Attack on Akiba!
The Shogun of Shadows has come to take over Akiba
"You are destined to rule... Yokai Isle should be yours... Listen to me, and I will show you the path to victory..." So said the whispers that called the Shogun of Shadows to war. This weekend, battle alongside Emperor Daisho and Princess Miko as they fight to defend their home and save their people.
Shogun of Shadow's War Features:
- Battle the Shadow Samurai to defend Yokai Isle
- Defeat monsters and turn in quests to raise the war meter
- Unlock bonus war medal and reward farming quests at 25, 50, and 75%
- Unlock the war boss fight at 100%
Our return to Akiba and Yokai Isle is also a return to the Chaos storyline; the Shogun of Shadows is an enemy Princess Miko and her father, the Emperor have faced before (off-screen... this is the first time your hero has encountered him). This time, the Shogun is armed with new powers and a creature that could help him destroy the Akiban dynasty!
Raise the water meter to unlock rare 0 AC pets:
- 25%: Shadow Tanuki pet
- 50%: Giant Kijimuna pet
- 75%: Shadow Kitteh pet
Featured Gear Shop: Yami no Samurai Set
For our heroes who ally with Evil, the Darkness, and the shadows... we have an all-new featured gear set for you! Find the Yami no Samurai (the Samurai of Darkness) set in your Featured Gear Shop until August 31st.

August 14, 2018
Moglin Kickstarter is LIVE!
Help us make our dream of moglin plush a reality!
Greetings and salutations friend... we're about to do something crazy together. Want to join us?
You've had moglins at your side in our video games. Now, help us bring Moglins to the real world!
Moglins like Twilly, Zorbak, Twig, & Quibble are magical forest creatures born in our video game worlds. Back our Moglin Kickstarter to help them escape and join you in the real one.
Of course, each Moglin also comes with a code to unlock an in-game pet of itself in multiple Artix Entertainment video games.
Unlock the Master of Moglins CLASS in AQWorlds with the $120 Ultimate Moglin Collection. The Class art shown above is a KickStarter exclusive. (You will still be able to get the class by purchasing all 12 moglins from HeroMart after the KickStarter ends, but the art will be different.)
Oh! Our new Artix Games Launcher lets you play our games (with your moglins) without needing a browser or the Flash plugin.
Put a Moglin on your desk to cheer you on. They’ll keep you company while writing, drawing, coding, and gaming. Moglins love to watch your favorite shows with you...even when no one else will. You can keep the joy for yourself, or give a Moglin to someone you love.
Moglins are the ultimate sidekicks for real life adventurers like you. Help us bring them from the fantasy world into the real one!
Check out all of the Moglins on our Kickstarter Page...

August 13, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Undead Paladin Token has been given an increase in the drop rate. We’re still not going to confirm the rate though!
- Quibble has been convinced it’s vacation time.
- Mitsu Bishi’s shop has now opened.
- Book pages in Necrodungeon look better now.
- Cutscene “The End?” in Xancave names you now, and vanishing ring mystery has been solved.
- Cutscene “Mad Giant” character model now shows up.
- Knave1's quest "Weaken the Moya" no longer 1 time only.
- Typos! Are these just a given yet? Do I need to say it every week?
Art Fixes:
- Armor of War and Golden Armor of War now have skelly face.
- Herald of Stalagbite female skin is now CC.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Vampire Armor/Class males having different eye scleras. The Vampire Class is a male only morph, so the eyes could be recoloured. The Armor is not a morph so needs to use standard eye colours.
- Shadow Blade Shinobi Hair shading. Hair can come in 3 “tones” or “shades”, dark, light or none. Helm shading is artist opinion.

August 10, 2018
Risen Sun Ninja Set
Available for a Limited Time!
Gear up to celebrate Tanabata with Princess Miko's Star Festival in Yokai! The Risen Sun Ninja armor set will be available from your Featured Gear Shop for AdventureCoins from August 9th to August 31st.
Pieces of the armor set include:
- Risen Sun Ninja Armor
- Hood, Hair, and Locks
- Risen Sun Blade
- Risen Sun Ninja Katana
- Dual Wield Katanas
- and Risen Sun Blade and Katana dual weaponn

August 10, 2018
HeroMart KickStarter Backer Sneak Peek
The Moglin Invasion is almost upon us! Help make it a reality.
Want to help make @HeroMart's AdventureQuest Moglins plushies possible? The Master of Moglins Class, is one of the in-game rewards available from select backer tiers. (The KickStarter was submitted for approval. We will let you know as soon as we put it live!)

August 09, 2018
The Star Festival Begins
Help Grant Princess Miko's Seven Wishes
Happy Tanabata! This weekend, head to Yokai Isle as we celebrate the legendary Star Festival (known in our world as Tanabata). Battle across Lore to help grant Princess Miko's wishes for the Sky King's daughter come true, then stay for the /party presents!
Visit the Star Festival to:
- Decorate Akiba for the Star Festival
- Battle across Lore as you hunt for her wishes
- Unlock the Moon Bow Ninja reward armor set after completing the story
- Get the exclusive level 80 boss drop armor set
- Return to the event at any time with the hanging Star Festival Decoration house item
After you complete this weekend's story, talk to Princess Miko to begin her Star Festival Gift quest. Bring her Fallen Stars and there's a chance she'll give you one of the following:
- a piece of the Moon Bow Ninja armor set
- Tanabata Polearm
- Paper Crane mace
- Soben Bowl + Sticks daggers (member-only)
- Storm Kimono (member-only)
Return to the Festival at Any Time
If you are a member in AQWorlds, head to the Akiba House Items Shop. You can purchase the Tanabata Fest Decoration for 7,777 gold. When you click on this item, you'll be taken straight to a permanent version of Akiba, where you can continue to farm for the 0 AC Moon Bow Ninja armor set!

August 08, 2018
Inventory Management Help!
Are you one of the players who has stacks of 0AC tagged misc items clogging your bank and/or inventory? Have you been dreading the amount of time it will take to get rid of them, so you keep putting it off? And then more and more stack up?
Then today is your lucky day! Live now on the PTR servers, you can delete 0AC misc items the same as any other item! Yes, you can delete the full stacks!
We’ve also made sure that you cannot accidentally delete that treasured 0AC tagged sword/armour/helm/cape as well.
This feature is only available on the PTR servers. That’s Testing Server and Testing Server 2.
Head over today to get rid of all your unwanted stacks!

August 07, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Cutscenes at Yokai Boat play properly now.
Art Fixes:
- Infernal Caladbolg shrunk. Given growth potion.
- Golden Fury male no longer missing a bit of leg/hip.
- Thief of Hours and Lucky Knight have been de-pixeled (unpixeled?).
- Darkblood Stormking Armor and Class art, male now has a Darkblood face & head.
- Tiki Fun female now holds weapons correctly.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Helms in the Pirate Shop - these items are so old they are CC to hair. They use the darker shade to differentiate them from your hair.
- Royal Romance Garb male foot/leg connection. This is the way it was made.
- Keytar is not actually upside down. Facing left, you can read the name Soland in it. This is how it was intended to be.
Since this is a short week for bug fixings, some things had to be put off until next week. Check back then! (And every week really!)

August 06, 2018
July Upgrade Bonus Winners
Congratulations and thanks for your support
Congratulations to the July upgrade bonus prize winners! Winners received their Golden Ticket prizes earlier today.
Bonus Prize Details
Each month, we will choose FIVE winners from among the list of people who upgraded the previous month. Winners will find a note in their inventory with details on how to contact us with their prize choice. They will get to choose one thing from the following list:
- 1 Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness ticket
- 5 More bank, inventory, and house spaces (over the cap, if they are already maxed out)
- A 20% boost to one weapon of their choice (that they already own)
- 2000 AdventureCoins
- 1 month membership
And because we know not everyone is able to upgrade every month, we will ALSO choose 1 person from the list of all the everyone who logged in within the last 30 days. They'll receive the same prizes listed above.
Prize FAQ
Where will I see the note? What will it look like?
Winners will see the note in the Miscellaneous Items tab in their inventory. It will look something like this: "January 2018 Golden Ticket"
If I already won the Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness, can I win the Epic one?
Yes, you sure can! (If you're that lucky, we have a couple favors to ask...)
Are there limitations to the boost I can pick?
You can only choose an item (weapon, helm, cape, armor, etc) you currently own. It cannot already have a boost on it.
Available boosts are: Gold, XP, Class Points, Rep, Racial (increased dmg to humans, dragons, etc)
Can an upgraded account win the "log in" prize?
We went back and forth on this. Short answer: no.
Long answer: The pool of 5 winners is only drawn from people who upgraded in the previous month. If you did not, then you're elgible for the "log in" pool.
We know there are some of you who would love to buy a membership or ACs, but just can't. Real life happens (and so do bills). We want all our free players to have a chance to win awesome prizes like this, too.
Ultimate Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness
Back in 2012, heroes who spun the Wheel of Doom had a chance to get the Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness. Anyone with the UIoDA could choose one item from a list of items donated by other, SUPER generous heroes. For years, you guys have been asking us to bring back the UIoDA. And now... we HAVE!
The Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness is the exact same thing... only you have a chance to get it by upgrading your account with an AdventureCoin or Membership package. (Or a smaller chance just by logging into the game!)

August 03, 2018
Return to Yokai
4th Chaos Lord Revitalization
This weekend, head back to Yokai Isle as the team updates and polishes the 4th Chaos Lord Saga. If you haven’t beaten Chaos Lord Kitsune yet, now’s the time!
Changes to the saga zones include:
- Rebalanced monsters
- Smoothed out level progression
- Increased Zodiac Puzzle Key drop rates
- Updated Book of Lore to send heroes to the proper saga starting point
- Turned some "invisible / auto-complete" quests visible to make objectives clearer
- NPC dialogue updates to make your next steps clearer
- Changed monster locations to avoid confusion (example: monsters related to the Zanar storyline are now in separate rooms, visible only when you're on those quests.)
- New level 30, 50, and 80 versions of the O-Dokuro boss* (and the exclusive Samurai Panda reward set) for our experienced heroes
The set includes:
- Samurai Panda armor
- Shadow Panda Morph helm
- Bamboo Slicer katana and dual katanas
- Samurai Panda Tail
- Crossed Bamboo Slicer Katanas cape
The Samurai Panda set is based on one of my favorite animals - the Red Panda (with the coloring of your more common Giant Panda). It is found in the Himalayas and China, and is, very sadly, endangered. There are only less than 10,000 left in the world.
Fun fact: the name for the FireFox web browser is based on the red panda's nickname - the Fire Fox.
* Design Notes earlier this week listed multiple levels of the Kitsune boss. The location of those drops has been moved to the level 30, 50, and 80 O-Dokuro bosses.
PS: the Frostval maps will close again on Friday, August 10th, and Quibble's Frostval shop will will not reopen until December. This is your last chance to cool off until Frostval!

August 03, 2018
August 2018 Event Calendar
The Shadows are Rising in Yokai Isle
This month, we return to the main story in Yokai Isle. Though our world is being ravaged by the Queen of Monsters' Chaos, Princess Miko and her father, the Emperor, are faced with a more immediate threat: the Shogun of Shadows! He s is threatening to invade again, and this time he is stronger. Darker. Deadlier...
August 3: Return to Yokai + Charged Ninja/Dark Shogun Upgrade Bonus gear
August 10: Yokai Tanabata (Star) Festival and Hunt + Limited Time Shop
August 17: Shogun of Shadows 1 + Treasure Chest Update
August 24: Shogun of Shadows 2 + Featured Gear Shop Update
August 31: Shogun of Shadows 3 + Featured Gear Shop Update

August 03, 2018
Unlock the Dark Shogun Set
Upgrade with Select Membership or AdventureCoin Packages!
Starting this Friday, August 3rd, at 6 PM EST, unlock the Dark Shogun + Charged Ninja armor sets when you buy a 12 month membership or 12,000 AdventureCoin package. Plus, get up to 25% more bonus AdventureCoins with either a 12,000 AC or 5,000 AC package until August 31st, 2018!
12000 ACs or 12 month membership: Dark Shogun Tier (All 14 items!)
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages!
- 2 Armors: color-customizable Dark Shogun armor and the Charged Ninja armor (not customizable)
- 3 helms, 3 capes, 4 katanas
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- Character page badge
Unlock the Charged Ninja armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
2000 AC, 5000 AC, 3 and 6 month memberships: Charged Ninja Tier
- Charged Ninja armor
- 1 helm, 1 cape, 2 weapons
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- Character page badge
The Dark Shogun and Charged Ninja bonus sets leave September 7th, 2018!
Upgrade Bonus Prizes
We always like to give you more than you expect! Each month, when you purchase any upgrade package (either AdventureCoins or membership) 5 heroes will have a chance to win one of the bonus prizes listed below!
- 1 Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness ticket
- 5 More bank, inventory, and house spaces (over the cap, if they are already maxed out)
- A 20% boost to one weapon of their choice (that they already own)
- 2000 AdventureCoins
- 1 month membership
Read this Design Notes post for more details!

August 01, 2018
Samurai Panda Set
Return to Yokai Isle and fight to unlock new gear!
This weekend, head back to Yokai Isle as the team revitalizes the 4th Chaos Lord Saga in preparation for August's Shogun of Shadows 4-part storyline! We are also adding in high-level versions of the O-Dokuro saga boss for our experienced heroes.
Take on the level 30, 50, and 80 versions of the O-Dokuro boss for a chance to get the pieces of the 0 AC Samurai Panda set.
The set includes:
- Samurai Panda armor
- Shadow Panda Morph helm
- Bamboo Slicer katana and dual katanas
- Samurai Panda Tail
- Crossed Bamboo Slicer Katanas cape
The Samurai Panda set is based on one of my favorite animals - the Red Panda (with the coloring of your more common Giant Panda). It is found in the Himalayas and China, and is, very sadly, endangered. There are only less than 10,000 left in the world.
Fun fact: the name for the FireFox web browser is based on the red panda's nickname - the Fire Fox.