Design Notes
January 30, 2018
Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse
Triple Lunar Event Happening Tonight
For the first time in 150 years, three lunar events will take place at the same time:
- Blue Moon: this is the 2nd full moon of the month (aka a Blue Moon)
- Super Moon: the full moon occurs during perigee (when the moon is closest to the Earth, and looks bigger)
- Blood Moon: Total Lunar Eclipses are often called "Blood Moons" because the moon turns a reddish or copper color when it passes through Earth's Shadow
Pretty much everyone here at the Lab, and a ton of our offsite team members, are all space or science nerds, so this was an event we definitely had to recognize in-game!
And just because we can't let a special event go by without an item or two, starting tonight you'll find the Dire Lunar Wolf and Super Blood Moon Cape in the Featured Gear Shop until this Friday. (The cape will go perma-rare, but the pet will return each time there's a Lunar Eclipse!)
Want to see where you can get the best views? Check out this image from Nasa of the Total Lunar Eclipse stages. Or read this article for more information about the triple event.
image credit: NASA

January 29, 2018
Void Overlord Set Leaves Friday
Our January Upgrade Bonus Set leaves this week
LAST CHANCE! The Void Overlord Evolution is going perma-rare. AQWorlds heroes only have a few days to get it as part of the January upgrade package at
BONUS QUEST: If this tweet -- -- gets 1K retweets, EVERY player will get a pet made by Nulgath. O_O

January 29, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: January 29, 2018
- Frost Ninja armour is now removed from the Darkwinter Good Merge shop.
- Chest Shop now understands it has been moved and has been convinced that it can open now.
- New Area Maps added to Greenguard East and West.
- Multiple fixes to /nexus.
- Niamara has stopped having anxiety attacks over her move and is now working normally.
- Same for Warlic (even though he insists he did NOT panic).
- Chronix, Chronos and the Book of Lore badge shops for the Calendar Class shops are all sorted out now.
- Lil Red will let you Axe her something again.
- Alina’s “Brew Potion” button fixed.
- Daimyo Fountain now has all it’s bells and whistles back.
- Silent Mirror Chaos Spirit repositioned.
- Seaswept Hair outlines fixed.
- Blessed Forged Hammer no longer upside down.
- Sand Bandit keeps his underwear under now.
- Dual Infernal Void Katana repositioned.
- Fire Imp Tail stays attached now.
- Nulgath’s Void Rider got some CC fixes.
- Travel Map for Chaos Saga finale updated.
- Various typos (as usual)
*Time Travel Fairy has relocated to Mount Doomskull and Arcane Paragon Pet NPC to the Underworld. These were not bugs, just got left off the original DNs.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Scroll of Pangs have been readjusted to deal 900% weapon damage over 12 seconds. (previous increased damage on every tick)
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.
Extras! - The Report Form!
Grab your favourite caffeine and have a seat, this is a long one!
This week I want to talk about how to fill out a report form so that all the information needed is passed along at once. The more we know, the faster things happen!
Email Address - the majority of reports we get are not actual bugs, but misunderstandings which can be corrected by sending an email back with information on how to do a thing. But we can’t send an email if the address is wrong. Please make sure you are putting down your correct email address on the report form.
Subject - This is a quick overview line. Please do not try to type the entire report reason in here. That is what the Detailed Description is for.
Server - If a bug takes place in the game, it is not “before server choice”. Many bugs are also server specific. Make sure you are putting down the server the bug occurs on. If it is more than 1, put down a server anyway, and in the detailed description you can add in the other servers.
Detailed Description - You have 2,000 character to use here. You don’t need to try to save space in this box. Give us all the information you even think might be relevant. We would rather have too much information than not enough.
Screenshot Link - If your screenshot starts with C or file, this is an internal file location on your computer. We do not have access to your computer. We cannot see these screenshots. We need you to upload your screenshot to a public hosting site that does not require a login to view it.
The most popular sites to upload are Imgur and Lightshot. Both are free to use and do not require anything except the link to view the shots.
If you use Twitter or Facebook, we do ask that you make sure the pics aren’t locked or protected. I get a ton of FB links which are set to private. Guess what? Can’t see em!
When taking screenshots, don’t overcrop them either. It’s better to just screenshot the entire room and mark what you are reporting than to crop so tight we can’t tell what the screenshot is of.

January 29, 2018
This Weekend: Get ready to /Party
Carnival, Yokai New Year, and MORE comin' at you!
We have a TON of events happening, because this is the week of OMG all the returning events! So strap on your lightest gear and get ready to MOVE!
- Carnaval returns - all our seasonal maps + gear AND a new farming set from your fellow Hero, Daniel PP2! /party
- Yokai New Year returns with the Year of the Dog - all our seasonal events + gear AND a new battle against visiting Lycan Shinob, Zhongchéng! /partyMORE
- GroundHorc's Day returns - log in and talk to Phil the Weather Predicting Groundhog in BattleOn for a chance to get seasonal rare gear! Then wear his head on your face to celebrate.
- This Sunday is... the LoreBowl! - The Loyalists face off against the Harpies for ultimate ball-based supremacy and YOU get sweet gear.
- February Upgrade Bonus set: Royal Paladin and Cursed DeathKnight sets!

January 27, 2018
New: Sepulchure + Nulgath Armor T-Shirts
Our Armor T-Shirt Collection Just Got WAY More Evil!
Evil is back, and taking over our online store at! (Cue thunder and lightning FX) We are starting the year off right, with new shirts in our Armor T-Shirt collection and all-new exclusive in-game item rewards for all you collectors out there.
These shirts are seriously amazing. They are dark, deadly, and will show your family and friends that you are ready... to take over the world! Sepulchure and Nulgath’s iconic designs join the Paladin and Undead Legion in our Armor T-Shirt collection.
Exclusive In-Game Bonus Items
Each armor t-shirt comes with in-game bonus items in AdventureQuest Worlds and AdventureQuest3D.
Sepulchure Armor T-Shirt
AQW Lead Artist, J6, took the fan-favorite Sepulchure armor and gave it new (un)life... with color customization.
- AdventureQuest Worlds: Original Sepulchure + color-custom Sepulchure Armors
- AdventureQuest 3D: ShadowScythe Slayer Blade
Nulgath Armor T-Shirt
Nulgath has returned to craft the Fiend of Ralzic armor set, inspired by fellow AQW Hero, Xaayer.
- AdventureQuest Worlds: Nulgath’s Fiend of Ralzic Armor Set
- AdventureQuest 3D: ArchFiend’s Dragon Blade
What about Sepulchure's Helm?!?!
After we announecd the in-game rewards for the Sepulchure Armor T-Shirt, we have been flooded with questions about whether the original Sepulchure's helm will release. The answer is... YES. It will release later this year, as a high-level farming item during our 10 year anniversary event.
Once you have Sepulchure's original helm, IF you have the Sepulchure Armor T-Shirt, you will also unlock a color customizable version of the helm, as well.

January 26, 2018
Tonight: Building a Better Battleon
Battleon and Greenguard Level Up
In the last (close to) 10 years, we've introduced over 1,000 unique zones, 3,000+ monsters, and almost more gear than a hero can count. With your help, we've had an incredible amount of amazing adventures, and have built a game we are truly proud of. But just like a Hero never stops training, WE never stop working to improve what we’ve built. Join us this weekend, as we introduce changes designed to help new and experienced heroes enjoy the town of Battleon even more!
A lot of the changes may not be visible to our experienced heroes, but new players should have an easier (and more fun!) time navigating the zone.
Our first zone revitalization focuses on the town of Battleon and its surrounding areas:
- Battleon
- Battleontown
- Nexus
- GreenguardEast and West
- Noobshire
- Willowcreek
- and the Guardian Tower
Changes include:
- Updating Battleon to minimize the feeling of being "overwhelmed" for new heroes
- Reworking all the NPCs' dialogue boxes to make them less confusing/cluttered
- Updating NPCs and the map to make it easier to know where to go next
- Making it easier for members to find exclusive sareas
- Rebalancing monsters and removing superfluous, "too-high" level mobs in low-level areas
- Updating quest text and drops so they are easier to find/figure out
- Art clean-up + small polish changes (resizing NPCs, etc)
- Introducing Vinara's Curio Shop, the place to go to find all your special/locked shops
Some NPCs will only be visible when your character hits a certain level, so if you are just starting out in Lore, check back often as you level up!
Greenguard: New Gear, New Polish
Find Loremaster Lydia in Greenguard West. She's gotten a pretty large behind-the-scenes polish update, but she's also got a shop with gear for new and experienced heroes.
Other Greenguard Forest changes include:
- New area maps to help heroes navigate the forest more easily
- Monsters rebalanced and new animations added*
- Breken the Vile and Ogug Stoneaxe monsters added to Greenguard West
- Insomniac Beauty, Mazumi, and the 3 Little Wolves have all had their quests updated for clarity.
* Check out the new animations on: Black Knight, Dreadspider, Fishman, Frogzard, Guru Shroom, Mogzard, Ogug Stoneaxe, the Kitarians, Ragewing, Spider, TWereboar, Wolf, and more!
Polish and Improvements
- Twilly's apop is now THE go-to place for all new heroes, and has been made more visible. He'll direct you where you need to go, and show you what you need to know.
- Cleric Joy has been moved to the 2nd frame of Battleon and will help direct new heroes.
- Valencia has been added to the 2nd frame of Battleon, and has all the "extras" that Twilly used to keep. (Recruit-a-Friend, Power Gems, Daily quests)
- All shop NPCs except for Ragnar will be invisible unless you are level 15 or higher. (The shops themselves will still be available in the game menu.)
- The trees in Battleontown above Aria's pet shop have been reverted to match the rest of the trees in Battleontown
- Zorbak and Nythera's text has been updated.
- Keenwa has been removed, but the Guardian Tower armor has been added in the /tower map
- Elise has been removed from outside her shop. Go inside to see her again. But Brock is gone. No one liked him, anyway.
- King Alteon's statue has been updated. You will only be able to replay the Derp cutscenes once you have completed the story in that area.
- Augold's text has been updated.
Aria's Pet Shop
- Aria's text has been updated and the Pet Shop art has been reverted to before the Queenn of Monsters storyline.
- Aria got corrective eye surgery, so her eye no longer rolls around weirdly.
- A house shop has been added for Pet Tamer rep.
Vinara's Curio Shop
- The Legion Recruiter directs you to /Shadowfall now, and will only be visible once your hero is level 15 or higher.
- Vinara paid the Undead Legion off, and has turned the Recruitment Center into a Curio Shop.
- Talk to Vinara in her shop to get a Daily Quest for Crypto-Tokens. Use these to buy strange, weird, random gear from across Lore. More items may be added to this shop... IF she finds anything strange enough.
- You can also talk to Vinara to access your "special/locked" items or shops (like the Warp Necromancer cape, Treasure Map Chest, and more). These will only be visible to you if you have the required items.
- Matrea and Thok's text has been updatedALL of the trainers' quests were requiring Rare Classes. This has been fixed.
Magic Shop
- Warlic's text has been revised for clarity. You can also view the "Battleon Transport" cutscene from his podium.
Greenguard East
- Monsters specific to the Queen of Monsters storyline have been removed. The original monsters have been added back in.
- Shi Mar, the mid-level boss NPC, has had his text updated to give players a better idea of what waits for them.
Next week: more changes are planned for Nexus, the Museum, and Greenguard East and West. (The area maps previewed on Twitter are still in development, but should significantly help new heroes once they are finished.
Zone Level Adjustments
New Greenguard Forest Zone Levels:
- Noobshire: level 1
- Farm: level 2-3
- Forest: level 3
- East Greenguard: level 3-4
- Willow Creek: level 4
- Cellar: level 4-5
- West Greenguard: level 5-8
- Horc Fort: level 6-7
- River: level 8
- Shallows: level 8 (member only)
- Battleunder: level 10-12
- Sleuthhound Inn: level 15-18
- Dwakel Crash Site: level 15-18
East/West Greenguard NPC Levels are as follows:
- Red Hunting Hood (GGE): level 3-4
- Tom Foolery (GGE): level 4
Other zones:
The following NPCs have been updated to provide clearer directions.
- Rolith in /noobshire
- Calafas in /willowcreek
- Pete Noggle in /river
Zone Revitalizations: The What, When, and Why
In any area of life, it is much easier to focus on the NEW and the NOW - whatever you are currently working hardest on. That's true for our teams, too. But it's also really important to make time to revisit what we've done before and improve it where we can.
That's why, each month in 2018, the development team will revisit one of the game's early zones to polish, enhance, and improve what we've created.
The Goal: take the early zones in AQWorlds and polish them until they shine as bright as new.
- Smooth out quest progression and story flow (you should always know exactly where to go and what to do next)
- Clean up monster levels and balance, and revise target levels per zone (so you know if the monsters in an area are too high or low for your level)
- Add new reward drops and shops, giving experienced heroes a reason to return to earlier areas
- Other adjustments, changes, fixes, and improvements depending on the zone
We want to make sure all the new heroes joining us each week have as polished and fun an experience as possible, and that we address any outstanding issues lingering in the favorite zones of our long-time, legendary heroes.
Important Details
Will the art change?
We also know that many of you heroes who've been with us since the beginning LOVE the art style of the earlier areas. Do not worry -- we will not be giving these areas a facelift -- the NPCs, monsters, and gear you know and love will stay the way you remember. Our focus with the zone revitalizations is to improve the feel and flow of each area, not overhaul its appearance.
Will this reset progress in the storylines?
No, your progress should not be reset in any of the storylines.
How deep will these changes go?
The revitalization will be the full focus of the weekly release dev team each week, so changes and improvements will go as deep as we can/as needed in a single week. If, after a polish update goes live, there is more you'd like to see, just let us know!
What's next?
Before each revitalization begins, we'll give all our players, old and new, a chance to give targeted, focused feedback on the coming zone. We'll use that input as we map out plans for each area's adjustments, fixes, and improvements.
Next up: the Prologue, Swordhaven Invasion, and ShadowFall revitalizations

January 26, 2018
Next Friday: Triple Holiday Event
Carnaval, Yokai New Year, and the Lore Bowl LII return!
Next Friday, February 2nd, get ready to /party with your fellow heroes as we bring back the Carnaval and Yokai New Year events and seasonal rare gear (and you may find a groundhorc or two in Battleon). Then return on Sunday, February 4th to /punt Twilly and get new, hardcore hero gear. This year’s Lore Bowl LII features the Loyalists vs the Harpies!

January 26, 2018
This Weekend: Nulgath's Polish Hussar Set
Exclusively from the Juggernaut Items of Nulgath Quest
This weekend: Nulgath's Polish Hussar set arrives! Find Nulgath in the /Tercessuinotlim and complete his Juggernaut Items of Nulgath quest, then choose your prize from among his list of rewards.
Each of the four set pieces (armor, helm, cape, and polearm) are 0 ACs for free storage! It's a rough quest to complete, but once you earn the gear, you can show it to the world proudly!

January 25, 2018
New 1st Edition Dage and Nulgath Prints
Hand-painted by AE Community Guest Artist, Darkon!
This weekend, find the 1st edition of our newest (and evillest) art prints at Dage’s Undead Legion: Battle for the UnderWorld and Nulgath the ArchFiend: WarPath to Apocalypse!
These prints were hand-painted by community artist, Darkon, and only 250 will be created for this first run.
Exclusive In-Game Bonus Items
Darkon was inspired by the Evil War of 2012, where Dage's Undead Legion faced off against Nulgath and his ArchFiend Nation in a battle for the UnderWorld. Each of the exclusive in-game items is designed to celebrate one of the sides.
Dage’s Undead Legion: Battle for the UnderWorld Reward: the Legion Seraph Cape.
Evil Print Combo: get both prints to unlock the Soul Taker of Darkness Blade

January 25, 2018
HeroMart Bonus Item Codes
Check your packing slip to find your code!
We’ve leveled up our bonus code game! Now, when you buy select items at HeroMart, the code you receive to redeem your in-game bonus items will be listed on the packing slip inside your package.
Keep these codes safe. They are the key to unlocking your in-game bonuses. If you've got a code (or codes!) already, visit to redeem them.
Accessing your reward items
Once you've redeemed your code, here are the steps to follow to get your sweet, sweet in-game gear:
- Log into your account at
- Click the Book of Lore button in the bottom right of your screen
- Select the HeroMart badges banner
- Scroll to find your new badge and click on the Shop button
- Get all your gear and battle on!

January 25, 2018
This Weekend: 2017 Honorable Hero Awards
Log in to get your Honorable Hero Prize
Starting Friday, January 26th, log in to get your 2017 Honorable Hero award. Find the 2017 Honorable Hero Blade in your Book of Lore badge shop. Character page badges are live RIGHT NOW, but you need to log into the game to get the achievement.
What's an honorable hero, you ask? Good question! They are what true in-game heroes and role models are, and we want to reward them for a year's worth of good behavior.
This month, the 2017 Honorable Heroes will receive:
- the exclusive Blade of Honor (this is the first-ever item reward for Honorable Heroes!)
- Character page badge
To get the 2017 Honorable Hero badge, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2017
- Logged in between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017
- Are level 11 or higher
- Created your account before January 1st 2018

January 22, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: January 22, 2018
- Throne of Darkness Hub apop now properly records Sekt’s storyline as completed.
- Malani Warrior shoulder pad has lost the blue tint.
- Blade of Ashes grip repositioned.
- Dragonslayer Slayer wings + tail and DragonSlayer Slayer Tail stay attached when running now.
- Enchanted Void Overlord, Enchanted Void Dragon Cape, Enchanted Void Aura Cape all have CC eyes now.
- Dragon’s Flight cutscene in /dragonhame can be replayed now.
- Various typos and description fixes.
Extras! - Class Things!
A very common report we get that is not a bug is “My class won’t rank up!”. This isn’t a bug. This is due to how classes gain points.
In the old servers, the monster you kill needs to be no more than 19 levels smaller than you to gain class points. If a monster is the same level as you, or bigger, you gain 100% of the class points. For each level a monster is smaller than you are, you lose 5%. This means once a monster is 20 levels smaller than you, you get nothing. So if you are 85 and fighting a level 64 monster, you won’t get class points.
In the PTR servers, you will gain class points for all monsters. However, you still lose 5% for each level smaller than you the monster is, but it’s capped at a 95% loss. So if you are level 85 and you want to hit Frogzards for 3 class points all day, go for it.
You can also use the AQW Wiki for a lovely list of monsters by level.
This is a nice list of monsters sorted by level.
Next up is a shop that requires a class in your inventory won’t open. This is because the class in question has to be ranked. Even a single point on the class will cause the shop to recognize it. Shops recognize the number of class points you have on the class. An unranked class shows as 0 points. This means the shop thinks you do not have it. So just go kill something that will give you class points, and the shops will open.
Also make sure you are trying to open the right shop. If you have the merge version of a class and are pushing the button which requires the AC version of a class, of course it won’t open.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- ‘Stalwart’ - description has been updated.
- ‘Charge’ - ‘Momentum’ properly increases damage by 20% now
- ‘Charge’ - Added 'Demoralized' which increases damage the opponent takes by 20% for 10 seconds
- ‘Lance’ - has been changed to increase all damage out by 15%.
- ‘Sacred Magic: Eden’ description has been updated.
- ‘Final Word’ - has been changed to ‘Finality’ which increases strength by 20%
DeathKnight Lord
- ‘Final Word’ - has been changed to ‘Finality’ which increases strength by 20%
- ‘Northern Fortitude’ - now works and has been buffed to reduce incoming damage by 15%
- ‘Freak Out’ description has been updated.
- ‘Mindfire’ stacks up to 6.
Evolved Pumpkin Lord
- ‘Ready to Sprout Absorbed’ typo has been fixed.
Legion Evolved Dark Caster (Evolved Dark Caster)
- Mana Regeneration tips has been updated.
- Mana Regen model has been changed.
Eternal Inversionist
- Skill Icons has been updated
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

January 19, 2018
2017 Holiday Cookie Contest Winners
Cognratulations to everyone who entered!
Delicious! Scrumptious! And simply amazing! These words best describe the editable entries that you all submitted to the Creative Cookie Contest… mmmmm! It was so much fun to judge them all, and it was incredibly difficult to choose winners out of all the amazing submissions… and it’s a shame that Taste-Vision has not yet been invented.
Along with an endless amount of internet fame, the Grand Prize Winner receives 2,000 AdventureCoins AND a Frosted Moglin Cookie Pet!
Grand Prize Winner: Syrius VII
Circle of Delectable Delights: 1500 ACs
DJ Tonya
Gallery of Gastronomical Glee
1,000 AC prize:
500 AC prize:
AdventureCoin prizes are being added to the winners' accounts with tonight's release. Syrius VII, we'll be in touch about your moglin cookie pet!

January 19, 2018
Return to Nulgath's Realm
Celebrate the ArchFiend's Birthday this Weekend...
… With an all-new story about one of the most mysterious (and smallest) creatures in Nulgath’s Realm: Polish! Join us this weekend as we return to the Citadel; battle to save the life (and mind) of a wizard scarred by his escape from the Inquisition so many years ago.
New Birthday Rewards
Many of the artists who work on AQWorlds came from the community, and started their adventures loving Nulgath's art. This year, for his birthday, AQW artist Aranx made two sets to celebrate the ArchFiend's birthday, and we are sharing that with you!
Find the Void Ripper and member-only color custom Dark Ripper in this weekend's event!

January 19, 2018
Nulgath's Birthday Rares
MechFiend Set available for a limited time
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration continues this weekend, as we want everyone to get in on the /party! Join us as we release his MechFiend set in the Birthday Rares shop, the Spear of Nulgath on the Crag & Bamboozle pet, and both rare and seasonal farming pets!
Nulgath's Birthday Rares Shop will feature the MechFiend of Nulgath armor set. The shop will also include:
- MechFiend of Nulgath armor set
- MechFiend and OverClocked MechFiend Blades
- MechFiend of Nulgath Blade Pet
- Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Blade Pet (with quests)
- Bounty Hunter's Drone Pet (with quests)
- Tainted Bounty Hunter's Blade Battle Pet
Bounty Hunter's Blade and Bounty Hunter's Drone Pet*
The Bounty Hunter's Blade and Drone pets will each have two quests - one to farm Nulgath reagents, and the other for an exclusive item.
Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Blade Pet (rare)
- Possible rewards from quest 1: Tainted Gem, Diamond of Nulgath, Voucher of Nulgath (mem), Voucher of Nulgath (non-member), Totem of Nulgath, Gem of Nulgath, Fiend token, Blood Gem of the ArchFiend
- Possible reward from quest 2: Dual Bounty Hunter's Blades
Bounty Hunter's Drone Pet (seasonal rare)
- Possible rewards from quest 1: Dark Crystal Shard, Diamond of Nulgath, Unidentified 13, Tainted Gem, Voucher of Nulgath (mem), Voucher of Nulgath (non-member), Totem of Nulgath, Gem of Nulgath, Fiend Token, Blood Gem of the ArchFiend
- Possible reward from quest 2: Armor Customizer Drone Pet
* Also shown is the Spear of Nulgath, which will be added as a permanent reward drop to Crag & Bamboozle's "Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance" quest this week!

January 16, 2018
Celebrate the ArchFiend's Birthday
Get the Tainted Barbarian Blade of Nulgath Now!
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday is HERE, and this weekend, we're celebrating by releasing a full event with a new story, monsters, rewards, and rare gear. But because today is Nulgath the ArchFiend's real-life level-up, we're adding a special blade based on the Barbarian Blade from OverSoul into AdventureQuest Worlds!
Log in now and head to one of the PTR servers, then /join evilmarsh* and battle the Evil Elementals in Tercessuinotlim for a chance to get the Tainted Barbarian Blade of Nuglath until January 31st!
Why only on the PTR Server?
Yorumi has some more code updates to the new client he'd like to test, and that requires more load. We're putting this birthday weapon on the PTR servers to encourage more of you guys to log into them and give him the stress he says he needs (though racing to finish the rewrite should be more than enough for him!).
* This map will only be available until January 31st, to help you farm for the weapon.

January 15, 2018
Find the way... to do the right thing
A $1,000 Donation to Ugandan Orphans on your behalf
On behalf of the entire AdventureQuest Worlds community, we donated 100% of the earnings from the pet released this weekend to a home for orphans in Uganda, the Nafasi Welfare Centre.
The pet was based on the “can you show us the way?” meme that is soaring in popularity across the internet right now. When players pointed out that not everyone thought it was funny, we strongly felt this was a moment that could turn into a positive win for everyone.
Image copyright Nafasi Welfare Centre
The total value of the AC pets sold came to about $823 USD. So we rounded it up and made a donation of $1,000 on behalf of you and the AQworlds community. Thank you for helping the Nafasi Welfare Centre close in on the finish line of their goal.
We love all of our players, no matter who you are or where you are from. Listening to the community is one of our most powerful strengths-- and with you, we always find the way to do the right thing. Battle on!

January 15, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: January 15, 2017
- Living Star Essence will now drop if on any quest it is required for.
- Cryo Mammoth Battlepet readded.
- Great Dragon Sword readded.
- Dual Balor's Cruelty exp boost fixed.
- Time Dragon Tail is now fully attached to body.
- Worshipper Face of Nulgath shading fixed.
- Onyx Legion Vampire shading fixed.
- Dark Dragon Defender female has been depixelated.
- Royal Wrap of the Dunes scarf rewrapped to get out of the armpit.
- Battleon Battlemage female hand is now CC.
- Cynari in Shadowfall has been convinced he doesn’t need to repeat himself (for giving quests).
- Orb of Knowledge has been reprogrammed to be able to spell adventures.
- Neko Mata monster spelling fixed.
- Committed Merge Shop reopened.
- Bloodletter of Nulgath blade tip now CC.
Extras! - Battleon & Town and Houses
As some of you might have noticed from the Design Notes and Memet’s tweet, Battleon and Battleontown are going to get a sprucing up soon. We know there are some map bugs happening right now, but since the maps are going to be facelifted soon, unless it prevents gameplay those will be fixed with the update, not on an individual basis.
One of the most common reports we are getting right now is players unable to go to their house, or their house is displaying the wrong name when they get there. There are several issues with houses that are known and are on the list to fix with the rewrite and improved coding. For now, there is one big thing players can do which may help reduce the issue. Too many requests to go to your house in too short a period of time is one of the ways a house breaks. Probably the most common way. So just like if you were getting disconnected because you were spamming skills, slow down and don’t spam the house button or /house.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Nothing to report this week, but as always, Arklen is happy to taek your feedback on his twitter! See link above!
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

January 12, 2018
This Weekend: 7 Deadly Dragons Finale
Enter the Dragon's Boneyard
The dragons of Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Wrath have been defeated. But Gorgorath, the Undead Dragon of Wrath, is not finished with us! She waits for us in her lair, deep in the heart of the Dragon Boneyard. On Friday, December 12th, battle to reach her and reclaim the Jewel of the Undying!
Collect the 7 Deadly Keys
Deep under the town of Battleon, a Draconic Oracle breathes in the fumes of inspiration and divination. He will also direct you to find the Heptagonal Chest. He believes it holds an object that will help you towards your destiny, but cannot be sure. This Friday, the seventh Deadly Key will be available from Gorgorath. Once you have them all, speak to Galanoth to open the chest, and reveal... the Elemental DragonSlayer set and the Mysterious Mana Egg pet!
All of the items inside are 0 AC for free storage. Keep the Mysterious Mana Egg pet to unlock a new adventure later this year! (If you haven't collected all the keys yet, you've got plenty of time to start farming!)
Crulon's Birthday Rares Shop
Everyone's favorite Prince of the Dunes, Crulon, leveled up in real life this month. Last week, we celebrated his birthday with the Djinn Realm Guardians release. THIS week, he's got a shop full of gear for you! Find the Blood Collector and Prince of the Dunes armor sets in the Featured Gear shop until February 2nd, 2018.
Show Me Da PETS!
Earlier this week, two of our artists -- Dage and Thyton -- had WEY too much fun mashing up our iconic Twilly NPC/Moglin Healer with a current viral meme. Today, Memet turned their art into in-game pets. Until next Friday, January 19th, find the Shoyu Daway and Daway Ovda Force pets in the Featured Gear shop in your game menu!

January 09, 2018
Nulgath's Birthday Coming Soon
Celebrate the ArchFiend's Real Life Level up on January 19th!
Nulgath's birthday in the real world is next week, on January 16th. Everyone loves a good (or evil?!) birthday party, so not only are we celebrating his's birthday with a new story, monsters, and farming rewards , but we've also got an all-new Rares Shop featuring a set straight from the Master himself!
The Shop will include:
- MechFiend Armor Set
- Bounty Hunter's Blade
- Tainted Bounty Hunter's Blade Battle Pet
- and more!
Minions of Tercessuoinotlim: Polish's Tale
Deep inside Tercessuinotlim, the realm ruled by Nulgath the ArchFiend, Master of Evil, a small, dark figure stands. His name is Polish, Enchanter of the Light, but his past… is a mystery! We know next to nothing about this strange little man (Creature? Spirit?) that offers to purify your tainted gear.
Prepare yourselves, evil heroes - we'll have new farming gear from Nulgath and Aranx, including new drops on existing farming pets (like Crag & Bamboozle -- that's a preeeeeetty nice spear up there, don't you think?)

January 08, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: January 8, 2018
- Esprit d'Cour has decided to take a vacation until next TLAPD.
- Forsaken Sword of Thanatos no longer has a bloody point.
- Vaal's Doomed Skull Cape no longer stretches out on move.
- Renegade ShadowSlayer female eyes no longer look like a bad makeup tutorial.
- Vasalkar's Champion fingers are now CC to the rest of the skin.
- Galactic Ruins Cape is now in the proper position.
- Dr. Eisenbacke male has been convinced to stop flashing.
- Moonstone Cultist female arm now reaches all the way to the weapons.
- Blade Master now holds weapons where they are supposed to be held.
- Assassin of Resolution year tag removed and readded to New Years Shop.
- New Year’s ball now the correct year in the New Year’s House Shop.
- Various typos and a few rare tagged items removed from game now.
Extras for this week - No such thing as a “simple” art fix!
Some of you may remember this tweet from Memet. This is especially true of some reports we got this week so I’m going to give you some more info on why these cannot be fixed.
The layering on the character model goes hand -> weapon -> shoulder-> rest of body. This is what allows things to be where they are supposed to be.
We can’t move shields to the outside of the back hand at this time. This is an engine limitation on the layering, not an art bug.
Now for the really fun part!
Non-standard shaped armours! Isn’t that fun? This one actually cannot be changed because it’s all one layer. That’s the only way it will work. As you can see in the (horrifying) picture above, the hand on the armour isn’t anywhere close to the hand on the character model. And the hand has to stay where it is to retain the same look as the monster version.
Non-standard shaped armours will generally have some “derp” to them that is what has to be done to make them work as an armour. So, these are not bugs, they are Easter Eggs!
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Necromancer - Item description have been updated
- Horc Evader - Item description have been updated
- Darkside - Item description have been updated
- Chrono DragonKnight - ‘Spell Blade’ description have been updated once again.
- Elemental Dracomancer - ‘Duradun's Scales’ description have been updated.
- Love Caster - ‘Love Shield’ description have been updated
- Great Thief - ‘Coin Flip’ description have been updated
- Rogue (Rogue (rare), Classic Alpha Pirate, Barber, Classic Pirate, Renegade)*
‘Footwork’ cooldown have been increased to 32 seconds. (previously was at 25)
‘Footwork’ mana cost reduced to 20. (previously was at 25) - Leprechaun*
‘Ceili’ cooldown have been increased to 32 seconds. (previously was at 25)
‘Ceili’ mana cost reduced to 20. (previously was at 25)
*Class Team Note: The changes to Rogue/Leprechaun was to fix a bug that caused people to be disconnected when looping the skill.
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

January 08, 2018
This Weekend: 7 Deadly Dragons Finale
Enter the Dragon's Boneyard
The dragons of Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Wrath have been defeated. But Gorgorath, the Undead Dragon of Wrath, is not finished with us! She waits for us in her lair, deep in the heart of the Dragon Boneyard. On Friday, December 12th, battle to reach her and reclaim the Jewel of the Undying!
Crulon will also have even MORE gear coming for you this week! Find his rare birthday items in this month's Featured Gear shop in your game menu.
Collect the 7 Deadly Keys
Deep under the town of Battleon, a Draconic Oracle breathes in the fumes of inspiration and divination. He will also direct you to find the Heptagonal Chest. He believes it holds an object that will help you towards your destiny, but cannot be sure.
This Friday, the seventh Deadly Key will be available from Gorgorath. Once you have them all, speak to Galanoth to open the chest, and reveal the rewards inside!
Honorable Hero Prizes Coming Soon
Later this month, we will send out our 2017 Honorable Hero prizes. What's an honorable hero, you ask? Good question! They are what true in-game heroes and role models are, and we want to reward them for a year's worth of good behavior.
This month, the 2017 Honorable Heroes will receive:
- the exclusive Blade of Honor (this is the first-ever item reward for Honorable Heroes!)
- Character page badge
To get the 2017 Honorable Hero badge, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Did not receive a 24 hour or longer in-game mute or ban in 2017
- Logged in between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017
- Are level 11 or higher
- Created your account before January 1st 2018
New Upgrade Bonus Prize for 2018
Back in March of 2017, we started a new upgrade incentive to show our appreciation for all the heroes supporting AdventureQuest Worlds. Each month, we choose one account that upgraded the previous month, and work with them to design their own custom weapon. (Example: the winner in March was chosen from everyone who upgraded in February)
March: Zay_M8
April: Haan
May: DeleteQ
June: EthanObi
July: Chadough
August: Teiboku
September: Olantern
October: Less
November: ciheru
December: Ojin
Starting this month, we are changing things up! Each month, we will choose FIVE winners from amonth the list of people who upgrade with a membership or AdventureCoin package in the previous month. Each winner will get 2,000 AdventureCoins.

January 05, 2018
This Weekend: Return to the Sandsea
Crulon, Guardian of the Djinn Realm, summons you!
Long ago, the Guardians of the Djinn Realm fought - and defeated - a powerful evil. But now, the seal binding Gedoz the Malignant has been shattered, and the Realm is once more under attack. This weekend, quest to recover the Guardians’ weapons and answer Crulon’s call to battle!
Crulon is one of the guardians of the Djinn Realm. Or, at least, he WAS. Long ago, the Guardians sacrificed their weapons to defeat an ancient evil. Recently, he's received reports that the evil... has returned! Without the Guardian Weapons, it cannot be stopped.
This weekend, log in and journey to the Djinn Realm to help stop Gedoz the Malignant and unlock out of this world rewards!
Djinn Realm Guardian Armor Sets
After you complete the story, battle to create the Djinn Realm Guardian armor sets shown below! Talk to Crulon to begin his Unseen Essences farming quest. There is a 10% chance to get the merge item resources from the quest, and an additional chance to get even more from each monster you kill!

January 02, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: January 2, 2018
- A Giant’s Tale entry in Book of Lore now goes to 100%. If you completed the story and it still says less than 100% please /join andre and do the quests which now appear on widgets in each room.
- Male Darkwolf Bandit arm got extended so he can reach weapons now.
- Female Xmas Cutie Armor elbow realigned.
- Dark Guard's Helmet shading issues corrected.
- Male Dungeon Destroyer & Dungeon Defender no longer look like the lost a fight with a guillotine.
- Shadow Mazumi pet position altered.
- Female Bright Arachnomacer shoulder fixed.
- Undead Horror Blade handle no longer ghosts in and out.
- Nocturan MoonSlicer flipped over so heros will stop cutting their faces.
- Burning Flame of Destruction and Bejeweled Flame of Destruction moved into correct position.
- Prismatic Arachnotana is now an entire sword, no more rust holes.
- Rune Spiral Cape moved to the left a smidge.
- Sword Of Dark Hope is now actually rare.
- Chaos Giftbox items are really Member now.
- Mogloween Seasonal Legion Items removed from Undead Merge Shop.
- Various Typos.
Extra for this week - We’re really sorry but we can’t move shields to the outside of the back hand at this time. This is an engine limitation, not anything to do with the item art.
Class Updates from Arklen and team!
Arklen and the Class Design Team will now also be giving some information*** on what they work on each week. Arklen would also like to let you know you can give him feedback on classes on his twitter - @Arklen_AE
- Great Thief - ‘Shadow Amethyst’ is now at its original value of 700% DoT over 12 seconds. (was somehow at 450%)
- Chrono DragonKnight - ‘Spell Blade’ description have been updated.
- Eternal Inversionist - Rank 10 Description updated to ‘Reduce incoming spell damage by 40%’
- Eternal Chronomancer/Immortal Chronomancer - ‘Eternal Deadlock’ & ‘The Fourth Dimension’ now applies Deadlock once again. (was broken on Galanoth server)
- Arachnomancer/Evolved Shaman/Troll SpellSmith - Class Descriptions have been updated with proper grammar.
- Infinity Knight - ‘Equinox’ description have been updated.
- Glacial Berserker - ‘Ancestral Rage’ attack animation is intended to always attack in the same formation as a sword regardless of weapon.
***Obviously secret things like details of unreleased classes won’t appear here.
****Classes may be subject to change, determined by player feedback. DNs will be posted in that event.

January 02, 2018
Holiday AC Bonus Extended Through January 8th
Get up to 50% more FREE Adventurecoins!
We had SO many people asking us to extend the AdventureCoin bonus over the last few days. So, in the spirit of starting the new year off right... we've extended the bonus until Monday, January 8th at 6 PM EST! Buy any Adventure package and get up to 50% more FREE bonus ACs!
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.