Design Notes
October 30, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: October 30, 2017
- Dual BLoD damage bonus upped to 75% to match BLoD and other variants.
- Suit of Flame is now reputation required lowered to bottom end of rank 3 Etherstorm.
- Some more Naval Commander shading fixes.
- Button added at Ultra Vordred in /vordredboss in case of lag issues causing final quest not to register.
- Male Safiria Tribute head now turns into female instead of guy head on girl armour.
- Wings of Sade on move position updated.
- Ceremonial Assistant Pet only has 2 ears now. Stray Pixel also removed.
- Voltaire’s Guitar lettering fixed.
- TLAPD maps removed. Evolved Lightcaster will be sellable again after 24 hours have passed.
- PVP button got the letters back. (May need to reload/relog to see).
- “Life after Victoria” cutscene now loads properly on replay.
- Monochromancer colour error fixed.

October 30, 2017
Last Chance for 9th Upholder
Upgrade with Any Membership until this Friday November 3rd
This is your LAST CHANCE to unlock the 9th Upholder upgrade bonus! Upgrade with any membership until November 3rd to unlock our 2017 Star Swords, the exclusive class, zone, and all our membership perks!
What is an Upholder?
Nine years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Now, we are celebrating AQW's 9th birthday and offering YOU the chance to join the AQW Founders by becoming a 9th Upholder!
The first nine years have been crazy, insane, and awesome, but you have not seen anything yet. We are returning to some fan-favorite areas in 2018 - Darkovia, Yokai, and more! The Queen of Monsters is still a threat to the world, but we want to focus on more "immediate" stories featuring the characters you know and love, and their adventures in the post-Chaos Saga world.
What does a 9th Upholder get?
As a 9th Upholder, you'll receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Vampire Star Sword
Lycan Star Sword
Paladin Star Sword
Dragonborn Star Swords
9th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
The Paladin, Vampire, and Lycan star swords come with 2017 and classic variants (because we know you long-time heroes love that classic art!) Once you become a 9th Upholder, you can easily access these Items in your Book of Lore by clicking your 9th Upholder Badge icon in the Badges tab.
* The Sentinel Class will be available for ALL previous Upholders and Founders as our way of saying thanks for supporting us in the past!
How do I become a 9th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQW the game undergoes its exciting rebirth!
When you Upgrade your AQW Membership with ANY membership starting this Friday at 6 PM and ANYTIME in the month of October, you will automatically become a legendary 9th Upholder.
If you are ALREADY an upgraded Legend, and your Membership expires AFTER November 1st, 2017, then you are already a 9th Upholder. Congratulations!
Check to see when your AQW Membership expires by logging in here.
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count toward 9th Upholder.
Want to know if you're already an Upholder?
That's easy! Just click the Manage Account link on the left under the ACCOUNT section. As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires. Here's mine:
Cool! When Do I Get My Upholder Gear?
9th Upholder badges, Star Swords, and Sentinel Class will be awarded starting September 29th! You will find your 9th Upholder Badge in your Book of Lore in the Other Badges tab.
Only Memberships Count?
Yes. You can use Artix Points on the Portal site or any method in AQW to upgrade, but it MUST be an AQW Membership. AdventureCoins DO NOT COUNT TOWARD 9th Upholder.
Your Support Makes AQWorlds Possible!
Thank you so much for helping us make AQWorlds! Without you, we couldn't make this game, or allow everyone the opportunity to enjoy it for free. We couldn't keep AQWorlds running without every single upgrade and AC that you buy. Nearly every penny you spend goes back into the game.
Though some people prefer buying AdventureCoins and others prefer upgrading, anyone who spends real money on this game deserves to get as much as we can give them, because without their support... there wouldn't BE an AQWorlds for everyone to play!
You may not know this but AQW (like all AE games) is ENTIRELY supported by the players. We have no financial backers and nobody owns stock in the company. Clicking on ads and doing AExtras offers does bring in some money, but not nearly enough to keep AQWorlds free for everyone to enjoy.
That's why we continue to reward the AQWorlds' Founders, who supported us in the very beginning. To make sure they know how much we appreciate that, we are continuing to give them free gear each year!
Thank you for battling alongside us, and for sharing your ideas and love of AQWorlds with us. You truly are the best gaming community on the internet, and I am genuinely grateful for all of you. /bow Thank you for the first 6 years of AQWorlds, and here's to another 5 years, 10 years, and beyond!

October 29, 2017
November Calendar of Events
This Month: Black and Gold and Thanksgiving!
November brings cool air, Fall colors, and the start of the holiday season here in the land of the Secret Underground Lab. Summer may be gone, but we're ready to Fall into a battle stance and gear up for all the releases to come!
November 3: Golden Gauntlet in the Celestial Arena + November Upgrade bonus gear + Achievement tracker rewards + NostalgiaQuest update
November 10: Thanksgiving Hub town + Wretched Rider bonus boss
November 17: Memet's birthday in the Nightmare Realm + Birthday rares
November 23: EbilCorp Takes Over! Thanksgiving + Black Friday WAR
November 24: Even more Black Friday gear added to rares shop
November 27: Cyber Monday rares shop

October 27, 2017
New Website Offers in Testing
Helping the Community Grow
Over the last month, you may have seen new additions to the website (like the RSS notification banner)... but maybe you haven't. We working with a team offsite* and looking at some new ways to help our community of heroes grow.
When that team tries new things, we test them out first, showing them to half of the visitors to the site, to see what they think and whether they like it or not. If it works well, we'll be showing the offers to everyone.
We're planning to try a lot of new things - both to welcome new heroes to the game and to make playing AQWorlds better for all of you who've been with us for so long. Some special deals may only be available if you've been with us for a couple years, or if you're in a certain country (like how we have rewards for players in Brasil who use BoaCompra to upgrade).
Our community is very large, and made up of so many different types of people, with different play styles. We want to offer rewards and improve the game for all of those groups.
Wheel of Fortune
If you've seen the Wheel of Fortune website offer, lucky you! (If you have a friend who saw it and shared the code, also lucky you!) If you spin the wheel, you'll get a code you can use one time per account for a pretty sweet freebie.
Note: Captain Rhubarb just fixed an issue where the bonus ACs were not being rewarded when you redeemed the code. If you were affected, you will see those on your account now.
* This team does not work on the game itself, just the website. They are focused on improving how you (and other new visitors) experience the site.

October 27, 2017
Mogloween War: Defend the Vampire Queen
Our 2017 Holiday event war begins NOW
The war to bring back Vampire Queen Safiria starts NOW!
Vampires: you have seven days to complete the Blood Moon ritual and help your original Queen return to our world.
Lycans: your goal is to interrupt the ritual. You'll need to destroy the Vampires' defenses and entry the Crypt before it is completed.
Safiria's fate, Solani's future, and that of ALL the vampires and lycans on Lore, depends on you. The choice is yours... who will you fight for?
War Stakes
The stakes have never been higher or harder* for the vampires and lycans of Lore. The first side to reach 100% on the war meter before the countdown timer hits zero wins... and determines the war boss for everybody!
Vampire victory: Queen Safiria returns to Lore, and rules over the Vampires with Royal Lady Solani
Lycan victory: the Ghost of Queen Safiria will return to the Underworld, and Queen Solani continues on as their ruler and Constantin's ally.
*pun 100% intended
Terms of Engagement
/join bloodmoonwar and talk to Rayne, the BloodFang General to fight for the Vampires OR talk to Saros, the Midnight Assassin Scout to fight for the Lycans.
Once you reach your chosen battlefield, slay enemies to get War Medals. Turn them in to raise your side's war meter. Each time you turn in a quest, you have a chance to unlock a piece of reward gear.
War timeline:
- War Start: main war quests unlock
- 25%: bonus cutscene and extra war quest unlock
- 50%: bonus cutscene unlocks
- 75%: war reward chest with rare Eternal Flame capes and maces unlock
- 100%: pre-boss cutscene and boss quest unlock
- The End? final story cutscene unlocks... to be continued in the next Darkovia expansion!
Defend the Vampire Queens
No matter who you fight for, you're defending one of the Vampire Queens' rights to the throne.
For Vampires who value the old ways and their original leader... fighting for Safiria is your logical choice.
For Lycans who despise what Queen Safiria lead her vampires to do... following Constantin in defending Solani's reign would be your path.
And for those of you out to get rich and get loot... battle on both sides of the graveyard!
War Rewards
We know that the heroes of Lore LOVE loot... and we've got a lot of it for the heroes working to earn it! Turn in the war medal and 25% meter quests for a chance to unlock reward gear, and complete the 25% war quest to get Rubies or Sapphires to spend in the war chest merge shops.
Vampire Rewards
- Medal quests: Vampiric Knight armor, cape, sword, and cane
- 25% quest: Blood Guardian armor, helm, sword, and pet
- 75% war chest: Eternal Flame cape, daggers, 2 vampire surfboards, Vampotato pet
- Boss: Safiria's Armor + Blood Moon Safiria house painting
Lycan Rewards
- Medal quests: Midnight Assassin armor, helm, daggers, sword
- 25% quest: Lycan Shaman armor, helm, sword, and pet
- 75% war chest: Eternal Flame cape, daggers, 2 lycan surfboards, Weretato pet
- Boss: Lunar Blazebinder + Constantin+Solani house painting
BOTH sides will have the WerePyre Warrior set in their 75% war chest. The pieces of this set will require Rubies AND Sapphires, so save up!
Defeated side war chest: The losing side's war chest WILL open when the winning side reaches 100%! However, the merge shop prices will be increased, as a penalty for the defeat.

October 25, 2017
Next Week: 2017 Achievement Tracker Rewards
The more you play, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Every time you log into AQWorlds, you've got some goal: meeting up with friends, ranking your newest class, or farming for the Blinding Light of Destiny. The sense of satisfaction when you accomplish that goal is one of the best things about playing AQW! But we want to give you even MORE rewards for playing... and that's where the Achievement Tracker comes in.
NEW Achievement Tracker Rewards for 2017
- 8 years membership: Swordhaven Castle House
- 500,000 ACs: BrightFall Fortress House
- 9 years played: ShadowFall Fortress House
The 2017 Achievement Tracker rewards will launch with next weekend's Golden Gauntlet release in the Celestial Arena. Each of the 2017 Achievement Tracker houses is an exact replica of the zones themselves. Each house will also have:
- Color Customization room
- Hair / Appearance room
- Bank room
Keep an eye on next week's Design Notse for the new NostalgiaQuest items! NostalgiaQuest is available to all players with the 8 years played achievement badge, and each year will get several new, very nostalgic items added to the zone.
What IS the Achievement Tracker?
If you're just hearing about the Achievement Tracker, it is one of the ways we reward you for staying, playing, and supporting AdventureQuest Worlds!
- Time Played Badges track how old your account is (1 week, 1 year, 5 years, etc)
- Sagas Completed Badges track which of the main storyline sagas you've finished
- Loyalty Badges tracks the support our Legends and AC buyers have contributed
Some of these rewards may take a while to unlock, but don't worry... they will never leave, so you can keep battling towards your goal!
- 3 different achievement categories: Sagas completed, Time Played, Loyalty
- 54 badges and 200+ items
- 3 of the badges are NEW this year: 9 years played, 8 years upgraded, and 500,000 ACs
- 200+ permanent reward items for you to unlock, including the NEW gear below!
And the best news: ALL of the progress you've ever made count towards the Achievement Tracker!
How to unlock your rewards:
- Once you see an achievement unlocked on your Tracker, head in-game
- Open up your Book of Lore and go into the Achievements tab
- Scroll through your badges until you find your new badge and its shop
- Open the shop and get all the gear (0 ACs for free storage!)
Sagas Completed
Keep track of the main sagas in the 13 Lords of Chaos that you've completed! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
- Prologue: Ascended Avatar's Blade
- Shadowfall: Shadow's Fang Gear
- Chiral Valley: Phoenix Hunter Set
- Dwarfhold: Mountain's Heart Gear
- Yokai: Amethyst Enchantment Gear
- Darkovia: Sapphire Enchantment Gear
- Mythsong: Rockstar Armor
- Arcangrove: Arcana Invoker
- Sandsea: Sun's Tear Gear
- Bloodtusk: Horcs Master Phoenix Hunter Set
- Bloodtusk: TrollsElite Phoenix Hunter Set
- The Span: Ruler of the Deep Set
- Thunderforge: Blood Summoner Set
- Swordhaven: Cyber Ruler Set
- Mirror Realm: Mirror Daimyo Pet
- Chaos Realm: Lore's Champion Set
Time Played
Keep track of how old your account is... the longer you've been with us, the more rewards you get! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
Time Played mockup
- 1 week: Ornate Blade of Light
- 1 month: Hunter's Gear
- 3 months: Vasalkar's Champion Set
- 6 months: Emerald Emperor's General Set
- 12 months: Beastmaster Ravager
- 15 months: DoomKnight Battlemage Set
- 2 years: Doomknight Shadowmage Set
- 3 years: Prismatic Laser Set
- 4 years: Bright Amadis Set
- 5 years: Cyber Dreadhaven General Set
- 6 years: Gravelyn's Champion Set
The heroes who support the game by purchasing memberships and AdventureCoins are the lifeblood of AQWorlds! Without them, we could not keep the servers running or so much of the game available to anyone who wants to sign up and play. To thank them, we have several inventories' full of exclusive gear!
Each of the items in the Loyalty Achievement category come with a bonus, special item animation... or both as our way of saying THANKS!
What counts for the totals?
- Each month of membership you've purchased (total time purchased, not used)
- ACs included in membership packages you've purchased
- The 5k bonus AC add-on you can choose to add to membership packages
- Any regular AC packages you've purchased
- ACs earned through doing AExtras offers
- 1 month: Gandolphin Pet
- 2 months: Ultimate Flame Katana
- 3 months: Celestial Paladin Set
- 6 months: Illusionist Set
- 9 months: Phoenix Armor
- 12 months: Elite Asgardian Set
- 15 months: Bitterblade Rogue Set
- 2 years: Chaos Watcher Armor
- 3 years: DragonSlayer Inquisitor Set
- 4 years: Jade Dragon Mage Set
- 5 years: Toxic Flame Biker Morph and house item*
- 500 ACs: Floating Matrix Conduit Katana pet
- 2000 ACs: Blazing Chaos Gear
- 12000 ACs: Overclocked Techsuit Set
- 25000 ACs: Noxious Symbiote Armor
- 50000 ACs: Toxic Symbiote Armor
- 100,000 ACs: Necromancer Rising Set
- 200,000 ACs: Platinum GryphonRider Set
Achievement Tracker Rewards: The Whys and Whats
A "reward" is, by definition, something that must be earned. It's given in return for service, merit, hardship, etc.
- For players who unlock the "Time Played" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for their dedication and stamina, for staying with our community.
- For players who unlock the "Sagas Completed" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for their skill and drive to complete the many in-game sagas.
- For players who unlock the "Loyalty" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for having the desire and ability to financially support the development of the game.
Achievement tracker gear is a bonus, an extra bit of "oomph" to make the act of reaching the goals even more awesome!
For those of you unlocking new achievements this year, I hope you enjoy your bonuses! For those of you who are SO CLOSE to beating that saga or reaching that anniversary, keep at it! For those of you who have helped allow us to continue updating each week, thank you for your support!
Remember: none of the achievement tracker rewards go rare. If you can't get the thing you want today, it will still be here tomorrow, next month, and next year!

October 23, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: October 23, 2017
- General Nevana set now Rare rarity.
- Gravefang's Furled Wings and Grave's Fang Blade +5 now Rare rarity.
- Barnabus no longer confused on what his name really is.
- Art fixes for:
- Toxic Swank Valentine
- BattleOn Destroyer
- DOOMFire Warrior Hair
- Cupid Avenger
- Royal Renegade Vampire

October 20, 2017
This Weekend: Blood Moon Boss Battle
Blood, Bones, and 5-part Boss Battle!
This weekend, join special guest stars Aurelio Voltaire, Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll, the AQW team, and tens of thousands of your fellow heroes as we battle to escape Count Maxius’ castle in a 5-part boss fight… to the UNDEATH! Our AE 15th Anniversary + AQW 9th Birthday + Mogloween triple event continues Friday in… the Red Dawn Gauntlet!
Choose Wisely...
Make sure you've finished last week's release in /bloodmoon, because the companions you rescue there hold the key to helping you survive this week's multi-stage boss battle! Each holds an item that will prove vital to defeating Count Maxius and his minions...
- Aurelio Voltaire and his Wounded Heart
- Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll and Pony Gary Yellow
- Safiria's Ghost and her Spirit Orb
- Bubble and Bubble the Cat
- Constantin and the WolfFang Dagger
Featured Player Suggestion Gear: Crimson BoneLord
Each of the bosses in this week's release drops one or more pieces of our featured player suggestion gear... crafted by two of Lore's finest hero-smiths: Nakana Rei and Evan!
Each of these talented artists has battled through Lore for years, and we're excited to include their contributions in this week's release - as 0 AC farming gear, all you heroes willing to fight for your rewards have a chance to get these epicly dark and deadly gear!

October 19, 2017
Blood Moon Event Rares
Get 15th Anniversary / 9th Birthday / Mogloween Combo event rares!
Celebrate the AE 15th Anniversary + AQWorlds 9th Birthday with event rare gear. The Vampire Masquerade and Royal Vampire Renegade sets are only available for a limited time!
- Vampire Masquerade Armor set
- Royal Vampire Renegade Armor et
- Vampire Dragon Bank Pet
- Vampire Shifter Armor (gender-swapped version of the Vampire Lord Class art)
Unlock all 3 weeks of event rare gear + exclusive items!
We're celebrating our 15th anniversary / Friday the 13th / Mogloween combo event with an all-new holiday event rare chest! The Vampire Lord's Castle contains many hidden riches, but the most prized is the Blood Moon Treasure Chest. Permanently unlock all 3 weeks of Blood Moon event rare gear (like the Vampire Masquerade and Royal Vampire Renegade gear above) , plus an exclusive color custom class variant and character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins (that is 12,500 ACs worth of gear)!
Blood Moon Treasure Chest: 10,000 ACs
- Exclusive color custom Enchanted Vampire Lord Class
- Vampire Queen Memorial Statue with quest for rare character page badge
- Dark Butler pet with house item shop
- 5 event rare armors + accessories
- Vampire Dragon Bank pet
- Vampire Lord Castle House
The entire collection of gear will be available to you 0 ACs (meaning you can freely get it, delete it, and get it again whenever you want.) Like the Dragon King Treasure Chest, gear from the Blood Moon Treasure Chest cannot be sold.
Blood Moon Chest gear:
- exclusive Enchanted Vampire Lord set
- Vampire Masquerade armor set
- Vampire Shifter armor (gender-swapped version of the Vampire Lord class)
- Royal Vampire Renegade armor and helms
- Dark Nosferatu armor set
All the items (except for the exclusive chest gear listed in red) will be available from the event rare shop for regular prices, and will release over the course of 3 weeks.

October 19, 2017
Real Life Blinding Light of Destiny
Crafted by Real Life Weaponsmith, Michael Cthulhu
Michael Cthulhu is famous for his YouTube channel where he creates real-life versions of fantasy weapons from video games... and he's finished crafting Artix's battleaxe, the Blinding Light of Destiny in real life!
Not only did he make the Blinding Light of Destiny for real... he made it REALLY sharp. Watch him making the axe here!
Who is Michael Cthulhu?
If you haven't heard of him before... we're happy to introduce you! Michael Cthulhu is a welder and weapon-smith who builds giant swords, axes, and other weapons for real-life warriors from around the world. He's also starred in a show on the Discovery Channel called, appropriately, Big Giant Swords.
Don't miss any of his next projects or news by following him all over the internet:
BLoD Damage Buff + Pumpkin Spice of Destiny Axe
We released the Blinding Light of Destiny in AQWorlds years ago, but we wanted to get in on the awesomeness, too! Since it's Mogloween season *and* the 15th anniversary, we've crafted the Pumpkin Spice of Destiny axe to help celebrate. Talk to MichaelCthulhu in Battleon to get the axe before it leaves on November 3rd!

October 18, 2017
2017 Pumpkin Carving Contest
Can you... SQUASH... the competition?!
… Ok, at this point maybe “Fall Food Decorating Contest” is more appropriate, but it just doesn’t have the same ring. BUT on to the contest! Do you have what it takes to carve the best AdventureQuest Worlds-themed pumpkin in all of Lore? How skilled are you in the fine arts of squash carnage? Are you able to duel-wield a camera and a carved ear of corn at the same time? If so, this contest is perfect for you!
Attention all ye who wish to enter…this contest: Mogloween is drawing ever near, so we need pumpkin-carving masters to take on this challenge!
Mogloween mog-luh-ween; noun
The evening of October 31 in Lore; celebrated in the month of October; observed especially by Heroes in costumes who solicit treats, candy, and Seasonal Rare items inside AdventureQuest Worlds
Prize Details
There will be ONE Grand Prize winner, who shall receive 2000 ArtixPoints AND the Mogloween 2017 Item Collection in AQ3D AND the Blood Moon Treasure Chest collection in AQWorlds
2nd Place Winners will get 1000 ArtixPoints AND the Mogloween 2017 Item Collection in AQ3D AND the Blood Moon Treasure Chest collection in AQWorlds
3rd Place Winners will get 700 ArtixPoints
Runner Ups will get 500 ArtixPoints
If you go Above and Beyond, we shall award you accordingly ;)
Contest Timeframe
The contest will range from today, October 18th until 11:59pm EST on Friday, October 27th. The winners will be announced the following week on the Design Notes.
Contest Rules
To be considered, all entries must:
Include your game character name and the year (2017) visually displayed somewhere within the picture or video
The game character name in the picture must be tied to an Artix account to receive a prize
Must not use digitally altered art (so no photoshopping) - we want to see what you can do offline!
Be themed on any Artix game, character, monster, etc
Be posted to the AE_Contests Twitter account, AQW Facebook account
The photo of your pumpkin must be of the highest quality—the bigger and more clear the picture, the better!
One entry per person
You are welcome to think outside the box and submit other non-pumpkin creative entries for our consideration… but carved pumpkins and gourds are what we want to feature! So you COULD...
Paint a pumpkin
Dress an ear of corn
Carve a pumpkin pie
Build a diorama featuring acorn squash
… the possibilities are endless
Please don’t spam your entry or you will be disqualified! You can only win once per person!
A true hero is a good sportsman -- we reserve the right to reward excellent examples of good sportsmanship or remove entries for abusive behavior towards staff or other contest participants.
As always, entries that WOW us and go above and beyond, displaying true effort or creativity, will get extra-special attention (or prizes)!
Good Luck!
On behalf of the entire AE team, we are really looking forward to seeing your creativity carved into pumpkins… or gourds… or apples (?!)! Will you win the Grand Prize? There is only one way to find out—submit your photo today!

October 16, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: October 16, 2017
- Kaiju chest is giving proper quest again.
- All previous F13 maps (that are not rare) are now open to all players.
- Shadow Blade Shinobi Hair fixed.
- Vampire Lord Morph - all 3 versions are now CC to skin on face.
- Sinister Clown rarity changed to same as rest of set: Seasonal.
- Vampire Dragon Bank Pet should remember he’s a bank pet now.
- Lynaria’s button to Falcontower works now.
- Sora is no longer holding people hostage in Oaklore. WHOOPS! Seems we were a little ahead on this. The fix has been made, but other fixes are coming as well so this one will not be live just yet.
- Book of Lore badges showing when they should not has now been fixed.
- Various typos.

October 13, 2017
Blood Moon Rising: Friday the 13th
Battle through Part 1 of the Blood Moon Event!
A rare Blood Moon rises in the night sky. Scouts report a castle appearing out of thin air in Darkovia. Undead across Lore grow restless. These signs can only mean one thing… Friday the 13th is upon us! This weekend, log in for our dual 15th anniversary + Friday the 13th event with special guest stars Voltaire and Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll!
Featuring music from Aurelio Voltaire and One-Eyed Doll, you'll rock out as you battle to escape the deceptively-friendly Count Maxius' castle!
- Fight to escape from (and free!) your friends
- Take on the cuddliest, cutest, most terrifiyingest boss
- Battle to earn the Dungeon Rockstar armor and other reward drops
Blood Moon Treasure Chest Collection
Find the Blood Moon Treasure Chest in Battleon starting tonight!
Unlock over 25 holiday event rare items immediately inside the Blood Moon Treasure Chest! Plus, permanently unlock an exclusive color custom class variant, house item, and rare character page badge, available until November 3rd, 2017 (that is 12,500 ACs worth of gear)!
Blood Moon Treasure Chest: 10,000 ACs
- Exclusive color custom Enchanted Vampire Lord Class
- Exclusive Vampire Queen Memorial Statue with quest for rare character page badge
- Exclusive Dark Butler pet with house item shop
- 5 event rare armors + accessories
- Vampire Dragon Bank pet
- Vampire Lord Castle House
The entire collection of gear will be available to you 0 ACs (meaning you can freely get it, delete it, and get it again whenever you want.) Like the Dragon King Treasure Chest, gear from the Blood Moon Treasure Chest cannot be sold.
All the items (except for the exclusive chest gear) will be available from the event rare shop for regular prices, and will release over the course of 3 weeks.
Vampire Lord Class Now Available!
Welcome to Vampire Lord! The much anticipated class is finally coming out (or has, depending on when you’re reading this), and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with everyone!
Vampires are all about blood, beatings and… bats! With that in mind we gave the Vampire Lord class a kit with a focus on sustain, debuffs and, well... bats! It seemed only natural to build it into a solid farming class and so all of its abilities can hit (count it) 2 targets.
How to unlock the Vampire Lord Class
There are several different variants of the Vampire Lord Class, and 3 different ways to unlock it.
- Vampire Lord Class: buy it for 2000 AdventureCoins or talk to Safiria to farm for it. (Seasonal)
- Royal Vampire Lord Class: buy it for 2000 AdventureCoins or talk to Safiria to farm for it. (Rare)
- Enchanted Vampire Lord Class: color customizable, only available from the Blood Moon Treasure Chest collection. (Rare exclusive)

October 13, 2017
Vampire Lord Class
Unlock our new Anniversary / Mogloween Class this weekend!
Welcome to Vampire Lord! The much anticipated class is finally coming out (or has, depending on when you’re reading this), and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with everyone!
Vampires are all about blood, beatings and… bats! With that in mind we gave the Vampire Lord class a kit with a focus on sustain, debuffs and, well... bats! It seemed only natural to build it into a solid farming class and so all of its abilities can hit (count it) 2 targets.
How to unlock the Vampire Lord Class
There are several different variants of the Vampire Lord Class, and 3 different ways to unlock it.
- Vampire Lord Class: buy it for 2000 AdventureCoins or talk to Safiria to farm for it. (Seasonal)
- Royal Vampire Lord Class: buy it for 2000 AdventureCoins or talk to Safiria to farm for it. (Rare)
- Enchanted Vampire Lord Class: color customizable, only available from the Blood Moon Treasure Chest collection. (Rare exclusive)
Recommended Enhancements: Wizard, Lucky.
Vampire Lords rule over their sanguine servants and, feasting on the blood of mortals, they can live forever. Don't show one a mirror though, or you might not like what you don't see.
Mana Regeneration
Vampire Lords gain mana when they:
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Are struck by an enemy in combat.
Skill Breakdown
Auto Attack: Slash
Rank needed: 1
Mana cost: 0
Cooldown: 2 sec. cooldown
Type: Physical
Range: Long Ranged
Description: You slash out at two targets with your extended Vampire claws, dealing 70% weapon damage to each. Deals 70% damage to 2 targets.
2 targets! Good damage too, just wait until you see your 4th skill!
Rank 1: Devour Blood
Mana cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 sec.
Type: Magical/Physical
Range: Long Ranged
Description: Deals damage to up to 2 enemies and heals for some of the damage dealt. Applies 'Blood Loss' debuff to your enemies, reducing damage done by 50% for 5 seconds.
Does not apply 'Blood Loss' while 'Aspect of The Bat' is active.
This is your heal and defensive debuff. It’ll keep you alive and help some teammates stay alive too.
Rank 2: Sonar Scream
Mana cost: 0
Cooldown: 10 sec.
Type: Magical
Range: All
Description: Applies 'Deafened' debuff to up to 4 enemies, increasing the damage they take by 30% for 8 seconds. If you have 'Aspect of The Bat', applies 'Sonar Senses' buff to yourself, increasing your hit chance by 50% for 8 seconds.
Does not apply 'Deafened' while 'Aspect of The Bat' is active.
Use this to grab all the attention when you enter a room (who doesn’t love screaming the moment they enter a room?). It has the longest range of all your skills and the most targets. Its Deafened debuff is great to maximize damage so don’t forget to sneak it in before getting batty.
Rank 3: Ghoul Gouge
Mana cost: 25
Cooldown: 8 sec.
Type: Magical/Physical
Range: Long Range
Description: Deals damage to up to 2 targets and applies 'Gouged' debuff to your enemies, dealing damage over 12 seconds.
Does not apply 'Gouged' while 'Aspect of The Bat' is active.
This is your big damage dealer while applying a decent DoT as well. Even though you lose the DoT while Aspect of The Bat is active, you gain a ton of mana cause of all the damage so it’s still huge.
Rank 4 Passives
Pure Blood: Increases Endurance by 25%
Ageless: Intellect increased by 30%, Crit Rate reduced by 20%
Your defensive skills aren’t a little lacking so the Endurance helps cushion that. Crit Rate reduction here only matters if you don’t have Aspect of The Bat, so it’s not as bad as it looks. The intellect buff is to boost your damage and haste.
Rank 5: Aspect of The Bat
Mana cost: 25
Cooldown: 30 sec.
Type: No Modifiers
Range: Melee
Description: You take on the aspects of a bat! Your haste and crit chance increase by 500% for 15 seconds but you deal 50% less damage, take 50% more, , your skills cost 100% more mana and no longer apply debuffs to your enemies.
It immediately maxes out your crit rate and haste so you will be critting every single hit and your autos hit every second! This comes at a cost though. All of your damage is cut in half, you take more damage and your skills no longer debuff and all mana costs are doubled! You’ll find that this still results in a massive damage boost and you regain mana more if you crit... as long as you’re hitting enough enemies.
Versus one enemy you may run into mana problems and healing (you heal from each target hit) but versus three or more and you might begin to take too much damage. Versus two enemies is where you’ll find the sustain to be just right.
Rank 10 Passive
Sanguine Lord: Damage increased by 20%
Who doesn’t love more damage?
To master this class, you’ll have to master timing your debuffs perfectly. Aspect of The Bat is situational and figuring out the best times will take some practice. If your health gets low, you might not want to use Aspect of The Bat, because stakes will be higher and you won’t get the defensive debuff from Devour Blood. If your mana gets low though, despite the increase in mana costs, Aspect of The Bat will likely recover your mana faster because of all the crits.
We all had a bloody good time building this class! Happy fighting!
PS: the original (Rare) Vampire Class will ALSO get the skills listed above. Enjoy!

October 13, 2017
New Shirts Coming to HeroMart
Vampire and Lycan Logo Shirts Arrive later this month
How come the undead guys get all the cool logos?! Because you keep asking for them! New Vampire and Lycan logo shirts will arrive at later next week! If you're super-stoked about the Friday the 13th war over in AQ3D, you can ALSO get the extremely limited-time AQ3D Camp Gonnagetcha shirts from HeroMart this weekend!

October 12, 2017
Special Guest Voltaire Returns to AQWorlds
Join Him in Our Newest Friday the 13th Event
Friday the 13th and Aurelio Voltaire go together like undead invasions and Paladins. So of course, this Friday our always-positive, family-friendly game team and community want to welcome Aurelio Voltaire back for another musical event! With songs from his new album- “Heart-Shaped Wound,” he'll join you as you battle to escape the Vampire Lord's castle in our newest 3-part holiday event: the Blood Moon Rising!
Featuring... Aurelio Voltaire's Heart-Shaped Wound album
I have been playing Aurelio Voltaire's album on a near-constant loop as the team prepared for this weekend's Friday the 13th: Blood Moon Rising event. As you battle through the event, you'll hear 3 of the tracks from the album:
- The Projectionist (the title of this track is an event spoiler... but I love it so much)
- Human Nature
- The Necropolis of Former Lovers
Get the album and much more on Aurelio Voltaire’s official website!
Who is Aurelio Voltaire?
Aurelio Voltaire is legitmately one of the most creative people I know. He is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He first appeared in AdventureQuest Worlds back in 2009, during our first-ever in-game Friday the 13th UNLIVE event! Since then, he's appeared in all 15 of our Friday the 13th events... and tomorrow's will make his 16th!
His work has been featured on TV in the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, he's released 13 albums (including the AQWorlds tongue-in-cheek "all-audiences" appropriate Spooky Songs for Creepy Kids.), won BEST ANIMATION at the Famous Monsters of Filmland Imagi-Movies film festival, he's the creator of the Goth HomeMaking youtube series and many, many more. You should read the full story on the Voltaire Wikipedia Page!
- Get the Heart-Shaped Wound album and other merch!
- Aurelio Voltaire's website -
- Deady Website -
- Buy the songs from this event or get full Aurelio Voltaire albums at CDBaby!

October 12, 2017
Log in and get 500 FREE ACs
Our 9th Birthday Celebration Continues!
As we continue our month of birthday-anniversary celebrations, we want to thank you loyal heroes for battling alongside us all these years!
Starting today, log in and receive 500 FREE AdventureCoins if your account is level 9 or higher. The birthday gift will be available until the end of the year, so make sure you and all your friends log in before it leaves.

October 10, 2017
This Friday: Blood Moon Saga, Part 1
15th Anniversary + Friday the 13th + Mogloween Triple Holiday Event!
This weekend, we're celebrating the Artix Entertainment 15th anniversary, Friday the 13th, AND Mogloween with a 3 week event, and it ALL begins this Friday!
A rare Blood Moon rises in the night sky... Scouts report a castle appearing out of thin air in Darkovia... Undead across Lore grow restless... And mysterious invitations are delivered to Voltaire, One-Eyed Doll, and your favorite NPCs. These signs can only mean one thing… Friday the 13th has fallen while a Blood Moon is rising!
The Blood Moon three-part event begins this Friday as we enter Count Maxius' castle. He is NOT what he seems to be, and his nefarious plot will put you and your friends in grave danger (literally). Battle to break free of his spell and castle as you fight to earn all-new event reward gear while you rock out to the music of Voltaire and One-Eyed Doll!

October 10, 2017
This Friday: Blood Moon Treasure Chest
Unlock all 3 weeks of event rare gear + exclusive items!
We're celebrating our 15th anniversary / Friday the 13th / Mogloween combo event with an all-new holiday event rare chest! The Vampire Lord's Castle contains many hidden riches, but the most prized is the Blood Moon Treasure Chest. Permanently unlock all 3 weeks of Blood Moon event rare gear, plus an exclusive color custom class variant and character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins (that is 12,500 ACs worth of gear)!
Blood Moon Treasure Chest: 10,000 ACs
- Exclusive color custom Enchanted Vampire Lord Class
- Vampire Queen Memorial Statue with quest for rare character page badge
- Dark Butler pet with house item shop
- 5 event rare armors + accessories
- Vampire Dragon Bank pet
- Vampire Lord Castle House
The entire collection of gear will be available to you 0 ACs (meaning you can freely get it, delete it, and get it again whenever you want.) Like the Dragon King Treasure Chest, gear from the Blood Moon Treasure Chest cannot be sold.
Blood Moon Chest gear:
- exclusive Enchanted Vampire Lord set
- Vampire Masquerade armor set
- Vampire Shifter armor (gender-swapped version of the Vampire Lord class)
- Royal Vampire Renegade armor and helms
- Dark Nosferatu armor set
All the items (except for the exclusive chest gear listed in red) will be available from the event rare shop for regular prices, and will release over the course of 3 weeks.

October 09, 2017
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug fixes: October 9, 2017
- Feed The Fiend Tokens quest fixed to remove a will get/may get conflict that prevented the 2 and 3 tokens from dropping.
- Fixed the AC price sellback on unsellable Witchlord Hat from 25 to 0, which will allow it to be sold.
- Undead Wizard and Undead Wizard Cowl rarity changed.
- ULTRAHAT non-CC part fixed.
- Shadow Lichlord Runes repositioned.
- Shading issue on some Naval Commander armors fixed, more next week.
- Room in /battleunderb with The Lost will now let you out, after defeating monster.
- Room linkage error in /doomvault corrected.
- Various typos.

October 06, 2017
The Blood Moon Rises on 10.13.17
Join us for our 15th Anniversary + Friday the 13th event!
In Darkovia, the shadows grow darker and whispers of fear begin to rise on the winds… Ancient Lorekeepers stare at the stars and shiver - the signs all point to a Blood Moon rising on Friday the 13th. And when it does, the veil between worlds will disappear and the lost ones will return.
Join Voltaire, Kimberly and Jason from One Eyed Doll, the AQW team, and tens of thousands of your fellow heroes as Log in next Friday the 13th as we launch part 1 of our 3 week event!
10/13/17: The Blood Moon Rises
10/21/17: Blood and Tears Boss Battle
10/28/17: Blood Moon War - Battle for Safiria

October 06, 2017
This Weekend: MystCroft Returns
Getting a Head(less) Start on Halloween!
Starting this weekend... we're beginning to celebrate Halloween juuuuuust a few weeks early as MystCroft, our Halloween/Mogloween hub town returns with all our seasonal events.
Log in starting this Friday for candy, costumes, & craziness! If you haven't joined us for this event before, Mogloween is the fall seasonal event where you Trick or BEAT your way through the spookiest, creepiest releases we've put out over the last eight years!
New Challenge: The Zombie Terror
Fans of over MMO Card Game, OverSoul, may recognize the LichLord. He's come to AQWorlds with his best, deasliest creation - the Zombie Terror! He's looking for some fresh meat to raise up as new minions... or to feed to his pets.
Defeat the Zombie Terror and the Shadow LichLord MAY reward you with immortality, nefarious and necrotic equipment, or - the most valuable item of all - information about what lurks in the shadows of the coming Blood Moon.
Spookiest Gear of the Year Returns Friday!
Find the Cauldron sisters, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble, when you /join mogloween and help them play their tricks to save Mogloween... and all the delicious treats that come with it! You'll also have a chance to unlock some of our most awesomely spooky (and most popular gear) of the year, plus new farmable rewards including the 0 AC Shadow Jester set shown below!
We'll also have new events rare items:
- Aranx's color-custom Deadly Jester set
- the Shadow LichLord set
- 2017 Mogloween bank pet, Lich Better Have My Candy
Talk Like a Pirate Day Rares leave Monday!
This is your last weekend to pick up any of Quibble Coinbiter's 2017 Talk Like a Pirate Day items, including the Dragon King Treasure Chest. They will leave Monday, October 9th, so get them while you still can!
0 AC Naval Commander Class update: For all our class collector completionists... we've got you covered! Next week, we'll add a chest in /pirates which will let heroes with either the Legendary or Heroic Naval Commander Classes unlock the 0 AC Naval Commander Class. (This item was temporarily removed while the Kaiju Naval Commander quest was reworked.)

October 04, 2017
Classes, Custom Weapons, and More
Custom Weapon Winners Update
Back in March, we started a new upgrade incentive to show our appreciation for all the heroes supporting AdventureQuest Worlds. Each month, we choose one account that upgraded the previous month, and work with them to design their own custom weapon. Today, I'm excited to announce the latest winner, our October winner - Less!
Each winner can choose to keep their custom weapon just for them, share it with up to 10 friends / alt accounts, or put it in a shop for everyone to use.
Past winners include:
Class News Update
First: Class name changes! We have changed a few class names so it's easier to tell which versions of a class are required to unlock special quests and shops in-game. Example: the AC variant of the Naval Commander is now the Heroic Naval Commander, and unlocks the quest for the Kaiju Naval Commander. The member-only version is the Legendary Naval Commander.
- AC class variants: Heroic or Deadly (Class Name)
- Member class variants: Legendary (Class Name)
- Reputation/Merge shop classes: name stays the same
Other class names will stay the same. Any changed earlier today have been reverted.
Second: Monster Hunter Class update! Arklen and the class designers have some pretty awesome plans for this class, including summoning different battle pets depending on the class skill you choose. To do that, we need to finish up the server rewrite first.
Third: PVP Testing. Have you gotten a chance to check out PVP on the PTR server? Yorumi has been focusing on squashing the PVP bugs all you testers sent in over the last couple of months. If you have, shoot your feedback over to Arklen on Twitter or let us know on the forum.
Fourth: Vampire Lord Class. Our combo 15th Anniversay-9th birthday-Mogloween class this year will be the Vampire Lord, a seasonal class that returns each October. A 2nd version, with the same skills but different art, will go rare. You'll be able to get it via farming OR immediately for 2000 AdventureCoins. Stay tuned for a class skills breakdown design notes post coming soon.
Quibble Coinbiter Leave Date
For all you heroes who haven't had a chance to check out Quibble Coinbiter's Talk Like a Pirate Day shop, this weekend is your LAST CHANCE to get all the loot and booty your bank can hold. The shop will leave on October 9th - we're extending his stay in Battleon until Monday, so make sure to grab the gear before it's gone!

October 04, 2017
National Taco Day 2017
You are what you eat… literally.
Your wait is finally over! October 4th is National Taco Day! And since today is that day… prepare yourself for a taco-licious buffet of adventure.
These tasty items will be in the Featured October Shop in your game menu until Monday, October 9th.
- Tacobender Helm
- Destructo-Tacos
- Taco Admiral Helm (Male)
- Taco Admiral Helm (Female)
- Tacomancer Armor
The Armor is Non-Member, so as long as you have a great taste for Tacos and the will to wield SPICY magic, you too can become a Tacomancer ^___^

October 02, 2017
Kaiju Naval Commander Gear
New Daily Quest to get the Armor and Helms
Earlier this month, we said the Kaiju Naval Commander would launch as sweet bonus loot for anyone with the AC version of the Naval Commander Class. The armor set was delayed due to an exploit which could have been very unfair to players who bought the Naval Commander Class last year.
A quest to get the gear released earlier tonight, but we had few handfuls of players turn in the quest and *not* get the rewards due to lag. While that's not many, we don't want that to happen to anyone else (or for anyone to feel like they need to buy the AC version of the Class again).
So, the new daily quest to create the Kaiju Naval Commander armor and gear is live.
- If you own the 2000 AC version* of the Naval Commander Class, /join pirates and find the chest
- Complete the daily quest to get a Kaiju Token
- Save up 3 tokens and merge them in the chest's shop to create the armor.
- You can also get the top hats; each of them is another token.
To the 1,347 players who got the armor and helms already -- congratulations! Your luck was in. Your fellow heroes will join you in manning the Kaiju Corsair Crew in a few days.
* The 0 AC version of the Class will not work with the quest.
You will no longer need to turn in your Naval Commander Class to complete the quest.
Naval Commander Class Return
If you turned in your Naval Commander Class to complete Friday's "class exchange quest," Yorumi just added the 2k version of the Class back to your inventory, set to rank 10 (as our way of apologizing for the inconvenience.)
If you purchased a 2nd Naval Commander Class after turning in the quest, please write in to Player Support using the Help Pages and they'll refund your purchase. Contact them using this form.