Design Notes
December 30, 2014
2015: A Future of Monsters
Start the 2015 New Year Event Off Early!
Happy 2015... almost! It's about to be a new year, and that means new battles, quests, and insane boss fights... all on a NEW continent in our NEW main storyline: Ancient Evils! BUT FIRST...
You should battle through our ALL our New Year's events!
2015: A Monstrous Future
With the defeat of the Chanpion of Chaos last summer, the Queen of Monsters has been released from her prison... and she is ready to show our world how little we REALLY know about the nature of monsters! Tonight's release continues the Rise of the WorldBreaker trilogy in the /Northstar map.
Tonight: Battle to reach Karok the Fallen, but FIRST you'll need to face don a mysterious new monster... one HE did not create, but who has been commanded to follow him. Coming FRIDAY, you'll be able to face Karok the Fallen himself! (And have a VERY small chance to get the DarkIce version of his mage armor!)
If we don't want Karok's horde of monsters to join forces with the QUEEN of monsters, it's time to bare our blades and BATTLE ON... or the future will be MONSTROUS!
Old and New Gear for the New Year!
Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to get The Fallen Mage Armor with a 15% Class Points bonus! You can also talk to Lim in the NewYear map to access all the returning seasonal rares PLUS find the 2015 New Year's Ball house item in the New Year house shop!
2014: Year of the Horse!
For the 2014 New Year's release, we wanted to take some inspiration from the Chinese zodiac. 2014 is the year of the horse, so naturally this is what we've come up with...
You weren't expecting ponies, were you?
In Norse mythology, Hrimfaxi and Skinfaxi are the steeds of Night and Day, carrying the chariots of the sun and moon across the sky. Their equivalents in Lore are Frostmane and Embermane, and Ulfgar (remember him?) is worried that something is wrong with them. Embermane, the Steed of Day, has gone missing and her brother Frostmane is keeping the land in perpetual darkness. It's up to you to find her so she can bring back the sun - and bring in the new year.
So then, who's that nightmare steed, you ask? Is he what's keeping Embermane from returning to the sky? /Join frostmane to find out!
2013: A New Dawn for a New Year!
Save the sun, Hero, or tomorrow will never come! When a Werepyre petitions the Nocturan Creed, guardians of the night, to ensure he will never be harmed by the light again, you will need to work with the Lumina Votari to protect the sun and save the world! Journey across Lore to ensure that a new dawn - and a New Year - will begin!
2012: Time for Chaos
2012 was the Year of Chaos, and we started the year off with a BANG! Literally! But tonight, you'll go BACK in time to meet Professor Iadoa (Professor Yana, anyone?), a famous Chronomancer who has been missing for decades. He should have stayed gone, though, because now that he's back... it's time for Chaos!
The New Year's ball frozen in place. All clocks have stopped.
2011: The Chaos Continued
Lim has returned to the frozen north to help is close out 2010 with a BANG! Literally.
Well, that's what he INTENDED but once again he can't get his science all in one bucket and he needs your help to stop the ever hungry Icemaster Yeti from munching on this gizmos and doo-dads.
We hope you guys have all had a great holiday. We all took a little time out of insane production schedule to spend some time with our friends and travel hoe to see family, but we are SO READY to get moving on all our plans for 2015!

December 30, 2014
Holiday Gift: 200 FREE ACs
Free AC Gift Availlable from 12/31 to 1/7!
Here at Artix Entertainment we want to keep the spirit of the holiday season going! It's a time for coming together with friends and family, sharing a bit of warmth, for selflessly remembering other people and giving a hand where you can .... and it's a season of giving. So we want to give you an early New Year's present!
Log in to get your gift!
Starting December 31st, 2014 at 12:01 AM, log in to AQWorlds with any character to receive 200 FREE AdventureCoins as the AQWorlds' team's holiday gift to you!*
We would like to thank you and all of the other players for adventuring with us this holiday season. If you wanted to get us something, you can always support the game and our weekly releases by getting more ACs through AExtrasor purchasing them. But for THESE 200 ACs there are no strings attached. All you need is an account on AQW! As soon as we bring the servers back up for our Friday release, everyone will be 200 ACs richer!
It's just a little gift to all of you from all of your friends here at Artix Entertainment! Happy Holidays!
* The gift will be given the first time you log in between 12/31 and 1/7, not every time.

December 29, 2014
2014 Gear Leaving Soon
Mark Your Calendars, Heroes!
With the new year coming, we need to make room for NEW gear... and that means our older items and packages need to be retired.
Leaving December 31st
- Fantasy Hero Package Pass: Get all 37 items and 1500 ACs with the Fantasy Heroes package sets!
- Limited Quantity Sets
Leaving January 1st
- Tinsel's 12 Frostval Gifts quest
Leaving January 2nd
- Extinction Rares shop
Leaving January 5th
- Robed Evolved Legion Vampire (in the Undead Merge Shop)*
- Warp Necromancer Cape (found in your Game Menu)
Leaving January 9th
- Quibble's Frostval Shop
- Frostval Seasonal Gear
- Tinsel's Frostval Shop
- Beleen's Birthday
- Blade's Birthday
Leaving January 15th
- Shadowfire Emissary set with the one month membership
*Correction: the Evolved Legion Vampire armor, previously listed as leaving on January 5th, was removed when the Black Friday shop left the game. The Robed Evolved Legion Vampire armor in the Undead Merge Shop will still leave on January 5th as stated.

December 26, 2014
Frostval 2014 Gift Weekend
Take Down the Frostspawn General for a Rare Prize!
Starting tonight and through Monday, December 29th, head to the Frozen Ruins (/join Frozenruins) and defeat the FrostSpawn General for a 5% chance to get the limited-time rare Evergreen Frost Blade!
He's not cool enough to beat you... right?
This is the BEST weekend for an item hunt, because while you're battling through the ruins to get the blade, you'll ALSO be getting a...
DOUBLE Server Boost Until Monday!
SO many heroes are off school and work this weekend for the holidays that we've got another Frostval gift for you! More Rep, Class Points, XP, and Gold! Log into ANY regular server to get 2X more boosts. Log into Sir Ver or Evil Sir Ver to get 2.25X more!
The Frostval Fiend gear is available in Quibble's shop!
Quibble, Tinsel and Dage Gifts Update
Talk to Quibble in Battleon, because his bountiful chest now has MORE cool gear... including the Icy Claws armor, Frostval Fiend gear, Nully Claws pets, and more!
Then check your inventory, because Tinsel's giftboxes have opened! You'll find the Northlands Guardian armor, helm, swords, cape, and pet. Merry Frostval, heroes!
And last, but certainly not least, Dage the Evil's giftboxes for the Undead Legion have ALSO opened!
Turn in your Legion Tokens to get your gloves on the Black Death of the Legion and Death's Head pet from the Undead Legion Merge shop now!
Next Week: Future of Fear
The third part of our WorldBreaker Rising holiday event begins next week! Confront Karok the Fallen in battle and see what happens when the Queen of Monsters sees just how destructive her future on Lore could be!
The New Year's map and seasonal rares will ALSO return next week, along with a rares shop and another holiday server boost! 'Tis the season to be battling in AQWorlds!

December 23, 2014
FrostSpawn Invasion
This Year, the Horde Invades for Frostval!
As the Queen of All Monsters watches, Karok the Fallen and the FrostSpawn Horde begin to overrun the Frozen Tower and Ruins! Accept Syrrus’ quest to seek out the Scythe of Vengeance; it is the key to ensuring the Portal Gate is locked. But beware - the Horde as seeks to destroy the it, and if they do, they will be here… FOREVER!
If you've completed last week's event in the /FrozenTower map, /join frozenruins to begin battling the FrostSpawn Horde as they flood through the gate and into our world! Learn WHY they've come, and what Karok plans to do if - no WHEN - you can't stop him!
Hint: It will NOT be cool... it'll be ice-cold KILLER!
Quibble Shop Update: Festive Gear!
Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to get your gauntlets on our newest, most festive gear of the season! He's got the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider pet (with quests) AND the Festive Paragon Pet +15 (gives 15% more rep when equipped, but does not have quests or super-deadly dracolich). He's also gotten in a shipment of holiday top hats, pets, and weapons to help spread the holiday cheer!
Quibble's will ALSO get a buff this Friday, as we add in the Icy Claws suit, the Frostval Fiend armor set, and more!
SO many heroes are off school and work this weekend for the holidays that we've got another Frostval gift for you!
BOOST your gameplay this weekend!
More Rep, Class Points, XP, and Gold! Log into ANY regular server to get 2X more boosts. Log into Sir Ver or Evil Sir Ver to get 2.25X more!

December 23, 2014
Frostval DOUBLE Server Boost
Get MORE of everything when you play AQW this weekend!
SO many heroes are off school and work this weekend for the holidays that we've got another Frostval gift for you!
More Rep, Class Points, XP, and Gold! Log into ANY regular server to get 2X more boosts. Log into Sir Ver or Evil Sir Ver to get 2.25X more!

December 23, 2014
Frostval Limited Quantity Gear
Get your gear before the packages disappear!
Starting this Tuesday, December 23rd, at 10:30 AM server time, head to our Limited Quantity Package page to grab some of our coolest, most festive gear of the year! Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore!
Dage's Crimson Knight Set
Price: 2000 ACs
Total Quantity: 5000
Initial Quantity: 3000
Restock Quantity: 400
- Crimson Knight and Shield Armor
- Crimson Knight Armor
- Helms
- Cape
- Blade and Lance weapons
Ice Fortress House and Daily Quest
Price: 2000 ACs
Total Quantity: 3000
Initial Quantity: 2000
Restock Quantity: 200
- Ice Fortress house
- Frozen Treasure Chest house item with Daily Quest
- Quest has a will reward 1500 gold and XP, plus either an exclusive weapon, boost, or potion
Nulgath Claws Battle Pet
Price: 150000 gold, available for current or past members
Total Quantity: 7000
Initial Quantity: 4000
Restock Quantity: 600
- Nulgath Claws Battle Pet (Member-only)
- Nulgath Claws Pet
- Get 15% more Class Points when you equip the regular pet
- Battle Pet AND regular pet will be 0 ACs, so you can store and use it for free... forever!
Available for gold to anyone who has ever purchased a membership (even if your upgrade has expired)!
Holiday Yeti Pet and Quest
Price: 50000 gold
Total Quantity: 20000
Initial Quantity: 10000
Restock Quantity: 2000
- Holiday Yeti Pet
- Quest to get his exclusive Wand of Snow Summoning
- Pet will be 0 ACs, so you can store and use it for free... forever!
Limited Quantity Package Restock Schedule
Package quantities restock throughout the day to give everyone a chance to get the gear they want, no matter what timezone or country they live in. Restock times for the Frostval packages are:
- 10:30 AM Tuesday, 12/23 (initial stock)
- 8:30 PM Tuesday, 12/23
- 6:30 AM Wednesday, 12/24
- 4:30 PM Wednesday, 12/24
- 2:30 AM Thursday, 12/25
- 12:30 PM Thursday, 12/25 (final stock update)
What are Limited Quantity Packages?
A Limited Quantity Package is a group of items, sold together, that has a set quantity. Once that quantity has sold out, then that's it. The total number of packages is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 packages left on the web page counter, that's what we've got left in stock.These items are non-refundable, so once you click the "confirm purchase" button, that set is yours to keep!
How Do They Work?
Excellent question! Starting this Tuesday, December 23rd, at 10:30 AM server time, the intial stock of our Limited Quantity Packages will be released. Once they are, you'll need to:
- Head to the Limited Quantity Package page**
- Select the package you want to buy
- Confirm your purchase
- Log into your AQWorlds account
- Open your Book of Lore and go to the Other Achievements tab
- Find the Package Badge and open the shop to get your gear!

December 21, 2014
12 Days of Frostval Gifts: Day 10
On the 10th Day of Frostval, Tinsel Gives to You...
... J6's Ice-Ten Helmet Pet! Log in every day from now until Christmas Eve and talk to Tinsel in Battleon to get a FREE GIFT! All you need to do is accept her daily quest, then turn it in to get a free boost, treasure chest key, or item!
Today's gift is: J6's Ice-Ten Helmet Pet
Frostval Gift Calendar
Don't miss the AQW team's Frostval gift to you! The free present will change each day:
- Monday, Dec 22: Levitating Space Helmet Pet
- Tuesday, Dec 23: J6's IceTen Space Armor
- Wednesday, Dec 24: 4 1 Hr Boosts: 1 XP, 1 Rep, 1 Gold, 1 CP
Frostval Gift Mulligan Days
Good news! Because these ARE the holidays, and we know many of you are busy with friends and family and celebrating (and can't log in EVERY day), if you DO log in and talk to Tinsel on December 24th and 25th, you'll haev a chance to CHOOSE one gift from among any of the 12 daily Frostval gifts!
That means that, as long as you log in on December 23rd or 24th, you can get one of the gifts you missed. Log in and talk to Tinsel BOTH days? You can get TWO gifts you might have missed.

December 20, 2014
Unlock Cryomancer Class
Announcing the Coolest Class: CryoMancer!
Just in time for snowstorms, blizzards, and BIG boss battles, we've got the CryoMancer Class arriving this Friday! You can get your winter gloves on this supercool class for 2000 AdventureCoins or through farming for tokens from a Daily Quest. (Members will be able to earn tokens twice as fast!)
- Cryomancer Class (Earned version, 84 Glacera Tokens)
- Cryomancer Class (AC version, 2000 ACs)
Once the CryoMancer Class releases, speak to Quibble in Battleon! Both will have daily quests that rewards you with Glacera Tokens when you complete them. Non-members can earn up to 14 a week but there is a special Member version of the quest that will reward Members with up to 21 Tokens per week.
MEMBERS: You will only be able to do ONE of the quests per day. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE MEMBER VERSION!
As always there will be an AC version of the class for those who don't have the time to invest in earning the class for free.
AQWorlds hero Holiday and crew take Cryomancer Class for a test-battle
*The temp class that Legends got to help test will turn into an exclusive Mini-Cryomancer pet later this month!

December 19, 2014
Quibble Coinbiter Returns
This Frostval, He's Back with a Vengeance... and Gear!
Past, present, and future Frostval items freeze the insides of Quibble Coinbiter's pack... and YOUR inventory! AQWorlds' very own time-traveling sales moglin arrives in Battleon tonight, December 20th, but he won't be there long, so you'll want to dig through his chest of never-before-seen-slightly-used items and rares while you can!
Fallen FrostSpawn Warrior and Astromancer Mage
In tonight's Quibble Shop, you'll find the:
- Fallen Warrior set
- Astromancer Mage set
- Ancient Cryomancer set
- Frigid Matrix Cape by Revontheus
- Ebenezer Quibble Bank Pet
What's a Quibble Coinbiter?
Not exactly sure who Quibble is, or how he gets all that gear? Neither are we! But here's what he said last time I asked:
How do I get never-before-seen used items? Well, that's a trade secret. But just between us, I have a deal with a time travel fairy who brings me these things… even though they have not been built yet! They might show up later in the game or might be Rares that are never seen again!
Ancient Cryomancer and Ebenezer Quibble Bank Pet
Coming Next Week to Quibble's Shop
Don't think this is all Quibble's got to offer you this holiday season! NEXT Friday he's getting in a shipment of the iciest, awesomest gear a moglin could hope for!
- Frostval Fiend Armor set
- Nully Claws pet and Battle Pet
- Glacial Walker armor set
- Frost Shifter armor set
- Festive Paragon Pet AND Mounted Festive Paragon pet

December 19, 2014
The WorldBreaker Rises
Frostval 2014 Event: Return of the Ancients!
After the Champion of Chaos let the Queen of Monsters loose, refugees from across the world flee to a new continent as the land grows colder and winter storms rage. Fight alongside Syrrus the Astromancer at the shattered Tower of Winds. Build a planetary gate that will allow a mysterious warrior mage's army to journey across spacetime and add their blades to the battle!
/Join FrozenTower to begin your adventure through the Tower of Winds and find:
- 35 new quests
- A new race of monsters, the FrostSpawn
- the Tower of Winds Merge Shop
- and a BIG BATTLE ahead of you, because...
The Queen of All Monsters is here, and she is ready to begin ruling! For that, she'll need a general, and she might have found JUST the right one! (You might recognize the family resemblance to another one of our frostiest foes... DUN DUN DUN!)
Next week, Part 2... WorldBreaker Rising: FrostSpawn Invasion plus more gear in Quibble's shop AND the Frostval 2014 Limited Quantity Sets!
Don't forget:
- Find Blade the Talking Sword in Battleon, and begin the hunt for his birthday gear!
- The Fantasy Hero Package Pass goes rare on December 31st at 11:59 PM
- Talk to Tinsel in Battleon for the 12 days of FREE Frostval gifts AND the Frostval Seasonal Shop

December 18, 2014
Unwrapping Holiday Cheer
Fellow AQW player Submeobi sent me pink presents!
Hiya heroes! Today is a very special… and very PINK… day! Our fellow AQW player and dear friend, Submeobi, sent this HUGE PINK BOX to the Secret Underground Lab. Artix fled the scene before I unwrapped all this awesomeness… MEGA PHOTO COLLAGE below!
(click here for an even BIGGER pic omg!)
Oh Submeobi, you always bring me so much joy AND bring me the best gifts ever! You never cease to amaze me, and your sweet birthday card and warm holiday wishes (plus cozy Santa hats) have made this the greatest December to remember! Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!
And this is why I love everyone here at Artix Entertainment—and that includes players like you, too! We are all one big happy family, and I couldn’t ask for more love and merriment from the best extended family known to mankind. Thank you Submeobi for showering me with so much pink and making Artix’s eyes bleed rainbows—that is perhaps the greatest gift of all >:D
And thank YOU for being a part of the Artix Entertainment family <3 We could not have achieved all of this without the support from our magnificent Members and devoted AdventureCoins buyers, and everyone here at the Secret Underground Lab is blessed to have you by our side. You guys and gals are amazing. True story.
On behalf of the AdventureQuest Worlds team, we wish you sincere holiday wishes and look forward to battling alongside you into the New Year 2015!
Stay warm. Stay pink. Stay positive. And stay epic, my lovely heroes!
Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 18, 2014
Thank you!
AQ:Dragons is climbing the app store charts!
Congratulations everyone! You already got AQ:Dragons* to 10,000 players on Android and it has hit#34... nope, make that #32 Top New Free Game!
Keep up the great wok spreading the word about AdventureQuest Dragons! (The Apple iPhone & iPad version is off to an amazing start too!)
* If you have not heard about our newest mobile game yet (created alongside the developers who made Cookie Clicker!), check out all the information on its web-page!

December 17, 2014
Cryomancer Class Preview
Legends: give us your feedback on the skill lineup!
Hey, Legends! Want to help us create the new Cryomancer Class? Now's your chance! Talk to Ragnar in Battleon and grab the CryoMancer Temp Class, then run around and battle your opponents brains out to see if you like the skills we've got on it!
If you do, fantastic! If you don't, let us know why, and what you'd like to see changed. Not balanced? Suggest buffs or nerfs! This is your chance to have a permanent impact on one of our classes in development.
You can grab the temp version of the class for 0 gold now*, or get your gloves on a permanent version for 2000 ACs. The Dark version of the Cryomancer gear is a Legend-only exclusive, too!
AQWorlds hero Holiday and crew take Cryomancer Class for a test-battle
- Wizard and warrior enhancements appear to be particularly useful.
- Using the class properly, you're able to survive almost forever. The mana costs are high to compensate. It is incredibly survivable. If you alternate between the heal and haste debuff, you can last for a long, LONG time.
- This class definitely requires strategic management of your mana, but you should be able to take out lower-end mobs pretty well.
- We may be lowering the mana cost on shatter and flashfreeze or buffing damage.
- Freeze and Frozen Tears will not be buffed. May need to be nerfed depending on feedback.
- Update: we just buffed the damage of FrostFreeze when you use the special effect and reduced mana cost by 5.
*The temp class will turn into an exclusive Mini-Cryomancer pet once testing is over as our way of saying "thanks" for testing!

December 17, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 19
Game Changing Release: WorldBreaker Rising
A whole new AQ Worlds begins! The Queen of Monsters obliterates an entire continent to build her fortress. Rally your friends & BATTLE ON! Read more here.
Lineup of Frostval Shops in December 2014
Jingle bells, Quibble sells rare items in the game; 12/19 & 12/30 there’ll be new items for you to claim! 12/23 begins Limited Quantity Shop, too!
12 Days of Gifts & Holiday Boosts
Log in each day for a new FREE gift when you talk to Tinsel in Battleon! Earn double Gold, XP, Rep, and CP boosts over the holiday weekends. More info can be found here.
Play our New Mobile Game, AQ: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AQ: DRAGONS is available on Google Play and iOS; coming soon to web! GET IT HERE, DRAGON MASTER!
New Holiday Art Contest: Enter Today!
Happy Holidays and Seasons Beatings! A new holiday contest has begun and we want YOU to create AQW-themed art. Click here for full details.
Bundle up and Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 16, 2014
The Queen of Monsters' Frostval
The World Breaks as the Ancients Return!
After the Champion of Chaos let the Queen of Monsters loose, refugees from across the world flee to a new continent as the land grows colder and winter storms rage. Fight alongside Syrrus the Astromancer at the shattered Tower of Winds. Build a planetary gate that will allow a mysterious warrior mage's army to journey across spacetime and add their blades to the battle!
The WorldBreaker Rises as twilight falls across the world.
Journey to a NEW continent to begin the introdution to our new storyline, "Ancient Evils," as the Queen of Monsters gathers strength and begins to build the army she'll use to conquer our world! With 35 quests to complete, new lands to explore, and 7 elemental starstones to locate, you've got more do than just save our winter holiday...
Quibble Coinbiter returns Friday!
Past, present, and future Frostval items freeze the insides of Quibble Coinbiter's pack... and YOUR inventory! AQWorlds' very own time-traveling sales moglin arrives in Battleon this Friday, December 19th, with gear from across space AND time! But he won't be there long, so you'll want to dig through his chest of never-before-seen-slightly-used items and rares while you can!
FrostSpawn Warrior and AstroMancer armor!
Announcing the Coolest Class: CryoMancer!
Just in time for snowstorms, blizzards, and BIG boss battles, we've got the CryoMancer Class arriving this Friday! You can get your winter gloves on this supercool class for 2000 AdventureCoins or through farming for tokens from a Daily Quest. (Members will be able to earn tokens twice as fast!)
- Cryomancer Class (Earned version, 84 Glacera Tokens)
- Cryomancer Class (AC version, 2000 ACs)
Cryomancer Class Armor
Once the CryoMancer Class releases, speak to Syrrus Terminer in the Tower of Winds OR talk to Quibble in Battleon! Both will have daily quests that rewards you with Glacera Tokens when you complete them. Non-members can earn up to 14 a week but there is a special Member version of the quest that will reward Members with up to 21 Tokens per week.
MEMBERS: You will only be able to do ONE of the quests per day. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE MEMBER VERSION!
As always there will be an AC version of the class for those who don't have the time to invest in earning the class for free.
Frostval Limited Quantity Packages Next Tuesday!
Starting next Tuesday, December 23rd at 10:30 AM EST, our Frostval Limited Quantity Packages will go on sale! There are a limited number of packages, so if you want to snag these ice-cold collectibles to boost your rare collector rep, read on to see what's coming!
- Dage's holiday armor set and quest (concept art pictured above)
- J6's Ice Fortress house (with daily quest treasure chest)
- A holiday Nulgath-themed Battle Pet (available to anyone who has EVER purchased a membership)
- and the IceMaster Yeti pet and quest (for all players)
Keep an eye on the Design Notes for more art previews, quantites, and a restock schedule!

December 12, 2014
Break Bones, Get Presents
Destroy the Frostval Fiend to Unlock Treasure
From Travelers leaving the Frozen Wastes come rumors of a vast treasure, waiting for those strong enough to take it. But, say the travelers, no one who has set out to claim it has ever returned… and no sign of them has been found. Is the treasure so grand, the luxury so rich, that they never wish to leave? Or is something darker, deadlier, lying in wait at the heart of the hoard?
Will YOU survive the hunt?
The Bonebreaker Adventure Badge is LIVE!
This week, we're introducing a new type of upgrade package: the BoneBreaker ADVENTURE package! I REALLY love this idea, because instead of just getting an armor set when you upgrade, you unlock an entire zone with a full map, quest chain, boss battles, merge shop, and monster drops!
See all the details in this post.
Starting tonight, find the upgrade package available on our website, portal site, and in-game! When you get the BoneBreaker package for $34.95 USD, immediately unlock:
- A full map zone in /bonebreak
- A new boss, quest chain, and a daily farming quest
- Boss Drops and a merge shop full of gear
- 3 armor sets, weapons, and helms
- 3 months of membership
- And 2000 AdventureCoins!
Beleen's Birthday Gear is Here
Beleen's birthday is tomorrow, and we've created a bevy of bright rose and pink gifts! It's like Christmas came two weeks early! We let her unwrap her presents early… in front of YOU on YouTube... but YOU can log in now to get your very own!
Subscribe to the Artix Entertainment YouTube channel and then /equip all the new in-game items now in-game in Beleen’s Birthday Shop.
SO MUCH MORE in AQWorlds this month!
The Tundra Stalker Limited Time Shop is ALSO in the game menu and is full of really cool (heh) free-player gear! NEXT week, the WorldBreaker Rising: Return of the Ancients event begins as we introduce the new main storyline!
PS: The FallenFire Raffle contest winners were chosen last week, and their giftbox rewards were added straight into their inventory. Congratulations, winners! Those giftboxes will open next week!

December 12, 2014
Dragons LIVE on Android!
Cookie Clicker & AQWorlds Team up!
We teamed up with the creators of Cookie Clicker to create ADVENTUREQUEST DRAGONS! Dragons is an idle game where you raise beautifully painted, fully animated dragons from egg to baby to full adult form. Feature fan favorite dragons like Fluffy the Dracolich and Akriloth, each of the 12 Dragons has a unique story.
Available NOW on Android! (Apple coming next)
We just went live on Android! Get Dragons on the Google Play App Store! The apple version will be released the moment it is approved by Apple. (Should be very soon) Please rate us 5 stars and share to help spread word of the game!
AQWorlds players get a special perk for becoming a FOUNDER
Get the founder package in Dragons and unlock the Flame Dragon Warrior class, armor, sword, spear, dragon help, epic cape, wings and a special character page badge in AdventureQuest Worlds.

December 12, 2014
Flame Dragon Warrior Class
Hi all! Asuka here (Usually you're reading posts from me, TODAY IT'S WRITING ONE) and today we'll be learning the brand new class for AQ:Dragon Founders, the Flame Dragon Warrior, the Class you can unlock when you become a Founder in our newest mobile game, AdventureQuest: Dragons! .
Founder comes with 200 Dragon Keys which you can use to unlock new dragon eggs to hatch and buy some upper tier powers, or even buy gems for your dragon to buy more upgrades and increase its power! (You can also earn keys by completing dragons and watching daily sponsored videos but that's much slower).
BONUS: We are already planning an expansion to the game which will include leaderboards and a new dragon!
What is the Flame Dragon Warrior Class?
The Flame Dragon Warrior is a VERY powerful class designed for people who become a founder at AE's new game, AQ:Dragons. The skillset is extremely useful for either boss fights (like taking down dragons), pvp (slaying DragonSlayers) or just everyday use farming (in the Dragon's Lair) .
You can unlock the Class when you get the founder package in AQ:Dragons. The Class comes with an armor, sword, spear, dragon help, epic cape, wings and a special character page badge.
Sit back, relax and lets have a good read.
Flame Dragon Warrior Class Skills
Auto Attack: Pretty basic. 2 second cooldown.
You need to be able to swing around your weapon somehow.
Fire Dragon's Roar: 10 Mana, 4 second cooldown
Blast 3 targets with flame to deal fire damage.
Builds stacks of Dragon's Roar which affects other abilities.
This is the ability you want to keep stacked. Stacking this ability will allow you other skills (Which we will go over) an extra kick to them
Burn Of Akriloth: 25 Mana, 15 second cooldown
Akriloth grants you the power to do a 400% DoT for 10 seconds, with a 25% chance to stun your opponents for 6 seconds with Smothering Smoke, Stacks of Dragon's Roar increase damage.
Yes, all those words and numbers are correct. You can get an extremely high DoT AND do a pretty nifty amount of damage too and even a good chance for stuns. This skill is really good for beating down something (or someone) really quick without hassle.
Note: The DoT CAN be applied even without stacks of Dragon's Roar, BUT YOU WILL NEED THE STACKS if you wish to do damage as well.
Dragon Strength: 20 Mana, 12 second cooldown
A Moderate Damage Skill. Applies Ablaze which increases Strength by 25% for 8 seconds. If stacks of Dragon's Roar are present, removes all stacks of Dragon's Roar and applies Extra Defense which reduces all damage taken by 40% for 15 seconds.
Feeling a tad too squishy? Want to buff yourself up like a (small) tank? With stacks of Dragon's Roar, your defense power grows AS WELL as your strength! It's a GREAT thing if you want to survive a few more hits and make sure you can take your opponant down. Goes great with a healer.
Fire Dragon's Scales & Dragon's BloodRank 4 Passives
The magic of dragon scales gives you 30% spell resistance.
The power of dragons blood gives you 30% endurance increase
Neat little passives. Helps you survive more. Not much to say about it.
Burning Rage: 30 Mana, 15 second cooldown
DESTROY with the power of your rage and damage! Also applies a 350% DoT over 8 seconds.
Double the DoTs, double the fun! The fun WILL be doubled with this skill! This is your boomshot, the skill you *wisely* use as you don't wanna waste your mana compltely (I'm bad with mana at times...) Anyways, as well as getting a decent strike off, you also get another DoT just to be more of a bother. Works quite nicely with Dragon's Strength.
Rank 10 Passive: Dragon's Burn
Increases your DoTs by 30%
Do you like your DoTs? Of course you do. Do you want to make them even better? OF COURSE YOU DO! Similar to Dragon Shinobi's Rank 10 passive, Dragon's Burn will give your DoTs even BIGGER damage ranges! it's a PERMANENT increase!
Overall, you can survive pretty well with the class. Your power can be used for high damage and DoT or tank it out, taking hits from everything that decides to come your way. Do let us know what you think too! Anywho, Asuka out!

December 11, 2014
It's Almost Beleen's Birthday
And Beleen's Birthday mean PINK PRESENTS!
I've known Beleen, AE's Senior Writer, for years, and she is one of the most genuinely positive and kind people I've ever met. If you've seen her tweet even ONCE, you know she LOVES the color pink, and I've come to learn that love isn't just a color, it's a frame of mind and lifestyle. It's <3. This weekend is her birthday; real lfe level up, DING!
If you haven't seen Beleen open her in-game AQWorlds presents from the team, you can watch it here! But a few more just arrived, and she hasn't seen them yet (/cheer!), but we are going to show them to YOU now!
Hey Beleen... SURPRISE!!!
In addition to the Pink Pomeranian Battle Pet, Chibi Beleen on your Back cape, and Beloon pet, we're alsoreleasing the Burning Love Class for 2000 ACs*, the Pink Eternal Flame of Love, and the Bright Pink Flame capes!
Buying the Class will ALSO unlock an armor version, which will be added to the game once Beleen's birthday shop goes rare for the year.
Make sure you wish AQW's pinkest dev a VERY happy birthday on her Twitter account!
PS: I made a desktop background version of the Pink Pomeranian IN SPACE!!! house painting because I <3 it so much. If you want it, too, head to this link and right-click to set as YOUR desktop background!
* The Burning Love Class is based on the Pyromancer Class, and will have the same skills with different names.

December 11, 2014
BoneBreaker Adventure Update
Unlocks the Zone, Gear, Membership, and ACs!
We're excited to introduce the BoneBreaker adventure package expansion tomorrow, December 11th! When you purchase the adventure package, you'll immediately unlock the BoneBreaker armor and 4 helms in your Book of Lore, plus the Bonebreaker Fortress Map item which will grant you access to the exclusive battle zone in DeadMaw Woods!
Unlock the adventure and reap the rewards!
This is a new type of upgrade package available on our website, portal site, and in-game, and we are REALLY excited about it! Starting tomorrow, when you get the BoneBreaker package for $34.95 USD, you'll immediately and permanently unlock the exclusive:
- The Bonebreaker Berserker armor
- BoneBreaker Torso and Locks Helm
- BoneBreaker Torso Helm
- Maw of Heroine Mashing Helm
- Maw of Hero Mashing
- The BoneBreaker Fortress map
- A character page badge
The BoneBreaker Fortress map gives you access to:
- A full map zone in /bonebreakfortress
- 6 new quests
- An exclusive daily quest with guaranteed rewards once you complete the quest chain
- A new boss monster, minion monsters, and their reward drops
- A new Merge Shop
- 3 months of membership
- And 2000 AdventureCoins!
Legends with active memberships can also access the zone, quests, merge shop, and monster drops, but will not unlock the exclusive shop, gear, or quests.
How to Unlock the BoneBreaker Package?
- Buy the BoneBreaker package in-game, on our website, or through the Portal site
- Get the “Bonebreaker Fortress Map” item in BoL Badge Shop
- /join Bonebreak (if you do not have the item in your inventory, you cannot join map)
- Talk to Shara Kinrunner in /bonebreak to begin the adventure!
Exclusive BoneBreaker Daily Quest
There is a TON of things for you to quest for in this release! If you buy the Bonebreaker Advenure Package and complete the storyline, you'll unlock the Break Into the Hoard daily quest, which comes with the following rewards:
100% chance to get:
- Bonebreaker Medallion x3 (used in the merge shop)
25% chance to get:
- 1 of 11 Potent Skill-enhancing potions
10% chance to get:
- Dual ShatterBone Axes
- 1 Hour Class Points Boost
- 1 Hour Rep Boost
- 1 Hour Gold Boost
- 1 Hour XP Boost
1% chance to get:
- BoneBreaker Poleaxe +10 (Rep)

December 11, 2014
Unwrapping Excitement
Watch Beleen Unwrap Her Birthday Presents
OMG EEEEEE! I AM SOOO HAPPY!!! I just filmed myself unwrapping my in-game birthday presents on YouTube!
Click to watch the full video!
All of these items are arriving this Friday, December 12, at .
Thank you everyone who suggested these items on my Twitter and on the AQW Facebook page – we couldn’t have made sooooo much PINK possible without your genius ideas! Keep up the great work, and stay super pink my loves!
xoxo Beleen the Birthday Girl

December 10, 2014
Building up to a Bright Frostval
Get a Sneak Peek at what's coming next week!
The Design Notes have been quieter than usual this week, because the entire team has been hard at work building the bones of the Frostval release designed to introduce us all to the new main storyline!
We've stolen Thyton to partner with Dage to build the Frostval monsters, and we've loaded up J6, Memet, Laken, Blade, Ghost, and Arklen with art and animation lists that will let you wreck the halls as you deck your opponents!
Read on to see concept art, in progress, and finished art for the coming weeks' releases:
Karok the Fallen concept
Several millennia ago Karok, the Hero of the Battle of IceSpire Peak, was broken after a bitter betrayal forced him to choose between death and dishonor. His spirit was so shattered that rumors say no shred of humanity remains in him. Looking at his FrostSpawn minions... this may well be true.
Frostspawn Horde Warrior concept
Once a regular human warrior, members of the Frostspawn horde have been twisted into unrecognizably monstrous creatures by the magic of their planet due to the foul nature of their deeds.

Karok the Fallen, mage form, final art
Fueled by a need for vengeance, conquest, and rage, Karok has destroyed his world, and seeks a new world to pillage and plunder. The last whispers of the last seer to walk the ice floes of his homeland uttered a single word, though many have no idea what it could mean: "Kezeroth..."
Every 5,000 years, a planetary alignment is possible and, if the gate is properly constructed, a bridge may be formed which can bring us the aid we need to battle the WorldBreaker... but first the Horologium Gate must be built and the Elemental Runestones gathered!

The CryoMancer Class will be available in two weeks, and can be purchased for 2000 Adventure Coins or through farming for tokens from a Daily Quest. (Members will be able to earn tokens twice as fast!)
- Cryomancer Class (Earned version, 84 Glacera Tokens)
- Cryomancer Class (AC version, 2000 ACs)
Once the CryoMancer Class releases, speak to Syrrus Terminer in the Tower of Winds. He will have daily quests that will reward you with Glacera Tokens when you complete them. Non-members can earn up to 14 a week but there is a special Member version of the quest that will reward Members with up to 21 Tokens per week.
MEMBERS: You will only be able to do ONE of the quests per day. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE MEMBER VERSION!
As always there will be an AC version of the class in Syrrus and Quibble's Frostval shops for those who don't have the time to invest in earning the class for free.

December 10, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 12
New Release: Hunt for the Winter's Heart Hoard
Rumor has it that a treasure trove of unfathomable riches awaits brave heroes, but no one has ever returned... Can YOU claim ALL the glory?
Bonebreaker Adventure Map Updates
AQW’s first ever Adventure Pack, Bonebreak Berserker, receives its highly anticipated full update: new map, new battles, Armor sets, & much more!
Limited Time Shop: Tundra Stalker Armor Set
Listen up Rare Item Hunters! The rare Tundra Stalker arrives this Friday in the Limited Time Shop. Claim these Rare Items until Thurs. Dec. 18!
Next Week: AQW’s NEW Main Storyline
The 13 Lords of Chaos were ONLY the beginning! When the WorldBreaker rises, the fabled Ancients will return to power & forever change the world!

December 08, 2014
Browser Based Birthday!
Watch Beleen unwrap her presents this Thursday
Hiya hero! Did you know that my birthday is THIS WEEK!? And you know what that means… a glorious onslaught of PINK ITEMS is headed YOUR way!
The AQW team has done a fabulous job of keeping my presents under wraps. But come this Thursday afternoon, they are letting me unwrap my gifts—on YouTube!
Be sure to subscribe to the Artix Entertainment YouTube channel and be the first to watch my real-life excitement as I showcase all the new pink items arriving Friday, December 12, in Beleen’s Birthday Shop at!
xoxo Beleen =D