Design Notes

August 04, 2010

Super Awesome Crazy Day

Greetings friends! I must say... this has been the busiest few weeks of my life. (If I told you how long it took me to get to this part of the post due to people flooding into the warroom with emergencies you would seriously be laughing. It has been at least 30 minutes.) But this is what happens when so many exciting things are in the works! Some our happening right now.... like EpicDuel's Gamma release that just went live! (Way to go Titan!) In AQWorlds we have PvP coming this Friday, and then our biggest Friday the 13th event ever coming the following week!!!!!! It is either going to be the most epic thing we have ever created.... or we are not going to make it in time.... wish us luck!

Dage's Custom Armor & Arcangrove

As you may already know, J6 has taken on an apprentice named Dage. He is a young and skilled artist who has recently been crafting some amazing armors and items you have seen in our releases. A mini-riot broke out in Battleon today when players found out that Dage had given his best friend in game a set of his personal armor. (Updated the last sentence, verified.) Now, at first thought you might think... well, he made it right? So why should he not be able to give it to whomever he wants? Good question. The answer is... that is makes our fellow adventurers feel bad because there is no equal opportunity for them to get or earn the item in any way. Or put simply... it does not feel fair. So, you will be very relieved to know that Dage's armor will be available in the upcoming magical Acangrove Saga or alternatively on his Birthday. This was planned before this became an issue. In the past many mods have chosen to make their custom pets and armors available to players. Beleen gave you her Chinchilla and I have given you both my armor and my trusty side kick, Daimyo (OMG... did we miss his birthday this year?). Also... we accidently sold Ai No Miko's armor as a Kimono during the Yokai Zone (she will never let me live that down... but accidents do happen.) In the meantime, Dage has a special item coming up for you in the Friday the 13th release that you should be looking forward to!

3 packages from a far....

We have now received three unexpected packages at the Secret Underground Lab.... one is from Japan! Opening now.... 


Tags: Artix, Dage,
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