Design Notes

June 26, 2014

We are Making AQW History

Thank you for being a part of this once-in-a-lifetime event!

Tomorrow, we will be almost halfway through the Summer of Chaos. So far, you've:

  • Battled (or are in the middle of battling) up to the top of Mount DoomSkull to confront Drakath. 
  • Seen the lands you've loved attacked and burned to the ground by the forces of Chaos. 
  • Watched as an NPC (non-player character), Safiria the Vampire Queen, is slain because of the havoc Chaos wreaked in her lands.

After six years of sagas, stories, live events, and holiday releases, we have reached the pinnacle of AQWorlds' first main storyline; World War Lore is a massive, world-shattering event, and it is happening RIGHT NOW! You are playing a vital part in it, and THAT is what makes AQWorlds so special - YOU being here as we build the events, telling us what you want to see, and helping us put those ideas in-game.

We've done SO MUCH together:

  • Like the time twenty thousand players joined in casting a spell to teleport Battleon to safety, and
  • We all became undead to pass through the deathmist to storm Lionfang's Keep, or
  • When thirty thousand joined together to battle Chaos Lord Discordia, and
  • The original Friday the 13th live event, with guest star Voltaire, which was so awesome the servers crashed from sheer WIN

And now... we are poised to discover the 13th Lord of Chaos' Chaos Beast. The creature that, once risen, will unlock the final rune on Drakath's Chaos Portal.

Chaos has had the upper hand until now, but as our long-time players already know, anything can AND WILL happen… (even WE have not known everything that would happen this summer, because we needed to know what you wanted to see) and everything you've done so far is leading up to something truly amazing.

We want to thank all of you who have supported us so far. Without you, we would not be here to make AQWorlds, and your fellow heroes would not be able to play this Saga or those to come. We are already in production for the next main storyline after the 13 Lords of Chaos Saga finale. AQWorlds is not going anywhere* and we hope to see you battling alongside us for years to come!

If you enjoy these special events and our weekly releases, please support us by upgrading your account. We are going to make it worth your while this summer... and beyond!

* And neither is anything we've built so far. You'll still be able to visit the zones and NPCs from the 13 Lords of Chaos Saga

Tags: Alina,
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