Design Notes
December 27, 2024
Darkon's Madness of Time
Magic, Madness, and Battle Awaits
Darkon's Garden has always been known for the horrifying creations it contains. This weekend is no different. A mysterious tear in space has appeared, left behind by a Chronomancer who had the misfortune to enter a realm without time. /join Magician now to battle all that remains...
New Game Update
- New Story: Darkon's Madness of Time boss farm
- Dark Rewards: Creature 10 armor set drops + merge shop items
- Festive Rewards: Battle the Frostval Tree in /caroltown for new holiday decor
- Frostval Collection: the last shipment of Quibble Coinbiter's 2024 Frostval event items
Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts
- Server Boost: Get double Class Points, Reputation, Gold, and EXP until Monday!
- Saturday: Battle this weekend's boss in /magician to get the 0 AC rare Mutated Rebirth rapiers until January 31st!
- Sunday: Battle the Gift Delivery monster in /caroltown to get the 0 AC seasonal Fiendish Gift Delivery house item until January 3rd!
Dark and Festive New Rewards
There are many strange and wond'rous rewards waiting for you in Darkon's Garden... but the newest items are only available when you /join magician. Unlock all of the Creature 10 set pieces by defeating the boss or crafting the items in the Magician's merge shop. Then head back to /caroltown for a breath of fresh, festive air with all new holiday-themed house item reward drops!
Boss Drops:
- Dark Astravian Rapiers
- Bright Astravian Rapiers
- Mutated Rebirth Staff
- Human Clock Bezel
- Human Clock Synchronization
- Human Clock Face
- Hours Minutes Seconds
- Creature 10 Horns, Tail, and Half Wing
- Spinal Debris Swords
Caroltown Drops:
- Frostval Column Lights
- Classy Frostval Wreath
- Frostval Garland Trim, Hanging Frostval Garland Long Frostval Garland
- Candy Cane Lantern
HotelHorror Boss Drops:
- Impossible to Ignore
Drakkar Knight Class Variant
The Dragon Knight class returns this month as part of our Frostval Gifting celebration. Find it now in the Gifting event's Generosity Coin Merge shop the same class skills, but with all-new art!
How to Unlock the Drakkar Knight Class
There are three ways to unlock the new Dragon Knight Class variant.
- Generosity Coin Merge: x10 Generosity Coins (2024 exclusive, rare Platinum set)
- Gifting Event Tiers 2 -7: these tiers automatically unlock all the GC items once the event ends
- Seasonal Shop: the class skills return in 2025 with a new art for 2,500 ACs (seasonal Gold set, returns each year)
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
Tuesday, December 31:
- Shadow Raider's Shotgun leaves Dealbot 2.0 in /blackfridaywar
- ShadowEater of Wrath leaves Gorgorath in /wrath and /dragonbone
- Nibbleon Frostval Tree items leave the Zard in /battleontown
Friday, January 3: Frostval seasonal maps + rewards leave
Monday, January 6: Holiday AC bonus ends, Quibble's Frostval collection leaves
Tuesday, January 14: Gifting Event ends