Design Notes

July 01, 2022

Frostval in July Returns

Get your /Party On this weekend! 

Get ready to chill out with the return of our Frostval in July holiday event! Countries around Lore are ready to celebrate with gifts, good times, and new gear this summer, and they're not waiting until December to do it!*

This weekend, log in and head to the following maps for holiday hijinks:

  • Head to the Northlands to celebrate a fireworks festival based on this real-life Canadian event in /brightlights
  • Celebrate life, love, friends, and family with Empress Miko in /akibalight
  • Save the day (and presents!) in /icestorm during the Dragon King's Festival in the Etherstorm Wastes

Note: our regular Frostval holiday maps do not return this week... they'll be available for everyone in December)

This Year: Bright Lights and New Gear

Help Adak gather the resources necessary to light up the night. After enjoying the fireworks finale, talk to Adak and Tinsel; complete their quests to get the seasonal reward gear!

  • Enchanted Mountaineer set (color-customizable)
  • Festive Party Outfit set (color-customizable)
  • FlameHeart Warrior set

Plus, find the all-new FrozenDawn Herald set, available as reward drops from the Holi-Drake boss!

  • 1 armor
  • 8 helms
  • 2 capes
  • 1 sword
  • 1 dagger

Celebrate Frostval in July... in Yokai!

Empress Miko has called for a mid-Summer festival in Akiba to celebrate life, love, friends, and family in the midst of war. 

Complete her quests to unlock our Frostval seasonal gear...

  • Chibi moglin helms
  • the Frost BladeMaster set

Attend the Dragon King's Festival in Etherstorm

Once again, the dragon clans of the Etherstorm Wastes have invited humans and moglins to celebrate the Festival of the Dragon King. But not all humans are eager to share in the event... the Dragon Hunters have been spotted nearby. Help keep the peace (and the baby dragons safe) this weekend!

After you complete this weekend's event, battle the boss for a chance to get the items in our Frosted Assassin weapon series:

  • Frosted Shuriken
  • Frosted Katana
  • Frosted Kunai
  • Frosted Ninjato
  • Frosted Katana + Ninjato

Battle the monsters in this weekend's map to get Burnt Bows and Dragon Scales. Save these up to create the pieces of the Winter Assassin armor set!

Celebrate Frostval in July... in Yokai!

Tags: Alina,
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