Design Notes
April 05, 2022
April 2022 Calendar
Upcoming Game Events: April 2022
The month of Madness begins now! Log in all month long for new seasonal and story events, wicked rewards, and a double dose of Darkon's Saga!
April 1
April Seasonal Set returns
Completely normal release
NecroStorm upgrade bonus pack arrives
April 8 Battleontown Rebuilt + New Reward Drops (thanks for donating all that gold!)
April 15 Grenwog + Earth Day return + Cysero's Meateor Fragment Hunt
April 22 Darkon's Saga of Madness, Chapter VIII
April 29 Darkon's Saga of Madness: Return to the Garden Boss Reward Farm
April 1 Lucky Day Rares + March seasonal set
April 5 25% Spring AdventureCoin Bonus ends at 11:59 PM EST
April 8 Featured Gear Shop: Dark Astravian General Set leaves
April 15 Dage's Birthday Event Rares + Collection Chest leave
April 17 Rare daily login gifts from March 26 + 27
April 29 Grenwog + Earth Day event rares leave
April 30 Rare daily login gifts from April 1 + 17 + April National Day drops
April 5, 2022 Updates
Delayed gear added: last week's Unfowled ChickenCow BeastMaster and Enchanted Unfowled ChickenCow BeastMaster armor are now available in the Meateor Merge and Featured Gear Shops
Clarification on a "silent after-hours" Design Notes update
In last week's Battleontown Gold Donation goals post, we originally listed the 1 Trillion Gold rewards as:
- Blacksmithing rep that unlocks blueprints to apply damage bonus FX to any weapon
- House item that opens up Awe Enhancements shop
The original wording was unclear, and we saw it was being misinterpreted. To avoid further misinformation, it was clarified in the middle of the night, but without giving the extra information about WHY the change was made.
The updated Design Notes post read:
- Blacksmithing rep and quests that unlock enhancements that apply additional combat effects
- House item that opens up Awe Enhancements shop
TL;DR + important information:
- The plan for blacksmithing is to create new enhancements that function similarly to awe enhancements, and quests to unlock these
- These enhancement effects will be designed to give you more interesting ways to build and play
- The plan has always been for this- we mistakenly wrote it in an ambiguous way, leaving it too open for interpretation
- We changed the wording in the design notes to be more clear about this, so players don't get the wrong idea
- The unannounced DN post change lead to even more confusion. We've taken steps to avoid these late-night "silent" Design Notes updates in the future.