Design Notes
June 01, 2018
Summer AdventureCoin Bonus Sale
Get up to 50% more AdventureCoins for Free!
It's Summer... but despite the sun, AdventureQuest Worlds is eclipsing the sky with our darkest sale ever. For a limited time only, get up to 50% more Adventure Coins and unlock the ShadowScythe DoomLord item set with select packages.
Starting Friday, June 1st, at 12:01 AM EST the Summer Madness AC Sale is ON! Get more AdventureCoins with each AC package, and the larger the AC package you buy, the more bonus ACs you'll have to spend as we begin our Summer of Evil storyline - Sepulchure: Rise of Darkness!!
- 12,000 AC 18,000 ACs (best offer - 50% more!)
- 5,000 AC 7,000 ACs
- 2,000 AC 2,500 ACs
- 900 AC 1,000 ACs
Note: this offer does not apply to AdventureCoin purchases bought on, or the bonus ACs that come with membership packages.
* On June 29th, the bonus amount will drop, so if you're looking to buy AdventureCoins, this is the time to do it!