Design Notes
June 26, 2010
The Play by Play
Wow... what an adventure
The live event was a huge success with 31,000 players showing up to battle the Chaos Lord! Below is a recap of what happened starting Friday morning. Thank you to everyone who came! Especially everyone who stuck through the really tough parts.... we hope you had a lot of fun! Also, we would like to thank One-Eyed Doll for being so awesome! This is one event that we will never forget!
11:00pm - The re-run version of the event is available for ALL PLAYERS! Enjoy the cutscenes!
10:45pm - Server restarting for re-run mode to begin! The shops, special backstage area, and re-runnable version of the map will be available all of next week!
10:00pm - "Best Event Ever!" Thank you so much for being a part of this! The team is getting ready to restart the servers for the re-run version of the event.
9:59pm - VICTORY TO THE HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!
9:32pm - The 3 part REAL CHAOS LORD FIGHT STARTED!!!!! (in the sky!)
9:20pm - CHAOS BEAST FIGHT!!!!!
9:00pm - ..... THE BIG SURPRISE HAPPENED! (and all of the servers crashed.... everyone is relogging in)
8:45pm - The battle with Discordia begins!
8:00pm - The EVENT STARTED!
7:00pm - Only one hour until the show starts! (Is it bad that we are still coding)
6:15pm - Please join us in game in the waiting area....
6:08pm - Servers coming up! /join Live to prepare for the event.
6:00pm - Thank you for choosing to fly AQWorlds airlines. Before we begin our flight, please pay attention to the following in-flight emergency procedures. In the event of a crash... you will find floatation devices under your browser... We will be cruising at about 764MB/s and expect mild to game destroying turbulance.
5:50pm - Servers restarting in 10 minutes! old on to your helms.... or hoods.... or.... hair?
5:45pm - Wooohooo ready to.... *BREAKS* ... one moment!
5:38pm - Preparing to roll the files to the live servers... 42 items, songs, maps, monsters, and cutscenes.
5:30pm - We just had a few very embarrasing things happen what are too long too write here now... but I assure you they were VERY embarrasing! Bonus Live event tip -- If you crash... and have problems getting back in. Try restarting your browser.
5:00pm - Cysero broke. Not the server... the real one. We are attempting to fix him now. Does anyone have any duct tape?
4:00pm - Only four more hours till showtime! *whispers* Hurry guys.... hurry!
3:40pm - Evil Sir Ver, the "other" Member-Only server is now online for the event. Apparently the server has become self aware and is publically picking fights with the original, and very whomesome Sir Ver.
3:30pm - With each tick of the clock the moment draws near. The team is working frantically to get ready in time. Will the heroes win the war in time? Will the live event happen on time? Will 20,000+ players face Discordia? Will we win? lose? crash? ..... tick... tick....
3:00pm - The war in Mythsong wages on... but things are looking desperate for our heroes. If Chaos Lord Discordia has kidnaps all of the bands and reaches Lorestockapaloosa before us....
2:45pm - We have so many "One-Eyed" items in this release we should rename the game to CyclopsQuest! Miko just saw one of the cutscenes. Her response was "........................" Oh yes, you are going to enjoy this!
2:30pm - Oh wow... over 5 hours till the show and there are ALREADY 17K players online!
1:00pm - Lots of rares in tonight's event - Free, Member, and AC. We bought super-bandwidth for this event so the cutscenes and audio should stream fast... even though they are HUUUUUGE. Now, the only question is can we reconfigure the servers to use it in time! ... oh, and we are adding an other Member-only server, EVIL SIR VER for the event.
12:35pm - Zhoom says something is causing the map not to load. We are loading 13 different types of monsters in the event... we might have too many! He is editing the engine now.
12:25pm - Friday Release-Pizza Delivery! The delivery boy brought in 2 GIANT dufflebags full of Pizza boxes and mentioned, "You guys are very loyal....", smiled then added, "believe it or not this is a smaller order than normal!"
12:01pm - Zhoom writes, "Artix, we have a problem."
12:00pm - Only 8 hours until the show! It is so wierd that we have not had any problems yet.
11:50am - If the war is not won... then Discordia will beat you to Lorestockapaloosa... we have no idea what will happen if that happens! There are supposed to be thousands of people at the concert already!
11:45am - I was up veeeeeeeeery late last night testing functionality with Stratos and the team. So I am sufficiently sleep deprived to be controlling all 13 servers at the same time tonight. O_O This should be interesting!
11:30am - Cysero is reporting for duty at the Lab.
11:15am - Miltonius has entered the War Room! (He "borrowed" MechQuest artist, Thyton's, wacom build the event on.)
11:00am - Artix, Beleen, and J6 are in the warroom. With only 9 hours before showtime... the pressure is on! A live release is the most difficult thing to build and run in game. Beleen is wearing pink.... Artix moved to the far side of the table so he did not spontaniously catch on fire.
Yesterday - One-Eyed Doll band members were spotted on AQWorlds Servers!