Design Notes
April 25, 2011
4 Days Until HEROSMASH!
I've been getting a LOT of mails, Tweets and in-game comments asking how players can become Founders in HeroSmash when it goes live for the first time this Thursday.
Some of you are asking "What's a founder?!" or possibly "WatS a F0undr!" so let me tell you.
Simply put, a Founder is someone who helps support an AE game (buy purchasing a membership or Coin package) right after it is born to help kick it into high gear and get it moving. It usually comes with some perks like the way that AQW Founders get a new rare pet EVERY YEAR on AQW's birthday for the life of the game. Other perks could pop up at any time.
It also comes with crazy "I was there when that game started" bragging rights, and AQW Founders can prove it by showing you the Founder Achievement Badge on their character page. HeroSmash Founders will ALSO get a badge on their HeroSmash character pages proving that they were there.
Once 30 days have passed, you will never be able to become a HS Founder ever again!
Easy, either become a HeroSmash Member or buy at least $20 USD worth of SmashCoins (like AdventureCoins for HS) within the first 30 days of HeroSmash's online life!
I Heard That AQW Members Get A HeroSmash Membership As A Bonus, Is That True?
YES! We are calling it the V.I.P (Very Important Player) Membership!
It has always and will always be VERY important to us that we give you MORE than what you paid for in all of out games. In that spirit we have tied the AQW and HeroSmash memberships together into this V.I.P Membership that gets you member access to BOTH AQWorlds and HeroSmash!
If you're already an AQW member, that means that you are ALSO already a HeroSmash Member!
Pretty cool, right?
I know it's a little confusing to some people so I made this diagram for you.
I'm Already An AQW Member. Does That Mean That I'm Already A HS Member Too?!
Yeah, that's exactly what I just said.
Literally, it's 5 lines above this line not counting the diagram.
Ok... Does That Mean That I'm Already a HeroSmash Founder Too?!
Good question!
No, you are NOT already a HS Founder.
If you are already an AQW Member you will be able to enjoy all of the HeroSmash Member benefits like member-only powers, items, areas as well as FUTURE member-only benefits as the game grows BUT In order to become a Founder you MUST either buy $20 USD (or more) worth of SmashCoins OR Upgrade for 3 months (or longer) IN HEROSMASH starting THIS THURSDAY.
V.I.P Member Thing Is Kind Of Confusing Too. More Diagrams Plox!
Gladly, I can make these things all day long.
There are 2 ways to become a V.I.P Member.
- Upgrade in AQW.
- Upgrade in HeroSmash.
No matter which game you upgrade in, you will be a member in BOTH games but you will only get the ACs if you Upgrade in AQW, and you will ONLY get the SmashCoins if you upgrade in HeroSmash.
For Example:
If you purchase a 3 month membership to AQW, you will be upgraded in BOTH AQW and HS, but you will only get 1000 ACs, (no SmashCoins).
On the other hand, If you purchase a 3 month membership to HeroSmash you will be upgraded in BOTH AQW and HS, but you will only get 1000 SmashCoins, (no ACs).
Pictures make everything awesome.
I Agree. So When Can I Become A HeroSmash Founder.
THURSDAY, April 28th, HeroSmash goes LIVE for EVERYONE! As soon as we are live you will be able to become a Founder, but remember... you only have 30 days from the live release date to become a HeroSmash Founder or you miss out foerver! This chance will never come around again.
Unless you've got a time machine.
Then, technically, it's YOU who will be coming around again so my original point remains valid.
Have You Seen AQW Battle Cards In The Toys R Us Flyers?
NO! Do you have a picture, disembodied player voice?
Oh Awesome! People must really like the AQW Battle Cards game if it made it into the flyer. Only the big-name stuff gets in the flyer!
We really want to thank you guys for making us look good. Several stores across the U.S. have reportedly sold out of the game entirely and more are flying off the shelves every day.
I really hope that you think the game is as fun as we do (I am still playing it just about every day with Nursey and my other friends) and hope that you are enjoying the CardClasher Class that comes with it. I've gotten some feedback from players who have mastered the class and say that it really is one of the most powerful AND FUN classes in AQW!
We still have LOTS more in HeroMart, so feel free to buy some. It would be nice if Faith (Head of HeroMart) could walk around that area of the Secret Underground Lab without swimming through a sea of boxes.
I've Already Got My Box Of The AQW ANything-Goes BattleOn Battle Card Game.
Ok, so buy one for a friend. Never too early to shop for the holidays, amirite? Who knows, we might be sold out by Frostval!
Good Point. I'll Go Buy A Few More.
That's thinking ahead!