Design Notes
September 18, 2014
Arr Ye Ready?
How to Talk Like a Pirate
Ahoy me matey! Friday be jus’ over the horizon, ‘nd that means International Talk Like A Pirate Day be here!
Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we pirates don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. But fret not, sailor—ye be in luck, ‘cause me ‘nd me AQW Crew has a lil’ lessen for ye in the way o' the Pirate. Yaaaar!
There be Rules, Sailor: Pirate 101
Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate is ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint no one else ganna be bamboozled! Set ye deadlights on these steps:
- Pirates don’t be good at speakin’. We be mutterin’ most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!
- Ye gatta run ye words togeth’r. Ye gatta slur. Don’t be usin’ no proper sentences, either!
- If ye still got both ye hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ ye hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer protectin’ against Carpal Tunnel!
- Pirates be loud ‘nd lusty ‘nd brash. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND!!!
- Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk the plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
- Oh, ‘nd it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
- Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
- Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be mindin’ a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
- Pirates be superstitious folk. Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty a dire consequence! Me never leaves me home base without me lucky pink skull pendant!
Swanky Pirate Lingo: Pirate 102
Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! Best practice these phrases, ‘nd ye then be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!
- All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.
- Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!"
- Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
- Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
- Aye! - "Yes!"
- Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
- Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
- Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
- Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
- Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
- Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go.
- Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice.
- Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
- Hearties –Shipmates and friends.
- Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
- Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
- Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
- Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
- Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure.
- Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
- Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
- Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
- Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
- Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!"
- Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
- Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.
Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures: Spoils o’ the Scallywag
Pirates be lovin’ some booty! Har har har! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon this Friday, September 19, at twilight. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:
- Naval Commander Class (ye can read more ‘bout it ‘ere)
- DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
- Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
- Void Pirate Captain set
- Undead, Bright, and Fiendish Parrot Pets
- 13+ Naval Commander bandanas (ALL sailors can get ‘em!)
- ‘nd more treasures await to be plundered!
Ye be a savvy pirate now, that ye be. On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Weigh anchor, grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer trusty parrot neither! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, sail back ‘ere ‘nd get a seaworthy refresher!
Savvy, pirate?
Skulls and crossbones, Cap’n Beleen
September 17, 2014
Dare to Share!
1,000 Shares --> Mega Spoiler Announcement
Ahoy landlubber! Talk Like a Pirate Day be nearly here, ‘nd that means BOOTY! Ye AQW crew gots a galley full o’ loot coming ye way this Friday, September 19.
But even MORE booty ‘nd achievement badges be on thee horizon in an all-new game feature set to release soon. Go to thee ol’ Facebook ‘nd SHARE this picture with all ye friends!
If we get 1000 Shares in the next week, we’s shall reveal all the swanky details!
YAAAARRR! Clicky 'ere to Share!
Skulls and crossbones, Beleen! =D
September 17, 2013
How To Talk Like a Pirate!
Yarr ye ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day?
Ahoy me maties! Glad to see ye made it in one piece (great TV show, me parrot concurs)! This Thursday be International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. Har har har! But ye be in luck, that ye be! Me n’ me AQW Crew put together a lil’ lessen for ye. Yaaaar!
Pirate 101: There be Rules, Sailor
Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate: ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint nobody else ganna be fooled! Best follow these steps below.
- We pirates don’t be good at speakin’. We scowl a lot, and we like to mutter most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!
- Ye gatta run yer words together. Ye gatta slur. Don’t use no proper sentences, either!
- If ye still got yer hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ yer hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer ye circulation!
- Pirates be loud n’ lusty. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND!
- Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk thee plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
- Oh, and it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
- Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
- Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be minding a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
- Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty dire consequences! Me never leaves home without me lucky pink skull pendant!
Pirate 101: Swanky Pirate Lingo
Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! When ye read this, ye be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!
- All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.
- Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!"
- Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
- Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
- Aye! - "Yes!"
- Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
- Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
- Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
- Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
- Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
- Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go.
- Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice.
- Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
- Hearties –Shipmates and friends.
- Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
- Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
- Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
- Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
- Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure.
- Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
- Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
- Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
- Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
- Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!"
- Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
- Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.
Pirate 101: Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures
Pirates be lovin’ some booty! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon come Thursday. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:
- 4 New Naval Commanders:
- Galactic Naval Commander
- ChronoLord Naval Commander
- Legion Naval Commanders:
- Teal Version
- Blue Version
- Flyin’ Cthulhu Pet
- Galactic Cutlass
- Tricorn Hats ‘nd Eyepatches
- Pirate Angler Armor Sets
- And on Friday, 40+ Pirate Top Hats be matchin’ ALL Naval Commanders—past ‘nd present, ‘nd some even got beards for ye hairy hearties!
Pirate 101: PARRRRTY!
On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer lucky charm! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, come back ‘n get a refresher!
Savvy, pirate?
Skulls and crossbones, Beleen
September 03, 2013
Monday in Disguise!
It’s Tuesday. Feels like Monday. Excited about Friday!
OH YAY! Thank goodness I found you here. I’ve got a bunch of stuff I want to share with you because this week—and the next few weeks actually—are going to FLY BY sooo fast because…well… just take a look at what’s going on this week aaaaaand I’ll fill you in with more details soon…ish.
Wheel of Doom
Ladies and Gentleman! Berserkers and Guardians! Step right up and take a spin on the Wheel of Doom. Don’t be shy—every spin wins a prize!
When you /join doom, enter Swaggy’s friendly-looking tent and give the Wheel of Doom a spin. Want to find out more? Click this link here and Alina will explain everything to you. For wheel =D
Siege the Day
Despite your best efforts, Swordhaven continues to be consumed by Chaos! We cannot let Chaos win, Hero!
Looks like we need to take a different approach to defeating Chaos… so how about a minigame?! This Friday evening, defend the kingdom of Swordhaven in a ‘Castle-Defense’ style minigame. I just hope you can save the city from the Chaotic Siege!
Happy Birthday Aranx!
Everyone’s favorite Archangel Aranx is ascending into another year older! In order to celebrate, Aranx wishes to share with YOU his glorious Fallen Amadis Armor Set.
On Friday evening, you can become one of Aranx’s Fallen Amadis—who fights for Good or Evil, your choice!—and test your angelic aptitude against the forces of Chaos.
A Pirate’s Sneak Peak
Talk Like a Pirate Day only be a few short weeks away, but Solrac wants t’give all ye landlubbers ‘nd scallywags a sneak-peek at…
Galactic Naval Commander Armor Set!
Avast! This Naval Commander be out of this world, matey. Ye might be able to plunder s’more pirate spoilers on Solrac’s Twitter… if me doesn’t steal them for the Design Notes first!
xoxo (skulls and crossbones?) Beleen
August 26, 2013
DragonCon Cometh!
And Dragon Rider Armors, Friday the 13th, and Talk Like a Pirate Day too!
Happy Monday hero! This week is super special because the Artix Entertainment team is headed to DragonCon Thursday morning! Whooohooo!
Later today, Cysero will publish his foolproof DragonCon Survival Guide for you and your friends attending DragonCon. If you’re impatient—like meeee!!!!—you can brush up on last year’s Survival Guide by clicking here.
Friday’s New Release
If you can’t attend DragonCon… no worries, friend! Friday’s new release in AQWorlds will totally make up for your absence. This cannot drag on any longer… because the highly anticipated RARE Dragon Rider armors are coming to Quibble’s Shop in Battleon!
Created with you in mind and inspired by DragonCon, the DragonKahn mount armor is only 1 of the new Dragon Rider sets arriving Friday evening. Due to popular demand (and the endless onslaughts of Tweets), Dage the Evil began creating a dreadful dragonoid of his own.
Then the Dark Lord of the Undead Legion began giving life into his creation…
Fierce! The Legion Raptor is almost ready—and now Dage needs your help designing the armored rider. Give him your ideas on his Twitter!
Friday the 13th and TLAPD
September is nearly here… and that means Friday the 13th and Talk Like A Pirate Day is rapidly approaching!
We have heard your awesome ideas on the AQWorlds Facebook Page regarding this Special Event. We have narrowed down our favorite suggestions and want to get your feedback on possible armor sets. What do you think about:
- Galactic Naval Commander
- Chrono Naval Commander
- Shadowscythe Pirate Captain
- Royal Pirate Slayer
Which one is your favorite? Or favorites?! Which pirate armor set would you like to /equip during Friday the 13th and TLAPD? Tell us your thoughts on the AQWorlds Facebook Page!
In the meantime, Alina, Artix, and myself are meeting with Voltaire, everyone’s favorite Pirate Musician and a legend amongst Friday the 13ths, to begin planning out September’s special in-game event. I will keep you updated on our progress!
Heed the call of battle and Battle On to victory!
xoxo Beleen
September 23, 2011
Bloodtusk Under Siege!
Good and Evil Take Over the Ravine!
Fear of Chaos is tearing apart both the Horcs and Trolls! King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn, worried over whispers escaping from the Ravine, have sent their diplomats to take over, instituting martial law.
With the Alliance's Army controlling the Ravine - the Horcs and Trolls are afraid they will be unable to protect themselves from the Chaos Lord, whoever they may be!
Kagg and Sokrakiis call on YOU, Hero, to help them save their homes, their families, and a mysterious Ore that is sacred to them all. Will you defy your long-time allies to help your newest friends? And Drakath's minions... what chaotic Twin-terference have THEY been up to?
This week has some AWESOME rewards AND a member-only area of the map to battle high-exp and gold monsters! (This area also has increased drop rates for quest items and item rewards!)
Troll Rep Shop:
- Troll Warrior Armor
- Trollinator Cape
- Trollinator Helms
Horc Rep Shop:
- Horc Peacekeeper Armor
- Horcinating Cape
- Peacekeeper Hat
Troll Defiance Shop:
- Pride and Glory
- Troll's Last Stand
Horc Defiance Shop:
- Granite Rippers
- Mauling Stick
And even more rewards from Khasaanda and Zot in the /join ravinetemple map!
New Treasure Chest Rewards!
Treasure Chests just keep dropping! And THIS week there's NEW items in them! We're going to keep adding new items to the Treasure Chest reward drop pool until we have hundreds! And this week we bring you the Onikage Armor and Helm!
Noteworthy News!
Quibble Coinbiter's Talk Like a Pirate Day Shop is staying for another week! Grab your doubloons and loot his shop or he'll make you walk the plank. Yarrrr!
The Bloodtusk AC War Rare shops are GONE! Those epic items are gone for good! We also removed all of the Chaorrupted Troll Boss drops except the pets.
3rd Upholder is Coming!
October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)
What comes next for Bloodtusk?
If you're really going to help the Trolls and Horcs, it looks like you're going to need to take on the Alliance! But the Twins -and Drakath - aren't going to make that easy. Nor are they going to stop fomenting Chaos between the Horcs and Trolls! And what of the mysterious Chaos Lord? You'll find out! Join us next week for more of the ravages of fear, loathing, and Chaos in Bloodtusk Ravine!
If you can't do quests for this week:
Then you'll need to follow these steps:
If you can't do Kagg's quests in the ravinetemple map, then here's what you need to do:
Head back to the Crossroads zone, and talk to Rawg (all the way to the right and up):
1) Accept the Oracle quest from Rawg.
2) Answer the Oracle's questions in the middle of the ravine.
*** Then follow the rest of the steps below.
If you've already done the Oracle's quest (answered her questions) for the Horcs, do this:
3) Go and watch the Eclipse cutscene at the end of the Crossroads zone.
4) Watch The River Runs Red in /bloodtuskwar
5) Kill the War Boss again.
6) Watch the cutscene, "Chaos Rages."
7) Go to /ravinetemple and do the quests!
If you can't do Sokrakiis' quests in the ravinetemple map, then here's what you need to do:
Head back to the Crossroads zone, and talk to Druuz (all the way to the right and up):
1) Accept the Oracle quest from Druuz.
2) Answer the Oracle's questions in the middle of the ravine.
*** Then follow the rest of the steps below.
If you've already done the Oracle's quest (answered her questions) for the Trolls, do this:
3) Go and watch the Eclipse cutscene at the end of the Crossroads zone.
4) Watch The River Runs Red in /bloodtuskwar
5) Kill the War Boss again.
6) Watch the cutscene, "Chaos Scars."
7) Go to /ravinetemple and do the quests!
September 16, 2011
Talk Like a Pirate Day is Early!
Avast ye, Heroes!
It's Booty-or-Belly-up Time! Quibble has returned to BattleOn with a backpack FULL of accessories that will serve you well on the Seven Seas! If you're ready to leave your landlubber past behind, equip your sea-legs and /swagger into BattleOn! Featured this Talk Like a Pirate Day is the epically-shiny Platinum Naval Commander!
Shown here with the PC Mask, PC Sabre, PC Undead Parrot and PC Cursed Monkey Pet!
Not familiar with Quibble? He's the time-traveling moglin with a... business arrangement with a Time-Travel Fairy. She keeps him supplied with rares from the future - even though they haven't been made YET! And it looks like one of her latest acquisitions comes from the Underworld! Introduccing the Legion Jolly Roger:
And a multitude of terror-inducing Legion pirate helms!
THose skulls look really jolly!
Other Pirrrrratical-themed armors and sets include the Jester of Tortue-You-Ga set, the ShadowPirate set, and the Inverted Pirate Captain set!
We positively LOVE this negative armor!
Quibble is selling 41 pieces of epic booty for AdventureCoins and Gold doubloons, including some member-only gear!
War in the Ravine rages on!
Both the Horcs and Trolls are surrounded by Chaorrupted Jungle Beasts! Battle On, Heroes, to save your friends from certain annihilation! (If only you knew WHO the Chaos Lord was...)
Once the war meter hits 100%, you will unlock the War Boss and, while you might THINK you know what to expect, you will never guess the Boss' identity. To learn THAT, you'll have to watch the cutscenes!
There are separate cutscenes for both the Trolls and the Horcs, each showing the reactions of one of the races to what they've just experienced, and giving YOU and idea of what lies ahead in Bloodtusk Ravine!
The Golden Horc Armor and helms will be added to the Horc Merge shop tonight!
New war rewards are going into the War Merge shops tonight, so be sure to check both the Horc and Troll shops for new rockin' equips! Battle On, Heroes, because the war is almost at an end! As Artix says: "Don't give up now, you're just about to WIN!"
We'll see you all on Monday as we start building the next installment of Bloodtusk Ravine! Until then, raise your mugs of grog high and get your Pirate booty movin' as you /dance a jig to celebrate this year's Talk Like a Pirate Day event!
September 09, 2011
Bloodtusk is at WAR!
The river runs red for both Trolls and Horcs!
Chaos and paranoia have infected the residents of Bloodtusk! There is no chance of peace now; not when the Trolls fear a Horc Chaos Lord is attacking them and the Horcs fear a Troll Chaos Lord is determined to crush them!
Each side wants YOU to battle alongside them to save their home and keep their people free! Grab your sword, equip your stoutest armor, and bring a BIG backpack because there's a LOT of loot to grab!
The boss battle will be determined by the intensity of the fighting. There is no telling what vile creation this mysterious Chaos Lord is planning for the end of the war, but you can bet he is waiting and watching... he will choose whatever hurts you the most!
TWO AC Rare shops and TWO war merge shops!
Both AC Rare shops will disappear once this epically divisive war event is over, so get your gear while you still can! The merge shops (and the merge shop drops) will continue to be available once the war is over. The war itself is permanent content.
Troll AC rares shop:
- Battle Priest Helm
- Razor Blade
- Trollish Quickblade
- Troll Marksman Armor
Troll war merge shop:
- Broken Sword and Shield
- Essence of Mana Blade and Shield
- Mystique Blades
Horc AC rares shop:
- Horc be Trollin' Helm
- Gorillaphant Tusk Bow
- Horc Battleblade
- Horc Slicer
Horc war merge shop:
- Horcish Furred Cape
- Tusked Battle Helm
- Horcish Slicer Daggers
- The Pain Blade
Cysero says: Members get your Keys!
If you haven't heard about the new Treasure Chests, here is how they work: As you adventure you might find a Treasure Chest that can only be unlocked by Twilly in BattleOn by using the Magic Treasure Chest Keys that he sells. Each chest contains a random EPIC item! As a AQWorlds Member, Twilly will give you TWO FREE KEYS every month for the duration of your membership!
Except last month when a small bug caused most Members to get a LOT of free keys.
Members, the time has come for you to claim this month's keys for yourself!
All you need to do is visit Twilly in Battleon and click on his Treasure Chest button like you would if you wanted to buy more Magic keys or open a
Then you will see the Back button, the Open Chest button, the Magic Keys button to buy more keys and the new FREE Magic Keys button...
Simply follow that button, Complete the quest given to you and just like that... 2 more Magic Keys! This only the lastest in and increasing list of AQW Member Benefits!
This Free Keys quest resets on the 1st of every month but you can complete it for your free keys at ANY TIME during the month for as long as your membership lasts. Just don't forget to visit Twilly at least once a month. If you skip a month, you miss out on your two free keys!
I don't think that remembering will be a problem considering that we have been and will continue to add new items all the time including TODAY! Remember that they are all set to a cost of 0 AdventureCoins so you can store them for free in your bank (like all AC items) and the keys are only 200 Acs so you can easily complete an AExtras offer for another key!
Happy adventuring and if you find a Treasure Chest... good luck!
Talk Like a Pirate Day is Coming!
Yarrrrrr! It be almost Talk Like a Pirate Day in these here parts! On September 19th, all you landlubbers will have to find your sealegs, because we're going dubloon-or-nothing with this year's TLaPD rares! Mennace has made a whole hull's worth of the saltiest loot in the land! And Dage's Platinum Naval Commander will have all you lily-livered scalawags full-blooded pirates before the day is done!
Obrigado Brasil!
The Brasilian Independence Day shop will remain until Monday! Get your gear while it's still here!
September 23, 2010
Rares Arrrrr Goin’ Rare, Matey!
Quibble leaves Tomorrow, along with his 33 Rare Item Collection
Is it just me, or has this past week just flown by? Who gave Time a +15 Agility Buff? (and why haven’t I gotten a buff like that in real life? I need to have a word with the Time Travel Faeries… and the coffee maker…)
Since Friday is a day away, I should let you all know that Quibble is leaving tomorrow! Yes, the 15 Arcangrove-inspired items in his shop will vanish come sundown Friday along with those 16 awesome Talk Like A Pirate Day armors, captain hats, bandanas, and back items (+2 House Items!). So if you haven’t already plundered Quibble’s shop, now is your last chance!
Sure, you can wait another 361 days for the next TLAPD, but no one can say if those Rare items in Quibble’s shop will ever resurface. So your best bet is to do some last-minute AdventureCoin shopping in order to get your hands on the savviest loot in all the seven seas! And remember, you can store as many AC items you want in your bank for free and forever! Yaaaaar, it be true!
You can also earn AdventureCoins through 3rd Party Offers, ya know! And if you haven’t already (or just forgot about it), downloading the AQW Battle Bar allows you to earn ACs for each valid search you type in! I use mine every day. Not just for searching, the Battle Bar provides instant access to the Design Notes, Home Page, and Character Page! It’s pretty convenient AND earns me AdventureCoins! Sweet.
Arcangrove Part 4: The Ruins of Great Gilead
Finally you get a sneak-peek at what we have planned out for this week’s release! You are going to want to make sure that you have completed all the quests in Arcangrove, The Cloister, Mudluk Village, and The Natatorium so that you can journey to the magical city of the Great Gilead.
The Great Gilead was once thriving city of great magical achievement, but due to a terrible magical accident, it lies in ruins, deserted for more than a thousand years. It is now a place of study and quiet meditation for the spirit speaking Shamans. You must seek out Master Shaman Umbra in the Ruins if you hope to obtain the next piece of the Supreme Arcane Staff: the Wrap of Gilead.
Just a few Great Gilead weapons
You and your friends will embark on quests that will enlighten you on the Four Elementals of Lore: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Only when you have a deep understanding of these elements will you be able to confront the Guardian of the Gilead Wrap. Oh, and there will be an all-new puzzle that needs solving before you can take out the Great Gilead’s Boss!
I cannot wait for tomorrow! Which is going to come much sooner rather than later with that new agility buff applied to it. Someone give Time a speeding ticket, will ya? Thx!
September 17, 2010
Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Yo ho ho ho, a pirate’s day for we!
Avast me hearties! It be Friday yet again, but this be no ordinary release! Not only we be expandin’ Arcangrove, but it also be Talk Like A Pirate Day! YAAAAAAAAAAAR!
Actually, TLAPD doesn’t start until Sunday September 19th… but we didn’t want to wait that long to celebrate. Can you blame us? So right now, in Quibble’s Shop, ye can get 15 ALL NEW Talk Like a Pirate Day Items and a new Sunken Ship House! Now that’s a lot of booty… YAR HAR HARRR! No one knows if these items will EVER return, so make sure ye and ye crew of scallywags get them while you still can.
Arcangrove Expanded: The Natatorium
Dive to the bottom of the Arcangrove Loch and enter the realm of The Natatorium. Normally a place of peaceful meeting between various merfolk, The Nataorium is now overrun…or I guess over-swam?… with Angler Fish and Armored Merdraconians thanks to Chaos Lord Ledgermayne.
After asking Rayst in Arcangrove where you should go next, seek out Nisse the Mermaid Sage in The Natatorium. J6 did an AMAZING job—as usual—with crafting yet another beautiful map while Warlic whipped up some new aquatic tunes. But don’t be fooled by the map’s pretty frames! You are ganna need more brain than brawn if you hope unlock the gate to the Boss guarding the next piece of the Supreme Arcane Staff: the Runes of Riparian!
Your hard work will not go unrewarded. Along with offering you lochloads of gold, exp, and rep for every completed Quest, the monsters in The Natatorium are loaded with amazing swords and tridents. Swim its depths to discover:
- Reverse Merperson Armor
- Defender of the Reef Blade
- Fish Tail Cape
- Natatorium Scimitar
- Anaerobic Trident (a Rotting Naval Commander’s dream!)
- Lotic Blade
- and the Riparian Trident!
Well me hearties, me guesses that this be the end of thee design notes fer today! I tried to keep ‘em short ‘n sweet so that your eyes could properly heal themselves before loggin’ in to tonight’s release. So gogogogogo enjoy the release, mateys!
Yar har har har!
September 14, 2010
Tuesday PINK Alert!
TLAPD, Arcangrove expanding, and Calendar Project Spoilers below!
Avast me hearties! The day be Tues, and tis be the hour to plunder AQW’s secrets makin’ landfall this Friday.
For starters (in case you haven’t already guessed): Talk Like a Pirate Day! YAAAAAAAR! I know you’re excited. TRUST ME —we are all excited! Last year, TLAPD was a huge hit both in game and here at the Lab. Arrrrrrrtix and I dressed up as pirates IRL as thousands of our friends equipped their costumes in game. I know I’m dressing up again. Maybe I’ll bring a pie with me. So I can be a pierate ^___^
Quibble Coinbiter will offer brand-new TLAPD swag for you and your hearties on Friday. All the original loot from last year, including the house, are not coming back this year. They are Quibble items so they might come back someday… but that day isn’t Friday.
You like our new booty?
Here is just a sneaky-peaky at a *few* new TLAPD items. A lot of female players complained that last year's female version of the Pirate Captain showed too much skin. Cysero took that very literally. This year's Cursed Pirate Captain has no skin whatsoever!
You’re ganna want to stock-up on some AdventureCoins if you wanna showoff the best TLAPD booty. Remember, you can store an unlimited amount of AC items in your bank for free and forever! It’s like the best way to build that rare item collection of yours =D
The Natatorium
Pirates are natural born swimmers. …I think? Well I hope. The newest zone of Arcangrove will send you underwater to the home of freshwater merpeople: The Natatorium! The Natatorium is an ancient meeting place for various forms of merpeople, which has recently come under attack by Ledgermayne's forces.
Undersea Under siege
You will meet Nisse, the Mermaid Sage, and help her take out vicious Angler Fish, Armored Merpeople, and a new wicked boss that everyone here at the Lab is dying to see! I don’t want to spoil that last part… not yet, at least… so you will just have to wait patiently like the rest of us! Until we see it for ourselves. And then maybe we’ll share =D
Calendar Announcement(s)!
Have you heard anything about the Artix Entertainment 2011 Wall Calendar?! Um well now you have! We are actually making an actual calendar featuring the female NPCS from AE, beautifully set against backgrounds reflecting each month’s theme! Check it out.
Ai No Miko posing for March!
Mido, our newest graphic design artist, is hard at work on the calendar. He is EVEN designing a new rendition of Beleen… and I cannot WAIT to see myself in a whole new art style!
Significant dates (aka the most awesome ones) from AE's history and the games (big events, beta and alpha dates, AE holidays, etc) are marked on this calendar so that you'll know just when to make time to play the Mogloween event, or to check out Frostval or Hero's Heart Day! …or TLAPD!
You can get the calendar from HeroMart once Mido finishes it. And also when HeroMart is online... Heh… OH AND! And there will also be an in-game item that comes with the calendars, unlocking something not-yet-decided in every game! Any ideas?
So let’s make this DN post even longer by listing the following month/NPC pairs! YAY!
January: Fae *
February: Beleen
March: Ai No Miko
April: Geopetal
May: Jemini
June: Faith
July: Nythera
August: Reens
September: Alina
October: Safiria
November: Oishii
December: Aisha
Your fellow player by the name of ChainSword is even making a fan-made calendar that will be included on the Portal site once it's done! ChainSword and his friends have already gathered all the information they need and have moved on to the art-gathering stage.
They would really like to showcase fan-made art in the calendar, and for that they need YOUR help! They've got themes for each of the months, but would also like to see any free-themed AE-based art for possible inclusion in the calendar. If you'd like to submit your talented work (or to read the guidelines for submission) please give this underlined hyperlink a click!
We could never do ANYTHING like this without your time, effort, and support. New ideas like this are amazing, and for that we have you to thank! So head on over to the forums and see what masterpieces have been made and come up with some of your own!
If these design notes are any indication of the crazy week ahead…. we are going to need more coffee.
* Wait… who is Fae? Am I missing something here?