Design Notes
October 04, 2018
Happy Taco Day
The Deliciousness is REAL
Todayy is National Taco Day. This holiday celebrates everything taco and all of it's many varried forms. Find all of these crunchy costume equips in your Featured Gear Shop in hte game menu. The items will be available until October 11th. This is the only time you'll be able to get the absolutely delicious tacomancer armor (and the rest of the taco seasonal rares) until next year!
The Taco Day gear includes:
- Tacomancer Armor
- Taco Adimiral Hat and Locks
- Destructo-Tacos
- Soft-Shelled Cape
- Taco on a Stick
- Tacobender Helm

October 03, 2011
TMBG Birthday Fun
They Might Be Giants in AQW's 3rd Birthday Two-Week Event!
If you follow some of our Twitter accounts then you already know that It's AQW's 3rd Birthday and we have some GIANT treats in store! The band THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS will be joining us in a two week adventure filled with space and time travel and awesome music!
If you've never heard of They Might Be Giants then you're missing out! They are the coolest and strangest alt rock band out there! Zazul, Rolith and I are especially HUGE fans of the band but everyone here at AE loves them.
Really guys, we've brought you a few bands that not too many people have heard of before but They Might Be Giants is NOT one of them! If song titles like "Birdhouse In Your Soul", "Ana Ng", "Dr. Worm", "Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)" and "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" don't get you singing then you don't know what you're missing. Don't worry... we'll fix that for you :)
The special event starts on Friday October 14th at 6:00 PM Server Time (EST)! We will have even more information for you as we get closer to the Birthday Event!
THIS WEEK: Taco Day and Mogloween Review!
First things first, tomorrow is National Taco Day. This holiday celebrates everything taco and all of it's many varried forms. Macho Taco will show up in Battleon tomorrow and stay for one week (until next Tuesday). Once again he is offering the absolutely delicious tacomancer armor and the rest of the taco seasonal rares!
Then, on Friday AQW's spookiest event begins. When the strange, creepy town of Mystcroft appears then you know Mogloween is getting close! This Friday we will be releasing all of the previous years Mogloween events to let you get caught up.
We'll keep those up during the two week Birthday Event, then on Friday, October 28th we will release this year's ALL NEW Mogloween event with expanded storyline AND all new items!Remember, you won't be able to play this year's Mogloween without completing all the previous years' adventures!
Quibble Leaving TODAY!
Quibble isn't gone yet but he will only remain in Battleon for a little while longer. This is your VERY LAST CHANCE to get this year's TLPD rares!
3rd Upholder Time!
Now that October has actually arrived, the weather is starting to cool down, the days are getting shorter and it's Upholder Time in AQW!
October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades (as long as your upgrade expires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011) will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)
Did You Get Your Free Member Keys?
It's a new month and that means AQW Members get 2 FREE Magic Treasure Chest keys from Twilly in Battleon! Some of you had a small bug this weekend when trying to get your keys if you had them in your bank. The engine can't merge items in your Inventory AND your Bank which resulted in you getting nothing and not being able to do the quest again.
Have no fear! Zhoom was able to reset the quests for each of you that encountered this bug so you can now complete your quest and get your two free keys (Just remember to take them out of the bank and put them in your inventory first).
If you DO forget again, we've added a new pop up to remind you to get your keys out of the bank. Just keep the Item Accept Box open until you have moved them unto your inventory, then click YES on the box.
Now, I'm just going to go freak out for a second

October 04, 2010
National Taco Day!
You are what you eat… literally.
Your wait is finally over! October 4th is National Taco Day! And since today is that day… prepare yourself for a taco-licious buffet of adventure.
Macho Taco, the Grande Supreme Tacomancer, is waiting for you in Battleon. You can’t miss him. He’s, um, the giant Taco with a Taco on his head. Who is holding Destructo-Tacos. Yummy!
Macho Taco will be in town from now until next Monday, offering you the following Seasonal Items (mmm, seasonings…)
- Tacobender Helm
- Destructo-Tacos
- Taco Admiral Helm (Male)
- Taco Admiral Helm (Female)
But wait, there’s more! Macho Taco has a Quest for every Taco lover to get the highly sought after Tacomancer Armor. This Armor is Non-Member, so as long as you have a great taste for Tacos (and complete his pretty difficult quest) you too can become a Tacomancer ^___^

October 01, 2010
Tonight’s Release is LIVE!
and far too much is going on that I am incapable of coming up with a clever, convenient subheader that would encompass everything that will be launched tonight and in the upcoming days.
Look at that. It’s October 1st! Yaknow what that means?
Awww yeah! 2nd Upholder! If you are already a Member and your Membership expires on or after November 3rd, 2010, then you are ALREADY a 2nd Upholder. Yaaay, congrats!
But if you help support AQW by buying ANY membership ANY TIME during the month of October (from today, October 1st to November 2nd) then you will become a 2nd Upholder! Your awesomeness will be displayed as a new badge on your Character Page, in your book of Lore, and it will unlock a super-special-uber-rare item: the Onyx Starsword! Help support your favorite MMO and in the process gain some serious bragging rights… and the epic everybody-wants-one Onyx Starsword (that is marked as an AC item, which means you can store that bad boy in your bank for FREE and FOREVER)!
So this means even if you buy a 1 Month Memebership today, you WILL become a 2nd Upholder =D
Since this blurbie is already going to be long enough, you can read more about 2nd Upholders on Cysero’s pink-free Design Notes post!
Arcangrove Expanded: Mount Mafic
You have almost completed the Supreme Arcane Staff! Only one more piece to go… and the final part resides deep within the volcanic region of Mount Mafic.
As one of the most dangerous and powerful places on Lore, Mount Mafic is the plane between magic and natural phenomenon. Magma Golems, Scoria Serpents, Living Fires and Volcanic Maggots have thrived on the volcano since the dawn of time, protecting the FINAL piece of the Supreme Arcane Staff: the Chaos Focus Gem!
You and your buddies will have to solve the volcano’s tricky lava-bridge puzzle if you hope to obtain such a relic (and quite possibly have to fight the Boss when you get to the other side). The puzzle consists of 6 different Magic Orbs that require a distinct pattern in order to lower the bridges.
If you need help figuring it out (like I did… many times over…) the 4th tunnel when you’re inside Mount Mafic has a floating green orb that you can click and it’ll give you much needed hints on how to solve this insane puzzle! A pencil and paper might be helpful as well ^____^
The monsters here are also loaded with an eruption of BRAND NEW items. And, clearly, since I haven’t given you enough to read already, it would be my honor to list them all for you!
- Magma Armor
- Lava Snake Pet
- Hot Head Helm
- Wings of Tephra
- Mafic Wings
- Axe of Holocene
- Dual Fumarolic Axes
- Vulcan’s Might
- Dacite Daggers
- Red Hot Flamberge
- And, of course, a Fire Extinguisher hidden in a secret place (and no, we didn’t tell Artix so there is NO CHANCE at him blabbing. Wahahha!)
Shaman Class and Spellbreaker Enhancements
Finally! A new NON-MEMBER Class! I did a great big DN post earlier this morning (actually it was really really late in the evening for me) that will enlighten you on the Shaman’s abilities and whatnot. But I didn’t have a picture of the Class since, well, we didn’t finish the art ‘til just now!
Color Customizable! Need I say more? …uh yeah!
Shammys require a Rank 10 Reputation with Arcangrove. Don’t have enough Rep? Mount Mafic offers 4 new quests that will help you reach Rank 10 Rep if you haven’t already maxed it out. You can get this new Class by speaking to Rayst, who is also offering Spellbreaker Enhancements.
This entire set of new enhancements increases your Intellect, Dexterity, Endurance, and Luck when applied to your Class, Cape, Helm, and Weapon. Since Shamans rely heavily on these four Stats, there’s a pretty good chance that you will want to invest in Spellbreaker Enhs.
But you don’t have to. Customizing your character with an array of different Enhancements is part of the fun! Play around with different Stat builds and see which one best works for you! (and then let me know about it so that I can copy you)
AQWorlds’ Second Birthday Bash—Next Week!
On the crazy date of 10/10/10, AQWorlds is turning 2 years old! Last year, the world was flipped on its head as millions of players became Undead and seized Liongfang's castle to save the AE Team… but that is all in the past. THIS YEAR, things will become even CrAzIeR as we do a weekend long special event with musical guests Paul & Storm and a special cameo appearance by Jonathan Coulton! Lore is going to flip inside-out as.... *mmfuufmfmmm* SORRY FOLKS! That part is a secret… for now… until Artix slips-up and unleashes the mightiest spoiler of all time….
Tacos Rule!
On Monday, October 4th, we are celebrating National Taco Day! Artix was sooo excited about this, um, “holiday”, that Dage the Evil took it upon himself to make some totally taco-licious gear. So this Monday, there will be a giant Taco in Battleon selling the Tacobender Helm, Destructo-Tacos, Taco Admiral Helm (Male and Female versions), and the Tacomancer Armor, available for everyone who completes the giant Taco’s outrageous quest.
Yeah. We’re a little weird, just in case you haven’t figured that one out yet.

September 29, 2010
Tacos and Birthdays
Next Monday is Taco Day...

Dage the Evil (I am so going to turn him good by the end of this.. just watch) created some Taco-licious destructo-tacos for you. Taco Admiral? If we ask nicely maybe he will make us some Taco-chucks!
Coming this week
Doing a big release this week with an 80% chance of the Shaman class being released, and then Taco Day, and then the CRAZY 10/10/10 AQWorld's birthday with musical guests Paul & Storm next week.... well, please wish Cysero, J6, Miltonius & Beleen luck -- they are going into overdrive! Meanwhile, Warlic is in the music room creating creepy haunted music... it is LOUD! The entire lab sounds like a haunted house. (I guess you could say it is like Phantom of the Warlic in there)