Design Notes
October 04, 2013
Dragon Rises Triumphant
The Royal Wedding's Chaotic Conclusion!
Good King Alteon has been fighting Chaorruption since AQWorlds began, and THIS week, you will see how much of an effect Chaos has had on him! Log in now to play the conclusion of the Royal Wedding event, the rise of Swordhaven's Chaos Beast... and the beginning of the most Chaotic chapter in AQWorlds' history!
Chaotic DragonFORCE!
We had planned to finish the wedding release in one week last week. This week's storyline release IS a bit shorter than usual, but had we not split last week's release into two parts, we would not have been able to put nearly as much effort into this week's cutscenes as we did. I'd rather do them right than do them quickly! (Especially when the reactions to the release have been so emotional!)
Ghost, our lead animator, drew his reaction to what he did this week:
Sad Ghost felt ALL the feels!
Make sure to tweet your reactions to the storyline to @ArtixKrieger and @Alina_AE so we can keep track of how many feels you have felt! You can also share your reactions on the AQW Facebook page or our forum!
The new loading screen is live, too!
In addition to finishing LAST week's release THIS week, we also released:
Enjoy the beginning of the REAL Chaos in Swordhaven... and the rest of Lore!

October 04, 2013
Become a Blood ShadowCaster
Unlock Blood ShadowCaster with a 3 Month Membership!
Become a Blood ShadowCaster to command the darkest of the magical arts: Blood magic! Will you sacrifice the blood of your friends and enemies to become more powerful? Will you do what must be done to ensure that you CAN control your own destiny?
Starting today, October 4th, at 12 PM server time (Noon), upgrade with a 3 month membership package to unlock the Blood ShadowCaster set!
Much the same way we did versions of the Lightcaster for ACs and membership, we've done the same for the Shadow Sorcerer / ShadowCaster, but with a different color palette for the separate sets. Find details on the Shadow Sorcerer 5k AC package here!
Where Can I Get It?
You can upgrade your account in any of the following places:
- Through your game menu, using the in-game payment system. Click on the Treasure Chest at the bottom of your screen to bring the menu up!
- Using the payment page at!
- On our Portal Site, under the AQWorlds game packages section.
Get ALL the gear: ! armor, 5 wings, 5 helms, and 2 staffs when you purchase the 3 month membership. Each item is 0 ACs for free storage and the package come with a character page badge!
To find the gear:
- Open your Book of Lore
- Click the Badges section
- Go into the "Other Badges" section
- Scroll until you see the BloodCaster badge

September 03, 2013
Monday in Disguise!
It’s Tuesday. Feels like Monday. Excited about Friday!
OH YAY! Thank goodness I found you here. I’ve got a bunch of stuff I want to share with you because this week—and the next few weeks actually—are going to FLY BY sooo fast because…well… just take a look at what’s going on this week aaaaaand I’ll fill you in with more details soon…ish.
Wheel of Doom
Ladies and Gentleman! Berserkers and Guardians! Step right up and take a spin on the Wheel of Doom. Don’t be shy—every spin wins a prize!
When you /join doom, enter Swaggy’s friendly-looking tent and give the Wheel of Doom a spin. Want to find out more? Click this link here and Alina will explain everything to you. For wheel =D
Siege the Day
Despite your best efforts, Swordhaven continues to be consumed by Chaos! We cannot let Chaos win, Hero!
Looks like we need to take a different approach to defeating Chaos… so how about a minigame?! This Friday evening, defend the kingdom of Swordhaven in a ‘Castle-Defense’ style minigame. I just hope you can save the city from the Chaotic Siege!
Happy Birthday Aranx!
Everyone’s favorite Archangel Aranx is ascending into another year older! In order to celebrate, Aranx wishes to share with YOU his glorious Fallen Amadis Armor Set.
On Friday evening, you can become one of Aranx’s Fallen Amadis—who fights for Good or Evil, your choice!—and test your angelic aptitude against the forces of Chaos.
A Pirate’s Sneak Peak
Talk Like a Pirate Day only be a few short weeks away, but Solrac wants t’give all ye landlubbers ‘nd scallywags a sneak-peek at…
Galactic Naval Commander Armor Set!
Avast! This Naval Commander be out of this world, matey. Ye might be able to plunder s’more pirate spoilers on Solrac’s Twitter… if me doesn’t steal them for the Design Notes first!
xoxo (skulls and crossbones?) Beleen

August 19, 2013
Monday Syllabus
Back to Schooling Monsters!
Happy Monday! Some of our fellow heroes have returned to School today (buff those INTELLECT and WISDOM stats, smarty pants!)… but AdventureQuest Worlds has a bunch of monsters that need schooling, too! We have lots to cover in today’s Design Notes… so let’s begin =D
GameStop and Go!
Do you live in the United States and have a GameStop nearby? Do you want to unlock epic features like all the other Legends in AQWorlds? AND you want an exclusive item set to show off your Legendary status and make the noobs jealous? GREAT—and here’s how!
Due to an overwhelming demand, we have extended the exclusive GameStop offer until Sunday, August 25. So when you’re out shopping for back-to-school items, swing by a GameStop and:
- Purchase an Artix Entertainment Game Card
- Return back home with your glorious plastic artifact
- Become a Legend by following these instructions
- Unlock the Combo Breaker Armor Set
- Become the (AQ)World’s greatest Combo Breaker
- Show off your C-c-c-combo Breaking Screen Shots on my Twitter and the AQWorlds Facebook Page!
Get up and go to the GameStop nearest you and become the greatest hero—or villain!—you were destined to become!
Wheel of Doom Coming Soon
Whispers amongst Yulgar’s Inn hint at something called the Wheel of Doom… which is said to award heroes and villains with super-hard-to-obtain items… including some that are no longer available. O____O
Wheely important information about the Wheel of Doom will roll out later today. Stay tuned for more info AND the release date!
Friday’s Release
Swordhaven is a safe haven to heroes of all levels… but has recently acquired Chaos! This Friday evening, it’s up to YOU and your friends to defend Swordhaven from the Chaorruption seeping in.
Gear up in your favorite Quibble Armor Set, sharpen your Empowered Magus Greatsword, and prepare for the impending Chaos arriving Friday night. And… if my ears haven’t been Chaorrupted… I heard news of Dragon Khan, Legion Raptor, and MAYBE Archfiend DragonRider armors coming to Quibble next week. *crosses fingers*
No Featured Artist Shop on Tuesday
Say WHAAAT? No Featured Artist Shop tomorrow? Yup. It’s true.
All good things must come to an end… but not forever, I assure you! With all of our new exciting developments in the works—Battle Gems, Guilds, Wheel of Doom, DragonCon, and the next Lord of Chaos—you favorite AQW artists are hard at work creating new items for your new adventures.
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Shops will resume in late September, which is only a few weeks away! Who do you think the next Featured Artist will be? Let’s see if you can guess correctly on my Twitter!
Until next time, Battle On hero!
xoxo Beleen

August 12, 2013
Monday Diary
So much fun all week long!
Dear hero, it’s Monday again! And that means it’s time for another Monday Write Up. Allow me to highlight all the fun happening this week in the world’s favorite online adventure game, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Shop
For the past few months, we have seen the amazing artistic abilities of AQWorlds’ artists in the Featured Artist Showcase Shop. Last week we were blessed with Ven du Viioletmist’s special items, including the Rare Knight of the Leviasea Armor set.
Come tomorrow afternoon, Ven’s shop will disappear to make room for our newest volunteer artist, Roroth! This Drow artist will showcase elite armors, helms, weapons, and more from his personal stash of Drow-exclusive items.
I have the pleasure of meeting with Roroth later on this evening at the local AdventureBucks Coffee shop. Since not much is known about Roroth, I thought I could get him to tell me all his Drow secrets in exchange for a Venti Trobblechino! Mmmmm!
I will fill you in all the details in tomorrow Design Notes post… as soon as I finish my Trobblechino, that is =D
Friday’s Shadow Sorcerer Armor Set
Running low on AdventureCoins? They say that 2 things are better than 1… so how epic are 12 things in 1 sweet deal?!
Meet the Shadow Sorcerer. This devotee of the dark—along with 12 in-game items—can be yours starting Friday with our new 5,000 AdventureCoins package!
With your 5,000 AC purchase, you will receive:
- Shadow Sorcerer Armor
- Shadow Orb Staff
- Shadow Sorcerer Helm
- Shadow Sorceress Helm
- Shadow Sorcerer Mask
- Shadow Sorceress Mask
- Shadow Sorcerer Ink (helm)
- Violet Shadow Wings
- Magenta Shadow Wings
- Crimson Shadow Wings
- Teal Shadow Wings
- Cobalt Shadow Wings
- Shadow Sorcerer Character Page Badge
- 5,000 AdventureCoins (lol of course)
- AND the Shadowfire Emperor Armor Set, including: Color-Customizable Shadowfire Emperor Armor, Shadowfire Skull Helm, Shadowfire Katana Cape, Shadowfire Blade, and Character Page badge
WOW. Nowhere else can you find a deal that AWESOME. And coming from the fashion guru who is all about finding the best deals, the 5,000 AdventureCoins package is seriously the sweetest deal ever.
So on Friday, make sure you purchase our new 5,000 AdventureCoins package so you can become the most feared Shadow Sorcerer of all!
Also arriving on Friday….
More Quibble Rares and the grand reopening of Swordhaven Castle is set to launch Friday at sundown!
Quibble knows you need the best gear to defeat the next Lord of Chaos, so he specially ordered brand new weapons, armors, and helms just for you and your friends. With Quibble’s items at your side (and in your grasp), head to Swordhaven to celebrate the kingdom’s brand new redesign! But with Chaos ready to crash the celebration, it will be up to you to save the day.
The celebrations will continue outside of Swordhaven, too. A special first-of-its-kind Pinjat Pinang party will ensue Friday evening. This unique tradition is one of the oldest in Indonesian history and will soon go down in AQWorlds history as well!

August 08, 2013
Quibble Coinbiter Returns
What is a Quibble Coinbiter?
Quibble Coinbiter is everyone’s favorite sales Moglin, who travels far and wide, collecting never-before-seen Items to add to your impressive collection. That's right, his gear has never been seen in the world before, but he sells them used... How is this possible? Quibble has a connection with a slightly corrupt time-travel fairy who supplies him with items that have not even been created yet*.
Well hello there, Hero. Welcome to my treasure shop!
No one knows if—or when—Quibble’s Items will go permanently Rare, so your best bet is to get all the goodies in his shop just in case it’s the latter!
* Thinking about this should hurt your brain. It hurts mine!
When Does Quibble Coinbiter Arrive?
Quibble will be in the town of Battleon this weekend, selling most of his gear for AdventureCoins! He never stays in one place long and we have no idea when (or if) he will be back. Remember, he is not selling rares, he is selling items you are not even supposed to have**!
Honor Alteon, Battlemage and King of Swordhaven!
** I wonder... if the item's used, but never seen before... is the time travel fairy going to the future after you have discarded the weapon, taking it from you, and then coming BACK in time so Quibble to sell it to you before you ever found it***?
*** O_O
What Will Quibble Coinbiter Bring?
If you've seen Quibble appear before, you know that his arrival heralds the beginning of the next Chaos Saga... soTHIS time around, he's bringing gear from crafted in honor of your favorite people: King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn!
Tomorrow night, find the following armors in Quibble's shop:
- Royal Battlemage
- Glorified Spellsword of Light
- Shadowscythe Assassin
- Shadowfall Champion
- Spellsword of Light
- Chaotic Spellsword of Light
The Spellsword of Good, Evil, and Chaos sets!
Tomorrow night, find the following weapons in Quibble's shop:
- Magus Greatsword
- Empowered Magus Greatsword
- Magus Shortsword
- Poignant Blade
- Poignant Daggers
- Chaotic Doomblade
- and more!

Tomorrow night, find the following armors in Quibble's shop:
- Magus Mantle
- Magus Spellcrown
- Magus Battlecrown
- Glorified Spellsword Locks and Helm
- Spellsword Cloak
- Spellsword Locks and Helm
- Chaotic Spellsword Wings
- Chaotic Spellsword Locks and Helm
- Shadowfall Champion Helm

The Chaos War Returns Tomorrow!
Drakath has been patient long enough; starting tomorrow night, the Chaos War returns to Lore! Because we had to remove the war unexpectedly****, the war rares shop also left before we'd promised. The Chaos War rares shop will leave in two weeks, but the Chaorrupter Blade (which does more damage to Chaos monsters) will NOT go rare!
Sir Vant asks you to hurry to Swordhaven!
As Chaos rages across Lore, Drakath's attention is falling on Swordhaven, King Alteon's capital city. Quell the chaorruption wreaking havoc around the land, then hurry to Swordhaven NEXT Friday to begin the 12th Chaos Lord Saga!*****
**** The server hamsters REALLY do not like being watched by Chaos eyes...
***** Note: you will need to have completed ALL of the previous Chaos zones to begin the Swordhaven Chaos Saga.

Dragon Priestess
July 18, 2013
Letter from the Dragon Priestess
Beware the Whispers, Hero!
I am so glad our paths crossed! You do not know me, though you may think you remember who I am. We have never met, but I know you well. I know ALL of you well! And that is why I have traveled so far. I did not think to leave my grove, but when the letter came from Falconreach, I knew I had to travel FAST.
You never know when the whispers will come. The knowledge you need is inside you. The whispers of your past are only heard NOW.
Whispers are floating through the air. Chaos - or something claiming to BE Chaos - has begun talking directly to the Heroes of Lore.
Bells are ringing over Swordhaven. Bells no one can hear. Ringing ringing... ringing in the change to come.
They began in Swordhaven, but heroes across Lore have begun hearing them. They spread rumors of Chaos, of fear, of failure.
Dreams and blades and chicken eggs. Soon you will know how they feel.
Lady Celestia has always watched over Lore's heroes.
This has never happened before, and it is NOT a good sign. The stronger the Champion of Chaos grows, the more danger we are all in. I MUST see King Alteon before it is too late!
If you can hear this you have been targeted by Chaos. Your destiny is known.
Though I know the royal family is busy preparing for the coming ceremony, they WILL need to listen to me. The danger is only growing greater, and I fear that no dragon magic - or Dragon's magic - will be enough to save us unless we begin preparing NOW!
Chaos is like a cat. When you understand why you will be one step closer to conquering me.
You have done so much, and it is only because you have that we have a chance to triumph. We depend on you, Hero. Whatever you do...
I will leave you with one final thought... for now. Beware the doomsayers and nightmare children. Prophecies are only dangerous when they come true.
DO NOT listen to the whispers!
(It's been too long since I wrote a story Design Notes! Thanks for all the excellent feedback on this one, guys! Glad you enjoyed it. - Alina)