Design Notes
April 01, 2011
Happy April Fools Day!
We’re not fooling about today’s massive release full of Derps, Huuurrps, Limited Quantity Shop, Steampunks, Ranger Class, Player Suggestion Items, and Skyguards.
DUUUURRP! Did you guys enjoy our April Fools Day release? I love it when I get to draw—as you can see, this is why Artix and Cysero won’t allow me to draw on a regular basis =D
Herpaderp your way to Battleon by Monday (April 4th) to see the totally derptastic transformed town and score my derpalicious loot! You'll huurp until you can't deeerp anymore!
Limited Quantity Shop
Khuddar the Black Market dealer is back in Battleon! And he’s got some of the coolest (and RAREST!) items ever seen in Lore.
This shop was released at 1:00pm EST so if you’re just joining us now… some of the items might already be sold out. It is called a Limited Quantity Shop after all! If you want to get a piece of AQW history, then you better stop reading this and head into game before it’s too late!
Calling all Skyguards!
Stratos, Captain of the Phereless, has pulled into port at the Skyguard's airship docking and refueling station. After exploring the steamy halls of this amazing floating city, why not spend some time aiding the Hover-base's residents? With a stock of steampunk items in the stores and a copious number of quests to complete, you'll be able to begin building your Skyguard Reputation!
Only select Members will be able to arm themselves with magi-technical armaments, constant companions, secure item storage, and steampunk hairstyles straight out of the VicLorian Era! If you haven’t already upgraded your Membership… now is the best time to do so! Because the only way you can get into the Skyguard’s Hover-base…. and other member-only areas…. and equip pets… and increase your weapon damage with the best Enhancements… and use special Classes… and access the member-only servers… and use some of the coolest items in game… and supporting your friends who make AQWs possible… is by becoming a Member ^_____^
Ranger Class!
Rangers are stealthy, wealthy and wise to the ways of their opponents. Able to take down tyrants without blinking an eye or breaking a bowstring, you’ll range far and wide in this armor. And it's NOW available in the Sandsea Rep Shop!
When you’ve accumulated Rank 10 in Sandsea Reputation, talk to Zhoom and become the greatest Ranger the world has ever seen! So let us begin the Ranger Class write-up!
And as a newfound Ranger, it is important to understand how the Class works. Rangers regain mana when they strike an enemy in combat and when they doge any attack, also restoring some HP. Rangers heavily rely on their Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity stats, so choosing Enhancements that aid these three things will aid you in battle. A great starting Enh would be Thief.
- Mark for Death, Rank 1
5 mana, 1.5 sec cooldown
Deals light damage and applies Death Mark to your foe. Death Mark can stack up to 5 times unless consumed by a skill or allowed to fade, and reduces foe’s damage up to 5% until consumed.
- Scorching Arrow, Rank 2
15 mana, 10 sec cooldown
Launches a flaming arrow at your enemy, dealing moderate damage, also burning them with a fire Damage over Time (DoT). Fire damage over time can be increased by Death Mark.
- Explosive Bolt, Rank 3
25 mana, 3 sec cooldown
This arrow has an explosive tip which explodes on impact, dealing high damage. Nearby foes can also be caught in the explosion for minor damage. Damage increased by Death Mark.
- Ranger Secrets, Rank 4
Passive Ability
Increases Dexterity by 15%.
- Target Vitals, Rank 4
Passive Ability
Crit chance increased by 8%.
- Vampiric Shot, Rank 5
40 mana, 30 sec cooldown
You fire a magic arrow inscribed with runes at your target, dealing moderate damage to them but also applying a HoT effect to yourself. Both Damage and Heal Over Time effects are increased by Death Mark.
Remember, this Class can only be obtained by those who have their Sandsea Reputation maxed out at Rank 10. If you have already completed the Sandsea saga and still need more Rep… try asking the NPCs in the Oasis and farm those quests! The dailies there award massive amounts of Rep, too!
NEW Player Suggestion Shop Items!
WOAH! Even more items? And even MORE player suggested items? How wonderful is this?
We wish we could put every player-inspired item in Yulgar’s Inn…. but we just don’t have enough artists (unless you want me to DERRRP all of your masterpieces! Ahhaa!) But if you wanna have a chance at seeing your item in game, head to the forums and post your pics there!
*looks up and realizes how PINK text there is*
Tehehe… well it looks like I’ve done my job at “summing” everything up! On behalf of the entire Team, we hope that you enjoy this HUGE release and have a great time playing through the weekend!