Design Notes
November 14, 2013
2nd Lord of Chaos Finale
This Friday: Defeat Chaos Lord Xiang!
Journey through the Mirror Realm and deep into the heart of a Chaorrupted Forest to find the Chaos Portal... where the 2nd Beast of Chaos awaits. Take down the Chaos Harpy, then take a moment to reflect on whether you're ready to face the doubly-deadly battle against Chaos Lord Xiang, who wields the combined power of the Good and Evil Twins, Xing and Xang!
Good and Evil combine to form... CHAOS!
If you're going to survive the Chaos Harpy battle, you're going to need to arm yourself with a Shriekward potion, and there's only ONE person on Lore who knows how to make THAT!
Once you've taken down the Harpy, prepare to face the 2nd Lord of Chaos, Xiang. But be warned: made up of both Good and Evil Chaos Twins... she may attack you with one hand while defending you with another. Get ready for a VERY Chaotic fight!