Design Notes
March 04, 2013
Friday: New Battleon Town
Grand Opening of the Rebuilt Hometown!
Grab a hammer this Friday, because you'll need to beat down the stray monsters lurking near (and loose nails popping up in) our newly-redesigned hometown! 50+ quests in the new Pet Shop, Museum, Apothecary, Armory, and more mean your battles have only just begun! And don't miss the new Suggestion Shop update: we turn your ideas into in-game items!
The new hometown is almost ready!
New Art Preview!
J6 has outdone himself supervising the construction moglins in rebuilding Battleon! New art, a new layout, new NPCs, quests, and shops mean that the home you knew will NEVER be the same! Besides removing /battleontown, Phase 2 of the Battleon redesign (not this week) will include a path to the right which will use travel cutscenes to take you through the Chaos storyline in order! (Who wants to ride the Dracolich Express to Doomwood?!)
Yulgar is readying the Daily Adventures Board!
Zhoom leaves for the Sandsea, but a NEW (and familiar) helper for Yulgar will soon arrive! The Daily Adventures Board will show you all the tasks you should be doing each day, and we'll be shifting some of Yulgar's stock to the new buildings in town.
Many new buildings to the left and right!
From the right: Yulgar's Inn and Valencia's Museum (TreasureHunters assemble!) From the left: Pet Shop, Forgery, Armory, Magic Shop, Librarium, Apothecary.
Quest for potion ingredients and
to learn the secrets of Alchemy!
There's going to be so much to do in the new Battleon, I'm not sure we'll get it all done this week... but that's what Phase 2 and 3 are planned!
Also Coming This Week!
- Suggestion Shop update in Yulgar's Inn!
- The Shut Up and Take My Rares Contest winner drawn tomorrow!
- Paragon Pet gets Legion Token quests added!
- The Birthday Gold Boost continues through Friday!
- Applications to be an AQW Ambassador open tomorrow!