Design Notes
September 16, 2013
Surviving Friday the 13th
You Got Lucky on this Unlucky Day!
If you’re reading these Design Notes… then congratulations! You survived the Curse of the Vampirates Friday the 13th Event!
Amongst the heated battles and hilarious puns, your fellow heroes snapped photos of their adventures during this special event.
Takao No Kami’s crew harpooning the Kraken!
Rexobrother and his mates plundering Captain Von Poach.
Ramu6262 soloing the dreaded Vampirate Captain.
Hats off to DNA94 and their hearties with their Infinity Tricorn hats!
Think ye captured epic screenshots too? Prove it by showing me on my Twitter!
Ye now be ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day, making landfall this Thursday, September 19. Spoilers be over the horizon… so stay tuned, matey!
xoxo Beleen

October 17, 2011
They Might Be Giants Finale!
This Friday, the EPIC conclusion to the TMBG event!
Space, Time, and Portals! What could go wrong? EVERYTHING! I hope you've packed your towels, you hoopy froods, because you're going on an adventure WAY back into the past and FAR into the future this Friday!
"OW." - John F.
The dinos in this time period will make you really saur, so grab the nearest club or leg bone and attack back! After rockin' the dino-age, strap on your highest-tech gear, because you're going to be BLASTED through Time and Space into...
An otherworldy, alien futurescape! The Shadow-eyes are watching, always watching, never blinking. If you can evade them AND battle the alien guards, then MAYBE you'll reach your objective before The Collector. It's up to YOU to get everyone home and in one piece... but NOT as a piece of the Collection!
And don't miss the ALL-NEW even AWESOMER items that will be released this week! (Including 2-3 new houses, armors, weapons, and more!)
Vindicator Of They Class!
The Vindicator of They Class is coming THIS FRIDAY! If you haven't read about this Class yet, take a look at the Design Notes I posted here! With a look at all the crazy skills we've made for the class and the news that there will be TWO new skill animations, this is a Class you won't want to miss, because before long, it'll be as RARE as anything The Collector has!
But YOU can get it for 90 Tokens of Vindication OR giving Itzachi in BattleOn 2,000 ACs. Are YOU the Hero meant to vindicate They Might Be Giants?
Treasure (Chest) These Hard-To-Get Items!
This week we'll be updating the Treasure Chest with another awesome set of items and an armor! We don't know what to make yet, though, so why not let us know what YOU want? Post your ideas in the Design Notes thread or tell us on Twitter!
We Need Your Screenshots!
Beleen is working on a new page for and she needs your help! Can you post your most epic screenshots of any of the special events from the last three years? (Pink screenshots not necessary!) Post all your awesome shots here!
Which monsters are the most EPIC?
We have ANOTHER special project we're working on - this time with Yergen's help! We need to know which monsters you think are the scariest, most awesome, craziest, grossest, whichever you feel are the monsters that best represent AQWorlds, please post them here!
Mogloween is Coming!
This Mogloween is going to be... DELICIOUSLY* frightening! Insanity, death, and... CYSERO?! How does THAT make sense? And what could THIS art possibly be for?!
It's cherry pie filling, honest!
We're working on Mogloween even as we drive home the last pieces of the They Might Be Giants event, so get ready for a week of epic awesomeness followed by a week of terrifying insanity! It's all coming up in AQWorlds before the end of this October!
* That is a hint.