Design Notes
May 26, 2015
Did someone say, "Living Dungeon Design?"
Sneak-peek at this summer’s blockbuster release
I am writing two (maybe three) releases for AdventureQuest Worlds this summer. Cysero and Beleen are coming back to write special releases too! For this one, Titan Hollow, I wrote a short story about three Titans battle for the tear of a Fairy that turned into an eternal curse. Like the most popular dungeons from Doomwood, this will be a story-crawl adventure with bonus hidden secrets for hard core gamers.
Designed by Dage the Evil
Originally, I wanted to make it a Grimskull dungeon, but for some reason, players hate dying horrific terrible animated deaths over and over again. <_< Not sure why. >_> Really. So instead of animating comical death cutscenes, we will be focusing on heroic acts of how to cleverly get from point A to point B which will provide scores of awesome screenshot worthy moments.
Beware of living dungeons though.... sometimes... they move. O_O
Like what you see? Share your thoughts on my Facebook post here!

January 21, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 23
Special Event Finale! Za'nar: Ring of Light
Battle through the Tombs of De’ther, recover the Ring of Light, and defeat the dragon Jir’abin. Embrace the Void by becoming the Void Defender! Read more here.
More Items this Friday by Nulgath!
ArchFiend fans LOVED the Hanzo gear, so Nulgath is releasing even more! Get the Golden & Shadow Hanzo Sets, plus new items! Read more here.
Epic Loot: New HeroMart Arrivals this Friday
This Friday, get your gauntlets on Za'nar: Impossibility book & new J6 shirt! Buy both J6 shirts & get a limited item! Za’nar book also includes game item. Shop smart, shop HeroMart!
Coming Soon: Northpointe Village
In the upcoming weeks, journey to Northpointe--the starting zone for the new main AQW storyline. And then... prepare for the FireStorm Assault!

January 07, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 9
New Zone: Eagle’s Reach Battlegrounds
Battle bosses @ Eagle’s Reach Keep, learn arctic monster slaying skills, and earn LOTS of Rep, XP & Class Points! Members can battle through the Hall of Honors for even greater rewards!
Golden Gladiator Tier Package
All that glitters is… Golden Gladiator! On Jan 9, get your gauntlets on the 12 Month Upgrade and unlock ALL 16 ITEMS in the Golden Gladiator set! Read more about it here.
Next Week: King of the Nerds star Zack Storch
Prepare for the Za’nar Invasion on Jan. 16! A special event based off the new book by Zack Storch features Chaos, a new Planet, & Void Dragons!
Get 10% More AdventureCoins / Artix Points
Use Paypal, a Credit Card, or Amazon to get 10% MORE AdventureCoins or Artix Points! Only available for a limited time. Read more about it here.

December 17, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 19
Game Changing Release: WorldBreaker Rising
A whole new AQ Worlds begins! The Queen of Monsters obliterates an entire continent to build her fortress. Rally your friends & BATTLE ON! Read more here.
Lineup of Frostval Shops in December 2014
Jingle bells, Quibble sells rare items in the game; 12/19 & 12/30 there’ll be new items for you to claim! 12/23 begins Limited Quantity Shop, too!
12 Days of Gifts & Holiday Boosts
Log in each day for a new FREE gift when you talk to Tinsel in Battleon! Earn double Gold, XP, Rep, and CP boosts over the holiday weekends. More info can be found here.
Play our New Mobile Game, AQ: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AQ: DRAGONS is available on Google Play and iOS; coming soon to web! GET IT HERE, DRAGON MASTER!
New Holiday Art Contest: Enter Today!
Happy Holidays and Seasons Beatings! A new holiday contest has begun and we want YOU to create AQW-themed art. Click here for full details.
Bundle up and Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

September 10, 2014
Breaking News: World Shatters Dungeon Crawl
New Releases Happening this Friday, September 12
Who has time to wait for the weekly newsletter in their inboxes anymore? I say... to the victor goes the spoilers!
Survive the Apocalypse
The Queen of Monsters has been freed—now the world has fallen into complete havoc!
- Prepare for travel to a new land
- Hunt down the Queen’s Titans
- Dungeon crawl to the Hall of LoreMasters
- Buff defenses & beat back new monsters
Mountains are falling… seas are rising… and no one knows what will become of the world this Friday at sundown!
Dage's Collaboration Shop
Dage knows a thing or two about being Evil and he's teaming up with other AQW artists to prove it!
- Dage x Laken Fallen Shaman Warrior armor and helms
- Dage x Blade Lycan Shadowstalker armor and helms
- Dage's Deep Terror Blade: unlocks exclusive gear in Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Dage may be the Undead Lord, but he certainly knows how to take care of his loyal friends and followers. If you haven't declared your allegiance to him, now is the time!
Win $100 with Rixty!
Score the motherload of all pirate treasures with this exclusive Rixty promo!
- Use Rixty to Upgrade and/or buy ACs
- Exclusive Item: Rixty Render Cutlass for Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Automatically entered to win $100
Be sure to read more to see all the details, and best of luck to you!
Soon: Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy matey! Quibble be settin’ sail to Battleon next week, and bringin' his Naval Commander CLASS, yarrrr!
- DoomKnight Naval Commander
- Golden Naval Commander
- ArchFiend Pirate Captain
- ‘nd more!
Quibble be havin’ somethin’ fer sea dogs ‘nd landlubbers alike, so make sure ye be ‘round next Friday, September 19, fer ye best Talk Like a Pirate Day event!

July 16, 2014
New Release on Friday, July 18!
True Story Bro: Drakath’s Path towards becoming the Champion of Chaos
Check out all the new NEW happening this Friday, July 18, in the best MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Drakath’s Story
How did Drakath become the Champion of Chaos? Find out this week!
- Single player adventure: you ARE Drakath!
- Play through Drakath’s past and meet young Princess Victoria
- Witness how Drakath became the Champion of Chaos through his own eyes
- Spoiler alert: your 1st look at the Queen of All Monsters!
Uncover Drakath’s past. Understand the present. And foresee the future in this week’s newest release!
Hot New Armor Type!
Summer is here—and so is the Summer Token Shop!
- NEW Armor Type: Fire Elemental Morph (yes, now you really ARE a monster!)
- Special Animation + Bonuses
- +4 weapons in Summer Token Shop
- +4 helms AND the Coolest Swimsuit Armor
Seize the day (and some loot) in the Summer Token Shop!
!! Wheels of Doom & Destiny !!
Important update from the Carnival of Fortune:
- EbilCorp forges contract, buys Wheels of Doom & Destiny
- Both WoD to be repossessed from AQWorlds
- Chairman Platinum to use WoDs for his diabolical schemes
On August 23, the Carnival of Fortune will close its gates and the Wheel of Doom & the Wheel of Destiny will be gone FOREVER! Spin Now by typing /join doom in the in-game chat bar!
NEW: PvP in BG!
Player vs Player combat is now live in Battle Gems!
- Gut-stomping battles against your friends!
- Climb the leaderboard & win trophies!
- 20 new items in PvP Shop!
- 216 obtainable PvP Titles!
Battle Gems now offers Gold Packages, so even more exclamation points are totally necessary!!!

July 01, 2014
Red, Fight, and Blue!
All the new NEW happening this 4th of July!
Want a sneak-peek at all the fun taking place this Friday, July 4th?
Uhh... DUH! They say a picture is worth a thousand words… so here’s 4,000 more to feast your eyes on!
Behold: Legendary Dungeons!
Calling all Legends! 3 new Legend-only Dungeons have just opened up!
- Pyramid of Pain
- Killer Katacombs
- Dungeon of Deadly Doom
Can you reach the end of each dungeon and claim the legendary prize within?
- Call of Hope cape
- Gilded Blade of Eternity
- Staff of Mayhem
In addition to looking AWESOME, these items will give you a boost during the Chaos finale too.
New: Limited Quantity Sets
Arriving Friday, July 4, at 12:30pm server time:
- Chaos Paragon Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape
- Eternal Warrior Set: 1 armor, 4 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons
- Chaos Conqueror Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape, 1 weapon
- Blazing Chaos Pet; only 15,000 created
- Nine Tentails Set: 1 pet, 1 cape
Check out Alina’s post here for more info—and more photos!
Special Offer @ HeroMart knows how to put the FREE in freedom, and during this holiday weekend at HeroMart…
- Orders over $100 get a free $10 Artix Gift Certificate
- Orders over $200 get a free $25 Artix Gift Certificate
- Going Rare: Captain America T-Shirt and in-game items
When you celebrate Freedom Day with red, white, and blue… you’ll save green at!
Red, FIGHT, and Blue Seasonal Rares!
Attention Chaos Lords: let’s put aside our differences and celebrate Freedom Day the right way—with Seasonal Rare items OMG yes way!
- Liberty Blade; 4 animated versions
- Explosive Rocket Backpack
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Cannon of Chaos: 2014 RARE
- and of course there's more =)
Find the Freedom Day Shop in Battleon on this 4th of July, and then battle on all holiday weekend long!
Beleen Nominated @ Dragon Slayer Awards
Hey… that’s ME! Please help me win the legendary Dragon Slayer Awards Trophy by nominating me at the 3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards, presented by Guild Launch and hosted on GameSkinny!
Nominate Beleen and AdventureQuest Worlds at
xoxo Beleen! =D

December 10, 2010
Knight Owl
The Early Bird may Catch the Worm, but the Night Owl Catches the Sneak Peak.
I know it’s late. TRUST ME—it’s Thursday night (well, technically, Friday morning) and it has been a non-stop adventure since Monday. With soooo many exciting things going on, from planning out this week’s release to HeroSmash alpha’ing (is that a word?) to drooling over the cookie contest and preparing for the BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes, there just hasn’t been enough time for the heavily-caffeined Beleen to make a proper Design Notes post.
So let’s fix that right now =D
BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes: Winners Picked Tonight!
If you haven’t already entered the BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes, now is your last chance! On December 10th, 2010 (that’s today!), Artix Entertainment LLC. will randomly select FIVE winners for our Holiday Sweepstakes. Each winner will be contacted via e-mail and be allowed to select ONE item of their choice from our new AE Store, HeroMart.
All you have to do to enter is start a free Battleon Master Account on our portal site! So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and enter the Sweepstakes before it’s too late!
Quibble is Coming to Town!
Your favorite traveling sales Moglin is finally making his way back to Battleon! And what goodies does he have for you in his sleigh treasure chest? It doesn’t really matter if you’ve been naughty or nice this year… Quibble’s got something for everybody!
As usual, most of Quibby’s items cost AdventureCoins, but as an EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS for the holidays, this little guy has a RARE NON-MEMBER PET that will also be selling for ACs. This will be your only chance to get the rare Randolph the Red Nosed Reinzard pet for non-members!
Low on AdventureCoins? Here’s a buncha ways you can stock up for the Holidays:
- Purchase an AC bundle here
- Visit Ballyhoo up to 10 times a day for a chance at winning free ACs
- Earn ACs by completing third-party offers
- Enter (and win!) the Creative Cookie Contest
- Membership packages come with bonus ACs!
What’s really cool about these AC items (besides the fact that they’re Frostval-themed) is that all of them can be stored in your Bank for FREE and FOREVER. This is especially helpful since no one knows if—or when—these Quibble items will ever be offered again!
Enter The Void: Nythera Saga Concludes Tonight!
This is it, guys and gals. We’ve come a long way in the Frozen Northlands. You helped defeat Queen Aisha’s ice army, saved Guwio Village, aided Old King Coal in his time of need, and braved the wintery wilderness in order to find Nythera.
You found her, all right. But she’s found something else… Chaos. And now she’s vanished into The Void.
Adak Amaroq has a theory on how YOU can get to the Void! Talk to him later tonight and see if the two of you can create a portal of some sorts that will take you into The Void.
DragonFable players are going to LOVE this place. Actually, everyone is going to love this place—especially me, since it’s all pretty and pinkish ^_______^
No Artix, I didn’t come up with The Void color scheme—talk to Alina and Geopetal about that.
Anyhoo, back to what I was saying. What was I saying…? …something about something….
Oh yea! The Void in AQWorlds was created entirely from DragonFable’s Void. Map, monster, and weapon art was borrowed from DF in order to recreate the epicness that is The Void with a completely new storyline twist.
You will meet a new friend when you stumble into The Void. Luckily for you, your new pal is incredibly insightful and will enlighten you on everything you need to know about The Void. He even has an impressive Shop stocked with some DF-Classic and New Void Items… if you can afford his high prices.
I really don’t wanna spoil the storyline, so I’ll just give you a teensy teaser: the Great Void Dragon summoned Nythera into The Void because she is willing to lose everything in order to gain anything!
The Great Void Dragon lives in the heart of the Void, protected by a magical door that requires 4 Void Spheres to unlock. But the Great Void Dragon is not foolish; he has hidden the 4 Spheres somewhere in Lore!
And as if THAT’S not a high enough security measure, even if the 4 Void Spheres are found and placed within the door, then the only way to unlock it is by successfully completing a three-round “simon-says” style minigame.
Is Nythera too far gone? Has Chaos chaorrupted her beyond saving? Will you be able to find the 4 Void Spheres? What will happen if you get inside the Void Dragon’s lair? What IS The Void and its connection with Nythera, anyway?
So many questions! And guess what—they will all be answered tonight =D
Oh boy… it’s late. Getting sleepy! Someone once told me that sleeping is the best cure for sleepiness.
I’m going to test this experimental remedy now.
Zzzzzz Zz!

December 02, 2010
To the victor go the Spoilers
Sneak Peek at Friday’s Release!
A few days ago, Cysero posted a little teaser at what was coming in this week’s release. And I say “little,” I really mean it—he wrote like three sentences.
Pffffft, what kind of a spoiler is THAT?
Now that my Finals are over (yaaay!), I can dedicate my time to filling you all in on what’s going to happen tomorrow night. If you want it to be a surprise, I suggest hitting the Back button as fast as you can as to not catch a glimpse of tomorrow’s totally cool release.
And yes, ‘cool’ is a pun—you caught me!
Nythera and the Frozen Northlands
If you are up to speed on the Frozen Northlands chain, then you will recall helping Nythera take down that cold-hearted Ice Queen Aisha. Here’s a quick little summary to refresh your memory:
Rooooaaar! Nythera uses Chaos Gemerald to transform into crazy dragon!
But then… oh no!
Don’t do it Nythera! It’s Chaos! It’s not worth it!
And theeeeeen……
If you haven’t already witnessed this for yourself in game, and if you haven’t already played through Old King Coal’s quests (which come directly after defeating Queen Aisha), you will NEED TO do so in order to play through tomorrow’s release. That poor King has been sick for awhile now…
Anyway! Tomorrow (and right now, since this IS a spoiler) you will discover that Nythera has vanished! Adak Amaroq, the Guwio Village Messenger, has traced her footprints and found them leading into the uncharted Northlands Forest.
So much snow falls here that no one has ever been able to find a straight path through. And we mean NO ONE. Not even the Mods know the “correct” path, because there is NO correct path.
It’s just like getting lost somewhere in real life. No matter which direction you choose, you never seem to end up where you just were. I ended up upside down once. Don’t know how that happened….
So bundle up in something warm, because in order to “find your way out,” you will have to get lost!
Since Nythera has meddled with Chaos, you will have to collect Chaos Crystals in order to forge some sort of Chaos Positioning Spell… like a GPS, only more magical (and one that doesn’t tell you a million times to make a U-turn if you miss the path you were supposed to turn down). There are 10 Crystals hidden throughout this snowy terrain that you will have to find and collect, and then take them to George Forge-man in Guwio Village so he can do his thing with them.
Only when you have the Chaos Positioning Spell (the C.P.S.) will you be able to find out where Nythera is hiding!
Well what happens when we find Nythera?!
AH HA! That, my friend, is a surprise! I can’t give you all the juicy details because… well… when you do play through tomorrows release, and get to the end, you are going to be sooooo incredibly surprised and excited that whatever is within the vicinity of your computer may be knocked over from your flailing cheering arms.
But here’s a little hint to leave you off on: DragonFable players are going to scream with anticipation!

August 06, 2010
PvP For Everyone!
The Release is Live!
Finally the time has come to PvP it up with your friends... regardless if they are Members or not! Bludrut Brawl lets you pwn ANYONE. Even Mods. I hear Cysero is online right now. Go get him >:D
Join a battleground by talking to Dumoose in Battleon. You can’t miss him—he’s sporting the all new PvP Armor Set and OMGOMGOMG a HUGE sword! All of that—and so much more—can be obtained by collecting Combat Trophies and turning them in as PvP Rewards. There are 19 new PvP awards to please every adventurer.
The Steel Afterlife Helm and Basic War Sword are some pre-requirements to obtain bigger and better PvP awards! DerpFish, sadly, is not necessary.
So many new items but unfortunately… you cannot see the item before turning in the Trophies. LAME, we know. We’re actually working on something that should allow you to view “quest rewards” before slaving over something that you may or may not like. We hope to get that finished shortly.
In the meantime… I have gathered pictures of ALL the items available as PvP awards ^___^ The items names are listed in the order that they appear in the pix below.
Conquorer of Shadow and Warden of Light PvP Armors and Helms! (Female versions look nearly identical)
Steel Afterlife, The Armet of the Afterlife, Bearded Armet of the Afterlife, and Bearded Helm of Glory.
Helm of Ultimate Victory, Helms of Glory (Girl and Boy), Ultimate Victory Armet
Behemoth Blade of Shadow, Behemoth Blade of Light, Venomous Nightshade, Infamous Revenge, Legendary Retribution, and Devine Retribution
Wow… that’s a lot of items. And a lot of pictures. I hope this helps out when choosing what PvP Rewards you wanna farm for!
Limited Time DerpFish!
August is National Catfish Month! So I took it upon myself and made a very special… um… pet?... for you. It’s the DerpFish! He…she…it will only be available during this month (probably) so if you wanna Herpadurpadurrp, then durrpahurpaderrrp over to Aria’s Pet Shop in Battleon Town!
J6 Live Draw Items are Gone
So long, epic weapons! We will miss you. And whoever was lucky enough to get them… congratz! Sadly, I missed the whole thing while I was on vacation (pfft, some vacation huh?), but I was told that it was an amazing experience and that we will be doing another Live Draw event sometime soon. Oh and this time… I won’t miss it for the AQWorld!
So now that you've finsihed this lengthy post... give your eyes a rest as you PvP in Bludrut Brawl! Team up with your best buds as you fight for glory, fame, and (most importantly) that epic PvP gear.
Battle on!