Design Notes
October 29, 2013
Arklen’s Artist Showcase Shop
Animation Wizard turned Featured Artist
Just when you thought your favorite day was Friday Release Day… here comes Tuesday taking the spotlight with the Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Special Tuesdays throughout the year are dedicated to an AdventureQuest Worlds artist who gets to express his or her creativity by creating unique items for YOU! We have been blessed with the artistic talents of… *a really big deep breath*… Zoshi, Diozz, Tyronius, Aegis, Jemini, Ven, J6, Dage, Mido, Hizu, Nuglath, and myself, *another big breath* aaaand now it’s time for Arklen to ignite the stage.
Give me the Goodies
As much as you’d love to learn more about Arklen as a person, you’re probably a bit more excited about the items in his shop. And for good reason, too—Arklen conjured up some of the HOTTEST items we have ever seen!
Plasma Pyro Armor and Helm
Plasma Pyro Cape, Plasma Pyro Blade, and Battle Pet Pyro
B’Naner Blade… because you’ve always wanted a delicious concealed weapon… some might even call it a conpeeled weapon...
Starting at 5pm Sever Time, open your Game Menu and claim your favorite Arklen items from the Featured Artist Shop! You can also speak with Arklen in Battlecon to access his hot stuff.
Pyro Pricing
Due to insane inferno animations, the items in Arklen’s Shop will be Legend-Only, OR you can use AdventureCoins instead! If you haven’t already become an Upgraded Legend, then this is the PERFECT time to Upgrade your Membership because the LAST day for 5th Upholders is Thursday, October 31.
Click here to become a Legend now!
Additionally, we are running a special on AdventureCoins: 10% More AdventureCoins when you buy with a Credit Card.
Click here to order your AdventureCoins bundle and receive 10% more ACs!
So if you wanna be the hottest thing in AQWorlds—literally—then help support your favorite online adventure game and show off your smokin’ hotness =D
Hark Arklen’s Story
Arklen’s adventures began 10 years ago when he started playing the original AdventureQuest—it was the only Flash RPG back then! After scoring some animation software, Arklen created a magical floating turtle that shot a blue water blob at its enemies. When Captain Rhubarb and Galanoth caught sight of this reptilian rascal, they invited the intrepid animator to join the Artix Entertainment family.
For as long as he can remember, Arklen always liked drawing. Japanese TV shows made drawing seem a little more accessible, and his immensely more talented friend kept him motivated. Arklen calls himself an Animator first and an Artist second. He’s been focusing on effects animation (hence the Plasma Pyro armor set), but character animation is close behind. To this day, Arklen continues to animate and is leveling up his artist abilities with the help of the AE community!
Not only has Arklen traveled across AdventureQuest Worlds, but also all across the real-world; he’s found artistic inspiration in Poland, London, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. Arklen also loves raviolis, sweet chili, and spaghetti squash. Douse that with red sauce, and he’s in love. Wash it all down with an almond milkshake and Arklen is in heaven!
Wowie! Arklen sure is a fascinating fellow. And come later this afternoon, you too will be fascinated by Arklen’s fiery items as you Battle On to victory!
xoxo Beleen