Design Notes
May 09, 2012
Missing Left Sock Day
It Is A Tragedy That Touches All Of Our Lives
So many have gone missing and never heard from again. We search everywhere but the longer they stay missing the more people give up hope. Eventually, the victims just move on with their lives and learn to deal with their loss in their own way.
That's right. I'm talking about Left Socks.
May 9th is Missing Left Sock Day. A day set aside from our normal work-a-day lives to bow our heads and remember not just the left socks that we have lost but those that everyone has lost. It affords us the opportunity to come together as a community and say, in one voice, "You will be remembered".
To increase awareness of this all-too-common tragedy that touches everyone in one way or another we have assembled a small treasure trove of sock themed items.
Take whatever you like, because every time someone sees a sock-bladed sword or an adorable Missing Left Sock Dragon they will be forced to confront this issue. It's time to stop running from our feelings and our dryer-portals. It's time to face the facts.
Those socks may be gone forever but you have NOT been abandoned. All you have to do is reach out to a fellow player and we can all begin healing. Start a conversation about socks. Let someone know that you understand how it feels to have one cold foot because maybe the warmth of your understanding smile is all that they really need.
This just got real. Sock it to them and Battle On!
Friday: DoomWood and Nulgath!
THIS Friday we will be continuing Artix's increasingly insane DoomWood II storyline and we will also say goodbye to Dage's Dark Caster Shop as he returns to Shadowfall to prepare for war.
But what about Nulgath? The creature that was once semi-human before his monstrous form erupted from that shell and revealed his true evil self to us. Is he still the real master of evil or has be been secluded in the shadows of his cave for too long?
Friday, Nulgath arrives in Battleon with his OWN host of wares.
A special armor set will be sold tying in to his new project, Oversoul! There will also be a number of helms and capes which you can purchase to show your loyalty to and support for him.
It's starting to look like war in unavoidable but what will happen to Lore if these two amazingly powerful, evil creatures clash? One thing is certain... one of them will rise and the other will fall.
This war will change the face of Lore. If you are Evil, who will you side with? If you are Good, who will you fight to defeat? If you are unaligned then why are you even reading this? Get back in the game and pick a side.
226 days until Just Another Day