Design Notes

June 22, 2013

Treasure Hunters Rejoice!

A Bounty of Treasures Await

Happy Saturday everybody! Yesterday we saw the darkest, deadliest dungeon EVER release in your favorite online adventure game. Once you're done dying through Grimskull's Endless Vault of Doom, check out all this OTHER great gear!

Get your Treasure Map

As soon as you log into AQWorlds, the Dragon Menu pops up, loaded with all sorts of awesome destinations and shops.

Dragon Menu in flash game AdventureQuest Worlds

When you click on “Shops,” you will be taken to another menu with TONS of shops, including the Treasure Map Shop. And this is where you can buy your Treasure Map for only 2,000 AdventureCoins!

Dragon Menu in flash game AdventureQuest Worlds

When you decipher the clue on the map, and then find the shop hidden somewhere in-game, you’ll gain access to EVERYTHING we have ever added to it!

Last Friday, we sneakily added the elusive Blood Terror Set to this shop. Will you be the next Blood Terror to wreak terror across the world of Lore? There is only 1 way to find out—if you CAN find it, that is!

Blood Terror Armor in flash game AdventureQuest Worlds

As if the BloodTerror isn’t awesome enough, feast your eyes on the Solar Protector Set!

Color custom Solar Protector Armor in flash game AdventureQuest Worlds

WOAAAAH! The Solar Protector is absolutely wicked! And it’s even Color Custom, too! Starting this Friday at sundown, you can harbor the impressive Solar Protector armor set using your Treasure Map.

Player Suggestion Shop Update

It’s because of players like YOU who continuously make AQWorlds the best online fantasy game ever. =D You guys and gals always come up with great suggestions and item ideas, and on Friday, we will update the Suggestion Shop with even more of your great ideas.

Yulgar in online flash game AdventureQuest Worlds

Over 200 player suggested items are available in Yulgar’s Inn! And we’re adding even more on Friday! So /join yulgar , talk to Yulgar, click on “Shops,” and check out the “Legendary Suggestion Shop” and “Suggestion Shop” to get your fill of items inspired by your fellow heroes! 

Blockbuster Hit: Hero of Steel

To celebrate the newest movie on the big screen (…without getting sued for copyright infringement), we are releasing the Hero of Steel Shop on Friday!

Hero of Steel Armor in flash game AdventureQuest Worlds

This shop will contain the Good Hero of Steel, the Evil Hero of Steel, AND the Hero of Steal Armor Sets.

The Hero of Steel is our take on Super Man's outfit, while the Hero of Steal is a thief-themed armor that is our take on wordplay.

Hehehehehe! =D


April 06, 2012

Happy Grenwog 2012!

Grenwog Menu

Would you like to hear about today's specials, sir or madam?


  • A hot GRENWOG SEASONAL EVENT spiced with farm fresh Egg Hunts, free range Berserker Bunny 12 12 and EVOLVED Bunny Berserker 12 and ALL NEW organically grown Grenwog Items dropping from the Grenwog monster and new quests and quest rewards on Cabdury!

    Please note: We have MOVED the eggs in Battleon and Battleontown. You'll have to find them in their new locations.

  • Your choice of EIGHT delicious new Player Suggestions in the Player Suggestion shop in Yulgar!

    Paladin's Vengeance Blade - Schillie
    Sarazen Armaments - CervantesMaxi
    Books of Power Cape - Championaustin
    Aspar Polearm - Unleashed Rage
    Enchanter Armor - Digyo
    Enchanter Mask - Digyo
    Luminous DragonKnight - Lord SlayR
    Luminous DragonKnight Helm -  Lord SlayR


    Paladin of Old Armor
    Horned Helm of Honor
    Winged Helm of Justice
    Helm of Wisdom
    Altar Of Sanguine
    Altar Of Ragnarok
    Altar Of Caladbolg

    The last three selections are our first HOUSE ITEMS, which give you in-game previews of the Sanguine and Ragnarok swords which will come with the Artix Button Collections coming soon to HeroMart.

    NOTE: You will need house item space to accept these Alter House Items when you open the Treasure Chests. Please plan accordingly.

    The Altar Of Caladbolg has a special treat for members of Dage The Evil's Undead Legion. Click on this terrifyingly beautiful House Item and it will offer you a quest which may reward you with the CALADBOLG SWORD, seen in the alter.

    Ask your waiter for allergy information.

  • CATCH OF THE MONTH! Freshly caught Battle Lamb Pet-o-the month is available for AQW Members (Yes, it's a Battle Pet) in Aria's Pet Shop! The Baby Wooly Mammoth came to the shop a little late so he will hang around for a little longer. MARKET PRICE.

Happy Grenwog and enjoy your meal! OR ELSE!


Next Friday is FRIDAY the 13th and Voltaire is returning for a brand new Friday The 13th event!

This event will (as always) feature Voltaire and a new Event Rare Shop which will stay open for a limited time. It will also feature Deady, his arch-rival Sleezter Bunny and a host of other nightmarish rabbit enemies! It will also feature a ton of new acoustic versions of his music which he is recording for the event!

Voltaire's in-game NPC will reflect his ever evolving on-stage look that he is currently wearing at his LIVE SHOWS!

Voltaire has some new limited edition collector's toys coming out soon and HeroMart will be selling a few of them. EACH of the new toys will come with a TON of in-game pets (like 7 or something) which will all be tied into this event so you really don't want to miss it!

And yes... you will be able to get his new Top Hat.


Did you read THIS? You should. It provides very useful insights into what it takes to keep this thing moving and we all have our part.


July 08, 2011

Chaos Shaper Class / Noxus War!

Chaos Shaper Class & Battle Tested Axe Master Armor!

At long last we are releasing the 3 month and 15 month AQW membership bonus item rewards!

We've been talking about it for a long time and there was a hold up in production as we realized that we simply couldn't do justice to the DF class we were considering adding as the 15 month membership bonus, but then most of you said that you wanted a class original to AQW anyway so that worked out just fine.

Beginning TONIGHT! Anyone who has EVER purchased 3 months (or more) worth of AQW memberships (even if those 3 months weren't all at once, and even if they have expired) will get the AXE MASTER ACHIEVEMENT BADGE on their character page and in their Book of Lore!

Click on your badge in the Book of Lore and you can open a shop that will grant you access to these non-member items:

  • Battle Tested Axe Master Armor
  • Battle Tested Helm
  • Zhilo's Hairstyle

Each of these items are non-member so you can use them even if your membership has expired and they each cost 0 ACs so you can store them for free!

15 Month Membership Bonus Item Sets!

Anyone who has EVER purchased a total of 15 months (or more) worth of AQW memberships (even if those 15 months weren't all at once, and even if they have expired) will get the CHAOS SHAPER BADGE on their character page and in their Book of Lore!

Click on your badge in the Book of Lore and you can open a shop that will grant you access to these non-member items:

  • ChaosWarrior Armor
  • ChaosWarrior Helm
  • ChaosWarrior Wings
  • ChaosWarrior Omegus Sword

  • Chaos Shaper Class
  • Chaos Shaper Cape
  • Chaos Shaper Helm
  • Chaos Shaper Destroyer Sword

Each of these items are non-member so you can use them even if your membership has expired and they each cost 0 ACs so you can store them for free!

Chaos Shaper Skill Set

Now it's time to do a little skill breakdown for those of you who are lucky(insane) enough to attempt to control Chaos for your own purposes.

Remember that the very nature of Chaos is to be unpredictable. Chaos is insanity. Chaos is random. Chaos is POWER. You have decided to take on forces that nobody, even Drakath, can truly control. But with hard work and a quick mind you can learn to flow with the insanity rather than fighting against it. Can you sharpen and free your mind or will your sanity get bashed against the rocks of Chaos?

Most of the Chaos Shaper's abilities have 2 possible outcomes. That means that you can't really plan out your next move. You NEED to think fast and respond to each outcome. It completely changes how you play, each time you use a skill.

Even though this class require a lot of Luck to help your Crits, it's a very strong Warrior based class that is best at mowing down your enemy fast by overpowering them. I suggest STR based enhancements for fast damage.


2 Second Cooldown.

A basic attack taught to all adventurers.


30 Mana, 16 Second Cooldown.

The powers of Chaos alter time increasing your attack speed OR reducing the speed of your enemy 

There is a 50/50 chance that your haste will increase for 6 seconds or your enemy's haste will decrease. That means that either your foe is dealing less damage to you, giving you time to make your next decision OR your speed increases which is a great way for this class to bank a bunch of mana when you need it as it recieves mana on successfully hitting an enemy.


30 Mana, 10 Second Cooldown.

A Chaotic stuns your target OR weakens the target reducing the damage it does.

As with most possible stun powers this is a good lead off ability but again, either way you win. Either your foe loses HALF of its damage dealing ability for a few seconds OR it gets stunned, giving you a chance to Twist Time and get some mana back fast or let the next skill do its job.  


20 Mana, 7 Second Cooldown.

A Chaotic touch that harms your target or heals yourself.

This Ability can be a lifesaver but I have found that it's never that outcome that I want when I want it. Either your target gets a fairly powerful DoT (Damage over Time) placed on it that ticks away its life which you go to town on it, or... and you need this one... it hits you with a fairly powerful HoT (Heal over Time). I've found that this is a good skill to use if you pull off a stun. You will come to depend on that HoT but remember that you can never count on anything when you're playing with Chaos!



Increase STR by 10%

Increase CRIT by 10%

Once again, as you rank the class up you will unlock these new powers which will increae the entire class's effectiveness in combat.


30 Mana, 10 Second Cooldown. 

The power of Chaos causes high damage to your target BUT might backfire and cause harm to yourself instead!

This skill is the live saver and the heart breaker. You have a 60% chance to deal a MASSIVE blow to your target and it's just about as expensive in terms of mana as any of the other skills allowing you to do a LOT of damage over and over and over. But that leaves a 40% chance that your Chaotic power will backlash against you dealing a massive hit to yourself. YOU CAN KILL YOURSELF, so beware!

There you have it. One of the most powerful and least predictable classes in AQW and our first CHAOS based class. It's a LOT of fun to play but it can drive you to the very edge of insanity with its unpredictable nature.

There has been a recent surge in AC items which has been a response to player demand. There are just a LOT more people who are willing to buy ACs rather than memberships and we always listen to our players to the best of our ability. We go where you lead us, but that does NOT mean that we are going to abandon our members without whom none of this would be possible. For all of you who have helped keep AQW going with your member support, we cannot show you enough how much we appreciate you and we hope that you enjoy both of these member bonus shops and everything you find inside them, the member only areas, member only classes, weapons, pets, houses and just remember that as ACs are great for grabbing some rares or taking the shortcut to classes like Necromancer but Member content will just keep growing with AQW.

Seriously, thank you.


This week the DoomWood Saga continues as Noxus sets his plans in motion and uses his commaned of the undead armies at his disposal to attack SHADOWFALL!

Gravelyn is no fool, and knows what is coming for her. King Alteon would send his knights but his forces are already spread too thin fighting the undead attacking LightGuard Keep. Noxus has no respect for Gravelyn or the truce between Good and Evil against Chaos and sees Shadowfall as the key to the rest of Lore!

This means WAR! The Good & Evil Alliance has to pull together and rush to Shadowfall's defense! Will you answer the call to war?! We have some really great Star Warsian surprises in store for you in this week's cutscene animated entirely by Samba!

You will also find a War Merge Shop and a few drops which will go RARE when the war is over.

Very Small Suggestion Shop Update

This week I challenged Mennace to take some of the less well developed art from the suggestion forum and create some truly EPIC items out of them. Unfortunately he got really ill during the week and could only finish a few pieces but the ones he did were really nice.

  • The Fire Flail designed by L3r421L
  • Dual Frost Breath by paultaker

Hopefully next week we will have some time to add some more items!


AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

Have a great weekend guys!


June 15, 2011

The Badlands Bamboozle

The DreamWeaver Plans

On the outermost edge of King Alteon’s kingdom lies a forgotten stretch of land ravaged by heat, winds, and time. Few towns are left inhabited, but enough people remain – and pay allegiance to the King – that the SkyGuard still patrols their skies.

Awake yet inside the Dreamscape, the Dreamweaver walks the streets of Anders’ Loss – the site she has chosen for the coming deception. A ghost-sun shines in the ever-present twilight of this twisted Otherland; in this place, contradictions exist side-by-side, and only the initiated are able to travel there unhindered.

All looks well, and the Dreamweaver smiles cruelly. The next time she sees this place, it will be full day, and she will no longer be in this land of memory-demons and night-terrors, but in the real world. Ready to play her part in a charade starring the Hero. And Stratos. Yes… Stratos. The Master was wise to have selected this course. Everything depends on the Sky-Captain.

But first, she must draw them to Anders’ Loss. The ambush should go smoothly.  The Sky Pirates she ensorcelled are working well with the Badland Bandits they recruited. She anticipates the SkyGuard’s response, and is confident that the two airships currently docking at the Base will be kept occupied by the Pirates’ ships.

It is imperative that they be drawn into this battle. The Hoverbase MUST be deserted to allow the Master free access to the resources they need so badly. It will work. The plan will proceed. The Master will be successful. And Granny V shall meet with the Hero and Stratos, helpless and ready to reward them for their heroics. Oh yes. All will go well.

SkyGuard Swag and Seriously Awesome Shops

IF you survive the DreamWeaver's plans for you, Hero, you'll have a LOT of loot to pick up! This week we're stocking the SkyGuard Rep shop with some crazy-cool new accoutrements for Members, like these electrifying ShockSticks and that jaunty SkyGuard-themed fascinator:

We've also got this (sky) high-class axe for you to wield, and Heroes and Heroines alike will look forward to a set of Aviator goggles accompanied by a snazzy scarf! (Don't worry, Heroes, your helm comes with an aviator cap, NOT the Easy-Breezy Goggle-Girl hairstyle!) These items aren't all, though! We'll have the SkyGuard Helmsman Armor and more coming, too!


Members will also have a bevy of impressive Player-Suggested booty to buy, because we're adding to THAT shop, as well! Check out some of the goods that Yulgar's having commissioned:

And to top it all off, we're also releasing the 2011 Father's Day shop on Friday! What better way to show your dad you love him than by buying him a set of virtual golf clubs? But if golfing is too active a sport for your big bad dad, we've got a slew of sweet accessories that'll let him relax - Ol' Fishing Garb, a nice sheet of Newsparchment, or the Gravity Defying Coffee Mug!

There's something for everyone in the Father's Day shop because everyone we know has a Father or a dad-like figure in their lives, and it's always nice to recognize those who mean a lot to you!

We've got a lot of work left to do before Friday, so I'm going to get back to writing (and explaining to Samba just what a "Dravir" is and why it wants to be a bandit...)

See you Friday! (Or sooner if you're on Twitter!)


April 29, 2011

Skyguard Academy in Peril

Higher Education means Better Plotting

Head to the Academy in our latest update to the member-only Skyguard storyline! Before you arrive, you'll meet the "Master." It's not his real name, but it's the one you'll use if you don't want to relive your nightmares everytime you close your eyes. His only concern is causing Chaos, and he plans to use the Skyguard to do so!

He's sure that if he makes enough mayhem, Drakath will be sure to choose him as the next ChaosLord. If you value Stratos' safety and sanity, you'll do everything in your power to stop him!

Grand Gear in a Royal Wedding Shop

Earlier today, Prince William of Wales married the love of his life, Kate Middleton in Westminster Abbey. We wanted to celebrate the joyous occasion with the happy couple, but we have a release to do! So instead, we've released a shop full of wedding wear that's fit for a Prince or Princess!

It's stocked with awesome armors, top-notch top-hats (including the color-custom ULTRAHAT) and millinery masterpieces!

HeroSmash Beta Launch Shop is Live

To celebrate the Beta release of HeroSmash to ALL players, yesterday we released a shop full of smashin' gear and heroic items! So whether you're a villain at heart or a hero all the time, make sure to peruse the epic weapons and helms we've made for you!

* Positive and Negative Plazmatron Guns
* Elephant Head and Prismatic Balloon Head helms
* Aqua Warrior and Aqua Scout helms
* And more!

Player Suggestions to Savor

You keep coming up with great ideas, so we keep Flashing them! We've got some awesome content updates to our Player Suggestion shop, so be sure to check them out! You'll find armors and weapons aplenty!

Most of the team is either heading to or at the Relay for Life event already, so we're going to roll this out, pack up, and go do our part for an awesome cause! Enjoy the release, and we'll see you on Monday!


April 26, 2011

A New Villain Takes to the Skies

The Member-only Skyguard storyline starts this week!

The Skyguard are King Alteon's elite aero-martial corps, patrolling the skies and keeping the land clear of do-baders. (Like do-gooders, but... evil.) But what happens when a rogue citizen turns on their country and King? What happens when vendettas grow out of control, when all they see in the forces of good are a means to their own twisted end? You'll find out!

Members are invited to journey to the Skyguard Academy this weekend to begin an all-new storyline* full of madness, mayhem, and maybe a little misdirection. Or not. You'll have to play to see! But whatever you expect is going to happen, think again, because the twists and turns in this tale will take you on a ride across Lore and into the depths of a tortured mind!

* Storyline will be updated one week a month to let us release other awesome content, too!

Player Suggestion Shop Update!

AQWorlds is YOUR game, and that's why we keep putting your art into it! (That, and because you guys have amazing ideas that inspire our artists to even greater feats of Flash-tastic experimentation.) Be sure to check out the new items that will go live in the Shop this Friday; here are samples of three excellent items to equip-

The Heartless Cross armor, Banisher Armor, and Tyrant Queen's Suppression Daggers

HeroSmash Super-Shop!

HeroSmash goes live this Thursday, April 28th, and to celebrate, we're offering a shop full of villainous gear and all the heroic items a good guy could want, and it's all based on the art of HeroSmash! So grab your gold and clutch your ACs, because this gear is SMASHIN'! (That's a good thing.) PS - On Thursday, the Panda Cannon will be moved to some mysterious place in-game. Happy hunting!

Windsor Wedding Win!

Here at Artix Entertainment, we LOVE love, and what better way to say "Grats" to Prince William of Wales and his fiancee, Kate Middleton, than to offer them a shop full of gnarly nuptial gear? So, whether you're a fan of royal weddings or just like to grab up the rare items that celebrate them, this shop's for you! (And if you happen to take tea with the royal couple, why not introduce them to AQW? It's not every Prince who gets personal gear in this game!)

We've got a rockin' week planned, now all that remains is to get it done! See you on the forums, Twitter, and Facebook!


April 08, 2011


Strange Monsters Sighted Marching Toward Battleon!

It's that time again! I was out collecting dirt for my dirt collection and I noticed some creatures that look like they've escaped from someone's nightmares. Needless to say I went back to collecting dirt for a few more days then immediatly headed back to Battleon to let everyone know that an army was marching on town.

While i was out there I counted heads. It looks like there are about 3 MILLION waves headed this way. Artix naturally assumed that they were undead. He was so excited that I didn't have the heart to correct him.

You will find War Rares in the War Chest, but you will need to defend Battleon and earn Fear Trinkets to obtain them. The war will be over next Friday, whether we win or lose it and when the war is over, the items go rare. Items like Dage's Knight Terror set.

All of this is just a prelude to the Fear Chaser musical Event NEXT FRIDAY.

There will be AC Event Rares in the pre-show swag shop during the Event but those items will also go rare once the Event is locked for non-members (members will be able to play replay the event and earn the Achievement badge whenever they like).

Rather Massive Suggestion Shop Boost!

Another TEN items have been pulled from the pages of our Suggestion Threads on the AQW Forums and added to Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop!

You have probably noticed that we have been getting CRAZY with the Player Suggestion cheeze-whiz lately. I want to thank all of the contributing AQW Artists for helping make some of the players ideas come to life on the screen. Want to see your creation in AQW? Head to the AQW Forums and make a suggestion.

AQWorlds Battleon Battle Card Game Comign April 18th!

This week we recieved a TRUCK full of boxes of our Card Game! We had to move all the Ebil Corp Board-Room Skeletons out of the board room to make room for card game storage.

I'm totally serious about that last sentence.

You guys should pop over to the Battle Card Page and check out the web commercials that Artix and Xyo built while Xyo was visiting the Underground Lab!


  • April 18th - AQW Battle Cards released to EVERY U.S. Toys R Us store. Only stores in the United States will recieve the card game.
  • Early May - HeroMart begins selling AQW Battle Cards to the rest of the world. Check to see if we deliver to YOUR country!

The Card game will cost $19.95 USD (Plus Shipping which depends on where you live) from HeroMart. Toys R Us stores will probably be selling them for close to the same price, but they may mark it up some. We do not control their pricing of the game.


AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Primere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!


April 01, 2011

Happy April Fools Day!

We’re not fooling about today’s massive release full of Derps, Huuurrps, Limited Quantity Shop, Steampunks, Ranger Class, Player Suggestion Items, and Skyguards.

DUUUURRP! Did you guys enjoy our April Fools Day release? I love it when I get to draw—as you can see, this is why Artix and Cysero won’t allow me to draw on a regular basis =D

april foooolz

Herpaderp your way to Battleon by Monday (April 4th) to see the totally derptastic transformed town and score my derpalicious loot! You'll huurp until you can't deeerp anymore!

Limited Quantity Shop

Khuddar the Black Market dealer is back in Battleon! And he’s got some of the coolest (and RAREST!) items ever seen in Lore.

LQS promethus set

This shop was released at 1:00pm EST so if you’re just joining us now… some of the items might already be sold out. It is called a Limited Quantity Shop after all! If you want to get a piece of AQW history, then you better stop reading this and head into game before it’s too late!  

Calling all Skyguards!

Stratos, Captain of the Phereless, has pulled into port at the Skyguard's airship docking and refueling station. After exploring the steamy halls of this amazing floating city, why not spend some time aiding the Hover-base's residents? With a stock of steampunk items in the stores and a copious number of quests to complete, you'll be able to begin building your Skyguard Reputation!

fiends in high places

Only select Members will be able to arm themselves with magi-technical armaments, constant companions, secure item storage, and steampunk hairstyles straight out of the VicLorian Era! If you haven’t already upgraded your Membership… now is the best time to do so! Because the only way you can get into the Skyguard’s Hover-base…. and other member-only areas…. and equip pets… and increase your weapon damage with the best Enhancements… and use special Classes… and access the member-only servers… and use some of the coolest items in game… and supporting your friends who make AQWs possible… is by becoming a Member ^_____^

Ranger Class!

Rangers are stealthy, wealthy and wise to the ways of their opponents. Able to take down tyrants without blinking an eye or breaking a bowstring, you’ll range far and wide in this armor. And it's NOW available in the Sandsea Rep Shop!

Ranger class

When you’ve accumulated Rank 10 in Sandsea Reputation, talk to Zhoom and become the greatest Ranger the world has ever seen! So let us begin the Ranger Class write-up!

And as a newfound Ranger, it is important to understand how the Class works. Rangers regain mana when they strike an enemy in combat and when they doge any attack, also restoring some HP. Rangers heavily rely on their Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity stats, so choosing Enhancements that aid these three things will aid you in battle. A great starting Enh would be Thief.

  • Mark for Death, Rank 1
    5 mana, 1.5 sec cooldown
    Deals light damage and applies Death Mark to your foe. Death Mark can stack up to 5 times unless consumed by a skill or allowed to fade, and reduces foe’s damage up to 5% until consumed.

  • Scorching Arrow, Rank 2
    15 mana, 10 sec cooldown
    Launches a flaming arrow at your enemy, dealing moderate damage, also burning them with a fire Damage over Time (DoT). Fire damage over time can be increased by Death Mark.

  • Explosive Bolt, Rank 3
    25 mana, 3 sec cooldown
    This arrow has an explosive tip which explodes on impact, dealing high damage. Nearby foes can also be caught in the explosion for minor damage. Damage increased by Death Mark.
  • Ranger Secrets, Rank 4
    Passive Ability
    Increases Dexterity by 15%.
  • Target Vitals, Rank 4
    Passive Ability
    Crit chance increased by 8%.
  • Vampiric Shot, Rank 5
    40 mana, 30 sec cooldown
    You fire a magic arrow inscribed with runes at your target, dealing moderate damage to them but also applying a HoT effect to yourself. Both Damage and Heal Over Time effects are increased by Death Mark.

Remember, this Class can only be obtained by those who have their Sandsea Reputation maxed out at Rank 10. If you have already completed the Sandsea saga and still need more Rep… try asking the NPCs in the Oasis and farm those quests! The dailies there award massive amounts of Rep, too!

NEW Player Suggestion Shop Items!

WOAH! Even more items? And even MORE player suggested items? How wonderful is this?

player suggested items

We wish we could put every player-inspired item in Yulgar’s Inn…. but we just don’t have enough artists (unless you want me to DERRRP all of your masterpieces! Ahhaa!) But if you wanna have a chance at seeing your item in game, head to the forums and post your pics there!

*looks up and realizes how PINK text there is*

Tehehe… well it looks like I’ve done my job at “summing” everything up! On behalf of the entire Team, we hope that you enjoy this HUGE release and have a great time playing through the weekend!



March 25, 2011

Fight Chaos Lord Tibicenas!

The Sandsea Saga comes to a close…ALMOST!

After thousands of years of imprisonment (and after weeks of us hunting him down), Tibicenas the Chaos Djinn is finally FREE! You and Zhoom must follow Tibicenas into the Djinn World and stop him before he takes his vengeance on the King of the Djinn, Efreet... and on the rest of Lore.

Chaos Lord Tibicenas
LOL! Stratos looks funny! Oh...wait... =(

Thought the other Chaos Lords put up a fight? Had trouble with Wolfwing, did ya? Just wait until you encounter Tibicenas. This Chaos baddie has a new battle mechanic armed with a life-stealing AOE.


But wait—there’ more! Tibicenas has 40,000 HP, a 20% chance to Crit, a 30% chance to Dodge, and goes Berserk once his HP falls low enough. You better have a Healer (or two!) in your group if you hope to defeat this Chaos Lord.  

So let’s say you beat Tibicenas. Itchin’ for a tougher fight? Talk to Efreet to try your luck against Ultra- Tibicenas!

Need heals PLOX!

Only the most powerful Members will be able to take on this dangerous foe. Not only does Ultra-Tibi come stacked with a whopping 100,000 HP and an 80% life-stealing AOE, he also has a new ability that will stop you right in your tracks. His Petrify spell cannot be dodged and cannot be undone… and since you can only have 7 heroes in this particular map… you had better hope that your battle-buddies are well-armed and ready for a long ‘n crazy ‘n heated battle against Ultra-Tibicenas!

Both forms of Tibicenas are LOADED with item drops… but the ONLY WAY to get the Color Custom Zhoom Armor, Zhoom’s Dragonbow, and the Efreet Amor, Hair, and Face helms is by being a Member so that YOU can partake in the Ultra-Tibicenas battle!

A Sandstorm of new Sandsea Items

Quibble is staying in Battleon for one more week! And he’s got the new Malani Warrior set in stock!

Malani Warrior Set

The Malani Warrior Armor, Malani Warrior Turban, and Malani Scimitar are Completely COLOR CUSTOM! So play around with Base, Trim, Accessory, and Eye Colors to become the most unique Malani Warrior that Lore has EVER seen!  

In addition to Quibble’s awesome new swag, the Chaos Sphinx will now drop the Sphinx pet, new items in the Sandsea Rep Shop, the Harpy in the Djinn world will drop her headdress, Tibicenas drops 7 items (including his Djinn armor morph!), and Ultra-Tibicenas has 8 items for you to obtain…if you can defeat him that is!

But there’s more! 13 more items, in fact. In the player suggestion shop! All of the items in this shop were inspired by our fellow players! All of the items here were inspired by your fellow players from our Forums.  Wanna submit your weapon or armor ideas, too? Head to the forums with your masterpieces because you never know if – or when -- your idea will make it in game and used by thousands!

Woah. Now that’s a lot going on tonight. We wish you the best of luck in the Chaos Lord showdown and hope your weekend is a great one.

“Or else!” Cysero says.

BATTLE ON and ON and ON and ON until you get those item drops!  


February 01, 2011

Heroes Heart’s Day Item Suggestions!

Have a great weapon, armor, pet, or item idea for this year’s Heroes Heart’s Day?

My favorite time of year is approaching! Can you guess why? Hehehhehehe =D

Heroes Heart’s Day is only a week away. And I wanna see what great ideas YOU have for this lovey dovey occasion! Heroes Hearts Day will be released next Friday, February 11th, so there’s not much time to waste.

Use this thread to post you suggestions, art, and ideas for Heroes Heart’s Day related items.

You can post your other wonderful ideas in the various suggestion forum threads – but that thread up there is just for Heroes Heart’s Day related items =D

Will your idea make it in game for this year’s celebration? One way to find out!

Best of luck to you all! Brainstorm on!

Ctrl+Alt+Del Character Page Badges FIXED

Breaking news! The Ctrl+Alt+Del achievement badges now appear on your Character Pages!

CAD badge

If you don’t have your badge yet… you had better help Ethan get back his Winter-een-mas Crown right now! I got my achievement =3


January 21, 2011

Battle under Crystal Release is Live!

Well technically, it’s Undead.

The battle continues under Battleon! Two levels of BattleUnder have already been uncovered, home to some of the most vicious Undead that Lore has ever seen. The deeper the tunnels travel, the meaner (and higher level) the baddies get.

Warlic the Mage has finally figured out how to activate the Portal in the second level of BattleUnder! (Geesh, that only took him like, what, 6 months?) The only way to pass through the portal to get to the third level is by solving the door’s magic rune puzzle in the form of a minigame!

rune puzzle

Awe… I guess the power of love won’t open the portal =(

Here’s the proper way of opening the portal: you have to trace the magical rune symbol with your mouse! Just like in BladeHaven when casting magic spells, you hold the left mouse button and carefully trace the pattern you see. Release the button when you finish tracing the pattern. If the rune glows green, you get to trace the next one! If it turns red, then the Load Balancer will crash again and will make AQWorlds unplayable.

HAHA I’m kidding, I’m kidding—if you mess up, you can just keep trying over and over again. There is no time limit, but these magical runes require a VERY accurate mouse path trace thing. Don’t give up! It took me a bunch of times before I finished the minigame and ended up in…

Battle in Battleunder

The Crystal Caverns!

The Crystal Caverns (also known as Battleunderc) is a beautiful change of scenery from the rocky formations of the upper Battleunder cave systems. Huge colorful crystals jut out from the walls and ceilings, allowing you to move freely all over them.

But be careful; these caverns are home to vicious Crystallized Undead and Jellyfish. Yes, jellyfish. These jellies are SO POWERFUL that they don’t even need water to survive. Woah. Be careful out there.

Yara the Pally also has a new Merge Shop loaded with 11 brand-new weapons. You will have to collect enough Undead Essences and Cavern Celestites in order to purchase her wares… and some of her items even require merging one weapon with even more items to get an upgraded version of that weapon!

And the best part: 9 out of her 11 items are NON-MEMBER =D But don’t expect getting them to be easy—you’re going to have to farm your helms off for the coolest gear! Wahahha!

Player Suggestion Shop!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! More items have been added to the Player Suggestion Shop in Yulgar’s Inn!  All of the items in this shop were inspired by our fellow players. This week’s newest additions are:

player suggested items

Xusha’s Curse Armor, The Infector, Flamed Aura Blade, and Keeper of Darkness Blade

Wanna submit your weapon or armor ideas, too? Head to the forums with your masterpieces because you never know if–or when–your idea will make it in game and used by thousands!

Stratos is Leveling Up next week!

Stratos, captain of the Skyguard, is leveling up IRL on Tuesday! For his birthday, he wishes to share some of his favorite personal items with you. Make sure to wish him a Happy Birthday because on Tuesday, January 25th, you will be able to get his awesome birthday presents!  

Bank and Inventory Expansion Update

Artix, Zhoom, Minimal, and Cysero have been working sooooo hard on the Bank and Inventory space issue. It is still being worked on and we are HOPING to have it out next week, just in time for the CAD event! We are all keeping our fingers and toes crossed that everything goes according to plan!

Uh-oh… did I just jinx us? Every time we say that… things go terribly horribly wrong, the servers asplode, and mushrooms get thrown at my face. But maybe… just maybe… everything will go perfectly fine and we can all get bunches of new inventory space omgomgyesyesyesYES!!!!

Buuuut I’m ganna equip my anti-fungi protective goggles just in case ^___^  

Enjoy the release folks! Battleon in BattleUnder!


January 14, 2011

The Sandsea Port

Funny Place For A Port

The Sandsea Saga beings this week as Zhoom drags us into the hot, hot desert to help him find a small-time mage named Zahart.

Zhoom believes that Zahart might know something about the mysterious and unnatural sandstorm that recently uncovered the forgotten ruins of the city, surrounding the Sandsea Oasis Village. Track him down and get some answers.

Zhoom would clearly be able to track Zahart down by himseelf but with two of you that makes the hunt go that much faster. Don't worry, Zhoom has your back.

This is one of my new favorite areas of the game. Miltonius really outdid himself with the monsters and the amazing cutscene, Warlic's Sandsea Adventure music is one of the best he's produced for the entire game and J6's unbelievable backgrounds all come together to transport you to the dry wastes of the Sandsea.

Beware of Sandsharks!

Sandsea Oasis Village Updates!

This week we have updated a few of the Oasis shops. Zhoom has some brand new items in his Sandsea Rep shop, like the Assassin of the Sands armor and helm crafted by Dage and helm, and several new weapons!

You might also find that scimitar somewhere in today's release. Cassim the House Item vendor is also getting in a shipment of new items, which might be of interest to you.

A Change Of Items

The Staff that Dage is holding in the picture above is one of the new items coming to our friend Khuddar, the Black Market Vendor.

That is a face you can trust. I heard him say that some other items are arriving and some of his current items are vanishing!

Player Suggestion Changes

Last week we released Reddy's Solarflux Armor and he wasn't happen with Miltonius' version of his art. We stand behind each and ever one of out staff member's work, but Reddy was so unhappy that he said he'd rather have it removed from AQW than have it in as it is.

In a show of what I think makes BattleOn Games great, Miltonius listened to what Reddy had to say, looked at his own work and decided that Reddy had a point. Miltonius, on his own time, took a second shot at the art creating Reddy's EVOLVED SOLARFLUX ARMOR and HELM which will be added to the player suggestion shop today.

You have to admit, it's pretty hot. The first version of Solarflux will stay in the shop cause we like it, but the new version will ALSO be available.

In other Player Suggestion news, the SSS Sword has been removed, and everyone who purchased it has been given a full gold refund for the weapon.


Just so you know we have gotten some new HeroMart items in. Some of the player favorites which sold out a while ago have come back in very VERY limited supply.

Faith tells me we've got:

150 calendars (which come with Chronomancer)
30 Twillies
10 sm chickencow
10 med chickencow
5 XL chickencow
20 2XL chickencow
20 3XL chickencow

EpicDuel shirts will go on sale next weekend. The come with the really cool robotic color custom Cyber Hunter armor. I'll get some pix for you next week.


AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS! 

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

Thyton Says Thanks

For those of you who were able to attend Thyton's improptu Live Drawing Event last night, thanks. It's a rare treat for us to get to interact with you so directly and you got to see how much fun we have in the lab.

You might not have seen this but after I threw the box at Thyton, he threw it right back. Hard.

For those of you who didn't get to catch it, check out Artix's Write-Up of the event! Have a great weekend!

Or else!


January 07, 2011

Fun In The Sun

I Hope You Don't Mind Sand Inbetween Your Toes

The Sandsea has finally made its way from DragonFable to AQW. As usual, we've kicked off the zone with the central town, the NPCs and all of the shops in the area.

Zhoom, the master tracker and ranger, will be your guide to the zone. He's what we call the ZONE NPC. He will guide you around the zone, much the way that Rayst does in Arcangrove and Dorian Mode does in Mythsong.

Once we get the area going, just talk to Zhoom if you're lost and he'll let you where you need to go next to continue the all new Sandsea storyline adventures. He will also be the item vendor for the Sandsea Reputation you will earn doing quests around town and through the story.

Each of the NPCs in the Oasis Village has quests for you, some of which you can repeat as much as you like for a small amount of Sandsea Rep, or MEMBERS can do Daily Quests around the town for much larger rewards and faster rep so you can buy rewards like the Sandrunner Armor, Helm, Cape and Longbow.

You will be able to visit the Oasis Bazzar...

...where you can speak to Cassim for all new Sandsea themed House Items (thanks to Skyline) or Nkuku, the Sandsea Pet Trainer for a bunch of new desert loving pets (thanks to Miltonius)!

If you need a trim, head to Kephri's Barber Shop.

Dage has designed a handful of new hairstyles that are sure to keep you cool in the hot desert sun! As usual, we will be adding more as the area develops.

If you get tired or hungry, head to Bastet's Oasis Inn for a quick rest.

Each of her foods has a different effect on you. You could try the MEAT for double damage or the refreshing water for a helpful Heal Over Time effect! TheSuper-Coder Minimal has designed these to be some of the most powerful effects we've added to date so be careful not to over-eat.

Too much dessert in the desert.

Around the Oasis, something has disturbed the desert wildlife. You may have to defend yourselves against exploding Cactus Creepers, and the fearsome saber-toothed BUPERS CAMEL! If the phrase Bupers Camel makes no sense to you, read Beleen's earlier post. She explains it all. Like Clarissa.

Enjoy this intro and keep in mind that we will add more and more to the shops in town until the zone is finished!

Player Suggestion Shop Update

We have poured over the Suggestion forums and picked some of our and your facorite items suggested by players just like you, to add to the Player Suggestion Shop (Found in Yulgar's Inn in Battleon). Miltonius has taken all of these great suggestions and brought them to live in AQW!

  • The SSS Blade by Second State Sauske
  • The Solar Flux Armor by Reddy
  • The Piercing Light Gun by Reki
  • The Spirit Sword by Ichidori
  • The Dual Terosin Blades by Terosin

We are always happy to pick a few great suggestions that we really like or get the most attention from you guys on the forums and bring them into the game. Keep up the great work guys and we'll keep adding your impressive items!

There was supposed to be another great armor and helm in the shop but thanks to our wonderful and attentive community, it was pointed out that the art was taken from another game entirely.

It was probably accidental. We all have things we really like. TV Shows, other video games, card games, movies, bands, and so on and we know you want to see those things in AQW, but remember that some other artist worked really hard on their own creation and we don't want to steal their stuff. Please, when you suggest stuff in the forums, make sure that it's either original or you credit the original source for your suggestion.

Minor Dage Update

Just a hint, Dage might have updated his shop today as well. If you're a fan, take a look!


AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS! 

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

Artix's Inventory Post

There has been a lot of confusion surrounding Artix's revelation that we are working on a way to provide a HUGE boost to Inventory space, both for normal game items and possibly house items.

Please be patient with us, we're still trying to see IF it is even possible. Once we find that out, then we will figure out exactly how it is going to work, what it will cost, if it will only be available to Members who pay to support the servers or if they will be AC purchases available to everyone... we have a log way to go before we make any of those calls.I can tell you one thing... it will cost a LOT in terms of server storage and game bandwidth, so it won't be entirely free.

Just know that we have heard your cries of pain during Frostval, tossing away old rares for new ones... and we are, as always, doing our level best to listen to you and give you what you ask for, but this is a BIG DEAL that will require a LOT of work for us so it may take a while.

Right now, it is out #1 priority project.


January 04, 2011

Sneak Peek at the 1st Release of 2011

Arm they pink-protective eyewear and get ready for a massive spoiler regarding Lore’s newest zone, Player Suggestion Shop update, brand-new NPCs, and the fabled discovery of Bupers Camel.

Yesterday was the first Monday of the first week of the first month of the new year. Artix, Cysero, Safiria, Zhoom, Minimal, and I journeyed into the War Room for a little brainstorming session about this week’s release… and that somehow evolved into a 4 and a half hour discussion regarding the amazing new future for AQWorlds! Omgomgomgomg =D

I can’t really tell you what we have in store for you… but keep in mind that it’s HUGE. We know how much you love AQWorlds – and you know how much we love making AQWorlds for you! We listened to your comments and concerns and have come up with many ways to improve your favorite MMO in 2011. Many, many, many, many, many, many, *deep breath* many, many, many, many, many ways!

But let’s not focus on that just yet. There’s still another 361 days left to discuss our new plans. We’ve got a massive NEW release arriving in just a couple of days that I’m sure you wanna get the low-down on. Bring on the spoilers!       

The Sandsea

This week you will travel to Lore’s seemingly endless desert known as the Sandsea. DragonFable heroes should be familiar with this parched paradise full of palm trees, sand dunes, and desert monsters surrounding a prosperous oasis city.


Recently, a very unnatural sandstorm has blown across the Sandsea and revealed that the oasis community was just the center of a much larger town… once devoured by the sands and forgotten by the people. Here you will meet Zhoom the Ranger (and full-time programmer) along with many other oasis inhabitants.           

A Bazaar of new NPCs, Shops, Items and Monsters

Much like the thriving cities of Arcangrove and Mythsong Canyon, the oasis town features many NPCs and Item Vendors. Zhoom is the main NPC and Reputation guy offering you all sorts of necessary Sandsea armors, weapons, and various gear. The town also has a Barber with new hairstyles, a House Item Vendor, a Pet Shop owner, and an Innkeeper who sells consumable food!


Oh yeah, you heard read correctly. Consumable food. Food and drinks you can actually EAT to give you all sorts of different buffs! These will act just like the equipable Scrolls and Potions… but comes in delicious food form! Mmmmmmmmmmm tasty!     

There are also two new baddies making the scene. Since the oasis is just about the only source of fresh water and vegetation in the Sandsea, exploding Cactus Creepers and Bupers Camels have made their way to this desert sanctuary.

…Bupers Camel?

Ah yes, the legendary Bupers Camel. No one knows exactly what a Bupers Camel looks like… or even what it is for that matter… but it’s revealing itself this Friday for the first time ever.

Here’s how Bupers Camel came about, quoted from Cysero himself:  

Cysero saysI was showing Warlic the Google voice recognition app. You just say what you want to search for and it googles it for you. I played with it quite a bit and it did really well but Warlic held the phone to his head and said "Dissertations on Bruce Campbell" and what came back was "Dissertations Bupers Camel". I don't know what a Bupers Camel is but I think we're going to have to add it as a monster when we add The Sandsea to AQW.

Currently, Bupers Camel is a mythical beast that has been used in newbie trickery. Veteran heroes convince new players that catching a Bupers Camel in Greenguard Forest will grant them Mod Status.

bupers camel concept

Psh, that doesn’t even look like a Mod. At all. Where’s the gold name?

Please note that a Bupers Camels does not look like that. Or wait...maybe it does? I don’t know, I’ve never seen one myself. Gatta love our creative players out there -- thanks Loki Bloodstone!

Who will be the first to capture a screenie of the Bupers Camel in its natural habitat? Prt Sc! Prt Sc!    

Player Suggestion Shop

Because releasing a whole new zone with all the amenities isn’t enough, we are even expanding the Player Suggestion Shop in Yulgar’s Inn. There are already 40+ masterpieces in this shop created by your fellow players… and we will be adding a whole lot more Friday!

You never know if your idea will be put in game… but there is only one way to find out! Head to the forums and submit your awesome weapon, armor, or helm, cape, or pet idea!  

Before I leave…

A quick reminder! This is the last week to get Quibble’s Items and all of the items from the Big Red Bag and Tinsel’s quests! Quibble and the rest will be leaving town this Friday, January 7th, so make sure you pay them a visit before then.

Give your eyes a rest now. You deserve it =3   


November 05, 2010

Chaos Lord Showdown

in addition to Player Suggestion Shop Update, AE’s 1st ever Novel, Pumpkin Carving Winners announced, and quite possibly the longest Design Notes post that I have ever made.

I love Fridays! Once again, Artix and Cysero have entrusted me with tonight’s release while they are at ShadoCon in Tampa, Florida. Wahhaha >:D

Don’t worry, I haven’t had the time to change everything back to pink. …yet.

I hope you have equipped the necessary protective eyewear because this is going to be the longest, pinkest, and most uberly awesomely epic DN post to date!

A Cut Above the Rest: Onyx Starswords for 2nd Upholders!

In case you missed it, or have been AFK for over a month, or just joining in the legendary AQW madness that you are now an accomplice to, 2nd Upholders received their awesome badge and Onyx Starswords this past Wednesday!


Because of the support from our most dedicated players, this has been the best Birthday ever! We could not have gotten this far without you guys and gals! The entire AE team loves making games that you guys love to play—it’s almost like it’s our job or something =p So thank you all for your kindness and support, and we will continue doing our VERY best to make the very best games out there for you!    

Chaos Lord Ledgermayne

As a special THANK YOU to all our wonderful Members and 2nd Upholders, you will be the FIRST to fight the Arcangrove Chaos Lord! (throwing you right into a heated Chaos boss battle is a great way to thank someone, right?)

You already survived the enchanting realm of Arcangrove and proved victorious throughout its perils. You pieced together the Supreme Arcane Staff and explored the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic, defeating the great Chaos Beast: the Mana Golem. So taking out Chaos Lord Ledgermayne should be a piece of cake…

Uh-hem, the cake is a LIE!


Chaos Lord Ledgermayne is waiting for YOU in the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic. And he…she…whatever-it-is is not too happy that you have foiled its plans of world domination thus far. A new boss mechanic will require you to pay close attention during the showdown if you hope to survive long enough.

Speak to Rayst in Arcangrove if you are ready to take on Chaos Lord Ledgermayne!

Items that are out of this World

If you are lucky enough to defeat the Chaos Lord, you might just be lucky enough to get his impressive item drops. Ledgermayne holds some of the coolest items that are out of this world. Literally. They’re from the para-element plane of magic. Not from this world ^___^

astral entities

Here is a nice spoiler of the items that Ledgermayne has stored away under that big bulbous head of his: Astral Entity (seen above in their natural habitat), Wizard's Blessing & Dark Wizard's Disparage Staves, Ledgermayne Armor, Ledge Head, The Supreme Arcane Staff (a 1% Drop Rate!), Fragmented Astral Helm, Armored Astral Morph, and the Astral Runes Cape.

Best of luck to all of our Members and 2nd Upholders! You guys are ganna need it.

New Items in the Player Suggestion Shop  

More items have been added to the Player Suggestion Shop inside Yulgar’s Inn! All of the items in this shop were inspired by our fellow players. We have some really talented artists out there. Did your item get picked? Check ‘em out!

  • White Witch and Warlock Armor with matching hats, inspired by Redleafchannel  
  • Demonic Devourer, inspired by Max Man58
  • The Clockwork Scythe, inspired by Unleashed Rage
  • Petrified Autumn Wood Polearm, inspired by Mennace
  • HolloEnergy Blade, inspired by Hollo
  • And the Sword Of Animus, inspired by Vampirel28

We truly have some amazing artists out there! We are so honored that we get to make YOUR own ideas into amazing AQW items!!

If you wanna see your item in game, head on over to the forums and submit them in our Suggestion Thread! You never know if your idea will be the next one seen in the Player Suggestion Shop!

The Dragon’s Secret

Our first full-length novel, The Dragon's Secret, has arrived at HeroMart!

Written by Lyra Trice Solis, a member of the AdventureQuest storyline team, The Dragon's Secret tells the tale of apprentice mage John Black who loses his entire family to a dragon onslaught and vows to get his revenge one way… or another.


Filled with dragons, dwarves, and some VERY dark magic, The Dragon's Secret puts you right in the middle of the Great Fire War in a brand new and exciting way! Special in-game items in AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, and AdventureQuest Worlds are given to those who discover The Dragon’s Secret.

Get the exclusive Crystal Seed Runed Staff in AQW by using the special promo-code found inside the novel!

Pumpkin Carving Contest Winners!

The results are in! Pumpkin Contest Winners! The prizes have been awarded to the winners. Thanks for making this the BEST Carving Contest yet! Way to squash the competition!

Last Week of Mogloween—get your tricks and treats!

This is the FINAL week of Mogloween! If you haven’t already gotten your fill of the MASSIVE amount of Mogloweeny Seasonal Rares… now is your last chance. The fight with the Vampire Lord Incubus still rages on, so if you haven’t already confronted him yet, you just might want to do so since he drops some pretty impressive items!


If you missed last week’s musical mayhem event, One-Eyed Doll is still around for an encore. Jam out to the “You’re a Vampire” music video and make sure to get your hands on the OED Event Items while you can!

BIG BladeHaven Update!

BladeHaven is our newest game… AND NOW it’s available for EVERYONE!

It's got FIRST PERSON slashing action, achievements, terrified villagers, Jimmy The Eye... pretty much everything you'd want out of a single-player, first person slasher webgame! You will need a Battleon Master Account linked to your other game accounts if you want to join the newest game taking the internet over by brute force. If you get the "Mercenary Contract" item in BLADEHAVEN then you automatically receive the Non-Member Mercenary Gnome Pet in AQWorlds!


I told you this was going to be a long one. But well worth it, right? Go forth my heroes and...

Battle On!

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