Design Notes
April 18, 2011
CardClasher is LIVE!
The AQW Anything-Goes BattleOn Battle Cards game is now on sale at Toys R Us!
Some of you happened to get the CardGame from your local, U.S. Based Toys R Us store this weekend (before they were tsupposed to go on sale) and from what i'm reading on my Twitter, you think this card game is as addictive as I do!
This is our first game that is NOT a video game and we're all pretty proud of it. If you are living in the Unites States, you should be bale to find the card game at ANY US Toys R Us location OR on their website.
If you are living OUTSIDE of the U.S. (and ONLY outside of the US) you can buy the cardgame NOW at HeroMart!
(FORUM QUESTION: Is AQW Anything-Goes BattleOn Battle Cards AE's 7th game? It IS a game. We DID make it. What do you guys think?)
The Color Custom CardClasher Class which comes as a bonus with the card game is LIVE in AQW NOW! If you were one of the lucky few to get the card game early you might have gotten them before the CardClasher Code redemption page was live. If you were having trouble redeeming your code earlier in the weekend, you will find the page is now working!
Since the class is now live, let me tell you all about the class's unique skill set!
This class is unlike any other in AQW's history. It has the ability to deal cards to you and your opponent and each card has a different effect on each of you!
It gives you a lot of power no matter how you play the class but also a lot of customizability to how fit your play-style and a random element that makes this class addictive
CardClasher Skill Write Up!
2 second cooldown.
This is the basic fighting skill that ever class has. Nothing fancy about it.
15 Mana. 2 Sec cooldown.
Deals a card to you and your opponent. Cards make you stronger and your opponent weaker. Cards have additional effects when Tap is cast.
You get three types of cards. A Sword, A Shield and a Spell card.
The cards dealt are random, but you can hit Deal again to get different cards. Be careful! Don't spend all of your time and mana looking for just the right cards!
25 Mana. 2 sec cooldown.
Tap the cards on you and your target, removing the cards and applying powerful effects. Power is increased by Raise The Stakes stacks, which are consumed.
TAPPING THE SWORD CARD: If YOU have the sword card and you use TAP, it will increase damage you do to your foe. If your FOE has the sword card and you use TAP, it will decrease the damage they do to you.
TAPPING THE SHIELD CARD: If YOU have the shield card and you use TAP, it will increase your defenses making you take less damage. If your FOE has the shield card and you use TAP, it will decrease the their defenses making them take more damage.
TAPPING THE SPELL CARD: If YOU have the spell card and you use TAP, it will apply a decent HoT (Heal over Time) spell to you, restoring a portion of your health for the duration of the spell. If your FOE has the spell card and you use TAP, it will apply a decent DoT (Damage over Time) spell to your for, eating away portion of their health for the duration of the spell.
20 Mana. 2 Sec cooldown.
Each cast of this spell makes the effects of Tap and Clash more powerful, but it also hurts you and leaves you more vulnerable. Stacks up to 4 times. Consumed by Tap.
This skill will increase ANY of the card effects listed above, but it's a dangerous tool. Raising The Stakes in any game of chance has its concenquences...
Passive Skills.
Stacked Deck: Luck increased by 15%
Beat The Odds: Crit, Dodge, and Hit chance are increased
10 Mana. 6 Sec cooldown
Deals damage to your target based on Raise The Stakes stacks, but does not consume them.
This power is your mini-nuke, and the best part is that you can still use your stacks of Rasie The Stakes when you Tap the cards you have in play if you time it right, but again... you know what could happen if you bet it all on one big crit.
This class is also our first LUCK BASED class, so you will need to visit me in the tub in Yulgar's Inn to gear up!
Your CRIT can get pretty high with the ALL LUCK build but try your own builds and see what works best for you!
Remember that buying AQW Card Game also earns you the CardClasher Achievement Badge on your character page and in your Book of Lore! You will also find the Secret Bonus Item on the CardClasher Achievement Page now as well!
When playing CardClasher, you can totally get by on using nothing more than Draw and Tap, but where's the fun in that?! The whole point of this class is to offer you some risky skills that can GREATLY increase the effectiveness of the skills... or send you crashing to the ground as you bet it all and lose big time.
This Week in AQW!
This week is the return of Grenwog, Lore's Spring, Bunny and Egg based holiday! You can expect some great tagged seasonal rares plus a host of NEW great seasonal rares!
Captain Lore will also be making an underwear-on-the-outside return to AQW as we celebrate Planet Day! Also new seasonal rares there as well!
Last but not least, April 21st is a day that everyone knows. It is the day (TV show timeline) that the super-computer Skynet achieves self-awareness and starts its all out war on humanity. To celebrate the end of all human life here on EARTH, we will be having a special 24 hour shop in Battleon.
The Shop will ONLY LAST for 24 hours but will be filled with a number of rare theme items that will probably never be seen in AQW again!
Liquid Metal (model number: M-1000) moglin pet? Yeah, we're doing that. Cyborg Skeleton Armor? Yeah, we're doing that too.
Did you see Artix's Earlier Post? If you are in Canada, tune into the show EndGame at 10pm EST on Showcase. AQWorlds will appear in tonight's episode.
If you Tweet about the episode, be sure to use the #AQW tag! Let's see if we can make our own #AQW trend!