Design Notes
September 16, 2015
This Friday: Talk Like a Pirate Day
Battle to Take Down the Dread Pirate Mage Blazebeard!
Avast! As Talk Like a Pirate Day nears, Quibble Coinbiter's ship is approaching Battleon Bay, me hearties! This Friday, check out his chests full o' th' newest nautical gear ... then head out t' sea to stop th' Dread Pirate Mage Blazebeard... an' get ALL his loot! Slam the lorepedos and BLAST the Mana Cannons this Friday!
This year's Quibble Shop will feature:
- Paragon Naval Commander set
- Arcane Pirate Captain set
- Mechanical Naval Commander set
- Explorer Naval Commander Class and Armor (returns each year)
- Horc Pirate and Paragon Pirate Pets
- Blazin' Quibble Bank Pet
- And more!
PLUS... Th' Lorepedia crew have crafted a Talk Like a Pirate Day guide fer ye... read on to see a preview of what they've hauled in!
Arrrr Matey's here be ye Guide Preview for TLAPD.
Quibble's has plundered some loot if ye be finishin' his quests. This map and quests are only avaliable during the Talk Like A Pirate event.
Begin in Lolosia
Where to go: join /pirates
Who to talk to: Quibble Coinbitter
What to do: Complete all of Quibble's quests for the "Avast" character page badge. (Must be an active Legend to get the badge).
Captain Rhubarb has a pirate quiz for you. If ye answer incorrectly ye be sent to Davy Jones' locker to fight a sea beast.
Click HERE to read the full guide!
September 18, 2014
Arr Ye Ready?
How to Talk Like a Pirate
Ahoy me matey! Friday be jus’ over the horizon, ‘nd that means International Talk Like A Pirate Day be here!
Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we pirates don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. But fret not, sailor—ye be in luck, ‘cause me ‘nd me AQW Crew has a lil’ lessen for ye in the way o' the Pirate. Yaaaar!
There be Rules, Sailor: Pirate 101
Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate is ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint no one else ganna be bamboozled! Set ye deadlights on these steps:
- Pirates don’t be good at speakin’. We be mutterin’ most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!
- Ye gatta run ye words togeth’r. Ye gatta slur. Don’t be usin’ no proper sentences, either!
- If ye still got both ye hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ ye hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer protectin’ against Carpal Tunnel!
- Pirates be loud ‘nd lusty ‘nd brash. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND!!!
- Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk the plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
- Oh, ‘nd it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
- Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
- Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be mindin’ a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
- Pirates be superstitious folk. Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty a dire consequence! Me never leaves me home base without me lucky pink skull pendant!
Swanky Pirate Lingo: Pirate 102
Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! Best practice these phrases, ‘nd ye then be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!
- All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.
- Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!"
- Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
- Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
- Aye! - "Yes!"
- Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
- Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
- Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
- Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
- Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
- Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go.
- Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice.
- Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
- Hearties –Shipmates and friends.
- Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
- Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
- Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
- Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
- Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure.
- Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
- Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
- Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
- Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
- Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!"
- Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
- Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.
Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures: Spoils o’ the Scallywag
Pirates be lovin’ some booty! Har har har! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon this Friday, September 19, at twilight. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:
- Naval Commander Class (ye can read more ‘bout it ‘ere)
- DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
- Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
- Void Pirate Captain set
- Undead, Bright, and Fiendish Parrot Pets
- 13+ Naval Commander bandanas (ALL sailors can get ‘em!)
- ‘nd more treasures await to be plundered!
Ye be a savvy pirate now, that ye be. On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Weigh anchor, grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer trusty parrot neither! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, sail back ‘ere ‘nd get a seaworthy refresher!
Savvy, pirate?
Skulls and crossbones, Cap’n Beleen
September 18, 2013
Talk Like a Pirate Day Gear
Quibble's Pirate Shop is Almost Here!
Tomorrow night, log in for the 2013 Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble shop! We've got a LOT in store, so let's get right down to the news you're waiting for: WHAT will the shop include?!
Four Naval Commanders Sets!
Some of the most popular gear in AQW, the Naval Commander armors will let you look your best while beating the worst bosses we can throw at you... perfect for scoring the greatest loot and the best booty in-game!
Galactic Naval Commander
- Galactic Naval Commander Armor
- Galactic Eyepatch Helm
- Galactic Elegant Eyepatch Helm
- Galactic Tricorn
- Galactic Elegant Locks
- Galactic Bandana
- Galactic Starswept Locks
- Pirates Starry Parrot Pet
- Galactic Parrot Cape
- Galactic Cutlass
- Dual Galactic Cutlasses
Chronolord Naval Commander
- Chronolord Naval Commander
- Chronolord Tricorn Helm
- Chronolord Tricorn Locks
- Chrono Goggles and Locks
- Chrono Parrot Pet
- Chrono Parrot Cape
Legion Naval Commander
- Legion Naval Commander
- Legion Naval Anchor Cape
- Legion Naval Ship Wheel Cape
- Legion Naval Skull
- Legion Naval Tricorn
- Cthulu's Legion Pet
Undead Legion Naval Commander
The Undead Legion Talk Like a Pirate Day gear will ONLY be available to members of the Undead Legion and will cost Legion Tokens.
- Undead Legion Naval Commander
- Undead Legion Skull
- Undead Legion Tricorn
- Undead Legion Naval Ship Wheel Cape
- Undead Legion Cthulu Commander Helm
Gothic Pirate Captain Set!
Everyone's favorite Gothic Pirate Captain, Voltaire, guest starred in our Friday the 13th: Curse of the Vampirates event last week! In honor of our latest, spookiest, most piratical Friday the 13th yet, we've themed this year's Pirate Captain on Voltaire's NPC!
- Gothic Pirate Captain Armor
- Gothic Pirate's Elegant Locks
- Gothic Pirate's Hat
Wheel of Destiny Arrives Friday!
Fate, fortune, luck, and doom all play a part in every battle in AQWorlds... but sometimes, a hero wants to look on the bright side of a coin toss. That's why Shiny, the Moglin of Desires, has built his own version of the Wheel of Doom!
Choose which Wheel to spin - Doom OR Destiny - because both your single and stacks of tickets will work for both! Legends get 1 free spin on the Wheel each day, but will need to choose whether to use it on the Wheel of Doom OR the Wheel of Destiny!
Available in both Wheel merge shop until September 31st!
Each Wheel has the same prizes, merge shop, and drop rates. But if you prefer to hope in bright surroundings rather than dream in a room filled with doom, then /join Destiny this Friday! If you /join doom NOW, you'll find both the "Skull and Bones Blad" and the "Ancient Skull and Bones Blade" in the merge shop until September 30th!
Chika's Sakura Birthday Shop!
If you follow Artix, Cysero, or my Twitter account, you'll see us talking to our friend Tom, who lives in Japan and often sends us mounds of epic goodies! Today, he and his wife, Chika, were at the Lab visiting from overseas!
We had a special surprise for Chika: not only did we have a birthday shop full of sweet Sakura-themed gear, but we let her roll the release live! (After warning her NOT to push the BIG RED BUTTON that shuts all the servers down without warning)
Chika's Sakura Shop contains:
- Sakura Kimono
- Sakura Fan Staff
- Jeweled Sakura Wand
- Dancing Sakura Shortsword
- Dancing Sakura Daggers
- Brutal Beauty Mace
- Sakura Scythe
Everyone at AE wishes Chika a happy birthday and hopes you'll share in the celebration by checking out her birthday shop! It will be in-game until September 30th!
Friday: You'll be Kraken Like a Boss!
Legends can battle their way to the watery home of the Chaos Kraken in Bonebreak Deep to retrieve the incredibly valuable treasure stolen from Gustav duGrog! Fair warning: this challenge fight is one you'll want to dive into with an entire party!
All players can take on monsters in the Skullpunch map to get resources to create 1 of over 40 Naval-themed tophats! These top hats are available to ALL players, though Legend versions will have an extra bonus to undead monsters!
September 03, 2013
Monday in Disguise!
It’s Tuesday. Feels like Monday. Excited about Friday!
OH YAY! Thank goodness I found you here. I’ve got a bunch of stuff I want to share with you because this week—and the next few weeks actually—are going to FLY BY sooo fast because…well… just take a look at what’s going on this week aaaaaand I’ll fill you in with more details soon…ish.
Wheel of Doom
Ladies and Gentleman! Berserkers and Guardians! Step right up and take a spin on the Wheel of Doom. Don’t be shy—every spin wins a prize!
When you /join doom, enter Swaggy’s friendly-looking tent and give the Wheel of Doom a spin. Want to find out more? Click this link here and Alina will explain everything to you. For wheel =D
Siege the Day
Despite your best efforts, Swordhaven continues to be consumed by Chaos! We cannot let Chaos win, Hero!
Looks like we need to take a different approach to defeating Chaos… so how about a minigame?! This Friday evening, defend the kingdom of Swordhaven in a ‘Castle-Defense’ style minigame. I just hope you can save the city from the Chaotic Siege!
Happy Birthday Aranx!
Everyone’s favorite Archangel Aranx is ascending into another year older! In order to celebrate, Aranx wishes to share with YOU his glorious Fallen Amadis Armor Set.
On Friday evening, you can become one of Aranx’s Fallen Amadis—who fights for Good or Evil, your choice!—and test your angelic aptitude against the forces of Chaos.
A Pirate’s Sneak Peak
Talk Like a Pirate Day only be a few short weeks away, but Solrac wants t’give all ye landlubbers ‘nd scallywags a sneak-peek at…
Galactic Naval Commander Armor Set!
Avast! This Naval Commander be out of this world, matey. Ye might be able to plunder s’more pirate spoilers on Solrac’s Twitter… if me doesn’t steal them for the Design Notes first!
xoxo (skulls and crossbones?) Beleen
August 22, 2011
Rumors of Chaos Rising!
Bloodtusk Ravine is about to get BUSY!
The majority of the Trolls in the Ravine wish to forget the past and ignore their "more primitive" neighbors to the west. The Horcs know that vigilance is ever necessary, as not all Trolls are as placid as others. But factor in the Troll-Horc hybrids and you get an explosion of hated: for each other and themselves!
Meet Druuz and Rawg: cousins, hybrids, bitter enemies
Druuz and Rawg share a similar story, but a very different history. You'll learn more of their families and childhoods on Friday. And once you find them among the wilderness of the jungle and plateau this week, they'll be the starting point on your journey to get some orderly answers to the chaotic rumors floating around both towns!
Bloodtusk Ravine is boiling with tension, and Chaos is about to erupt!
For centuries, there has been an uneasy peace between the Horcs and the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine. Occasionally, events like tragic and forbidden romances will occur between the races, causing havoc and dissension among both peoples. But that is not enough Chaos for... the Twins!
Battle your way to the truth this weekend!
DoomWood on the Travel Map on Friday!
This Friday you'll be able to experience (or re-live) the most EPIC battle between Light and Darkness that Lore has ever seen! Just open your travel map and journey to Doomwood. /Cheer for J6 for finding the time to squeeze this vital map update into his ever-busy schedule.
No Suggestion Shop
Our artists are absolutely up to their elbows in pixels and paint this week Flashing gnarly gear for this week's release, so we're going to need to delay the Suggestion Shop. But that just means you'll have more time to work on your ideas before submitting them for consideration! Who knows, next time it might be YOUR art that makes it in-game!
Naval Commander for TLaPD
We asked you guys this morning whether you wanted Chaos Naval Commander, Platinum Naval Commander, or Fiery Naval Commander for the 2011 Talk Like a Pirate Day event. After reading the deluge of replies on Twitter and the forum, we went with the overwhelmingly popular Platinum Naval Commander! Like last year, an additionla pirate-themed armor will also be released.
Look for that to be released along with other epicly piratical gear this September 19th for Talk Like a Pirate Day 2011! Pictures and prices will come as TLaPD gets closer.