Design Notes
March 21, 2013
MegaCon 2013 Review
Cosplay, Wrestling, and Craziness
First... yes, the rumors are true. I faced the evil Chairman Platinum in a "Stink Face" match at the MegaCon 2013 convention last weekend. What is a "Stink Face" match? Trust me... you do not want to know. But I get the feeling that is not going to stop you from watching the video that will be posted here later this week. I regrettably promise to post you a link here on as soon as it is live. But until then... it is STORY TIME!
Artix beckoning Chairman Platinum into the Ring
Chairman Platinum could not get more BOO's if he lived in a haunted house
To the Hospital!
No good match ends without a trip to the Hospital. But this trip was not for any of us. When we heard via Twitter that an AQWorlds player was sick in the Orlando Hospital. So... the ENTIRE MCW Wrestling Crew and I went over to cheer him up :-) The nurses were surprisingly cool about an armored Knight and 13 midget wrestlers storming through their Hospital. The young patient was certainly happy to see us and we all had a blast. I am even more excited to let you know that as of today he has been released from the hospital and is recovering.
Basket Ball On!!!
Meanwhile, warriors wearing the Artix Entertainment Dragon are waging war on a very different type of Battlefield. (Backstory incoming...) A few weeks ago I got word that a highschool basketball team needed help getting funds to enter a tournament. We were honored to help. We created some shirts for them (Yergen designed it) and they sent us a picture back! Thank you guys and do your best!

AdventureQuest Worlds Improvements!
As you have surely noticed, we have been making a lot of ambitious improvements across AdventureQuest Worlds the past few weeks. The feedback from the new town, loading screen, and interface changes have been overwhelmingly positive. While we continue the main storyline, we are also going to fix the Book of Lore and also do a HUGE improvement to the world map. May the fates favor your battles during the Chaos Beast Fight this Friday!

March 15, 2013
Dwarves Vs. Giants!
Stars of Hulk Hogan's MCW Come to AQW!
Professional wrestling is finally coming to the world of Lore with the stars of Hulk Hogan's Micro Championship Wrestling! Johnny G, Sampson, Blixx, Huggy Cub, Meatball and Jersey Jess will be playing the Dwarven Champions Guild, one of Lore's toughest mercenary groups!
They are facing off against their long time rivals, Munthor and his Micro-Giants. Unfortunately, one of the Dwarven Champions Guild has taken an arrow to the knee and you are called in as a last minute substitute!
The MCW is here to stay! This event will be a permanent addition to AQW but you will find lots of rares in the Dwarves Vs. Giants Awesome Rares Shop!
Rares Include Memet's Color Custom Giant Dwarf Set and Micro-Giant Weapons
You can also find lots of drops on the fighters in the area as you battle your way to the top of the brackets and Members get 2 special level 50 Bonus Fights with Member Only drops and a Member Only Achievement Badge in your Book of Lore!
The Member Only Dwarlord Set Items Drop from the 2 Challenge Monsters!
All this is going on while Artix and several other members of the AE team will be cheering for the wrestlers of the MCW at MEGACON in Orlando this Saturday. You might also spy Chairman Platinum trying to make a dark deal with some of the wrestlers.
We couldn't have a wrestling event without Memet's Color Custom Luchadwarves set!
You can learn more about this event and the MCW on our EVENT PAGE!
New Battleon Continues To Grow
The Museum will be open for business starting tonight!
You will be able to collect statues of the Chaos Beasts by completing the quests to new museum defeat them. This is only the start of the new museum quests. Many more will be added as the museum keeps growing along with new Battleon.
The best part of the new museum is that you can find buttons that will take you DIRECTLY to the chaos beasts* (unless you haven't gotten to that part of the quest chain. In which case it will take you to the start of the chain).
* To go on the 1st Chaos Beast quest in /museum if you've already beaten that Beast, click the statue all the way to the left and it will take you straight there.
DragonClaw Set Special Offer
Login for this weekend's release and you'll see our NEW special item set! Buy any AdentureCoin package worth 900 ACs or more (either through AQW or using Artix Points, sorry SMS AC packages don't go up to 900) to unlock the DragonClaw badge and item set!
Set comes with:
- DragonClaw Guard Armor
- DragonHorn Helm
- DragonTooth Shield Cape
- DragonFang Staff
- and badges in the Character Page (coming next week) and Book of Lore!
What Else Is Going On?
- Spring Break Red Dragon Challenge
- Dage's Birthday Shop and SoulForge Rares!
- Lucky Day Fair with Evolved Leprechaun Class
- Suggestion Shop update!
- Lucky 13 Contest!
- Dage Art Contest Winners Coming Early Next Week!
- The server-wide Gold Boost ends Monday, but a week-long Rep Boost begins!
It has been a BIG week for us!

March 12, 2013
Friday: MCW Invades AQW
Mega Micro Showdown in the Sound Studio!
Duck and cover, because when the micro wrestlers of MCW invade AQWorlds this Friday, you're going to want to get out of the way... or get bodyslammed! The stars of Hulk Hogan's Micro Wrestling Championship took over the Lab today so we could record their lines for this Friday's Mega Micro Showdown in the Battle Coliseum!
The Bigger they are... the harder they fall!
There was a lot of laughter, a TON of screaming (wrestling yells and battlecries sound REALLY similar), and a lot of barking (Miko's dog did not expect an army of wrestlers this morning)!
Dwarven Warrior armors are sized for human heroes!
In addition to the TWO member-only, level 50 challenge fights (WITH exclusive animations and drops!), we'll have some of the biggest monsters dropping some of the most awesome rewards! Like these armors by Solrac and Memet:
Lucky Day Returns Tomorrow!
Do ya feel LUK-y, Hero? Gold, games, and green gear galore! Lucky Day MUST be coming soon, and that means the Shamrock Fair is back in town! Join Mog O'Rahilly, Ringo, and all the other Fair-folk TOMORROW in-game for all the LUK, leprechauns, and loot you can handle!
Once the Fair opens tomorrow, you'll be able to play any of our 7 minigames and earn loads of lucky seasonal items AND rare rewards! Talk to Mog O'Rahilly in the /luck map and he'll tell you what to do to unlock them all!
The Guardian o' Sláinte set will go perma-rare!
Coming tomorrow:
- Evolved Leprechaun Class returns!
- Guardian o' Sláinte Armor set (Rare!)
- Galánta Tuar Ceatha Polearm (Rare!)
- And so much more!
Things to Remember!
Through Friday, buy ANY Upgrade or AdventureCoin package to unlock the StormBringer set! This Friday, the DragonClaw set releases! Unlock by purchasing 900 ACs or more!
Also good to know:
- Next week: the Lionfang Saga returns with... the Chaos Beast Battle!
- The Lionfang Saga Class releases THIS MONTH!

March 11, 2013
MCW comes to AQW
This Friday It's Dwarves Vs. Giants
The stars of Hulk Hogan's Micro Championship Wrestling will be coming to AQWorlds this Friday in a special crossover event!
Sampson, Jersey Jess, Blixx, Meatball, Huggy Cub and Johnny "G" Greene will star in a special event as the dwarven mercenary group the Dwarven Champions Guild who are finally going to settle a long-standing rivalry with a group of giants in the new Battleon Battle Coliseum!
We first met the "Superstars of Midget Wrestling" when they put on a command performance for Rolith's bachelor party as detailed by Artix. Not only did they put on the show of a lifetime but they were kind enough to invite us into the ring and gave a few pointers on how to take a bump and make it look pro.
We were totally blown away by the amount of energy and heart these men and women displayed in the ring and how fun and friendly they were outside of it. After the show, while we helped them break down the ring, we began making plans to join forces.
THIS FRIDAY in AQW you will get to fight beside these warriors of the wrestling world while they attend MegaCon in Orlando this weekend and put on daily shows for crowds of thousands attending the convention. If you happen to be going to the convention you might also run into Artix, Galanoth, Alina, Memet, Rolith, Nythera, Diozz, Syra, Stryche and Roam! The much despised Chairman Platinum of EbilCorp should also be attending and causing trouble.
This event will feature a rare shop full of theme items but the event will be a permanent addition to the Battle Coliseum!