Design Notes
August 14, 2018
Moglin Kickstarter is LIVE!
Help us make our dream of moglin plush a reality!
Greetings and salutations friend... we're about to do something crazy together. Want to join us?
You've had moglins at your side in our video games. Now, help us bring Moglins to the real world!
Moglins like Twilly, Zorbak, Twig, & Quibble are magical forest creatures born in our video game worlds. Back our Moglin Kickstarter to help them escape and join you in the real one.
Of course, each Moglin also comes with a code to unlock an in-game pet of itself in multiple Artix Entertainment video games.
Unlock the Master of Moglins CLASS in AQWorlds with the $120 Ultimate Moglin Collection. The Class art shown above is a KickStarter exclusive. (You will still be able to get the class by purchasing all 12 moglins from HeroMart after the KickStarter ends, but the art will be different.)
Oh! Our new Artix Games Launcher lets you play our games (with your moglins) without needing a browser or the Flash plugin.
Put a Moglin on your desk to cheer you on. They’ll keep you company while writing, drawing, coding, and gaming. Moglins love to watch your favorite shows with you...even when no one else will. You can keep the joy for yourself, or give a Moglin to someone you love.
Moglins are the ultimate sidekicks for real life adventurers like you. Help us bring them from the fantasy world into the real one!
Check out all of the Moglins on our Kickstarter Page...

December 16, 2015
AQ3D Hits First THREE Stretch Goals
The power of our community is OVER 9000!
Thank you all so much for your support! We hit our first THREE stretch goals for the AdventureQuest 3D Kickstarter in the first 48 hours thanks to you guys. Let's keep this momentum going - together we're making AQ3D amazing!

December 09, 2015
$10 Kickstarter Package with AQW Rewards
Unlock AQW Gear with the AQ3D Kickstarter Hero Starter Pack!
By popular request, the AQ3D team has added Kickstarter backer package below the $25 Guardian package. The $10 Hero Starter Pack will come with in-game items for AdventureQuest Worlds, DragonFable, and the original AdventureQuest!
If you're already a backer then you know that you get everything at your backer level AND everything in every backer package that came before it.
EXAMPLE: If you're pledge $500 for the Design-A-Weapon Package, you also get everything that comes at the $120, $60, $50, $25, $10 and $1 backer levels.
This INCLUDES the new $10 package. Everyone who has already backed us at the $25 Guardian level or higher will also get everything in the new $10 package.
We could have made it a $10 add-on but we're not trying to milk you guys. We need the funding to make AQ3D but we also want you to feel like you're getting a deal for your pledge, so we included this package for everyone who has already backed us and anyone who pledges $10 or more from now on. We hope that this added a little sugar on top of your existing pledges.
To see all the rest of the news from Cysero's latest AQ3D Kickstarter update post, head to the AQ3D Design Notes!

December 08, 2015
AQ3D's Kickstarter hits 75% of its goal!
We are almost at 100% and full funding!
The AQ3D Kickstarter campaign just broke $150,000 raised! That means we're 75% of the way to our goal, and only need $50K to go until the finish line. Thanks to every backer and everyone who can't be a backer but is helping us spread the word and get this game the funding it needs!
Share News of AQ3D to unlock an evolvable sword in AQW!
Share our AQ3D Kickstarter announcement post on Facebook and retweet Artix's AQ3D Kickstarter announcement tweet! If we work together to complete the community quest, everyone in AQW, DF and AQ Classic will get a FREE SWORD designed by Dage. The higher the score, the bigger and crazier the weapon gets! See how many we can get before the Kickstarter ends on the first day of the new year!
That's all there is to it. The Blade unlocks at 1000 TOTAL shares and re-tweets. (example: 500 shares + 500 re-tweets = 1000 total), and it evolves the more we share these two posts! This is great because you get something for doing almost nothing AND you're helping us spread the word about the AQ3D Kickstarter!
Below is the video where Dage found out that the AQWorlds community got 3,000+ shares... we did not expect his response:
This week, we'll be adding the first version of the sword. Then you can quest to evolve it to its additional forms!
More Ways to Help Spread the Word about AQ3D
Want to help #AQ3D's #Kickstarter become a staff pick? Email [email protected] with your AE stories and why AQ3D is important to you!
Becoming a staff pick would help AQ3D hit the goal before the deadline and become a reality, but they need to hear from YOU!
Other ways to share:
- Tweet or Facebook to your followers
- Tell your friends. And your friends' friends. And your friends' friends' mothers.
- Make videos of you playing in AQ3D and post them on Youtube
- Decorate desserts with AQ3D characters and logos (like in the AE Frostval Cookie contest... happening now!)
Check out Zach Storch's AQ3D Video!
Zach Storch, long-time friend of Artix Entertainment, author of Za'nar (a wicked-cool young adult fantasy novel), Lore's own King of the Nerds, and all-around great guy and gamer is super-hyped about AQ3D and created a video to help spread the word. You can check it out by clicking here or on the image below!