Design Notes
December 11, 2014
Unwrapping Excitement
Watch Beleen Unwrap Her Birthday Presents
OMG EEEEEE! I AM SOOO HAPPY!!! I just filmed myself unwrapping my in-game birthday presents on YouTube!
Click to watch the full video!
All of these items are arriving this Friday, December 12, at .
Thank you everyone who suggested these items on my Twitter and on the AQW Facebook page – we couldn’t have made sooooo much PINK possible without your genius ideas! Keep up the great work, and stay super pink my loves!
xoxo Beleen the Birthday Girl

December 08, 2014
Browser Based Birthday!
Watch Beleen unwrap her presents this Thursday
Hiya hero! Did you know that my birthday is THIS WEEK!? And you know what that means… a glorious onslaught of PINK ITEMS is headed YOUR way!
The AQW team has done a fabulous job of keeping my presents under wraps. But come this Thursday afternoon, they are letting me unwrap my gifts—on YouTube!
Be sure to subscribe to the Artix Entertainment YouTube channel and be the first to watch my real-life excitement as I showcase all the new pink items arriving Friday, December 12, in Beleen’s Birthday Shop at!
xoxo Beleen =D

July 16, 2013
Aranx Ascends!
Today’s Featured Artist Shop
It’s Tuesday! And it’s time for another Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
You will find the brand-new Artist Shop in the Game Menu as soon as you log in. And this week we are featuring the amazing artwork of Aranx!
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Plate of Hope Armor Rare! 600 AdventureCoins |
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Spear of Ardor Rare! 200 AdventureCoins |
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Wings of Faith Rare! 120 AdventureCoins |
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Divinity Bow 17,160 Gold for Members or 175 AdventureCoins |
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Good Omen Warhammer 25,160 Gold for Members or 200 AdventureCoins |
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Fierce Blessing Cape 13,337 Gold for Members or 125 AdventureCoins |
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Wings of Infinity 50,000 Gold for Members or 200 AdventureCoins |
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Celestial Warrior 25,500 Gold for Members or 435 AdventureCoins |
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Celestial Warrior Cape 2,000 Gold |
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Celestial Warrior Helmet 17,160 Gold for Members or 65 AdventureCoins |
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Emerald Maripose Wings 13,337 Gold for Members or 100 AdventureCoins |
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Twilight Monarch Wings 13,337 Gold for Members or 100 AdventureCoins |
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Sunrise Heliconius Wings 13,337 Gold for Members or 100 AdventureCoins |
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"No Particular Style" Hairstyle 500 Gold |
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Fake Glasses Female 1,500 Gold |
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Fake Glasses Male 1,500 Gold |
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Windswept Hairstyle 500 Gold |
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Hipster Sweatervest 19950 Gold for Members or 425 AdventureCoins |
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Galaxy Outfit 19,950 Gold for Members or 250 AdventureCoins |
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Wings of Hope 25,550 Gold for Members or 50 AdventureCoins |
Who is Aranx?
The Archangel Aranx is shrouded in mystery. Not much is known about this Archangel… and he wants to keep it that way! His angelic attributes are expressed through his work and perhaps one day we will discover the past behind Aranx!
Aranx was born and raised in Denmark, and his artistic inspiration came from the beauty of art, cartoons, and the ocean. He is a huge fan Brenton Thwaites and loves to watch Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, and Nikita. Aranx started playing AdventureQuest a long, long time ago, and has worked with AQWorlds as an Assistant Artist for a year and a half now. Aranx’s favorite thing about AE is the art…and with his help, we are able to bestow unsurpassed beauty upon AQWorlds!
Discover your own artistic inspiration with Aranx’s Featured Artist Shop Items arriving later today!
xoxo Beleen

May 28, 2013
Featured Artist: Jemini
Magical Items and Magical Birthday Wishes!
Happy Tuesday everyone—and a very Happy Birthday to our beautiful, perky, and friendly AQW Artist, Jemini! Today is her special day, and so we’ve dedicated this week’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop to Jemini and all her magical goodies =D
Starting at 5pm EST today, Jemini’s shop will be full of AMAZING “Magical Anime” items to quench your anime thirst. Cat ears, costumes, alpacas, and sparkles await!
When the clock strikes 5pm Server Time, it's time to get your Anime On in Battleon’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop >^.,.^<
Jemini on the Fly
Sorry J6, but Jemini is my favorite Time Traveling Kleptomanic EVAR! Jemini has traversed space and time, collecting awesome artifacts and adorable loot. Throughout her travels, Jemini picked up a message from Korin and landed her spaceship, The Yaris, at the Secret Underground Lab in February 2008.
Jemini has always loved drawing. Disney played a major roll in helping her develop her skills at a young level. And once Jemini found the wonderful world of Anime—especially Sailor Moon!—she really got into drawing people and portraits.
Jemini has contributed her art style to almost every Artix game at one point or another. And now this week’s AQW Featured Artist Shop is dedicated just to her! Jemini can't help herself—she loves Magical Girl anime. She feels like if anyone could deliver this theme to AQW, it would be her!
My thoughts exactly =D
Magical Alpaca!
Oh. My. Goodness! Jemini’s Alpaca Pets are magically adorable!
But what’s the story behind Jemini’s Alpaca-infatuation?
A few weeks ago, Jemini took a trip to a local alpaca farm called Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch. Nestled on 75 acres and home to over 160 Alpacas, Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch was the perfect place for Jemini to play with…erm, do “research” on… alpacas!
Jemini LOVED her trip to Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch and just HAD to create an in-game Alpaca Pet for AdventureQuest Worlds. Now that you can have your very own Alpaca, here are some fun facts about Jemini’s favorite furry friends!
Alpaca Facts
- Alpacas are part of the camelid family, most known for the humped camels (also related to in-game Bupers Camels)
- Alpacas come in two varieties: the most popular are “huacaya” (pronounced way-KI-ah) and the other “sure”
- Alpacas live 15 - 20 years
- Their fleece is used for high-end fashion pieces
- Alpacas love to roll in dirt pits
- Alpacas have only one row of teeth—derp!
- Alpacas are quiet docile animals, like Moglins!
If you are in the Tampa Bay area and would like to visit a real-life Alpaca ranch, make an appointment with the super friendly Golden Spirit Alpaca Ranch family! But if you’re too far from Florida, you can always get an Alpaca Pet inside AQWorlds right at your fingertips.
Let’s make this Tuesday the most magical one ever whooohooo!
Give Jemini much love and many birthday wishes on her Twitter!
And then get your Anime On in Battleon! Starting at 5pm Server Time!

May 14, 2013
Featured Artist Shop: Mido
Begin your Prowl as a Werejaguar!
Tuesday is here—and you know what that means: an all-new Limited Time Featured Artist Showcase Shop has arrived!
This week is dedicated to Mido, local Werejaguar and graphic designer for AdventureQuest Worlds. Mido has just released a ferocious fury of Werejaguar-themed items passed down from his ancient ancestral kin.
Who is Mido?
Artix Entertainment is an equal opportunity employer. We hire all sorts of talent from Bounty Hunters to Mad Weaponsmiths to even… Coffee-Wielding Werejaguars! Mido, former barista and full-time graphic designer, first caught wind of Artix Entertainment when his classmate was playing MechQuest... instead of studying for finals!
After Mido finished school with a Master of Fine Arts in Illustration and a Masters of Arts in Graphic Design, he began his prowl for internships within the video game industry. When he discovered that the local indie gaming company was the same one that produced MechQuest… POUNCE! Mido snagged the internship in April 2010 and became a full-time graphic designer three months later.
Mido’s artistic inspiration comes from years of “studying” video games, cartoons, and comic books. Now all that hard “work” is paying off! Mido enjoys collaborating with a diverse group of people who all share a passion of working hard and playing harder.
Wise words from a wise Werejaguar
Mido would like to share some inspiring words: “Never EVER say ‘I'm not any good’. That's negative thinking. Say ‘I'm working on getting better’ and be proud of how far you've come. Love what you do and show it by never stopping the creative process.”
Give Mido a roar of approval on his Twitter!
Now, get your Jaguar On in Battleon’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop!

May 07, 2013
Hizu in the House!
Well, technically, in the Artist Showcase Shop.
It’s Tuesday! And you know what that means: an all-new limited time Artist Showcase Shop in Battleon!
This week is dedicated to Hizu, our very own volunteer animator for AQW. Hizu has a hoard of Ninja-themed items that will make you stand out of a crowd rather than blend in!
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Shinobi Senshi Armor – Rare! |
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Kaze Cape of Shinobi – Rare! |
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Inu-ken Battle Pet |
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Shinobi Kao |
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Shuang Gou of Shinobi |
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Dual Doragon Katanas – Rare! |
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Reversed Revenge |
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Katana of Meiyo |
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Gekido of Shinobi |
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Shinobi Naginata |
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Veil of the Shinobi |
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Shinobow and Arrows |
When you look THAT good, you WANT be seen. Just make sure to buff your Stealth Stats if you wish to pursue the way of the Ninja.
Hizu Who?
Ever wonder how AQW Monsters learn their attacks? Hizu teaches them! Every week when Hizu isn’t slaying pirates and robots and robo-pirates, that Ninja sneaks into Lore’s monster training camp and animates Monsters with vicious attacks. He’s been hard at work since June 2011—and now you know why those Monsters are so dang difficult! Grrrr!!
Hizu wanted to be an animator/monster attack trainer ever since he feasted his eye* on Samurai Champloo back in 2005. Hizu always wanted to create something that others could see and enjoy, and thus began his vigorous animation conditioning. Hizu’s favorite thing about Artix Entertainment is how accessible our games are for newcomers but insanely deep with thousands of years of lore to tell an endless story.
*Hizu only has one eye! Perhaps he dodged a Ninja Star a second too late?
What is the Artist Showcase Shop?
Every Tuesday**, AQWorlds releases a limited-time Featured Artist Showcase Shop loaded with items that an Artix Entertainment artist creates. Using his or her own style and flair, our wonderful artists create truly amazing Armors, Weapons, Helms, and other Items just for you! But these items are only available for 1 week, replaced the following week by another artist’s items.
**Quibble got a brand-new shipment of items last Tuesday and wanted to showcase his stuff instead! We’ve known that traveling sales Moglin for a long time, so we gave him dibs.

April 25, 2013
Quibble is Coming
That Moglin always has the coolest gear!
Why hello my lovely heroes and villains =D Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever. Why? Not only is it Friday (and Fridays are always awesome, duh), but Quibble Coinbiter is also headed to Battleon! Yippee!
Hey there, Heeeeeeero...!
Who is Quibble?
Quibble Coinbiter is everyone’s favorite sales Moglin who travels far and wide, collecting never-before-seen Items to add to your impressive collection. No one knows if—or when—Quibble’s Items will go permanently Rare, so your best bet is to get all the goodies in his shop just in case it’s the latter!
Do you ally with Good or Evil?
That slick Moglin also has the uncanny knack of showing up right before the next Lord of Chaos strikes… and always seems to know an awful lot about the Chaos Lords, too.
Cryomancer Nax will also have an Ice Skull helm!
No one wants the Lord of Chaos to win (well… except for Drakath, who is all bent out of shape because we wouldn’t make him an in-game Mod), so suiting up in Quibble’s sweet swag is one of your best—and most fashionable!—defenses against the Chaos uprising.
The opposite of Alpha Pirate is... Omega Pirate!
Let’s get real here, folks—Quibble stocks Battleon with epic Armors, Helms, Weapons, and more, but he charges the AQW Team a hefty price. It takes a lot of time, energy, creativity, coffee, and money to craft these amazing items featured in Quibble Coinbiter’s Shop.
Cleric Zorbak just wants to help you heal!
But you can help! Your kind donations in the form of AdventureCoins and Membership purchases go towards helping AQW grow bigger and better every week. We could not have made AQWorlds without your help and support, and any donation made to us is greatly appreciated and continues to make AQW your favorite online MMO!
Become a real life Hero to your friendly AQW Team! Help support us by Upgrading to a Member today and by purchasing an AdventureCoins bundle =D
You guys and girls are awesome, and I look forward to continuing our adventures together! I wouldn’t want anyone else to battle alongside as we defeat the 13 Lord of Chaos! Let’s Battle ON!

April 16, 2013
Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop
The start of something epic every week!
Artix Entertainment has so many amazing artists that harness wonderfully unique art talents. The artists of the original AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, AQWorlds, EpicDuel, HeroSmash, and OverSoul implement their own artistic flair and style into everything they create for their game.
Wouldn’t it be AWESOME to see an entire AQWorlds Item Set made by one of the Artix Entertainment artists every single week? In some sort of limited-time Artist Showcase Shop? Right in the Game Menu?
The Showcase Scoop
Starting today, Tuesday, April 16, and every Tuesday that follows*, AQWorlds will release a special “Limited Time Featured Artist Showcase Shop” loaded with items that an Artix Entertainment artist creates using their own style and flair.
The Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop will feature a complete Item Set made by an Artix Entertainment artist, created in any manner they so choose. This shop encourages our wonderful artists to unleash their creativity and make some truly epic Armors, Weapons, Helms, and other Items for AQWorlds.
And because it’s called the Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop, the artist’s items will run for 1 week (Tuesday until Tuesday) with a new artist’s Showcased Items replacing the previous set.
At least one RARE item will be included in each artist’s showcased shop. All other items in the shop may or may not return at a later date—that’s all up to the artist! The Rare Item will always sell for AdventureCoins (free storage woohoo!) and will ONLY be available during that week.
*We say every Tuesday… and we mean it! We’re ganna keep on releasing new Artist Showcase Shops every Tuesday until we run out of artists… or run out of coffee.
The First Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop
Vokun is the first to be featured in the Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop!
Vokun’s person stash of undead pirate items is guaranteed to shiver the timbers of friends and foes throughout your swashbuckling travels.
- Void Blade of Vokun – RARE!
- Pirate of Vokun Armor
- Vokun’s Pirate Hat
- Vokun’s Pirate Hat Hair
- Plume of the Pirate Wings
The Void Blade of Vokun will be going forever RARE on next Tuesday, April 23, 2013. The Void Blade is selling for 200 AdventureCoins—so get more ACs now if you wanna score this awesome Rare blade!
Who is Vokun?
Legend foretells that Vokun was a Lord of the Forgotten Tombs, guarding its fabled treasures and dark magic. When the Forgotten Tombs collapsed during an earthquake, Vokun locked himself up for a millennium. Now that Vokun has resurfaced, he has harnessed the Tombs’ dark magic, creating a new breed of dark army followers.
In the real world, Vokun is an AQWorlds volunteer artist hailing from the Netherlands. Inspired by the artists of Artix Entertainment, Vokun began his own artistic adventures with Flash less than a year ago. Vokun receives lots of help and positive energy from the Artix gaming community and continues to master his art and style.
Want to thank Vokun for his hard work? Give him a shout out on the Forums!
Now that you know everything about Vokun and the first Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop, get your gear on in the Battleon Game Menu!
PS: Soon you'll see Vokun's NPC in-game permanently! He'll be moving to a room in the Underworld. Look for him (and the shop he'll have there) in the near future.

March 07, 2013
Soul Forge Explosion!
OMG even MORE Undead Legion items?!?
What happens when thousands of Undead Legion followers flood the Soul Forge with millions of Solidified Souls, Obsidian Rocks, and Legion Tokens?
An explosion of brand-new Undead Legion items!
Dage never expected ANYTHING like this. His Soul Forge has generated so much power… so much darkness… so much EVIL… and now the Dark Lord surges with overwhelming strength to create even more Undead Legion items!
On this Friday evening, March 8 2013, Dage will allow you to harness his newest Undead Legion creations. No one knows for certain if these items will found within the Soul Forge or in Dage’s Rare Birthday Shop. We shall find out Friday night, then…
Don’t forget that the Dage Fan Art Contest ends tomorrow night, March 8 at 11:59pm EST on the Forums!
WOWZA! There are over 600 entries so far—and the numbers keep growing! Dage the Evil is incredibly impressed by your hard work and devotion to the Undead Legion. The Grand Prize winner will receive a custom-made Weapon by Dage, and runners-ups get a specially crafted Cape.
Read the Dage the Evil Fan Art Contest rules, and then submit your entry here!
Long live the Undead Legion!

March 01, 2013
Dage the Evil’s Loot Lowdown
Birthday Rares and Soul Forge Items
OMG it’s Dage the Evil’s birthday! It’s the moment EVERYONE has been waiting for!
But with so many awesomely epic Dage-approved items, I wanted to give you the lowdown on all new Undead Legion loot arriving in tonight’s birthday release.
Dage’s Birthday Rare Shop
These items are RARE and will not be retuning next year, so stock up before Dage takes them all away—forever! And yeah, you’ll definitely need AdventureCoins. They don’t call him Dage the EVIL for nothin’!
- Ascended DarkCaster Armor
- Ascended Paragon Pet with 2 quests
- DarkCaster Evolution Armor
- Evolved DarkCaster FauxHawk
- Effeminate DarkCaster Hairdo
- Legion DarkBlood Eviscerater Armor
- Ascended DarkCaster Fem Horns
- Ascended DarkCaster Fem Hair
- Aura of the Ascended Cape
- Ascended DarkCaster FauxHawk
Soul Forge Merge Shop
The Soul Forge is a permanent addition to Dage’s Underworld. You must complete Dage’s new quests in order to get the required items to use within the Soul Forge. Some of these items are going Rare while others can be obtained permanently...well, if you're lucky!
- Legion SkullSeeker Armor (RARE!)
- Legion Flying Skull V2 pet (RARE!)
- Ceremonial Legion Blade (RARE!)
- Hades Scream! helm (RARE!)
- Death Bane of the Legion sword
- Classy SkullSeeker Cane
- Legion Beast Within helm
- Classy SkullSeeker helm
- SkullSeeker Cane
- Pride of the Legion polearm
If knowledge is power… then apply what you’ve learned to your Undead Legion items and rule the world of Lore! Teheheh… erm, I mean, BWAHAHHA!