Design Notes
December 23, 2010
K is for Kookie
2010 Cookie Contest Music & Video!
The Kookie, Monster Cookie Hork returns with a song about this years player-made AQWorlds cookies! (Note: This was totally unplanned... we got so inspired by your cookies we fired up the amps and even made the extremely deep, sophisticated, and intellectually challenging lyrics on the fly as we recorded it live!) The pictures are in random order (Sorted by Chaos!) My apologies for any missing pictures -- crazy editing may have eaten a few. Everyone did a great job -- I am so impressed with all of the entries! WARNING: Video will make you HUNGRY for COOKIES!
YouTube Challenge: Can you sing cookie more times in 15 seconds than the Cookie Hork? Make a video and link me on Twitter.
Contest Winners
The contest has been judged... it was the hardest thing we ever had to do. Honestly, everyone who entered in this contest deserves to win. One of the most interesting was Beowolve's Cookie sword. At first glance it may look like a poorly made sword cookie with some sprinkles... but next to it is the actual in-game sword Cysero drew last year. That is right -- Beowolve perfectly re-created it placing each and every dot with the right color in the exact same spot. The other entires had simliar level of incredible detail -- study each one closely! ... and congratulations everyone, GREAT JOB!
Contest Winners Page