Design Notes

October 15, 2014

AQWednesday Report!

Newsletter on the Design Notes

Want this week’s newsletter but can’t wait for it to arrive in your Inbox? Not a problem—because here is the new newsletter for Friday, October 17, 2014.

Blood, Battles, and Blades

Blood battle blades vampire

The battle for the Darkovia Vampire Throne commences this Friday!

  • Journey to the Vampire War battleground
  • Choose from 4 Vampiric contenders to fight for
  • Defeat your ally’s opponents to “vote” for your choice
  • YOUR actions will decide who the new ruler of Darkovia will be!

More information about this world-changing war can be found here.

Limited Time Rares Shop

dage death rider motorcycle mount

You should always watch out for motorcycles—and you BETTER watch out for Dage's Death Riders!

  • Death Riders Motorcycle Mounts, customized by Dage the Evil
  • Death Riders Armors and Helms
  • The Rares shop rolls out 10/17/2014 in the Game Menu shop

Zoom into the battlefield on your wicked wheels starting Friday @ sundown!

Uphold Greatness as a 6th Upholder

6th upholder class mmo

When you Upgrade your AQW Membership ANYTIME in the month of October, you will automatically become a legendary 6th Upholder. As an Upholder, you shall receive:

  • New Class: Sentinel Class!
  • Rare: Doom Star Sword
  • Rare: Brilliant Star Sword
  • 6th Upholder Character Page Badge
  • Infinite bragging rights

Thank you for being with us during AQW’s 6th birthday, and thank you for supporting the world’s best MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!

Become a 6th Upholder now!

Spoiler Alert: Voltaire’s Friday the 31st Event

voltaire halloween event mogloween

What is spookier than Friday the 13th? Only the spookiest day of the year falling on Friday the 31st—featuring the famous Gypsy Pirate Goth Musician, Voltaire!

  • Mogloween 2014: Edgar Allen Poe!
  • Voltaire titillates and terrifies with 3 classic tales of the mysterious and the macabre
  • Don’t just read through… BATTLE through these stories of treachery and supernatural dread
  • Brand new never-before-seen items, scenery, monsters, and mayhem inspired by Poe

Get ready for a Special Event unlike any other as Voltaire takes you on a journey through one of the darkest minds in the history of mankind! 

AdventureQuest 3D HeroMart 2024Calendar Voltaire Album : The Black Labyrinth
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