Design Notes
April 02, 2014
Time For Rabbits and Recycling
This Friday: Captain Lore Returns!
Captain Lore is back and he needs your help again! In the past, you've helped him liberate his eco-friendly energy platform from that dirty villain, General Pollution! Now, he needs your help to fight on the side of nature to keep a smog-spewing factory closed for good.
Captain Lore, Environmental Hero
This Friday, /join totengeld to join Captain Lore in his battle against the evil CEO of Totengeld Industries. Fight through his legion of industrialist minions to shut down his toxic factory permanently - and save Lore from his nefarious plan to dominate its citizens with mind-altering energy drinks.
Grenwog's Back Too
Recycling not your thing? That's ok - hop over to BattleOn instead and start hunting for all the eggs we've Grenwog has hidden to unlock the Vorpal Bunny pet. Then, /join Grenwog and fight Grenwog himself for a chance to get one of the new 2014 Grenwog pets!
We know you like fighting giant rabbit... things
Yep, that's right. Pets, as in plural. What are they? That's a secret for now, but we'll have more information for you soon!
Also Coming This Week
- The Winter Seasonal Shop from Twilly in Battleon leaves... and Oishii's Spring Seasonal Shop arrives! Get your Tempest Set this week!
- We will be releasing the Golden Forest Warrior set tomorrow, as well. This armor was created along with the Forest Warrior armors for our Paymentez package, but was not released with them. If you like the gear, then here's your chance to get your hands on some of it!
- The Archmage of Light and the ArchMage of Darkness armor sets will arrive in the Wheel of Doom and Destiny (and their merge shops) this Friday, too!
- Also coming before Friday: the Bright Arachnomancer and the Pink Pandora's Blade (as part of the war challenges)

April 13, 2012
Voltaire vs the Sleezter Bunny on Friday the 13th
Battles, bunnies, and BOMBS! Be prepared, because THIS time Voltaire and Deady return to face down an inter-dimensional evil bunny hoppin’ into Lore… with an army of Bunny Clone minions! In this explosive event, you’ll need to crack some eggs and break some heads if you want to stop the Secret Weapon’s timer and save Lore from the Bunnypocalypse!
Don't forget to visit our the epic Event Page!
Featuring instrumental versions of tracks from Voltaire's last album and his latest song "BUNNYPOCALYPSE", voiceacting by Voltaire and Art, this event has quests that will keep you hoppin', a story crazier than any we've yet done, and egg-streme event rewards!
Event Rares!
These epic event rares leave on April 30th, so if you don't want to count your rewards before they're /equipped, make sure to grab them from the shop and battle until they drop!
You know you want to /equip this DoomBunny armor and /stepdance.
With a shop full of rabid rabbit-themed gear and even MORE rockin' rewards dropping off of Sleezter Bunny, this Friday the 13th could be your luckiest yet in terms of loot!
Sleezter Bunny Armor and Head (drops from Sleezter Bunny)
Voltaire's Horned Hat
Voltaire's Horned Hat and Beard
Miss Fortune Blade
The Woe
Gluttony Flower
Jack Rabbit Armor
Lucky Rabbit Armor
- And more!
Top of the horning to you!
The Rare Shop will go rare but the event is a part of the game forever!
Take your own Sleezter Bunee Home!
HeroMart is now selling a selection of Voltaire's new 5' vinyl toys based on Deady Bunny and Sleezter Bunny seen in THIS EVENT!
Each of the toys comes with a code that will unlock SIX NON-MEMBER PETS in AdventureQuest Worlds!
Every time Voltaire has given us a limited amout of his toys to sell, we always sell out of them and we sell out faster and faster each time. At this time HALF of our supply of these toys is already gone. If you want one, ACT NOW!
Going, going, GONE!
The Limited Quantity Shop is GONE! But if you act fast, you can still get your Grenwog and Lucky Day Fair gear including the Evolved Leprechaun Class in Itzachi! Hurry, though, they leave on Monday!
Jack Rabbit uses Soul Crusher on Sleezter Bunny.
The Final Golden Cheezburger is NOT the Golden Cheezburger Deluxe!
We've had a lot of confusion about which Cheezburger turned into Knave1's Interfector Deorum armor. Many of you have the GOLDEN Cheezburger in your armor, but that was for the Aussie Opera House (which is now rare). If you bought a FINAL Cheezburger, then you NOW have the Interfector Deorum armor! Hope that helps clear things up.
Mido Livedraw Weapons live!
Suggested by YOU guys, designed by Mido, AE's graphic designer, and remade in Flash by Solrac, we hope you enjoy the weapons Mido drew in Wednesday's in-game Livedraw event! Join us next Wednesday for Thyton's in-game drawing event!
The Tentacle Staff and the Dual Flaming Dragon Scythes.
Grenwog's Grenlich Pet is live!
From a Diamond Grenwog Tooth, an undead GrenLICH hatches! What pet will the Grenwog drop NEXT year? Give us your ideas on Twitter and the Suggestion forum!
Make no bones about it, this is an awesome Grenlich pet!
We're at Khaotic Kon this weekend!
If you want to come hang out with some of the members of the AE team, we'll be at the KhaoticKon in Tampa this weekend! We have an Artix Entertainment panel at 1PM... and that nefarious Chairman Platinum has booked the panel RIGHT AFTER ours! Devious!
Have a GREAT Friday the 13th (/knock on wood), don't break any mirrors (/throw salt over your shoulder) and if you have a black cat at home, definitely don't put its cat-bed under a ladder. See you on Monday!

April 06, 2012
Happy Grenwog 2012!
Grenwog Menu
Would you like to hear about today's specials, sir or madam?
- A hot GRENWOG SEASONAL EVENT spiced with farm fresh Egg Hunts, free range Berserker Bunny 12 12 and EVOLVED Bunny Berserker 12 and ALL NEW organically grown Grenwog Items dropping from the Grenwog monster and new quests and quest rewards on Cabdury!
Please note: We have MOVED the eggs in Battleon and Battleontown. You'll have to find them in their new locations. - Your choice of EIGHT delicious new Player Suggestions in the Player Suggestion shop in Yulgar!
Paladin's Vengeance Blade - Schillie
Sarazen Armaments - CervantesMaxi
Books of Power Cape - Championaustin
Aspar Polearm - Unleashed Rage
Enchanter Armor - Digyo
Enchanter Mask - Digyo
Luminous DragonKnight - Lord SlayR
Luminous DragonKnight Helm - Lord SlayR
Paladin of Old Armor
Horned Helm of Honor
Winged Helm of Justice
Helm of Wisdom
Altar Of Sanguine
Altar Of Ragnarok
Altar Of Caladbolg
The last three selections are our first HOUSE ITEMS, which give you in-game previews of the Sanguine and Ragnarok swords which will come with the Artix Button Collections coming soon to HeroMart.
NOTE: You will need house item space to accept these Alter House Items when you open the Treasure Chests. Please plan accordingly.
The Altar Of Caladbolg has a special treat for members of Dage The Evil's Undead Legion. Click on this terrifyingly beautiful House Item and it will offer you a quest which may reward you with the CALADBOLG SWORD, seen in the alter.
Ask your waiter for allergy information. - CATCH OF THE MONTH! Freshly caught Battle Lamb Pet-o-the month is available for AQW Members (Yes, it's a Battle Pet) in Aria's Pet Shop! The Baby Wooly Mammoth came to the shop a little late so he will hang around for a little longer. MARKET PRICE.
Happy Grenwog and enjoy your meal! OR ELSE!
Next Friday is FRIDAY the 13th and Voltaire is returning for a brand new Friday The 13th event!
This event will (as always) feature Voltaire and a new Event Rare Shop which will stay open for a limited time. It will also feature Deady, his arch-rival Sleezter Bunny and a host of other nightmarish rabbit enemies! It will also feature a ton of new acoustic versions of his music which he is recording for the event!
Voltaire's in-game NPC will reflect his ever evolving on-stage look that he is currently wearing at his LIVE SHOWS!
Voltaire has some new limited edition collector's toys coming out soon and HeroMart will be selling a few of them. EACH of the new toys will come with a TON of in-game pets (like 7 or something) which will all be tied into this event so you really don't want to miss it!
And yes... you will be able to get his new Top Hat.
Did you read THIS? You should. It provides very useful insights into what it takes to keep this thing moving and we all have our part.

April 02, 2012
So Much Monday News
We've got a LOT coming up!
RAWR! We are so PUMPED for this month; we've got so many release plans and they all start this Wednesday! So lets get straight to what you guys can expext this week, and then for the rest of the month!
Coming this week:
Everyone's favorite boxing rabbit (at least, we're pretty sure it's a rabbit...) is back with a stash full of seasonal loot and an awesome boss fight! If you haven't joined us for our annual Grenwog event before, here's the breakdown of our Spring-Bunny-Egg themed holiday event:
In honor of Doomwood Pt 2 coming, we've made
the member-only Mini Grenlich pet!
- Egg hunt all over Lore with Cabdury the Bunny
- Backpack of Eggs and Vorpal Bunny pet w/ quests
- Grenwog boss battle
- Member-only Mini Grenlich pet (drops from the Grenwog boss)
- Return of previous years' seasonal rares
- New Grenwog gear like the Grenwog Slayer armor!
Aegis' Member-only Grenwog Slayer armor!
April Pet o' the Month - Armored Battle Lamb!
Careful, it'll bleat you to death baaa-dly! This member-only battle pet looks delicious but is really ferocious!
Great for ramming ewe-r opponents in baaa-ttle!
Also this week:
- Dage is working on some epic new loot for the Treasure Chest drops!
- Solrac is crafting some amazing armors for the Player Suggestion Shop!
- There will be NO mid-week release this week. Sorry guys! Cysero's hard at work on next week's Friday the 13th event with Voltaire!
- The first of FIVE weeks of in-game Artist Livestream events (one artist a week)! Log in on Wednesday at 4pm server time to see J6 draw an all-new item from your suggestions over Twitter!
Leaving this week:
- The Rares shop from The Magic Thief: Chaos in your Veins event leaves tonight!
- Cysero takes AQW back from EbilCorp at some point tomorrow!
- Lucky Fair leaves for another year on April 16th!
- The Limited Quantity Shop leaves Monday, April 9th (or once everything is sold out)!
Zard Rider armors are still in stock, but once they're gone, they're gone FOREVER!
Coming in April:
- Friday the 13th! Voltaire, Deady, and Evil Inter-dimensional Bunnies!
- Doomwood Part 2: The Blinding Light of Destiny! Artix returns to the AQW team to release an expansion to last Summer's blockbuster Doomwood zone!
Doomwood Part 2: Blinding Light of Destiny
will reach out and grab your attention!
Coming Soon:
- Our next tradeskill will be ALCHEMY! This minigame is a lot more involved than fishing and takes a fair bit of timing and skill to balance the different components. With 16 potion ingredients, you'll be able to create a wide range of extra-effective elixirs, tonics, and draughts! No release date yet, but Dumoose is hard at work!
Magic + Science = Alchemy! (Alina + Lim = BOOM!)
- In case you haven't heard, we've made action figures! Artix and Sepulchure are sitting in the War Room as we speak, and we're preparing to launch them - and their rare BLACK variants - soon! We don't have an exact release date, but as soon as we do, we'll be sure to let you all know!
Don't worry, we're not toying with you. They'll really release!
Artix (normal or black variant) figures come with:
- Paladin's Castle In-game House
- Paladin High Lord Class
- Palaldin High Lord Armor
- Artix's Helm (Legendary item!)
- High Lord's Battleaxe of Destiny
- Paladin High Lord Character Page Achievement
- FIVE original cards to modify your AQW Battle Card deck! (different from Seppy's toy's cards)
Sepulchure (normal or black variant) figures come with:
- DoomKnight's Fortress In-game House
- DoomKnight Overlord Class
- DoomKnight Overlord Armor
- Sepulchure's Helm (Legendary item!)
- Overlord's DoomBlade
- DoomKnight Overlord Character Page Achievement
- FIVE original cards to modify your AQW Battle Card deck! (different from Artix toy's cards)
These will be available in Toys R Us in the United States and on HeroMart shortly after that. I'm sad to say that I STILL have no fixed release date for you, but I keep getting told "Late April, Early May".
Have a great Monday, everyone! The Magic Thief rares will leave later tonight, so get your gear while you can!

April 22, 2011
Two Events to Get You Hoppin'!
Spring into fun- Grenwog and Earth Day Seasonal Rares!
That's right, we've got two egg-citing events- Grenwog and Earth Day- returning, and they're chock-full of cheap Marshmallow Cheep pets, Evolved and Regular Berserker Bunny Armors that will drive you bananas, and a pastel basketful of all your favorite gear from last year's events!
Grenwog is an egg-cellent time to go hunting!
Talk to Cabdury (the friendliest, most inedible bunny in town) to access this year's Egg Hunt quests! Collect the eggs hidden around BattleOn and the rest of the town to unlock the Backpack of Eggs and the Vorpal Bunny pet! (Note: Any Vorpal Bunny will be able to access the quests to get this year's regular Berserker Bunny items. Enjoy!)
And once you've collected all those, why not try Cabdury's Treat Hunt to unlock the Evolved Berserker Bunny set? The merge items will drop from the bosses in Greenguard Forest. With an Armor, a Helm, a Spear, and a Long-sword, you'll have a bun-tiful amount of items to choose from! The Evolved Berserker Bunny Armor also requires the drop from the final Vorpal Bunny quest.
Grenwog gear, collect it all! (Or as much as you can carry):
- Evolved Berserker Bunny set!
- Berserker Bunny 11 armor, helm, and longsword!
- Daisy on your back cape!
- Mayflower and Marshmallow Cheep pets!
- Fire Egg Staff, Carrotine Cutter, ChickenCow Club!
- And much more!
Help the scene become more green this Earth Day!
Captain Lore is back again, and it looks like the area is still polluted! Be a hero, join the clean-up crew! With two new quests and a shop FULL of awesome new items, you'll want to reduce, reuse, and recycle as many elementals as you can! Captain Lore's shop will unlock after you do the two new quests.
Green gear to grab up:
- Elemental Orbs Cape
- Earthen Staff!
- Compact Fluorescent Stick!
- Arbor Armor!
- Bucket Head Helm!
- Cardboard Sword!
- And so much more!
The Fear Chaser event is still available!
In the fearsome Fear Chaser event, Ayi Jihu chases down Fears and has asked you to face down Fear Manifestations to save Lore from a terrifying fate! Due to requests made by many enthusiastic fans, the our latest musical event (full of C-major mayhem and frightful foes) will be available to ALL players until next Friday!
An all-new, all-game art contest!
You guys keep asking for more, so we're starting up a brand-new art contest. Get ready to draw on those art skills and paint the contest thread red! You can submit a piece of artwork in ANY medium and based on ANY of Artix Entertainment's games! (Just make sure your work is original.) More details about the contest can be found on our forum. Be sure to read and follow the rules carefully!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE ARTIX POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Premiere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free Artix Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!

April 19, 2011
A Nifty Offer for Netflix Newbies!
Do you like movies and instantly watching your favorite TV shows whenever you want?
Interested, US players? Then check out this BRAND-NEW offer from Netflix that you can access through our this page on our Portal site- if you are over 18 (or your parents are agreeable) and have never signed up for Netflix before, we have an offer available where you can get 4,500 Artix Points FREE!* That's enough to upgrade in any of our games!** However, if you or your parents are like Cysero have already signed up for the service, then be warned- you can't cancel your account and then re-sign up for this one. That's bad ad juju.
* BattlePoints have been permanently renamed to "Artix Points".
** Unfortunately, we do not control which areas/countries receive certain offers from our ad sponsors.
Spring into GrenWog and Earth Day!
With all new items and quests and all of the goodies you loved from last year, this week's release is going to be an eco-friendly, egg-citing treat! Here's a sneak preview of two of the items going live: the MayFlower pet (a flower wearing a sneaker? That's bloomin' crazy!) and the Bitten Blade!
If you're old enough to remember the 90s, you might recall the kitschy dancing sunflower... things. The one I remember had a saxophone and played music. THIS one has a sneaker and- thankfully- won't assault your ears with pop songs.
But the above items aren't all we have to offer! Not by a long shot! We've got a world of green goodies and a bunny-tiful amount of spring-themed items for this week's release, so keep an eye on Twitter and the Design Notes for previews!

April 18, 2011
CardClasher is LIVE!
The AQW Anything-Goes BattleOn Battle Cards game is now on sale at Toys R Us!
Some of you happened to get the CardGame from your local, U.S. Based Toys R Us store this weekend (before they were tsupposed to go on sale) and from what i'm reading on my Twitter, you think this card game is as addictive as I do!
This is our first game that is NOT a video game and we're all pretty proud of it. If you are living in the Unites States, you should be bale to find the card game at ANY US Toys R Us location OR on their website.
If you are living OUTSIDE of the U.S. (and ONLY outside of the US) you can buy the cardgame NOW at HeroMart!
(FORUM QUESTION: Is AQW Anything-Goes BattleOn Battle Cards AE's 7th game? It IS a game. We DID make it. What do you guys think?)
The Color Custom CardClasher Class which comes as a bonus with the card game is LIVE in AQW NOW! If you were one of the lucky few to get the card game early you might have gotten them before the CardClasher Code redemption page was live. If you were having trouble redeeming your code earlier in the weekend, you will find the page is now working!
Since the class is now live, let me tell you all about the class's unique skill set!
This class is unlike any other in AQW's history. It has the ability to deal cards to you and your opponent and each card has a different effect on each of you!
It gives you a lot of power no matter how you play the class but also a lot of customizability to how fit your play-style and a random element that makes this class addictive
CardClasher Skill Write Up!
2 second cooldown.
This is the basic fighting skill that ever class has. Nothing fancy about it.
15 Mana. 2 Sec cooldown.
Deals a card to you and your opponent. Cards make you stronger and your opponent weaker. Cards have additional effects when Tap is cast.
You get three types of cards. A Sword, A Shield and a Spell card.
The cards dealt are random, but you can hit Deal again to get different cards. Be careful! Don't spend all of your time and mana looking for just the right cards!
25 Mana. 2 sec cooldown.
Tap the cards on you and your target, removing the cards and applying powerful effects. Power is increased by Raise The Stakes stacks, which are consumed.
TAPPING THE SWORD CARD: If YOU have the sword card and you use TAP, it will increase damage you do to your foe. If your FOE has the sword card and you use TAP, it will decrease the damage they do to you.
TAPPING THE SHIELD CARD: If YOU have the shield card and you use TAP, it will increase your defenses making you take less damage. If your FOE has the shield card and you use TAP, it will decrease the their defenses making them take more damage.
TAPPING THE SPELL CARD: If YOU have the spell card and you use TAP, it will apply a decent HoT (Heal over Time) spell to you, restoring a portion of your health for the duration of the spell. If your FOE has the spell card and you use TAP, it will apply a decent DoT (Damage over Time) spell to your for, eating away portion of their health for the duration of the spell.
20 Mana. 2 Sec cooldown.
Each cast of this spell makes the effects of Tap and Clash more powerful, but it also hurts you and leaves you more vulnerable. Stacks up to 4 times. Consumed by Tap.
This skill will increase ANY of the card effects listed above, but it's a dangerous tool. Raising The Stakes in any game of chance has its concenquences...
Passive Skills.
Stacked Deck: Luck increased by 15%
Beat The Odds: Crit, Dodge, and Hit chance are increased
10 Mana. 6 Sec cooldown
Deals damage to your target based on Raise The Stakes stacks, but does not consume them.
This power is your mini-nuke, and the best part is that you can still use your stacks of Rasie The Stakes when you Tap the cards you have in play if you time it right, but again... you know what could happen if you bet it all on one big crit.
This class is also our first LUCK BASED class, so you will need to visit me in the tub in Yulgar's Inn to gear up!
Your CRIT can get pretty high with the ALL LUCK build but try your own builds and see what works best for you!
Remember that buying AQW Card Game also earns you the CardClasher Achievement Badge on your character page and in your Book of Lore! You will also find the Secret Bonus Item on the CardClasher Achievement Page now as well!
When playing CardClasher, you can totally get by on using nothing more than Draw and Tap, but where's the fun in that?! The whole point of this class is to offer you some risky skills that can GREATLY increase the effectiveness of the skills... or send you crashing to the ground as you bet it all and lose big time.
This Week in AQW!
This week is the return of Grenwog, Lore's Spring, Bunny and Egg based holiday! You can expect some great tagged seasonal rares plus a host of NEW great seasonal rares!
Captain Lore will also be making an underwear-on-the-outside return to AQW as we celebrate Planet Day! Also new seasonal rares there as well!
Last but not least, April 21st is a day that everyone knows. It is the day (TV show timeline) that the super-computer Skynet achieves self-awareness and starts its all out war on humanity. To celebrate the end of all human life here on EARTH, we will be having a special 24 hour shop in Battleon.
The Shop will ONLY LAST for 24 hours but will be filled with a number of rare theme items that will probably never be seen in AQW again!
Liquid Metal (model number: M-1000) moglin pet? Yeah, we're doing that. Cyborg Skeleton Armor? Yeah, we're doing that too.
Did you see Artix's Earlier Post? If you are in Canada, tune into the show EndGame at 10pm EST on Showcase. AQWorlds will appear in tonight's episode.
If you Tweet about the episode, be sure to use the #AQW tag! Let's see if we can make our own #AQW trend!