Design Notes
July 23, 2010
Let The Races Begin FINALLY!
Sorry For The Delay
You wouldn't believe the day that we've had. Poor llussion is on his last nerve trying to get all the coding done. He really wants to make a super fun mini-game and put a lot of time into but ran into some issues. So did Dumoose and I when making all the fixes to the Miltonius Zone. It also took some time adding all 43 race prizes to the minigame.
We've got 2 new armors, 3 new pets, 9 new weapons, 3 new helms, and 26 new house items! That's a whopping 43 brand new, never-before seen items that you can ONLY get by gaining racing trophies in the minigame! And you can ONLY play the minigame, if you are up to date in your Giant tale Quests!
We will have the release out as soon as we can, I promise!
The Biggest Bug
So, llussion has encountered the mother of all bugs. I guess we shouldn't have added so many roaches. The problem lies in the racing opponent AI. It was somthing that was working in the minigame engine and now is not. He has called in re-enforcememnts and busted out the COMEDICLY LARGE CAN OF BUG SPRAY.
I'm really really really sorry that the release is running so late. Believe me, we want to go home and put this week behind us as much as you want to play. I'll keep you as updated as I can.
Update: 10:55 PM
We've both been here since about 9AM, and neither of us have eaten since lunch. Just ran out to get Llussion and myself some dinner while he yelled at his computer, and shook it a little bit. Exactly the way you don't treat a baby.
Maybe it's the glow brought on by fast food or maybe it's the fact that we've been at work for about 15 hours, but I think we're making some headway!
Talked to Artix. He had fun at MertoCon. Goober.
Update: 11:05 PM
Starting to wonder if this will actually be a SATURDAY release. 55 mins left.
Also starting to wonder what my wireless mouse tastes like.
Update: 11:06 PM
Bad. It tastes bad.
Update: 11:16 PM
Zhoom has a breakthrough, finding a crack in the GREAT WALL OF BUGS. Roach racing opponent is no long bashing his face into the piles of mashed potatoes that the minigame places in his path, allowing the player to now finish the game!
Looking hopeful, right at the very second all hope seemed lost.
I should be webcasting this tragic comedy!
SIDE NOTE: Wireless mouse's off-putting taste just takes some getting used to. Now tastes like chickencow.
Update: 11:30 PM
J6 comes online to see if I'm ok after reading that I am chewing on my computer peripherals. Llussion, through his delirum, just mentioned something about "looking good". Can't be long now.
How long have we been in this wilderness?
I can't remember civilization. Was my life before the bugs all just a fever dream.
Update: 11:51 PM
Minigame now working, Beware hard mode, it's not impossible too difficult but those roachers will cut you off and drive you into the fruit. Llussion says we need to test just one more thing and we'll be ready to start the countdown!
Update: 12:10 AM
Looks like a Saturday release after all. BUT we are merre minutes from getting this release OUT! 10 minute warning Incoming!
kaneuf saeknfsoaenfkiawdoanbw d! (faceplant on keyboard)
Update: 12:31 AM
Servers are down, and so are we. Our brains are moving slugishly after 16 hours at this table.
Just making sure that everything has been moved to the live servers before we open up the floodgates and let you guys swarm in.
Hey, look at it this way... we saved you from the midnight lagstorm.
SIDE NOTE: My mouse is in tattered ruins. One of us was not going to make it home tonight. I'm glad it was him and not me or Llussion.
Update: 12:39 AM
WE ARE BRINGING THE SERVERS BACK ONLINE. We survived the release. The Miltonius changes are in, the Giant Tale part 3 is up, Cutscenes work, Racing Game works, Music works, Prize Wall works.
Something like 16 and a half hours after we walked into the lab, we are finally ready to leave.
Goodnight AQW, and thanks for keeping us company through our madness.
Update: 1:44 AM
Broken Yulgar fixed, racing pets fixed, Crag & bamboozle and Dridgen prcing fixed. May odd dreams of edible wireless mice haunt carry you through the night.
This concludes our broadcast day. Going to bed. Night night.