Design Notes
August 19, 2013
Monday Syllabus
Back to Schooling Monsters!
Happy Monday! Some of our fellow heroes have returned to School today (buff those INTELLECT and WISDOM stats, smarty pants!)… but AdventureQuest Worlds has a bunch of monsters that need schooling, too! We have lots to cover in today’s Design Notes… so let’s begin =D
GameStop and Go!
Do you live in the United States and have a GameStop nearby? Do you want to unlock epic features like all the other Legends in AQWorlds? AND you want an exclusive item set to show off your Legendary status and make the noobs jealous? GREAT—and here’s how!
Due to an overwhelming demand, we have extended the exclusive GameStop offer until Sunday, August 25. So when you’re out shopping for back-to-school items, swing by a GameStop and:
- Purchase an Artix Entertainment Game Card
- Return back home with your glorious plastic artifact
- Become a Legend by following these instructions
- Unlock the Combo Breaker Armor Set
- Become the (AQ)World’s greatest Combo Breaker
- Show off your C-c-c-combo Breaking Screen Shots on my Twitter and the AQWorlds Facebook Page!
Get up and go to the GameStop nearest you and become the greatest hero—or villain!—you were destined to become!
Wheel of Doom Coming Soon
Whispers amongst Yulgar’s Inn hint at something called the Wheel of Doom… which is said to award heroes and villains with super-hard-to-obtain items… including some that are no longer available. O____O
Wheely important information about the Wheel of Doom will roll out later today. Stay tuned for more info AND the release date!
Friday’s Release
Swordhaven is a safe haven to heroes of all levels… but has recently acquired Chaos! This Friday evening, it’s up to YOU and your friends to defend Swordhaven from the Chaorruption seeping in.
Gear up in your favorite Quibble Armor Set, sharpen your Empowered Magus Greatsword, and prepare for the impending Chaos arriving Friday night. And… if my ears haven’t been Chaorrupted… I heard news of Dragon Khan, Legion Raptor, and MAYBE Archfiend DragonRider armors coming to Quibble next week. *crosses fingers*
No Featured Artist Shop on Tuesday
Say WHAAAT? No Featured Artist Shop tomorrow? Yup. It’s true.
All good things must come to an end… but not forever, I assure you! With all of our new exciting developments in the works—Battle Gems, Guilds, Wheel of Doom, DragonCon, and the next Lord of Chaos—you favorite AQW artists are hard at work creating new items for your new adventures.
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Shops will resume in late September, which is only a few weeks away! Who do you think the next Featured Artist will be? Let’s see if you can guess correctly on my Twitter!
Until next time, Battle On hero!
xoxo Beleen

July 29, 2013
Mondays are Magical
You don’t need a Crystal Ball to see into the future!
Predicting the future is a pretty impressive skill. I just so happen to be pretty good at it, too. And I wish to share my gift with you in the form of sneak-peek Design Notes! Woohoo!
Tuesday Predictions
Tomorrow is Tuesday—and I foresee that the Featured Artist Shop will showcase a bounty of items from your favorite Bounty Hunter, J6!
Looks like it’s going to be a Treasure Chest full of Chess! Get ready to pwn some Pawns starting Tuesday afternoon!
Perfection Prediction
Upgrading your account to a Legend Membership comes with a gazillion perks, but the deal hits critical perfection with the GameStop-exclusive Combo Breaker Armor Set!
If you’re living in the United States and have a GameStop nearby, follow these simple steps:
- fuel-up the family Dragon (or minivan, whatever)
- fly on over to a GameStop near you
- pick up an Artix Entertainment Game Card
- fly back home (or teleport, if the option is available)
- Upgrade your Membership following these instructions
- Unlock the Combo Breaker Armor Set
- Become Lore’s greatest C-c-c-combo Breaker!
This special offer is ONLY available until August 11th. Click here for more information!
Friday Predictions
Wondering where I got my magical capabilities? From the Wizard University of Battleon! And this Friday night, the University doors will open to the DragonRune Hall, the Academy of Mana Manipulation, and SpellCrafting!
Marvel at the magical miracles and buff your SpellScribing tradeskills so you can craft consumable potions. And there will be a special room where you can use J6’s Chess Items in, too! It’s bound to be MAGIC!
Next Week’s Prediction
Looks like Quibble is packing his bags and has a direct flight to Battleon next Friday!
Everyone’s favorite traveling sales-moglin always brings the best rare items with him. And next week is no different—Quibble is stocking his shop with some of the COOLEST items I have ever seen. And you’ll need his epic gear if you hope to defeat the next Chaos Lord who is anxiously awaiting your arrival…
Contest Prediction
The Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest was such a HUGE hit! We received hundreds of awesome entries and have finally chosen the top winners.
The top winners are posted at, but everyone who entered—and wasn’t disqualified—will receive a Loremaster Character Page Badge! All the entries will eventually be added into the Lorepedia =D Thank you so much for helping us track down and record all those Artix Entertainment monsters!
And this is ONLY the beginning. New monsters are popping up all the time, so in the future we will release another Bad Guys & Good Battles Contest for a chance to win more prizes. Sweet for us… but not so sweet for the monsters you defeat =p
Pretty Pink’s Prediction
Wowza! With so much going on, I predict that this week is going to be the best one ever! Actually, that’s no prediction—that’s a FACT!
See you on the battlefield, my hero!
xoxo Beleen
PS: Last month's SUATMR winner chose to remain anonymous, but wound up choosing the Starsword!

July 24, 2013
Combo Breaker at GameStop
Buy an Artix Game Card to Unlock the Set!
If you live in the United States and you've got a GameStop location nearby, head over and pick up an Artix Upgrade Card to unlock the ultimate in disruptive gear: the Combo Breaker armor set AND Artix Points (use Artix Points to upgrade your account or purchase Adventure Coins)!
Redeem your card between July 25th and August 25th to unlock the special Combo Breaker Offer!
With this gear, you can break more than just combos!
How to Get Your Combo Breaker Set!
- Purchase an Artix Gamecard at GameStop.
- Use the game card PIN code by logging in to your Artix Account here: Redeem Artix Card Codes. You will receive Artix Points and also be given a free Prize Code.
- To view and use your free Prize Code, use the Enter prize code web page.
- Select your AQWorlds game account, choose your character.
- You now have the Badge on your character. To access a special shop, log into AQ Worlds, to play. Then go to the Badges tab in your Book of Lore.
The Book of Lore is on your task bar.
The Badges Tab in your Book of Lore. - Click on the Other Badges button.
The Other Badges button in your Book of Lore.
- Scroll through your badges to find the Combo Breaker.
Click the Shop button to get your gear!
- Click the Shop button to access your GameStop Combo Breaker set!

July 27, 2012
Countdown to Chaos!
It’s time for Chaos!
Return to The Span in AQWorlds this weekend to visit a city of half-remembered faces and monsters that seem familiar, but aren’t. The golems there tell stories of a mysterious Master and hint at the dark plans he has for you. But just how dark ARE they?
Adventure through simulations of AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and MechQuest as the clock counts down to the Chaos Lord’s big reveal!
Sage Armor and Sage Eyewrap with Nemesis Mace
More War Rewards!
The war of Evil vs Evil is not yet won! Warriors, rally to your commanders - they have rewards to offer you! Accept, and you will be compelled to battle for them for the rest of eternity!
Legion, this week Dage offers you:
- The Rage of Evil (Rares Shop)
- Brutal Wolf Blade (Legion Shop)
- Brutal Bone Daggers (War Merge Shop)
Archfiend followers, Nulgath has these rewards for you:
- Mortality of Revontheus (AC Shop)
- Neofiend Blades of Revontheus (Diamond Shop)
- Neofiend Helm of Revontheus (War Merge Shop)
Last Weekend to get the FlameStop Blade!
Visit your local GameStop store by July 31st, 2012 and purchase an Artix Upgrade card to unlock the exclusive FlameStop Blade! For a detailed walkthrough of how to obtain your FlameStop Blade, take a look at this post!
Yorumi's on a Roll - More PTR Fixes!
This Friday, Yorumi is rolling out more fixes! They should address the issue of some of the random disconnects as well as a potentially significant portion of the lag in general. /cheer Yorumi on as he monitors the servers this weekend to track how efficacious* his patches are!
Coming Soon!
- The finale of the Dage vs Nulgath war!
- Olympics 2012 Celebration Shop!
- The Span release, Part III: Dragon of Time!
- SkyGuard release: The Beast?!