Design Notes
January 14, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 16
Special Event this Friday: Za’nar: Void Invasion!
Zack Storch, faithful Artix Entertainment gamer & TV star on King of the Nerds, returns to AQWorlds this week in a special in-game event based on his new book, Za’nar: Impossibility! Read more about it here!
Nulgath’s Birthday
The Archfiend is leveling up IRL and wants to share his in-game items with you! Log in Friday night for rare Nulgath birthday items created by Nulgath himself!
Honorable Hero Gift: 500 ACs + Character Page Badge
Anyone who is a Level 10 or higher, with an account created before January 1 2015, who did not get a Mute or Ban in 2014, will get 500 ACs & the ‘Honorable Hero’ character page badge! Full details here!
Epic Loot for the Real World @ HeroMart
Returning soon by popular demand: the Panda Hoodie! Bundle Up & Battle On this weekend when the fuzzy hoody hits the shelves, and then stay tuned for a new J6 Shirt & the all new book by TV star Zack Storch arriving soon!
Play our new Mobile Game: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AdventureQuest DRAGONS is available now on Google Play and iOS. Download it now at and become a dragon master!

January 07, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 9
New Zone: Eagle’s Reach Battlegrounds
Battle bosses @ Eagle’s Reach Keep, learn arctic monster slaying skills, and earn LOTS of Rep, XP & Class Points! Members can battle through the Hall of Honors for even greater rewards!
Golden Gladiator Tier Package
All that glitters is… Golden Gladiator! On Jan 9, get your gauntlets on the 12 Month Upgrade and unlock ALL 16 ITEMS in the Golden Gladiator set! Read more about it here.
Next Week: King of the Nerds star Zack Storch
Prepare for the Za’nar Invasion on Jan. 16! A special event based off the new book by Zack Storch features Chaos, a new Planet, & Void Dragons!
Get 10% More AdventureCoins / Artix Points
Use Paypal, a Credit Card, or Amazon to get 10% MORE AdventureCoins or Artix Points! Only available for a limited time. Read more about it here.

December 17, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 19
Game Changing Release: WorldBreaker Rising
A whole new AQ Worlds begins! The Queen of Monsters obliterates an entire continent to build her fortress. Rally your friends & BATTLE ON! Read more here.
Lineup of Frostval Shops in December 2014
Jingle bells, Quibble sells rare items in the game; 12/19 & 12/30 there’ll be new items for you to claim! 12/23 begins Limited Quantity Shop, too!
12 Days of Gifts & Holiday Boosts
Log in each day for a new FREE gift when you talk to Tinsel in Battleon! Earn double Gold, XP, Rep, and CP boosts over the holiday weekends. More info can be found here.
Play our New Mobile Game, AQ: DRAGONS!
How do you train your dragon? Raise 12 dragons in our new free game. AQ: DRAGONS is available on Google Play and iOS; coming soon to web! GET IT HERE, DRAGON MASTER!
New Holiday Art Contest: Enter Today!
Happy Holidays and Seasons Beatings! A new holiday contest has begun and we want YOU to create AQW-themed art. Click here for full details.
Bundle up and Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

August 27, 2014
Free to Play Games
The real life scoop on how “free to play games” make money
Ever since Artix Entertainment was founded in 2002, we have embraced the Free to Play Games model. Artix always dreamed of making fun games that everyone could enjoy, and all our games are free to download and free to play.
But… how does a video game company make enough money to support their team of dedicated programmers, artists, writers, game designers, and coffee-deliverers, while at the same time paying for bandwidth, advertising, traffic, web domains, and ninjas?
The answer: Artix has to rely on YOU.
Memberships and Microcurrency bundles (in AQW’s case, Legend upgrades and AdventureCoins, respectively) are how Artix Entertainment stays afloat. Some players might think we’re just money-grubbing individuals, spending their hard-earned cash on expensive cars, fancy dinners, and lavish parties...
Cysero wrote this AMAZING Facebook post about where all the money goes from Membership and AC sales:
Please take a few moments and read that over—it’s well worth it. Here’s the TL;DR version:
“Making a game and keeping it alive is very expensive, and all the money that you pay AE goes back into the games. We're not getting rich off you guys—we're just making ends meet THANKS to you guys. AE is YOUR company; you built it and you keep it alive. Thank you. ”
With all that being said, everyone here at Artix Entertainment hopes you continue playing and enjoying all our games! And, should you wish to see Artix thrive for years to come, won’t you please consider supporting us by upgrading to a Legend and/or buying AdventureCoins?
How to Support AdventureQuest Worlds
There are a lot of ways to get an upgraded Legend Membership and AdventureCoins that will support the AQWorlds team and Artix family!
- Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express)
- PayPal
- Upgrade now by clicking here!
- Openbucks (Burger King “Crown Card”, SUBWAY, Circle K, Sports Authority,
CVS, Shell, and Dollar General cards) - Rixty/Coinstar
- Zeevex
- Visa Gift Card
- Amazon Cards
- Openbucks (SUBWAY)
- Rixty
- Visa Gift Card
- Rixty Card
- PaysafeCard
- Ukash
- Visa Gift Card
Middle East/North Africa:
- OneCard / Smart2Pay
- CashU
- Cherry Credits (Singapore, Philippines)
- MOLpoints
- Gudang Voucher (Indonesia)
Big hugs for everyone!
Thank you so much for being a part of the MMO AdventureQuest Worlds. You know, you are so much more than just a player—you’re family! In fact, everyone who plays Artix games and/or who are Artix team members are my family too.
You guys and gals make the BEST family ever!
And when you give back to AQWorlds by Upgrading and buying AdventureCoins, you are helping your Artix family support each other—staff members and players alike!
The entire Artix team looks forward to continuing our video game adventures alongside you. Thank you so much for everything thus far, and please contribute if you can, so that everyone who stumbles upon an Artix Entertainment game can forever heed the call of
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen! =D

July 16, 2014
New Release on Friday, July 18!
True Story Bro: Drakath’s Path towards becoming the Champion of Chaos
Check out all the new NEW happening this Friday, July 18, in the best MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Drakath’s Story
How did Drakath become the Champion of Chaos? Find out this week!
- Single player adventure: you ARE Drakath!
- Play through Drakath’s past and meet young Princess Victoria
- Witness how Drakath became the Champion of Chaos through his own eyes
- Spoiler alert: your 1st look at the Queen of All Monsters!
Uncover Drakath’s past. Understand the present. And foresee the future in this week’s newest release!
Hot New Armor Type!
Summer is here—and so is the Summer Token Shop!
- NEW Armor Type: Fire Elemental Morph (yes, now you really ARE a monster!)
- Special Animation + Bonuses
- +4 weapons in Summer Token Shop
- +4 helms AND the Coolest Swimsuit Armor
Seize the day (and some loot) in the Summer Token Shop!
!! Wheels of Doom & Destiny !!
Important update from the Carnival of Fortune:
- EbilCorp forges contract, buys Wheels of Doom & Destiny
- Both WoD to be repossessed from AQWorlds
- Chairman Platinum to use WoDs for his diabolical schemes
On August 23, the Carnival of Fortune will close its gates and the Wheel of Doom & the Wheel of Destiny will be gone FOREVER! Spin Now by typing /join doom in the in-game chat bar!
NEW: PvP in BG!
Player vs Player combat is now live in Battle Gems!
- Gut-stomping battles against your friends!
- Climb the leaderboard & win trophies!
- 20 new items in PvP Shop!
- 216 obtainable PvP Titles!
Battle Gems now offers Gold Packages, so even more exclamation points are totally necessary!!!

July 02, 2014
Dragon Slayer Awards Nominee: Beleen!
I need your help winning the coveted Dragon Slayer Trophy!
Step aside, Galanoth the Dragon Slayer… because I, Beleen, was just nominated in the
3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards!
Hosted by Game Skinny and Guild Launch, the Dragon Slayer Awards are 100% gamer nominated and gamer voted, focusing on community managers (like me!!) and community members (like you!!).
Please, won’t you take 5 seconds to nominate me (Beleen) and AdventureQuest Worlds in this year’s Dragon Slayer Awards? Here’s the link:
I need your help slaying more dragons AND getting a real-life Dragon Slayer trophy from the 2014 Dragon Slayer Awards. And if—nay, when!—you help me win the coveted trophy, I will…
evolve into…
Lore’s first ever…
Pink Dragon Slayer!
OMG! Are you serious?!?! Oh yes, I am very serious. Just look at that face. LOOK AT IT. As you can see, we’re talking vry srs. Vry srs indeed.
AND! As Lore’s newest & official Dragon Slayer (did Galanoth ever win a trophy, hrmmm?), I would need to start recruiting fellow Dragon Slayers who follow the path of Pinkness.
Will YOU be one of my super (and sassy) Dragon Slayers? Then we mustn’t waste anymore time... because I’ve already convinced Dage the Evil to create a complete Dragon Slayer Armor Set (for you and me and everyone else to enjoy) IF I win the Dragon Slayer Awards!
Click here to nominate me and show the entire world just how AWESOME Dragon Slayers can be!
You can also nominate yourself and your fellow AQW heroes as the Most Passionate Fan Base here (and we know that's a fact)!
Battle on, my heroes!
xoxo Beleen =D

July 01, 2014
Red, Fight, and Blue!
All the new NEW happening this 4th of July!
Want a sneak-peek at all the fun taking place this Friday, July 4th?
Uhh... DUH! They say a picture is worth a thousand words… so here’s 4,000 more to feast your eyes on!
Behold: Legendary Dungeons!
Calling all Legends! 3 new Legend-only Dungeons have just opened up!
- Pyramid of Pain
- Killer Katacombs
- Dungeon of Deadly Doom
Can you reach the end of each dungeon and claim the legendary prize within?
- Call of Hope cape
- Gilded Blade of Eternity
- Staff of Mayhem
In addition to looking AWESOME, these items will give you a boost during the Chaos finale too.
New: Limited Quantity Sets
Arriving Friday, July 4, at 12:30pm server time:
- Chaos Paragon Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape
- Eternal Warrior Set: 1 armor, 4 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons
- Chaos Conqueror Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape, 1 weapon
- Blazing Chaos Pet; only 15,000 created
- Nine Tentails Set: 1 pet, 1 cape
Check out Alina’s post here for more info—and more photos!
Special Offer @ HeroMart knows how to put the FREE in freedom, and during this holiday weekend at HeroMart…
- Orders over $100 get a free $10 Artix Gift Certificate
- Orders over $200 get a free $25 Artix Gift Certificate
- Going Rare: Captain America T-Shirt and in-game items
When you celebrate Freedom Day with red, white, and blue… you’ll save green at!
Red, FIGHT, and Blue Seasonal Rares!
Attention Chaos Lords: let’s put aside our differences and celebrate Freedom Day the right way—with Seasonal Rare items OMG yes way!
- Liberty Blade; 4 animated versions
- Explosive Rocket Backpack
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Cannon of Chaos: 2014 RARE
- and of course there's more =)
Find the Freedom Day Shop in Battleon on this 4th of July, and then battle on all holiday weekend long!
Beleen Nominated @ Dragon Slayer Awards
Hey… that’s ME! Please help me win the legendary Dragon Slayer Awards Trophy by nominating me at the 3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards, presented by Guild Launch and hosted on GameSkinny!
Nominate Beleen and AdventureQuest Worlds at
xoxo Beleen! =D

August 11, 2014
Going Rare: Ultimate Game Card
The Ultimate Game Card is retiring September 30, 2014
Mondays suck. And what sucks even more is that the Ultimate Game Card is going permanently rare on 9/30/2014 =(
This was not decided by Artix Entertainment, nor was it some evildoing by EbilCorp ninja robots. The decision to end Ultimate Game Card was solely a PlaySpan choice (the dudes who own UGC), and they’re cancelling the UGC for all online games (not just Artix games), so listen up so you don’t miss out!
Ultimate Game Cards are slowly being pulled from all retail & online stores, and the UGC will be gone come August 15th, 2014. The last day to redeem your activated UGC codes will be September 30, 2014, so make sure you redeem your codes before 9/30/2014!!
UltimatePoints (aka UPoints) will also be going rare. The last day to redeem your UPoints is Friday, October 31, 2014.
Exclusive UGC In-Game Item!
AQWorlds wants to make sure you get the most bang for your buck while you still can. So when you use your Ultimate Game Card to upgrade to a Legend Membership, and/or to buy AdventureCoins, you will get the exclusive Ultimate Game Claymore sword!
The only way to get the Ultimate Game Claymore is by redeeming your Ultimate Game Card here from now until September 30. After selecting ANY package on the AQW Order Now page, and after using your Ultimate Game Card to pay for your upgrade,
you will automatically receive the Ultimate Game Claymore blade in your inventory (along with your well-deserved Membership and/or AdventureCoins!).
How to Upgrade Without the UGC?
There are a bajillion ways to get an upgraded Legend Membership and buy AdventureCoins without the Ultimate Game Card.
- Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express)
- PayPal
- Openbucks (BurgerKing, SUBWAY, CircleK, Sports Authority, CVS)
- Rixty/Coinstar
- Zeevex
- Visa Gift Card
- Amazon Cards
- Openbucks
- Rixty
- Visa Gift Card
- Rixty Card
- PaysafeCard
- Ukash
- Visa Gift Card
Middle East/North Africa:
- OneCard / Smart2Pay
- CashU
- Cherry Credits (Singapore, Philippines)
- MOLpoints
- Gudang Voucher (Indonesia)
The entire Artix team is so thankful for your continued support in AdventureQuest Worlds. It is because of dedicated Legends and AdventureCoins buyers that we are able to create brand new stuff every week for everyone to enjoy! We couldn’t have gotten this far without you, and for that, I salute you!
When you buy your Ultimate Game Card, and when you get your Ultimate Game Claymore, be sure to Tweet me a pic @BeleenAE!
Battle on my loves!
xoxo Beleen =D

November 11, 2013
Ultimate Game Card
Use it to Upgrade or get AdventureCoins
Our players are all over the world. The Ultimate Game Card is available in a huge selection of stores all over the world. Now you can use the Ultimate Game Card to upgrade and unlock all of the exclusive Legend features in AdventureQuest Worlds! A perfect present for the upcoming holidays... add it to your wish list.
Ultimate Game Card is your ultimate way to become an Upgraded Legend in your favorite online adventure game. And you can get this card practically anywhere!
Find an Ultimate Game Card vendor near you!