Design Notes
October 07, 2010
Bunches of Stuff You Should Know About
Yep. It’s Thursday. And there’s A LOT going on.
I know how much you all love pink, so I took it upon myself to add as much of it in the Design Notes as possible which, as we all know, is probably not the best idea considering when Artix gets around to seeing this…
SO! You all know by now that tomorrow is the AdventureQuest Worlds’ 2nd Birthday Event!
Twig is ready. Are you?
If you haven’t already, you should really check out the AQWorlds 10/10/10 Event Page. It’s pink-free and explains A LOT about what’s ganna go down tomorrow.
But there’s more. Oh yes, there is ALWAYS more. So I’m going to try my best to answer all your questions ahead of time so that everyone is on the same page.
AQWorlds 10/10/10 Birthday on 10/08/10
Your favorite MMO is turning 2 years old on 10/10/10! But… tomorrow we are releasing the Event. We know October 8th is NOT the same as October 10th… but we couldn’t wait that long for cake. I mean, c’mon, can you blame us? Do you SEE the size of that cake up there? Mmmm.
So yes! We will be celebrating AQWorlds’ 10/10/10 Birthday on October 8th, 2010. It should begin sometime around Sundown where we live. So….7pm-ish EST.
Level Cap Increase
The Level Cap is increasing all the way to 35! YEESSSSS! However (a very, very important however), you will NOT be able to get over Lvl 30 until Saturday.
WHAT?!!!?1?!11!? (See. Knew this was going to happen.)
So why aren’t we raising the Lvl Cap when we release tomorrow? It’s simple. This is going to be our biggest release yet, in player-turnout and in file-size. There are going to be soooo many of our friends logging in the second we launch the event that, if our servers don’t crash then, they just might when every Lvl 30 levels up around the same time.
You all want to play the event when we release it, right? No one likes being disconnected when in the middle of an awesome Cutscene or pwning the Boss during a heated fight. With this being said, you and all your Lvl 30 buddies (the Staff included) will not get to Level Up until mid-day Saturday.
And then we will see who will be the first to hit Level 35! I can’t wait (…but I have to until Sat) =P
Inventory Increasing to 75!
Awesome! More bag space! On Friday (for real) you can purchase up to 10 more Bag Slots, giving you a max inventory space of 75. SWEET!
These 10 new bag spaces will come in quite handy when getting oodles of new Event RARES.
Event Rares! ZOMG do tell more!
Oh yes. Event RARES. This means, without a doubt, all of the items during this event will NEVER be offered again. So for all you rare-item hunters out there (and I know there’s a lot), make sure you get everything you can because once we remove the Event (scheduled for next Friday the 15th) you will not be able to get the gear ever again.
There will be a Pre-Event Shop that will open—as the name suggests—before we release the entire Birthday event. Just like the Friday the 13th Pre-Event Shop, all the items in this shop will sell for AdventureCoins. This way, you can store these Event Rares in your bank FOR FREE and FOREVER! No one likes to give up one rare item to make room for another, so all these bad boys are AC Items ^___^
Even More Event Rares!
Of COURSE there are going to be more items. All the other Event Rares that aren’t in the shop will be dropped by the Monsters in the Mirror Realm. I can’t tell you how many new items there are going to be… because I’m not too sure myself. We will all just have to wait until tomorrow!
Here’s a sneak-peek of some Event Rares and a glimpse at the Mirror Realm…
What the… this… this doesn’t tell us ANYTHING!!
Laugh Out Loud! =D
Member-Only Exclusives
For all you 2nd Upholders out there, there will be Member-only exclusive perks throughout the birthday event! Along with the coolest Event Rares being Mem only, there will also be a special quest to get a special weapon and even a Challenge Fight area. The Boss here is bound to have some wicked drops… if you can defeat him, that is….
If you haven’t already upgraded to a Member, now is the best time to do so! If you support the game by becoming a Member in October (or having an active Membership on November 2nd) you will obtain the 2nd Upholder Badge, be bestowed with the ultra rare Onyx Star Sword on November 3rd, and get to show off the brand-new Member Only Event Rares during tomorrow’s release!
Without Members like you, events like this would never happen. Thank you sooo much for making all of this possible! You guys really are the best friends ever ^___^
Friendship Bracelets
Speaking of our best friends… we want to give a great big THANK YOU to Eonaleth! She’s a fan of all the AE games and keeps us company on our Twitters! And look what she sent us in the mail today:
Friendship Bracelets!
Can you guess which one is mine? Hehee! This is soo thoughtful of her that I couldn’t help but give Eonaleth a shout-out in the Design Notes. It’s the least I could do for such a great gift from such a great friend =D
So, Eonaleth, you do realize that the 30,000+ people reading this are going to ask you for Friendship Bracelets, right? I hope you have enough string….
There’s EVEN More!
But Artix can explain later. Something about HeroMart, the new 'do on the Home Page, and I *think* he said something about Chucky...???