Design Notes
February 04, 2015
New Game Updates for Feb. 6
Explore the New Continent, Drakonus
Are you ready for an all-new AQWorlds? Journey to Northpointe, your hometown on Drakonus, and embark on the Ancient Evils storyline! More juicy details here!
Quibble’s Firestorm Onslaught Items
Your favorite rare-item collecting Moglin, Quibble, is back in Battleon! Log in this Friday and score an onslaught of Firestorm Onslaught items! Check out the full details here.
Next Week: Friday the 13th AND Valentine’s Day
What luck: the unluckiest day of the year is 1 day before the loveliest day of the year! Stay tuned for major Special Event Spoilers on the Design Notes!
Coming Soon: Embersea Isle
The new continent Drakonus is waiting to be explored. Invite your friends and join us as we journey to Embersea Isle to continue the new storyline!
Shop Smart, Shop HeroMart
Epic loot for the real world! HeroMart has tons of T-Shirts, Toys, Posters, Books, Music, and more—all with exclusive in-game items! Shop now!

January 22, 2014
Spoiler Alert: Fable Forest
Introducing Elements & Shapeshifting
This Friday, January 24, 2014, marks the day that your favorite MMORPG introduces Elements into the world of Lore. DragonFable’s famous Shapeshifting NPC, Fae, will guide Legendary Heroes into a new elemental zone: Fable Forest.
Fable Forest is home to the Guardian Tree and the 4 fundamental Elements: Water, Fire, Nature, and Wind. Due to Fae’s unique—yet uncontrollable—Shapeshifting abilities, she will randomly change into a DragonFable-inspired Elemental creature during your quests, which will buff your Attack power, decrease your Attack power, or remain neutral.
If you’re fighting Fire Elementals, and Fae changes into a Water Elemental, you will do an Attack Damage increase!
But… if you’re fighting Water Elementals, and Fae sneezes and changes into a Fire Elemental, then you will do less Attack Damage.
Same thing with Nature and Wind: Wind Element is strong against Nature Elementals, and Nature Elementals will do less damage against Wind Elements.
And if Fae changes into an element that’s neither strong nor weak against the Elementals you’re fighting, you’ll do normal Attack Damage. So if Fae turns into a Fire Elemental, and you’re fighting Wind or Nature Elementals, you’ll do normal Attack Damage.
After you help Fae retrieve the 4 fundamental Elements stones, the portal in the Guardian Tree will open, granting you an acquaintance with the Forest Guardian. Here you will uncover Fae’s mysterious past and how she got her Shapeshifting powers!
It’s Elemental, My Dear Watson
This is only the beginning of Elements in AQWorlds. One of the best features in AdventureQuest & DragonFable is Elemental strengths and weaknesses, which we will slowly and carefully implement into AQWorlds. Only 4 Elements are being introduced this week, but if you wanna get a head start at understanding Elements, then keep on reading!
There are 8 Elements total. Moving clockwise, the Elements are STRONG against the next, so Fire beats Ice, Ice beats Wind, Wind beats Nature, etc.
If you move counterclockwise, Elements are WEAK against the previous, so Fire is weak against Water, Water is weak against Energy, Energy is weak against Nature, etc.
There are 2 Unique Elements not contained within the Elemental wheel: Light and Darkness. Light is strong against Darkness, and Darkness is strong against Light.
REMEMBER! In Friday’s release, the only Elemental strengths and weaknesses you need to know are:
- Water is STRONG against Fire
- Fire is WEAK against Water
- Wind is STRONG against Nature
- Nature is WEAK against Wind
Elemental Awesomeness!
Thousands of your fellow Heroes on Twitter and Facebook are teeming with excitement about Elementals. We know the feeling, too! YAAY!
But we also understand that some of you might be worried about Elementals “changing the game too much.” Do not worry, my friend! As stated earlier, we will slowly and carefully implement Elements into the game. And with your help and suggestions, we will take AQWorlds to a whole new (gaming) level!
Defeating Drakath and the Lord of Chaos is still our Number 1 priority, but we wanted to give you a little sneak-peek at what the Team is planning for you. Elements are AWESOME in AQ and DF, and we hope to bask in that awesomeness in the upcoming future with you =)
Feel free to share your thoughts on my Twitter or on the AQWorlds Facebook page, and I look forward to mastering the Elements with you!
Battle on my loves!
xoxo Beleen =D

June 07, 2013
Friday, Friday!
Ganna get down in Battleon!
Happy Friday! Today is very exciting for me; not only will we get to travel to the mysterious Isle of Fotia tonight, I also got to spend the day with the SUATMR contest winner, Spongebuddy!
Spongebuddy is my biggest fan! Spongie has like ZOMG every pink item ever made in AQW, and I got to spend the day with Spongebuddy in glorious PINK attire!
Me and Sponebuddy got to hang out in his house (along with a lot of his friends) and then traveled to a bunch of different locations to answer all kinds of questions Spongebuddy had.
Spongebuddy now knows ALL my Real Life Secrets! =D Including my shoe size, bwahaha! And Spongebuddy also picked the Spartan Warrior Armor as his in-game SUATMR contest award! Looks great on yah!
And omgomgOMG it’s also Release Day! There’s so much coming tonight I’ve got to get back to work!
More Design Notes coming soon! Stay tuned my loves!

March 18, 2011
No, the Chaos Beast is not Rebecca Black. ... dramatic pause for 5 seconds... In tonight's brand new release we will face the Sandsea desert's Chaos Beast. Did you ever wonder what they Chaos Beasts really are? And why a new rune lights up behind Drakath in each cutscene that follows it? Um. Probably just a coincidence. If you are just joining us, or have not completed the Sandsea quests yet... play all of the quests and get ready... for the GRAND FINALE!