Design Notes
April 16, 2015
AQWeekly News: April 17
New Game Releases on Friday!
Brandish your blade, conjure your spells, and join over 17 million players in the ever-expanding world full of quests and adventure! That’s why we call it... AdventureQuest Worlds! This week’s newest game release features our first-ever free player Pets, the Armor of Awe, and much more.

February 18, 2015
New DRAGONS Game Update!
Introducing Leaderboards and the Exclusive Cookie Clicker Dragon
Have you played Artix’s newest mobile game, AdventureQuest DRAGONS?
If you haven’t… now is the best time to do so! Because the easy-to-pick-up and hard-to-put-down DRAGONS game was just updated with global leaderboards and the exclusive Cookie Clicker dragon, “Krumblor.”
Download the free app at
Fast fact time GO GO GO!
- Over 5,000 shining reviews on Google Play!
- Sharing AdventureQuest DRAGONS with 5 friends gets you the Cookie Dragon
- Introducing Leaderboards... with all bugs squashed!
- DRAGONS Fan Art Contest starting soon
- Web version of AQ DRAGONS hatching soon-ish
Do you have what it takes to become the best Dragon Master? Then prove it at!

December 21, 2014
12 Days of Frostval Gifts: Day 10
On the 10th Day of Frostval, Tinsel Gives to You...
... J6's Ice-Ten Helmet Pet! Log in every day from now until Christmas Eve and talk to Tinsel in Battleon to get a FREE GIFT! All you need to do is accept her daily quest, then turn it in to get a free boost, treasure chest key, or item!
Today's gift is: J6's Ice-Ten Helmet Pet
Frostval Gift Calendar
Don't miss the AQW team's Frostval gift to you! The free present will change each day:
- Monday, Dec 22: Levitating Space Helmet Pet
- Tuesday, Dec 23: J6's IceTen Space Armor
- Wednesday, Dec 24: 4 1 Hr Boosts: 1 XP, 1 Rep, 1 Gold, 1 CP
Frostval Gift Mulligan Days
Good news! Because these ARE the holidays, and we know many of you are busy with friends and family and celebrating (and can't log in EVERY day), if you DO log in and talk to Tinsel on December 24th and 25th, you'll haev a chance to CHOOSE one gift from among any of the 12 daily Frostval gifts!
That means that, as long as you log in on December 23rd or 24th, you can get one of the gifts you missed. Log in and talk to Tinsel BOTH days? You can get TWO gifts you might have missed.

December 20, 2013
Watch Sponsor Videos and Earn Free ACs
Want to get some free AC's each day? A few seconds after you log into the game, a new green button may appear that looks like this:
The button will be located next to the Game Size selector. If you click the button a pop-up window will appear showing a sponsor video.
You can get between 1 and 25 free AC's by watching each video! These new sponsor videos are available world-wide, but not always available for every country every day.
Currently, your new free AC's will not show up inside the game until you log back into the game.
We recommend watching one video each day, and after a few days you can earn enough free AC's to buy something! Sometimes you can watch the same video more than once!

May 01, 2013
Free Item Giveaway!
Confirmed Email addresses will get a special email
Who here wants a FREE ITEM just for having a confirmed Email Address?
Everyone, of course!
Arriving in your inbox sometime soon (probably around Friday afternoon) will be a Free Item Giveaway Email! This snazzy email, custom created by our genius graphic designers Mido and Diozz, features a special code that will unlock a brand-new item in AdventureQuest Worlds.
BUT! You will NEED a confirmed email address in order to receive this Free Item Giveaway email. Because how else are we going to send you this email without your real email address that you check everyday?
Let Beleen make it simple for you ^___^
Is my Email address Confirmed?
- Journey to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- See this? If your Email Status is Confirmed:
Then you’ve got a confirmed email address! And that email will receive the AQW Giveaway Email! AWESOME. - If you don’t see that, then your email status is Unconfirmed.
How to Confirm your Email Address if you haven’t already
- Go to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- If your Email Status reads "Unconfirmed" please click:
Resend Email
at the bottom of that screen - In a little while, you should have an email in your inbox from:
“AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG” ([email protected])
With a subject line of:
AdventureQuest Worlds Account Confirmation - Click the “CONFRIM YOUR ACCOUNT” link in that email
- Congratulations! Your email address has been confirmed!
- And you’re all set!
Update your AQW Account with your REAL email address
- Head to
- Enter your Username and Password, then Login
- Click on the Change Email link on the left
- Insert your New Email, and Retype New Email, and Submit
(It’s better to double check!) - In a bit, you should have an email in your original email’s inbox from:
“AdventureQuest Worlds MMORPG" ([email protected])
With a subject line of:
AdventureQuest Worlds Email Change Confirmation - Click the link in that email confirming that you requested the email change
- Woohoo! Your original email has successfully been changed to your new one!
And there you have it! Your friendly game development team has been hard at work making sure you love AdventureQuest Worlds as much as we love making AQWorlds for you!
Remember to make sure you have a confirmed email address—one that is real and that you check everyday—if you want to receive the upcoming AQW Free Item Giveaway Email! Arriving soon (this weekend) to an inbox near you!
Super Speical Important Note: the AQW Free Item Giveaway Email will be sent from [email protected]