Design Notes
October 01, 2024
Become a 16th Upholder
Support AQWorlds and Become a Legend!
Starting now, upgrade your account with any membership to become a 16th Upholder. You'll instantly unlock a bounty of exclusive items and perks. We always say that we make AdventureQuest Worlds for and with you. It would not be what it is today without the trust and confidence of the original Founders and early Upholders... and we would not be able to build what comes next without your support now.
History of Founders and Upholders
16 years ago, in 2008, AdventureQuest Worlds went live. A legion of passionate AdventureQuest Guardians and DragonFable DragonLords joined us on a new game-making journey. The early support of those Founders kept AQWorlds free for everyone to play. In recognition of their trust and confidence, every October we host a new Upholder promotion to reward other heroes who support the game's development.
How to become a 16th Upholder
Starting Tuesday, October 1st, at 12:01 AM EST, we are once again offering the chance to become an AQW Upholder.
- Have an active membership that expires on or after 11:59 PM November 1st or
- Upgrade your AQW account with ANY membership during the month of October
Note: only memberships count towards 16th Upholder.
16th Upholder Rewards
As a 16th Upholder, you'll receive:
Access to all our AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity demo tests! |
This year's Star Swords are loosely-based on a "back to the basics / origins" theme. Inspiration came from the elements that make up Lore, the Good/Evil capital cities new heroes first encounter, and the technological origins of videogaming itself.
16th Upholder Star Swords | |
DragonRoad Star Swords & Class For ALL Upholders
We wouldn't be here without your support, and we want to make sure you know it! The Sentinel Class will be available for ALL previous Upholders and Founders as our way of saying thanks for supporting us in the past! Over the last several years, we added new Star Swords available to every Upholder. You'll find them in the Star Sword Merge shop in /dragonroad.
Classic Lore Theme | |
Chaos Lord Theme | |
Mirror Realm Theme | |
Want to know if you're already an Upholder?
That's easy! Just click the Manage Account link on the left under the ACCOUNT section. As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires.
Thank you, sincerely, for your support
We appreciate every single upgrade and AC that you pay for. We know many of you prefer different types of upgrades, and art, and stories, and battle difficulty. It takes all kinds of people to make a world... and to make a game... and to make a gaming community. For you reading this right now... the entire team is grateful you are here.
Your support makes all of our daily and weekly releases possible. It allows us to keep updating and expanding AQWorlds, and lets us keep most of the game free to play for ALL heroes. Thank you for helping us keep AQWorlds online and updating since 2008, and working on the early development phases that will bring AQ: Infinity to life.
Without you there supporting AdventureQuest Worlds' development, we could not keep the game running. Full stop.
The original AdventureQuest Worlds Founders will always hold a special place in our hearts for believing in us and supporting the game before we even had a game to support. As always, Founders will recieve a special upgraded version of your Platinum Dragon pet. This year is the 0 AC Platinum Armored Celestial Dragon Pet (non-member).

April 15, 2016
BattleGems Founder Leaving Soon
Unlocks the exclusive DragonKnight set inside AQWorlds!
This is your very last chance to get Founder in BattleGems, our mobile RPG Puzzle Game. Considering that you had.. oh wow, nearly two years now, it is finally time to make BattleGems Founder go perma rare!
Rolith and his team have upgraded BattleGems to the newest version of Unity improving the game's speed and giving it 64 bit support. Along with this release, we will be removing the Founder package which basically gives you ulimited turns, unlimited keys, special in game armor set, special AQWorlds armor set, well... EVERYTHING for a single in-app purchase of $10. Founders will be pretty proud of that they got it, because after the new patch goes live, the armor will be perma rare and will have to pay double to get the upgrades and perks.
So if you have been wanting the DragonKnight armor from BattleGems in AQWorlds and BattleGems... this is your final chance to get it on the Apple iOS or Android versions of the mobile game!

May 09, 2014
Battle Gems Wants You!
Battle Gems on Android, Apple and Facebook!
Our first major mobile game is now live and stable on Android's Google Play, Apple App Store/iTunes and Facebook!
Now that Battle Gems is on the web we need your help. We are very proud of our little game and it seems like nearly everyone who has played it enjoys it. We think that Battle Gems really has the potential to become a HUGE game in the mobile arena and on the web but, for that ti happen, we need YOUR help.
NOTHING helps a game spread faster than the fans. Word of mouth from the die-hard, serious fans can become a raging fire on the internet as the game is passed from friend to friend. We have a favor to ask from you.
If you've tried the game... if you have enjoyed it... please, share it.
Copy and paste this link everywhere you can think of. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, SnapChat, Tumblr, Instagram... anywhere that you feel comfortable letting YOUR fans know that it's a fun game and they should give it a shot. It is free after all so what do they have to lose?
Can I Still Get Founder?
Why, yes. Yes you can. However, we wanted to leave it up long enough for everyone on every platform to get it and now that Battle Gems has been released on all currently planned platforms the Founder Package will be leaving in a few weeks.
Here's a reminder of what you get with Battle Gems Founder...
In Battle Gems:
1) INFINITE Energy, never wait to fight!
2) Skeleton Key, Never wait to enter a new area!
3) DragonKnight Set, special limited-time Founder set!
4) Founder flag on your character panel.
5) 30% permanent earning gold boost.
In AQWorlds:
1) AQW BONUS: DragonKnight Class!
2) AQW BONUS: DragonKnight Armor!
3) AQW BONUS: DragonKnight Helms (2)!
4) AQW BONUS: DragonKnight Swords (2)!
5) AQW BONUS: DragonKnight Capes (3)!
6) AQW BONUS: Battle Gems Character Page Achievement!
Just tap the UPGRADE button in your Battle Gems OPTIONS screen to buy Founder then use the AQW LINK button that shows up to link it to your AQW account.
Thanks For Helping!
For those of you who have already played the game, who have stuck with us through all the game killing bugs and all of the terrible technical glitches and STILL dropped us a 5 star review in your app store, thank you. We could not have gotten to this very exciting starting point without you guys. We're all very interested to see where we go from here.
See you in Battle Gems!

May 31, 2011
Zorbak, the Ebil Blue Moglin!
Visit Zorbak's House in DoomWood!
This weekend, the DoomWood story continues. Artix has discovered that there is a new undead threat in DoomWood and is racing to join you in smashing wave after wave of crunchy undead soldiers... and you HAVE to stop him.
If you don't understand WHY you should be keeping Artix from doing battle what he does best then you should go play last week's chapter of DoomWood right now!
A lot of people have been asking about Vordred the Paladin Slayer. They haven't figured out a way to defeat him.
People have said that if you have 3 Palis or a Pali and 3 healers or if you turn the sound off then you can defeat him. Those folks are either mistaken or they are yanking your chain on purpose.
You may ask, "Then why add him into the game if he can't be defeated?. Because Artix, Alina and I did not want you to take our words for it. It's one thing to say "Oh, this bad guy is an undefeatable evil. Watch out. OOOOoooOOOOooOOOOoo!" but when you get your rear handed to you over and over again by a guy who is more skulls than anything else, it's something else entirey. Vordred cannot be defeated by any known method on Lore.
This weekend you will journey deeper into DoomWood past the undead Chopping Maul (get it?) to the home of the one and only ebil, blue moglin... Zorbak.
The first time you entered the DoonWood Necropolis (in DragonFable) you couldn't have done it without Zorbak's... uh..."help". Maybe he has some information on Vordred and whomever created him to defeat the Paladin Order.
Oh Yeah...
We are also finally raising the level cap to 40 this weekend!
Quibble Coinbiter's DoomWood Shop!
Once again, Quibble Coinbiter is heading back to Battleon this weekend to set up shop.
He's fully restocked with a bunch of DoomWood, undead and other themed (never-before-seen, slightly used) rares and items. As usual, MOST (or possibly ALL) of his items will be AC items so now is the time to renew your supply if you are running low.
Normally Quibble's arrivals seem to line up with the arrival of a new Chaos Lord or Chaos Beast... but on rare occassions, like this Friday, he's just in the neighborhood and has the goods to sell.
Tonight at 11:59 PM EST is the last chance you will EVER HAVE to become a HeroSmash Founder!
Remember that once the clock strikes midnight here on (or in this case, several stories below) the east coast of the United States... you will never again have the chance to become a HeroSmash Founder. Do not miss this oppritunity.
Or if you do miss out, Please don't ask me over Twitter if it will be coming back. Cause it won't.
THE NPC's CD Is Back In Stock!
Faith has just told me that after nearly 2 month, we finally have more of the NPC's Critical Hits CD featuring music from a lot of our games is back in stock!
The CD comes with special musical themed items in AQW, AQ Classic, DF, MQ, ED and WarpForce! If you want one of these, head to HEROMART and grab one before they are gone!
It was one of the favorite parts of the PTR experience for most of those who helped us test. The Necromancer!
NEXT WEEK, it will be returning to AQW with a whole new set of powers... the Tower of Necromancy.Here's the bet part... it will be usable by ANYONE. That's right, Necromancer is for both Members and Non-Members!
We've decided to try an few interesting things with this class. First off it will be a PET class. That means that you will be able to summon a base skeleton pet who will do your fighting for you. You will cast necromantic spells on your pet to deal more damage to your opponent, return mana to you or even steal your foe's lifeforce.
This means that we will also be (eventually, not next week) adding a new type of Item to AQW, Battle Pets. Pet classes like Necromancer (and future pet classes) will be able to equip these pets to attack for them, and use their skills to help their companions or undead slaves fight. Equippable Battle Pets might even have special skills that only that pet can use.
As they are Pets, almost all Battle Pets will be MEMBER ONLY, however the base pet that comes with the class will be usable by anyone. Next week, however, you should be able to summon the Basic Skeleton to fight for you using Necromancer.
Something else that we are trying... 2 different ways to get the Necromancer Class.
The first way will require a LOT of hard work. You will need to reach DoomWood Reputation Rank 10 to get one of the items that you require to obtain this class... THEN you will have to battle your way through the Tower of Necromancy. If you survive the trials you will be awarded the class.
The second way to obtain the class is buying it with ACs. No muss, no fuss, no rank, no nearly-impossible tasks to compplete... just slip the Tower Necromancers their asking price and POOF... the class is yours.
We've never done an AC class before, and I didn't think we ever would due to some complications in the AQW engine but our amazing coding team has broken down that barrier and it has become possible. We know that a LOT of people would rather pay ACS and save the time and effort so we are giving them that option.
Other than the AC/NON-AC nature of the classes they will not be different in any way. In fact, you can even get both if you want to but you will need to rank each class up seperately.
NOTE: All of this could change at any moment. It's currently in production so we could encounter some game crashing bug that sets us back a week or more, and we don't know the AC price for the AC version of the class yet.
Sadly, if you DID test the class in PTR you will NOT be able to keep the ranks that you earned there.
The only reason I'm telling you guys about this is that it's pretty exciting and Yorumi has not encountered any massive roadblocks so far. Fingers crossed!
Keep in mind that DoomWood will ALSO have another MEMBER-ONLY class coming as the zone progresses. Keep reading the Design Notes for more details on that!

April 25, 2011
4 Days Until HEROSMASH!
I've been getting a LOT of mails, Tweets and in-game comments asking how players can become Founders in HeroSmash when it goes live for the first time this Thursday.
Some of you are asking "What's a founder?!" or possibly "WatS a F0undr!" so let me tell you.
Simply put, a Founder is someone who helps support an AE game (buy purchasing a membership or Coin package) right after it is born to help kick it into high gear and get it moving. It usually comes with some perks like the way that AQW Founders get a new rare pet EVERY YEAR on AQW's birthday for the life of the game. Other perks could pop up at any time.
It also comes with crazy "I was there when that game started" bragging rights, and AQW Founders can prove it by showing you the Founder Achievement Badge on their character page. HeroSmash Founders will ALSO get a badge on their HeroSmash character pages proving that they were there.
Once 30 days have passed, you will never be able to become a HS Founder ever again!
Easy, either become a HeroSmash Member or buy at least $20 USD worth of SmashCoins (like AdventureCoins for HS) within the first 30 days of HeroSmash's online life!
I Heard That AQW Members Get A HeroSmash Membership As A Bonus, Is That True?
YES! We are calling it the V.I.P (Very Important Player) Membership!
It has always and will always be VERY important to us that we give you MORE than what you paid for in all of out games. In that spirit we have tied the AQW and HeroSmash memberships together into this V.I.P Membership that gets you member access to BOTH AQWorlds and HeroSmash!
If you're already an AQW member, that means that you are ALSO already a HeroSmash Member!
Pretty cool, right?
I know it's a little confusing to some people so I made this diagram for you.
I'm Already An AQW Member. Does That Mean That I'm Already A HS Member Too?!
Yeah, that's exactly what I just said.
Literally, it's 5 lines above this line not counting the diagram.
Ok... Does That Mean That I'm Already a HeroSmash Founder Too?!
Good question!
No, you are NOT already a HS Founder.
If you are already an AQW Member you will be able to enjoy all of the HeroSmash Member benefits like member-only powers, items, areas as well as FUTURE member-only benefits as the game grows BUT In order to become a Founder you MUST either buy $20 USD (or more) worth of SmashCoins OR Upgrade for 3 months (or longer) IN HEROSMASH starting THIS THURSDAY.
V.I.P Member Thing Is Kind Of Confusing Too. More Diagrams Plox!
Gladly, I can make these things all day long.
There are 2 ways to become a V.I.P Member.
- Upgrade in AQW.
- Upgrade in HeroSmash.
No matter which game you upgrade in, you will be a member in BOTH games but you will only get the ACs if you Upgrade in AQW, and you will ONLY get the SmashCoins if you upgrade in HeroSmash.
For Example:
If you purchase a 3 month membership to AQW, you will be upgraded in BOTH AQW and HS, but you will only get 1000 ACs, (no SmashCoins).
On the other hand, If you purchase a 3 month membership to HeroSmash you will be upgraded in BOTH AQW and HS, but you will only get 1000 SmashCoins, (no ACs).
Pictures make everything awesome.
I Agree. So When Can I Become A HeroSmash Founder.
THURSDAY, April 28th, HeroSmash goes LIVE for EVERYONE! As soon as we are live you will be able to become a Founder, but remember... you only have 30 days from the live release date to become a HeroSmash Founder or you miss out foerver! This chance will never come around again.
Unless you've got a time machine.
Then, technically, it's YOU who will be coming around again so my original point remains valid.
Have You Seen AQW Battle Cards In The Toys R Us Flyers?
NO! Do you have a picture, disembodied player voice?
Oh Awesome! People must really like the AQW Battle Cards game if it made it into the flyer. Only the big-name stuff gets in the flyer!
We really want to thank you guys for making us look good. Several stores across the U.S. have reportedly sold out of the game entirely and more are flying off the shelves every day.
I really hope that you think the game is as fun as we do (I am still playing it just about every day with Nursey and my other friends) and hope that you are enjoying the CardClasher Class that comes with it. I've gotten some feedback from players who have mastered the class and say that it really is one of the most powerful AND FUN classes in AQW!
We still have LOTS more in HeroMart, so feel free to buy some. It would be nice if Faith (Head of HeroMart) could walk around that area of the Secret Underground Lab without swimming through a sea of boxes.
I've Already Got My Box Of The AQW ANything-Goes BattleOn Battle Card Game.
Ok, so buy one for a friend. Never too early to shop for the holidays, amirite? Who knows, we might be sold out by Frostval!
Good Point. I'll Go Buy A Few More.
That's thinking ahead!

April 15, 2011
Fear Chaser Event & Event Rare Shop are now open!
The Fear Chaser event featuring the music and voice talents of Ayi Jihu, is now LIVE! As usual we Event Rare Shop with TONS of items, several voice-acted cutscenes, an achievement and a bunch of great drops!
I should warn you that the Fear Garb is one of the laggiest armors that we've ever created but that is the price for having animated spiders crawling all over your body and in and out of your rib-cage and having animated lava pouring out of your eye sockets!
By request, we've increased the room size to 10 to hold more of you and your friends. Ayi asked me to pass on her thanks to everyon who logged in and asked her all of those fantastic questions! You really made her day by just showing up to the event!
Remember, once the event closes, it will become Member Only! Members will still be able to get the monster drops and the achievement anytime they like by accessing the event re-run in their Book of Lore but the Event Rare shop closes with the event and takes all of these items with it!
To learn more about Ayi Jihu or the Fear Chaser project, check the Fear Chaser event page!
CardClasher Arrives MONDAY!
Monday, Arpil 18th, the AQW Anything Goes BattleOn Battle Card Game arrives in U.S. Toys R' Us Stores! it comes with the Color Custom CardClasher Class, Card Cape, Card Blades and we're working on a special bonus item!
It also comes with a special achievement badge on your Character Page and inside your Book of Lore!
If you live outside the USA, have no fear... the AQW QW Anything Goes BattleOn Battle Card Game will come to HeroMart early next month! Keep your eyes on the Design Notes and we'll give you a date very soon!
HeroSmash Founder Coming April 28th!
Finally, your chance to become a Founder in HeroSmash!
As AQW has AdventureCoins, HeroSmash will have a micro-currency called SmashCoins! To become a founder all you have to do is buy $20 worth of SmashCoins in the first month and bingo... you are a HS Founder!
We will be making an announcement about HS Memberships later this month, but for right now all you need to know is $20 or more of SmashCoins ensures that you are a Founder in HS. If you missed out on being an AQW founder, please don't miss this!
AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!
Just CLICK HERE to get started!
Or, You can jump onto your Master Account and start earning free BattleOn Games Points using AExtras and use those Points to get stuff in ANY of our games!