Design Notes
June 08, 2015
Defeat the Guardian of the Underworld
Defeat GRRRberus, Guardian of the Gates next Friday!
After battling through the Vale of Mourning and standing before the three Judges of the Underworld, Dage the Evil has granted you permission to approach his Dark Throne!
But after passing through the Gate... something is not right: Grrrberus, Guardian of the Underworld, and other infernal creatures have succumbed to the Frozen Flame and are rampaging through Dage's Fortress, attacking anyone bearing Dage's Seal!
Defeat the three-headed beast and discover why Dage's fiercest enemy has breached his lair NOW... before YOU fall under her spell, too!
Origin of Grrrberus, Guardian of the Underworld
The big bad beast in the picture up above is named Grrrberus, Guardian of the Underworld. His name is a reference to Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guarded the gate to the Underworld of Greek mythology,* preventing the dead from leaving and the living from entering. He is one of my favorite mythological creatures, and I love how Dage the Evil recreated him!
The original Cerberus is the offspring of Echidna, a hybrid half-woman/half-serpent (talk about a Mother of Monsters!) and Typhon, a gigantic monster feered by even the Greek gods. Some say each of the three heads can see a different point in time - past, present, and future.
Shadow of Cerberus Drops and Rares Shop
Victory is its own reward, but if you want to seize the REAL prize, you'll need to WORK! The Grrrberus boss monster will have a chance to drop a lesser version of the Shadow of Cerberus armor as well as merge tokens which you can use to upgrade the entire set! The Blood of Cerberus armor and accessories will be available for a limited-time in the release rares shop.
* You can see Grrberus' puppy form in DragonFable, our single-player fantasy RPG!

June 04, 2013
All Eyes on Dage!
Featured Artist Shop, the Femme Fatalities Cult, and Quibble bids farewell
Happy Tuesday! Everyone knows I’m easily excited by the smallest of things: a free cup of coffee, a pretty pink balloon, hugs from my Artix coworkers, fortune cookies, and getting the last bottle of Propel Water (Strawberry Kiwi of course!).
But you know what makes me EVEN MORE excited?!
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Every Tuesday, a new Artist takes the spotlight, showcasing their personal armors, weapons, helms, and other items using their unique artistic flair. Jemini was last week’s Featured Artist, filling her shop with Magical Anime armors and hairstyles.
Bright sparkles, happy faces, and magical alpacas tickled the fancy of thousands—but there is one boy who despises all of that. In fact, this particular guy has made a career out of the dark, devious, and demented: Dage the Evil!
And later this evening, Dage the Evil will unleash his personal stash of epic Undead Legion items for his devoted followers of Lore! All of Dage’s items will be RARE, and a good portion of them will be Member Only or require AdventureCoins.
The sole reason AQWorlds is able to release brand-new content EVERY WEEK is because of our wonderful Members and dedicated AdventureCoin buyers. Yaaaay! =D So if you want to support your favorite online adventure game, feed the friendly AQW team, AND get wickedly wicked Dage the Evil items,
I’ll post another Design Notes this afternoon highlighting everything coming in Dage’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop. Stay tuned!
But in the meantime…
Isle of Fotia & the Femme Fatalities
Off the southern coast of Lore is the fabled volcanic Isle of Fotia. The volcano on Fotia (coming from the Greek word meaning ‘fire’) is showing warning signs of erupting. Large tremors beneath the volcano are causing more and more lava to spew into the ocean below. A devastating eruption is bound to happen soon… which will wipe out all of Fotia and her inhabitants!
Fotia is home to an all female Cult known as the Femme Fatalities. Unfortunately, not much is known about this covert Cult or the island itself. Fotia is surrounded by treacherous water that only a Trireme (an ancient Greek boat) can navigate.
All my efforts to contact the Femme Fatalities have been in vain. Despite my many efforts using the Derp Pony Express, no one from the Cult has responded to any of my messages.
I did, however, speak with the pirates at Lolosia. Because of their vast knowledge of seafaring vessels, Elisa Keelhaul and her crew have started construction on a Trireme. Keelhaul’s crew believes that their Trireme will offer a safe voyage to the Isle of Fotia… but cannot guarantee safe passage once on the island.
Because I am a girl (surprise!), I have volunteered to travel to the Isle of Fotia on the Trireme. If I manage to make it, I will request an audience with the Femme Fatalities Cult Leader and gather as much information as I can.
Everyone on Twitter is abuzz with questions regarding the Femme Fatalities and their rumored hatred towards Dage the Evil. So long as I complete my mission—and don’t respawn back in Battleon if I fail—then everyone will soon have answers to the mysterious Isle of Fotia!
Toodles Quibble!
Everyone’s favorite traveling sales Moglin is packing up shop! Now is your last chance at getting Quibble’s Mirror Realm goodies (or baddies?) that will probably never be offered again. Eeeep!
Over 80 Rare items can be yours—but only until tomorrow! Once the sun sets over Lore tomorrow night, Quibble will leave Battleon, taking ALL his Rare items with him. So now is literally your last chance at scoring Quibble’s Mirror Realm item sets.
Log in now and get Quibble’s awesome loot!
And stay tuned later today for more info about Dage the Evil’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop =D

June 03, 2013
The June of Doom!
A summer full of everything Evil
It’s the first week of June… and it’s the first time we’ve dedicated an entire month to the Lord of the Undead Legion, Dage the Evil!
Dage is more than just a pretty face—he’s everyone’s favorite artist/weapon forger/armor welder/devourer of souls. Dage the Evil has created absolutely amazing in-game items for AdventureQuest Worlds, and with over 30,000 Twitter followers, it’s safe to say this Undead Legion Lord is as infamous as he is popular.
Soooo why not devote an entire month to everything EVIL?
I like the way you think, you little evil mastermind =D
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Shop
I think math is pure Evil. So let’s solve a little algebraic equation:
Q: Find the Value of “Featured Artist”
1st week of June of Doom
(Featured Artist Shop
Every Tuesday)
“Featured Artist”
Epic Rare Items
A: The Value of “Featured Artist” is: Dage the Evil!
Starting tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday, June 4), Jemini’s Magical Anime Shop full of happiness and joy will be replaced by Dage’s dark and wicked Undead Legion Rares.
Oh yes. All RARES. You read that right. Dage has been working on these terrific terrifying armors, helms, capes, weapons, and pets for a few weeks now, perfecting every one of them just for YOU.
And you will NOT need any Legion Tokens to purchase the Rares from Tuesday’s shop. But keep on earning Legion Tokens, because there WILL come a time in the near future which Legion Tokens WILL be required to obtain more Undead Legion loot. Keep that in mind, intrepid Legionnaires.
Dage the Evil would be honored to see you in his personal Undead Legion Rares from his Featured Artist Shop. And you’ll need to be heavily armed if you hope to survive your newest adventures arriving Friday…
Dage hath no fury… like a woman scorned!
Off the distant coast of Lore, protected by an endless uncharted ocean, the volcanic Isle of Fotia (pronounced foe-thee-ah) is in trouble. The massive volcano at the edge of town is about to erupt, and will easily wipe out the inhabitants of Fotia.
But Fotia is a place like you’ve never experienced before; this island is home to the Femme Fatalities Cult… all of which are women! For centuries, the Femme Fatalities have sworn to never allow outsiders—especially males—to travel to the Isle of Fotia. And above all else, these ladies seriously scorn Dage the Evil.
But why?!
Starting this Friday, you and your friends will travel to the mysterious volcanic island of Fotia and meet the Femme Fatalities. Here you will learn the secrets of this ancient cult, uncover the reasoning behind the ladies’ scorn, and attempt to save the Isle of Fotia!
How exciting! Can’t wait to see what deviously delicious Dage items make the scene starting tomorrow afternoon!
Fun Fact of the Day
June 3rd is Repeat Day!

June 03, 2013
The June of Doom!
A summer full of everything Evil
It’s the first week of June… and it’s the first time we’ve dedicated an entire month to the Lord of the Undead Legion, Dage the Evil!
Dage is more than just a pretty face—he’s everyone’s favorite artist/weapon forger/armor welder/devourer of souls. Dage the Evil has created absolutely amazing in-game items for AdventureQuest Worlds, and with over 30,000 Twitter followers, it’s safe to say this Undead Legion Lord is as infamous as he is popular.
Soooo why not devote an entire month to everything EVIL?
I like the way you think, you little evil mastermind =D
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Shop
I think math is pure Evil. So let’s solve a little algebraic equation:
Q: Find the Value of “Featured Artist”
1st week of June of Doom
(Featured Artist Shop
Every Tuesday)
“Featured Artist”
Epic Rare Items
A: The Value of “Featured Artist” is: Dage the Evil!
Starting tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday, June 4), Jemini’s Magical Anime Shop full of happiness and joy will be replaced by Dage’s dark and wicked Undead Legion Rares.
Oh yes. All RARES. You read that right. Dage has been working on these terrific terrifying armors, helms, capes, weapons, and pets for a few weeks now, perfecting every one of them just for YOU.
And you will NOT need any Legion Tokens to purchase the Rares from Tuesday’s shop. But keep on earning Legion Tokens, because there WILL come a time in the near future which Legion Tokens WILL be required to obtain more Undead Legion loot. Keep that in mind, intrepid Legionnaires.
Dage the Evil would be honored to see you in his personal Undead Legion Rares from his Featured Artist Shop. And you’ll need to be heavily armed if you hope to survive your newest adventures arriving Friday…
Dage hath no fury… like a woman scorned!
Off the distant coast of Lore, protected by an endless uncharted ocean, the volcanic Isle of Fotia (pronounced foe-thee-ah) is in trouble. The massive volcano at the edge of town is about to erupt, and will easily wipe out the inhabitants of Fotia.
But Fotia is a place like you’ve never experienced before; this island is home to the Femme Fatalities Cult… all of which are women! For centuries, the Femme Fatalities have sworn to never allow outsiders—especially males—to travel to the Isle of Fotia. And above all else, these ladies seriously scorn Dage the Evil.
But why?!
Starting this Friday, you and your friends will travel to the mysterious volcanic island of Fotia and meet the Femme Fatalities. Here you will learn the secrets of this ancient cult, uncover the reasoning behind the ladies’ scorn, and attempt to save the Isle of Fotia!
How exciting! Can’t wait to see what deviously delicious Dage items make the scene starting tomorrow afternoon!
Fun Fact of the Day
June 3rd is Repeat Day!