Design Notes
October 29, 2013
Arklen’s Artist Showcase Shop
Animation Wizard turned Featured Artist
Just when you thought your favorite day was Friday Release Day… here comes Tuesday taking the spotlight with the Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Special Tuesdays throughout the year are dedicated to an AdventureQuest Worlds artist who gets to express his or her creativity by creating unique items for YOU! We have been blessed with the artistic talents of… *a really big deep breath*… Zoshi, Diozz, Tyronius, Aegis, Jemini, Ven, J6, Dage, Mido, Hizu, Nuglath, and myself, *another big breath* aaaand now it’s time for Arklen to ignite the stage.
Give me the Goodies
As much as you’d love to learn more about Arklen as a person, you’re probably a bit more excited about the items in his shop. And for good reason, too—Arklen conjured up some of the HOTTEST items we have ever seen!
Plasma Pyro Armor and Helm
Plasma Pyro Cape, Plasma Pyro Blade, and Battle Pet Pyro
B’Naner Blade… because you’ve always wanted a delicious concealed weapon… some might even call it a conpeeled weapon...
Starting at 5pm Sever Time, open your Game Menu and claim your favorite Arklen items from the Featured Artist Shop! You can also speak with Arklen in Battlecon to access his hot stuff.
Pyro Pricing
Due to insane inferno animations, the items in Arklen’s Shop will be Legend-Only, OR you can use AdventureCoins instead! If you haven’t already become an Upgraded Legend, then this is the PERFECT time to Upgrade your Membership because the LAST day for 5th Upholders is Thursday, October 31.
Click here to become a Legend now!
Additionally, we are running a special on AdventureCoins: 10% More AdventureCoins when you buy with a Credit Card.
Click here to order your AdventureCoins bundle and receive 10% more ACs!
So if you wanna be the hottest thing in AQWorlds—literally—then help support your favorite online adventure game and show off your smokin’ hotness =D
Hark Arklen’s Story
Arklen’s adventures began 10 years ago when he started playing the original AdventureQuest—it was the only Flash RPG back then! After scoring some animation software, Arklen created a magical floating turtle that shot a blue water blob at its enemies. When Captain Rhubarb and Galanoth caught sight of this reptilian rascal, they invited the intrepid animator to join the Artix Entertainment family.
For as long as he can remember, Arklen always liked drawing. Japanese TV shows made drawing seem a little more accessible, and his immensely more talented friend kept him motivated. Arklen calls himself an Animator first and an Artist second. He’s been focusing on effects animation (hence the Plasma Pyro armor set), but character animation is close behind. To this day, Arklen continues to animate and is leveling up his artist abilities with the help of the AE community!
Not only has Arklen traveled across AdventureQuest Worlds, but also all across the real-world; he’s found artistic inspiration in Poland, London, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. Arklen also loves raviolis, sweet chili, and spaghetti squash. Douse that with red sauce, and he’s in love. Wash it all down with an almond milkshake and Arklen is in heaven!
Wowie! Arklen sure is a fascinating fellow. And come later this afternoon, you too will be fascinated by Arklen’s fiery items as you Battle On to victory!
xoxo Beleen

September 24, 2013
Zoshi’s Story
Tales of the Monster Hunter
Happy Tuesday hero! Later on today, the Featured Artist Shop in the Game Menu will showcase monster-hunting items from Zoshi the Monster Hunter.
But just who is Zoshi? I know Zoshi is a super talented artist, and I know I’m a super talented coffee consumer, so last night I met up with him at the local AdventureBucks Coffee and listened to his story.
Beleen: *slurp* Mmmm… this Venti Mocha Trobblechino is so yummy! *sluuurrrrrp*
Zoshi: Haha, slow down Beleen, or you’ll get a brain freeze.
Beleen: Tehehehe, *slurrp* I need a brain to get a brain freeze =p
Zoshi: Hahaha! You’re too funny.
Beleen: …I’m being serious… laugh out loud! So tell me *sluuurrrp* a little bit about yourself, Zoshi.
Zoshi: Back when I was a low-level warrior, my neighbor—a fellow Dragon Hunter—introduced me to DragonFable. After slaying countless beasts, I acquired a taste for giant monster battles. But then I wanted to test my blade against the universe, so I shot for the stars in MechQuest. And when AdventureQuest Worlds came out, I was completely obsessed.
Beleen: Just like how I am completely obsessed with giant coffee milkshakes!
Zoshi: Exactly! I couldn’t pull myself away from AQWorlds, and became enveloped within the awesome Artix community. A few months ago, I started helping Maegwyn on MechQuest, and now my artistic endeavors are directed towards AQWorlds. I’m just so thankful Maegwyn gave me the chance to shine!
Beleen: *slurrrrp* I like shiny things, too! So what’s your favorite thing about working with Artix Entertainment?
Zoshi: My favorite thing about AE.... where do I even start? I love the community more than anything. You guys are so unbelievably nice and I really appreciate all of your awesome feedback on everything! I love the weekly releases and constantly moving from one piece of art to the next. I never get tired of making things because every week there’s a new theme to look forward to.
Beleen: Awwwee, that’s sweeter than my Mocha coffee!
Zoshi: It’s true! I just really love and appreciate art and haven't stopped making art since I found my calling :)
Beleen: Awesome! *sluuurrrrrp* Do you have anything else you’d like to share with intrepid artists?
Zoshi: Absolutely! Hey, everyone: Don't let anyone tell you what’s good for YOU. You must do whatever makes you happiest!
Beleen: How inspirational! And you’re absolutely right! Your happiness is your number one priority, so do whatever it takes to be happy =D
Zoshi: And being able to release my personal collection of Monster Hunting items for every AQWorlds hero to enjoy makes me happy! Just, please, Beleen, when you color customize your Dragon Hunter armor with BRIGHT PINK, stay away from Artix!
Beleen: …I can keep no such promise… mwahahaa….. *ssssllurrrrrpppp*
Want to make Zoshi even happier? Tell him how much you like his new Monster Hunting items on his Twitter!
And stay tuned, because Zoshi’s Featured Artist Shop will be arriving in-game later today.
Battle on!
xoxo Beleen

September 23, 2013
Artist Showcase Shop Returns!
Yippie! Tuesday is dedicated to Zoshi!
Happy Monday hero! Did ye enjoy Talk Like a Pirate Day? AYE AYE!
Now that ye pirate ship has set sail, ye wants to plunder new treasures, ye say? Well… OKAY!
The grand return of the Featured Artist Showcase Shop hits Battleon tomorrow! Come Tuesday afternoon in the Game Menu, you will receive a FULLY LOADED Artist Showcase Shop featuring exclusive Zoshi the Monster Hunter items.
Give me Zoshi!
One of the most exciting things about the Artist Showcase Shop is getting to see the featured artist unleash their artistic expressions, leaving a lasting impression in our hearts and on the battlefield! Check out all of Zoshi’s items arriving tomorrow =D
Dragon Hunter - Color Customizable!
Hydra Hunter
Ronin Hunter
Titan Hunter
Atlas Gatlings
Ronin Katanas
DragonFire Spear
Hydra Bow
Hydra Rapier
Hydra Battle Pet
WOWZA! Now that’s a monstrous collection suited for any Monster Hunter! And come tomorrow afternoon, you too can become one of Zoshi’s fellow Monster Hunters and easily slay any foul beast that crosses your path.
Even though Zoshi is up-to-his-neck in monster battles, the two of us have scheduled a date later this evening at the local AdventureBucks Coffee Café so I can interview him. I shall report back to the Design Notes with my findings!
Until then…
Battle on!
xoxo Beleen

July 02, 2013
Diozz’s Mechs are in Charge!
Today’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop
Happy Tuesday! Are you excited for today’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop?
Every Tuesday, we feature the AMAZING artistic talents of one of our AMAZING AQWorlds Artists. We have seen the impressive skillz of Vokun, Memet, Hizu, Mido, Aegis, Jemini, Tyronius, Dage, Nulgath, and yours truly (is “derp” really a skill, though?)… and now it’s time for Diozz to shine!
Ready to pilot giant Mech robots? Here’s your chance!
- Spearhead Mech armor
- Transforming Spearhead Head
- Calavera Mech armor
- Transforming Calavera Head
- Galatea Mech armor
- Transforming Galatea Head
- Razorkiss Mech armor
- Transforming Razorkiss Head
- and more!
At 4pm EST today, check your Game Menu and access Diozz’s Artist Showcase Shop!
Who is Diozz?
The very first memories of the robot-loving art fiend Diozz were giant robots and dinosaurs…much to his mother’s dismay. Inspired by Mazinger-Z, Battle of the Planets, Transformers, He-Man and GI-Joe, Diozz can proudly say that 39 years later, not much has changed. Well… maybe he likes monsters more than dinosaurs now, but the giant robots are still there!
Training and studying under painters and fine art masters throughout his life has certainly allowed Diozz to evolve as an artist, but his artistic preference always centered on comic book art. To make a good comic book, you need knowledge of practically every branch of art: anatomy, fashion design, interior design, architecture… yup, if there’s one thing Diozz tells his students, it’s that if you want to create comics, you need to know a bit of everything considered “art.” Diozz says: “Being a part of Artix has given me the opportunity to enjoy all the things I love doing as I bring you the characters you know and love, but portrayed in an exciting new light.”
So you want to know the secret to doing what Diozz does? “It’s simple… know what you love, and draw it. Never be afraid to challenge yourself. THAT’s the secret of a great comic book artist. After all, everyone loves to draw super heroes, but not everyone loves drawing the city the superheroes fly through. But you’d miss all those awesome, essential superhero comic details – from the huge buildings to tiny pedestrians – wouldn’t you? So relax, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Trust me, it's worth it.”
How inspirational! Thanks Diozz! Give him a shoutout on his Twitter, too!
And at 4pm today, you too can get inspired by Diozz’s robotic Mechs!
Robot on!

June 25, 2013
Today’s Featured “Artist”
See what happens when Artix, Cysero, and Alina give me dibs on the Featured Artist Showcase Shop…!
Happy Tuesday! Today is an extra special day—with a major emphasis on “special.” As many of you know, every Tuesday your favorite online fantasy game features an AQW Artist with a special shop full of special items.
We have seen AMAZING armors, weapons, helms, and more from Tyronius, Jemini, Dage, Memet, Vokun, and others. When Tyronius’ shop leaves later tonight, I will take the stage with my collection of Derp-a-licious and Pink-a-licious items! YIPPEE!
Beleen’s Goodies!
Ohhhh my goodness! There’s just soooo much PINK and soooo much DERP to make you /laugh, /cry, and /facepalm at the same time!
All these items were suggested by my wonderful Twitter friends! Thanks so much =D
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Bubblegum Scallywag - Rare! 1100 AdventureCoins |
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Captain's Bubblegum Hat - Rare! 200 AdventureCoins |
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Lassie's Bubblegum Hat - Rare! |
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Blinding Pink of Destiny! - Rare! |
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Blade of Aww - Rare! 450 AdventureCoins |
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Pink Unicorn Plushie 1337 Gold for Members Only |
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Pink Reaper of Doom 10000 Gold |
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Amaranth Arm Blades 25500 Gold for Members Only |
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Pink Default Dagger 500 Gold |
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Strawberry Frog Cookie 1337 Gold |
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Derpy Daimyo 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derp Fish extra Derp 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Pineapple 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Taco Rules! 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Twilly 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Zorbak 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Pink Default Staff 500 Gold |
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Pink Default Sword 500 Gold |
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Pink Phoenix Blade 50000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Kitty 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Pink Back Moglin 5000 Gold |
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Pink in Paradise Wings 13250 Gold for Members Only |
Before Artix sees what I have done (especially to his prized battleaxe), you should stock up on AdventureCoins now and get all those RARE pink items!
Who is Beleen?
Hiya! I’m Beleen! I go by many titles, like Pinkomancer, Giggle Guru, and the Scribble Scribe (all of which are true). I joined Artix Entertainment back in May 2009 as the “AQWorlds Content Writer.” I wrote everything from item descriptions, quest text, character dialogue, cutscene scripts, Design Notes, newsletters, press releases, and zomg so much more. I also kinda became the “female voice” of AQW back when Artix and Cysero ran the show. HEY! Girls play video games too, yanno! And thus, the bright pink bubbly Beleen that we all know and love was born!
Speaking of being born… I was born in Los Angeles, California, a long long time ago. I lived in Cali for a few years before moving to Tampa, Florida, where I currently reside with my Mommy and sisters. I attended University of South Florida and got my major in Creative Writing with an emphasis on Marketing.
My first job ever: Balloon Animal Artist.
My second job ever: Artix Entertainment Writer.
My third job ever: Derp Artist!
The Story of the Derp
Back in August 2010, I tried my luck at creating a Pet O’ the Month. Since August is National Catfish Month (lol seriously!), I attempted to draw a catfish.
I begged Cysero to put it in game. Which he immediately shot down. “I mean, look at it. It's got a eye on its forehead.” However, as the requests piled up, and the more Cysero looked at that stupid thing, the more he loved the idea of getting it into game.
And thus, the Derp Fish was born, which opened the doors to a whole WORLD of DERP and HURP and DERPITYDEEERRPS!
Derp Fish with extra Derp
Get your Free Download of the Derp Song on!
DerpQuest Worldz may be my lifelong dream… but in the meantime, you can get your DERP ON with my silly DERPY HURPY items in my Featured Artist Shop!
All the Pink and all the Derp you can handle arrives tonight in Battleon!
Yippie! xoxo!

June 18, 2013
Tyronius Tuesday
Featured Artist Showcase Shop
It’s Tuesday! You and 30,000 of our closest friends know what that means: time for another Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Every Tuesday, your favorite online adventure game features a certain artist as they showcase their personal stash of items, unleashing their unique flair for the (AQ)world to enjoy!
As the timer ticks down on Aegis’ shop, everyone is anxiously awaiting Tyronius’ Blood Lord and Abyssal Darkness-themed armor sets!
Blood Lord Set (color custom features)
Abyssal Darkness Set (completely color custom!)
Who is Tyronius?
Tyronius is the one and only true ShadowFire God. A thousand years ago, Tyronius fell to an ancient hero, losing all his power, his realm, and everything else. With the help of his time-traveling brother Cronix, Tyronius was brought back to life… kind of. By using the Blood Lords as puppet minions, Tyronius collects the released power from Chaos Lords, Dage, and Nulgath, slowly regaining his strength.
In the real world, Tyronius hails from Poland and is a volunteer artist, just like his twin brother, Cronix. Their father drew a lot and the boys always wanted to make an impression on him—and what an impression they have made! Tyronius first discovered Artix Entertainment when he was 12 years, but AQW ruled his heart.
Here is the 1st thing Tyronius ever made in January 2009!
Four years later, Tyronius’ art has evolved and flourished, and absolutely loves what he does (and we totally feel the same way, Ty!). “Make money by doing what you love?! It's some kind of miracle in my opinion!” exclaims Tyronius. “I've been a dev since October 23th, 2012. Being a Dev is one of the best things in my whole life :) Thanks to AE, I've improved my skills. Every single design I made was for AE and the AQW community! I simply love everything about AE! I wish I can spend all time doing designs for AE ;) “
Now it’s your turn to taste the sweetness of Tyronius’ triumphs. Get your Blood Lord Plate Armor Set and the Abyssal Darkness Armor Set later on this afternoon!
Get Some AdventureCoins!
Gold is good… but AdventureCoins are so much GOODER! If you wanna score the best items from Tyronius’ Shop and all throughout the game, you should really stock up on some ACs.
- Watch Ballyhoo ads in game for a chance to earn free ACs (/join ballyhoo)
- Complete AExtras Offers (if you’re 13 or older)
- Buy an AdventureCoin Bundle (starting at $4.95!)
- Upgrade to a Member and get bonus ACs for free!

June 11, 2013
Tuesday’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop
Later Today: Enter the Age of Aegis!
Tuesday is here! And everyone knows what that means: a brand-new Featured Artist Showcase Shop is coming to Battleon this afternoon!
Every Tuesday, one of the wonderful AQWorlds artists showcases their unique flair and style with a shop full of items that inspire them! We have seen amazing item sets from Vokun, Memet, Hizu, Mido, Nulgath, Jemini, and Dage the Evil.
This week, we are showcasing never-before-seen items from our volunteer artist, Aegis! Get your Golden On as you become a Gilded Champion!
Who is Aegis?
Studying both magic and melee, Aegis is a mage knight who calls himself a Paladin… even though he’s never had any official Paladin training. But hey, you can’t really argue with someone who fights for all things good against the forces of evil! You’re a Paladin in my eyes, pal =D
In the real world, Aegis hails from the magical lands of the Philippines. Recently, Aegis exchanged the tropical life for a more mountainous one in the kingdom of Colorado. Aegis has always loved to draw and found most of his inspiration from video games. In 2006, Aegis found Artix Entertainment and became inspired by our signature brand of silliness! =P
Officially joining the team in 2011, Aegis is technically a volunteer artist, but wants to become a bigger part of the AE family. And with all the AMAZING art Aegis pumps out every week, who could blame him?
Fun Fact
Aegis exhibits an over-fascination of shiny things...and explosions!!
Head to Battleon now and stock up on Dage the Evil’s OathKeeper Armor Set before Ageis brings gilded glory to the world!

May 21, 2013
Artist Showcase Shop: Nulgath
OverSoul infects AQWorlds!
Tuesday is here—and that means an all-new Featured Artist Showcase Shop has arrived!
If you couldn’t tell by my glaringly obvious Design Notes title, this week is dedicated to everyone’s favorite Archfiend of Oversoul, Nulgath! As the mortal enemy of Dage the Evil, Nulgath has unleashed his own collection of ALL-RARE killer armors, weapons, capes, and more to show Dage where the REAL artistic talent lies.
Nulgath's Shop includes:
- Duality of Nulgath set - 600 ACs
- Celestial Evolution Staff - 150 ACs
- Fiendish Face - 75 ACs
- Serene Countenance - 75 ACs
- Bright Wings - 100 ACs
- Fiendish Wings - 100 ACs
- Prime Bloodletter Blade of Nulgath - 2,000 ACs (color-custom)*
- Dual Vital Bloodletters of Nulgath - 250 ACs
- Vital Bloodletters of Nulgath Cape - 100 ACs
- ArchFiend's Sneer Helm - 150 ACs
- Icy Predator Pet - 300 ACs
- Double Stealthy Crossbow - 200 ACs
- Golden Rune Cape - 100 ACs
* Includes a quest to farm Diamonds/Uni 13s/weapon.
- Broodfiend of Nulgath armor - 45,000 gold (Member only)
- Vital Bloodletter of Nulgath - 25,000 gold (Member only)
- Light's Defender Spear and Shield - 20,000 gold (Member only)
- Valiant Defender Battle Pet - 25,000 gold (Member only)
- ArchFiend's Sneer Helm - 15,000 gold (Member only)
- Stealth Crossbow - 17,500 gold (Member only)
- Ruby Rune Cape - 5,000 gold (Member only)
- Golden Rune Cape - 5,000 gold (Member only)
- Victor's Dual Glory Blades - 20,000 gold (Member only)
- Fiendish Spy Pet - 15,000 gold (Member only)
- Victor's Glory Blade - 15,000 gold
- Undead Gutter - 15,000 gold
- Emerald Rune Cape - 5,000 gold
- Sapphire Rune Cape - 5,000 gold
All of the items in Nulgath’s Artist Showcase Shop will go permanently rare—they will NEVER be offered again—so if you wanna own a piece of history (or like 27), you better stock up today!
Nulgath Revealed
As the former Master to Dage the Evil, Nulgath is the General of the Great Abyss, looming over the battle-hungry souls of OverSoul. Nulgath has appeared in many forms under many names, but his current evolution is quite pleasing to him …even if his appearance does strike fear into all those who gaze upon him!
Outside AQWorlds and OverSoul, Nulgath’s real-world artistic inspirations stemmed from Conan the Barbarian book covers and fantasy art at an early age/level. Back then, Nulgath was known as “Miltonius” and was contacted by Artix about doing a short film for DragonFable. That movie, Artix vs. The Undead, is AMAZING and incredibly popular and ZOMG if you haven’t seen it you NEED to right now!
After the world(wideweb) was blown away by his film, Miltonius joined forces with Artix in February 2006. Miltonius started off as a Game Clerk, leveled up to Animator, and completed his evolution into Nulgath the OverSoul Game Developer. Nulgath praises the positive enthusiasm Artix Entertainment brings to every project and looks forward to another 7 years of awesome developments for an awesome game development company =D
Feed Nulgath’s self-esteem by giving him a shout-out on his Twitter!
And now, get your Gear On in Battleon’s Featured Artist Shop!

May 14, 2013
Featured Artist Shop: Mido
Begin your Prowl as a Werejaguar!
Tuesday is here—and you know what that means: an all-new Limited Time Featured Artist Showcase Shop has arrived!
This week is dedicated to Mido, local Werejaguar and graphic designer for AdventureQuest Worlds. Mido has just released a ferocious fury of Werejaguar-themed items passed down from his ancient ancestral kin.
Who is Mido?
Artix Entertainment is an equal opportunity employer. We hire all sorts of talent from Bounty Hunters to Mad Weaponsmiths to even… Coffee-Wielding Werejaguars! Mido, former barista and full-time graphic designer, first caught wind of Artix Entertainment when his classmate was playing MechQuest... instead of studying for finals!
After Mido finished school with a Master of Fine Arts in Illustration and a Masters of Arts in Graphic Design, he began his prowl for internships within the video game industry. When he discovered that the local indie gaming company was the same one that produced MechQuest… POUNCE! Mido snagged the internship in April 2010 and became a full-time graphic designer three months later.
Mido’s artistic inspiration comes from years of “studying” video games, cartoons, and comic books. Now all that hard “work” is paying off! Mido enjoys collaborating with a diverse group of people who all share a passion of working hard and playing harder.
Wise words from a wise Werejaguar
Mido would like to share some inspiring words: “Never EVER say ‘I'm not any good’. That's negative thinking. Say ‘I'm working on getting better’ and be proud of how far you've come. Love what you do and show it by never stopping the creative process.”
Give Mido a roar of approval on his Twitter!
Now, get your Jaguar On in Battleon’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop!

May 07, 2013
Hizu in the House!
Well, technically, in the Artist Showcase Shop.
It’s Tuesday! And you know what that means: an all-new limited time Artist Showcase Shop in Battleon!
This week is dedicated to Hizu, our very own volunteer animator for AQW. Hizu has a hoard of Ninja-themed items that will make you stand out of a crowd rather than blend in!
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Shinobi Senshi Armor – Rare! |
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Kaze Cape of Shinobi – Rare! |
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Inu-ken Battle Pet |
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Shinobi Kao |
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Shuang Gou of Shinobi |
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Dual Doragon Katanas – Rare! |
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Reversed Revenge |
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Katana of Meiyo |
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Gekido of Shinobi |
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Shinobi Naginata |
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Veil of the Shinobi |
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Shinobow and Arrows |
When you look THAT good, you WANT be seen. Just make sure to buff your Stealth Stats if you wish to pursue the way of the Ninja.
Hizu Who?
Ever wonder how AQW Monsters learn their attacks? Hizu teaches them! Every week when Hizu isn’t slaying pirates and robots and robo-pirates, that Ninja sneaks into Lore’s monster training camp and animates Monsters with vicious attacks. He’s been hard at work since June 2011—and now you know why those Monsters are so dang difficult! Grrrr!!
Hizu wanted to be an animator/monster attack trainer ever since he feasted his eye* on Samurai Champloo back in 2005. Hizu always wanted to create something that others could see and enjoy, and thus began his vigorous animation conditioning. Hizu’s favorite thing about Artix Entertainment is how accessible our games are for newcomers but insanely deep with thousands of years of lore to tell an endless story.
*Hizu only has one eye! Perhaps he dodged a Ninja Star a second too late?
What is the Artist Showcase Shop?
Every Tuesday**, AQWorlds releases a limited-time Featured Artist Showcase Shop loaded with items that an Artix Entertainment artist creates. Using his or her own style and flair, our wonderful artists create truly amazing Armors, Weapons, Helms, and other Items just for you! But these items are only available for 1 week, replaced the following week by another artist’s items.
**Quibble got a brand-new shipment of items last Tuesday and wanted to showcase his stuff instead! We’ve known that traveling sales Moglin for a long time, so we gave him dibs.

April 16, 2013
Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop
The start of something epic every week!
Artix Entertainment has so many amazing artists that harness wonderfully unique art talents. The artists of the original AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, AQWorlds, EpicDuel, HeroSmash, and OverSoul implement their own artistic flair and style into everything they create for their game.
Wouldn’t it be AWESOME to see an entire AQWorlds Item Set made by one of the Artix Entertainment artists every single week? In some sort of limited-time Artist Showcase Shop? Right in the Game Menu?
The Showcase Scoop
Starting today, Tuesday, April 16, and every Tuesday that follows*, AQWorlds will release a special “Limited Time Featured Artist Showcase Shop” loaded with items that an Artix Entertainment artist creates using their own style and flair.
The Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop will feature a complete Item Set made by an Artix Entertainment artist, created in any manner they so choose. This shop encourages our wonderful artists to unleash their creativity and make some truly epic Armors, Weapons, Helms, and other Items for AQWorlds.
And because it’s called the Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop, the artist’s items will run for 1 week (Tuesday until Tuesday) with a new artist’s Showcased Items replacing the previous set.
At least one RARE item will be included in each artist’s showcased shop. All other items in the shop may or may not return at a later date—that’s all up to the artist! The Rare Item will always sell for AdventureCoins (free storage woohoo!) and will ONLY be available during that week.
*We say every Tuesday… and we mean it! We’re ganna keep on releasing new Artist Showcase Shops every Tuesday until we run out of artists… or run out of coffee.
The First Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop
Vokun is the first to be featured in the Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop!
Vokun’s person stash of undead pirate items is guaranteed to shiver the timbers of friends and foes throughout your swashbuckling travels.
- Void Blade of Vokun – RARE!
- Pirate of Vokun Armor
- Vokun’s Pirate Hat
- Vokun’s Pirate Hat Hair
- Plume of the Pirate Wings
The Void Blade of Vokun will be going forever RARE on next Tuesday, April 23, 2013. The Void Blade is selling for 200 AdventureCoins—so get more ACs now if you wanna score this awesome Rare blade!
Who is Vokun?
Legend foretells that Vokun was a Lord of the Forgotten Tombs, guarding its fabled treasures and dark magic. When the Forgotten Tombs collapsed during an earthquake, Vokun locked himself up for a millennium. Now that Vokun has resurfaced, he has harnessed the Tombs’ dark magic, creating a new breed of dark army followers.
In the real world, Vokun is an AQWorlds volunteer artist hailing from the Netherlands. Inspired by the artists of Artix Entertainment, Vokun began his own artistic adventures with Flash less than a year ago. Vokun receives lots of help and positive energy from the Artix gaming community and continues to master his art and style.
Want to thank Vokun for his hard work? Give him a shout out on the Forums!
Now that you know everything about Vokun and the first Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop, get your gear on in the Battleon Game Menu!
PS: Soon you'll see Vokun's NPC in-game permanently! He'll be moving to a room in the Underworld. Look for him (and the shop he'll have there) in the near future.