Design Notes

April 17, 2015

Save the World with Captain Lore

The Earth Day 2015 Seasonal Event is Live!

Be a hero, join the clean-up crew to save the world from the evils of pollution! Captain Lore is back and he needs your help again! /Join pollution to help Captain Lore battle General Pollution, the foulest villain around, free his eco-friendly energy platform from the chaotic clutches of General Pollution! Reduce, reuse, and recycle as many elementals as you can to unlock Captain Lore's shop and gain access to the greenest gear in the game! 

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He also needs your help fighting on the side of nature to keep a smog-spewing factory closed for good. Once the largest source of pollution in Lore, the long-abandoned Totengeld Factory has been consumed by nature and has become a habitat to many forms of life. 

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But now, the CEO of Totengeld Industries has been released from jail and intends to reopen the factory’s doors. It’s up to you to stop him before he destroys Lore with his toxic waste - and dominates it with his mind-controlling energy drinks! Tonight, /join totengeld to start the battle!

Need help battling through the Earth Day seasonal event? Check out the event guide in the Lorepedia!

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