Design Notes

September 06, 2012

DragonCon Wrap-Up & Celestial Spheres

We're Back

Didja miss us?

Most of you probably had no idea that we even gone and those who did know were mostly at DragonCon with us. Those few.... those lucky few... got to witness something for which words have not yet been invented.

Our panel kicked SO MUCH... uh... moglin. You can read all about it, see pictures and even a few teaser videos in Artix's totally and utterly amazing DragonCon 2012 post.

This was my best DragonCon ever. The panel was by FAR the coolest thing we've done in a long time and there are so many other amazing stories and memories I have knocking around in my brain! We got to meet and hang out with some of our long-time friends (Prac, Turf, Hilton Clan &c) and fans. We got to answer questions and ask plenty of our own. Thanks to everyone who showed up and blew the roof off of our panel!

As always, everyone who showed up at the panel and wrote their name down so that we could READ it will get the custom DragonCon pet. Tradition states that we make one every year and the past few years we've been getting the whole panel in on helping us decide what it will be.

For this year's pet, the panel combined a few great suggestions into a Dragon/Pony pet with chibi Dage and Nulgath riding on its back.

THIS PET IS ONLY FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ATTENDED THE DRAGONCON PANEL. There will be no other way to get it, just like all those that came before it.

If you missed DragonCon this year and just can't get enough of all the amazing sights, and also weren't watching my Twitter 24/7, then you can see some of the images that I Tweeted on my Twitpic. It's like the first two whole pages.

For a more active media experience, you can see even more on Artix's Tout Account and my Tout Account as well.

We are now in a period of recovery and our minds and bodies heal themselves from the long-lasting effects of CON. The mysterious Con Rot has (so far) taken out Dumoose, Dage, Miko, Nythera and Zazul and it's working its magic on the rest of us slowly but it looks like most of us made it through the experience. 

Celestial Spheres

On the AQW Forums I asked for your help coming up with a one-off adventure that we could complete with half the team down with Con Rot. There a LOT of great suggestions (I wrote down all the really good ones) But I decided to go with a Mobius expansion based on the Solaris Knight and Lunaris Sentinel armors available there in the Good and Evil shops respectively.

This week you will choose your side and help the Good Oriented Solaris Knights or the Evil Oriented Lunaris Sentinels as they complete for the ancient Sol and Luna artifacts over which they have been warring for centuries.

You will begin your quest on Friday in Mobius by either siding with Saa'thel the Solaris or Travon the Lunaris.

You will go complete unique quests for either one side or the other, increasing your good or evil faction as you go and unlock special shops and hairstyles if you complete the story!

If most of the art team comes out of their Con Coma we will also try to update the Player Suggestion shop with a new round of items taken from your suggestions on the forums and brought into the game by the amazing AQW art team!

Some News

  • Quibble leaves Monday!
  • Matomy AExtra Contest winners will be announced after we've contacted them by e-mail. 
  • Power Gems will be added to Twilly in Battleon. IF YOU HAVE A CONFIRMED E-MAIL then you will be able to get a power gem from him once a week!

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