Design Notes
August 17, 2012
Learn how AQW began
By Journeying to the Time Void in The Span!
Return to Chaos this week as Iadoa takes you on a journey across Time itself! If you wondered how AQWorlds was created from 3 divergent timelines, then this is the release for you! But can you trust Iadoa? A Chronomancer who has fallen - even in part - to Chaos? How do you know he is leading you onto your path of destiny?
Time Travel Fairies are dangerous! Don't blink or you'll miss their attack!
Your quest to seek out the Eternal Dragon of Time leads you to the Time Void, but knowledge comes at a cost. Prove yourself to Vaxt Ahas, the Unending, to gain access to the information you seek.
Do not taunt the Eternal Dragon of Time!
And don't miss the new rewards in The Span's rep shop! The Soul Banisher Armor, the Baconing Mace, Glaive of the Orb Staff, Beams of Celeritas Wings... there is new gear for both members and non-members!
And if you take on the Unending Avatar boss and win, there are even MORE rewards to earn!
VIDEO BONUS SPOILER*: Click here to see Samba narrate the final cutscene! Hysterical!
*Do NOT watch under after completing the release!
Quibble Coinbiter Returns to Battleon!
Quibble Coinbiter is BACK with never-before-seen-slightly-used items items** from your past, present, and future!
Loco Costume with the Glaive of the Orb staff (in The Span Rep Shop)
- Technomancer Armor
- ChickenCow Suit set
- Performing Ubear Suit set
- Kathool Adept
- Loki Mecha
- Dravir Armor set
- Prismatic Galactimech set
- Twig's Fwish Pet
- Gween Pet
- SpaceCat Pet
- Dragonhand Mace
- Mega Dragonblade
- Dew Dancer Wings
- And more!
**Unless you've played AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and Mech
Dark Caster Class is live!
If you're one of the 4,000 people who held onto their Dark Caster armor from Dage's birthday shop a few years ago, then you'll want to /join Shadowfall to begin Dage's Dark Caster Class quest! Brave a terrifying dragon to acquire the priceless artifact Dage MUST have! Bring it to him and the Dark Caster Class will be yours!
You must have the original Dark Caster armor to go on the quest. Dark Caster X armor does not unlock the quest.
Convince Dage to give you a reward!
Dage the Evil has said his Paragon will not be released since his side lost the war. Get the Legion War Meter up to 100% and MAYBE he will change his mind! It couldn't hurt, right?
New Matomy Ad Offer on AExtras!
From August 17th until September 2nd, Matomy is running a special AExtras offer! ONE lucky player who completes an offer will win the grand prize: a combo pack of the black Artix and Sepulchure action figures! You can also win either 3,000 or 4,500 ACs!
Click here to begin participating in AExtras offers! (Make sure you have a separate email just for doing this.)

August 15, 2012
Dage vs Nulgath War
The war is almost over... the rewards almost here!
In the biggest, EVILLEST war AQWorlds has ever seen... we're about to see a WINNER! Nulgath's Abyssal Army has the war meter at 91% while Dage's Undead Legion has reached 54%. The mercenaries fight for BOTH sides... and can switch at any time. Will the current front-runner remain in first place? YOU decide!
And your rewards will be...
Should he win, Nulgath offers the color-custom Legacy of Nulgath set to all those who have fought for him during this clash of Evil Commanders! To claim the entire set you will need: 50 Diamonds of Nulgath and 50,000 gold! The set is non-member, so all of Nulgath's loyal followers can show their allegiance.
Legacy of Nulgath Set
Should Dage win, he offers the legendary Paragon Set! For many years, his warriors have fought to possess this epic gear. What will become of it if he loses?! If you don't want to find out, then /join evilwardage and BATTLE ON! If he is victorious, the Paragon Set will sell for 1,000 Adventure Coins so that his most loyal followers can show their allegiance.
Dage's Paragon Set!
Dark Caster Class Requirements!
If you are one of the lucky few who held on to your Dark Caster armor, then you've got a fun time coming! To unlock the Class this Friday, you'll need to visit Dage and undertake a perilous quest! ONLY those who possess the original Dark Caster armor will be able to go on this VERY difficult adventure, but the reward will be the epic Dark Caster Class!
Face the Dragon of Time this Friday!
You cannot fight the Dragon of Time because his death allowed you - and your world - to live! But you CAN learn what he sacrificed to allow you to be! This week, gain the trust of Vaxt Ahas, the Unending, the universe-snake which inhabits the Time Void. Prove your worth and show that you have what it takes to walk amongst the Ages.
Eternal Dragon of Time
If you have what it takes, then you will see how Galanoth came to slay the Dragon of Time - what took place before the battle and how its death created the AQWorlds you know today!
Quibble Coinbiter is almost here!
Don't forget to stop by Quibble Coinbiter's shop in Battleon this Friday! His chest is chock-full of gear taken from your past, present, and future... all contained within our current Chaos zone, The Span! You'll be able to purchase these sweet member-only pets and much more!
Twig wif a Fwish and the Gween Pet!
Artix Cards at Target!
Head to your local Target store, because Artix Gamecards are in stock! Redeem your Artix Gamecard before August 31st, 2012, to unlock the Bullseye Spear bonus item AND Artix Points! They can be used to purchase AQWorlds membership or Adventure Coins!*
Ready... aim... SLAY!
If you don't have a Target store nearby, you can ALSO pick up the Bullseye Spear at Valencia's AC shop in /battleontown for 2,000 ACs! Valencia will only keep the Spear in stock while the promotional item is available at Target!
* Follow the steps listed here to unlock your Bullseye Spear. Just look for the Bullseye achievement in your Book of Lore instead of the Flamestop.
Coming Soon in AQWorlds!
- Gravelyn takes control! With an entire army of Undead and Evil followers, no self-respecting Empress sits around and just... waits. Next Friday, return to Shadowfall to help Gravelyn use Evil to bring Order out of Chaos!
- The Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands has many secrets! Do YOU know why these helpful clerics are stationed around Lore? What are they waiting... and watching... for? Journey to their Temple to learn more!
- J6's in-game wedding event! (Anyone like cake?)
- Alina and Rolith's in-game wedding event/AQWorlds 4th birthday! (The power of Love!)
- More Chaos! More Chaorruption! More... EVERYTHING!

August 13, 2012
The Dragon of Time
Return to The Span this Friday to learn more!
Very long ago but not so far away, Galanoth slew the Dragon of Time. Very little is known of this creature except that it is vital to your existence... and Lore's. Why did Galanoth slay it and what does its death mean for you? Battle through the TimeVoid across the back of the Vaxt Ahas, the Un-Ending, to find out this Friday!
J6's To-Do List: "Space Snake." Check!
But first, check out Dage the Evil's concept sketch for the Dragon's still art:
Battle-scarred and wise, the Dragon of Time would have taught you much.
Dragon of Time? Wait... what?!
Those of you who have battled with us for a few years may remember the Design Notes post from 2009 where Sepulchure teases you with not-quite-enough information about this timeless being:
The Prologue's Prologue
When Galanoth's blade struck true, he slew the Eternal Dragon of time and destroyed everything... creating the void. A vast empty wasteland of nothingness. Reality was literally, uncreated. They say mortals could not comprehend what happened next. I beg to differ.
I think if you looked inside that slain Eternal Dragon you would find an shattered Hour Glass where his heart should be. The Hour Glass would be bleeding out the sands of time on the floor... but before the last drop of sand fell, ending everything.
Someone (or more likely... someTHING) must have noticed that there was not one hourglass in that Dragon's chest... but three!
Quibble Coinbiter Returns to Battleon Friday!
Quibble has traveled many light-years and alternate-timelines to bring you this gear straight from your past, present, and future! You can see a partial list of what he'll be stocking in this Design Notes post! We'll have more previews of the rest of Quibble's inventory later this week.
Technomancer and Dravir Armors from DragonFable!
But if the above picture isn't enough, and we're sure it isn't, here's a list of what else to look forward to:
- Tonbo-Giri polearm from AdventureQuest
- The Baconing Mace from DragonFable
- Antique Frying Pan from MechQuest
- And more!
Dark Caster Class Release Planned for Friday!
Cysero and Yorumi have designed the skills for the incredibly offensive, single-target Dark Caster Class... and now Dage is working on its art. We WANT to release the Class this Friday. Barring unforeseen obstructions to that, we will.
Remember, you must have the ORIGINAL Dark Caster Armor to unlock the path you'll take to get to the Dark Caster Class. Dage's evil mind is feverishly working on the details of just what price you'll have to pay to get it! We'll announce more details once they're finalized.
The Lorelympics Shop Leaves Now!
Originally, we announced that the Lorelympics shop would be up for a week. In the spirit of fostering healthy competition, and because so many of you asked nicely, we left the shop up until the end of the Olympics. That was yesterday, and so down it comes today.
I hope you got all the gear you were after, because we're not sure when the shop will return! (Possibly in two years.)
Yorumi's Quest to Crush Bugs Continues!
The lag has been better recently - but BETTER isn't GOOD ENOUGH! Yorumi has a list of things to try which should hopefully help reduce lag... or show us what else might! He also fixed one very colorful chat bug over the weekend and another earlier today.
With your help in reporting the botters and cheaters who break the game, we will continue working hard to make AQWorlds the best game it can be! We are very, very lucky to have so many players who want to make the game safe and secure for ALL players. For that, we thank you.
Cyser-notes Tomorrow!
You might have noticed that you haven't heard much from Cysero recently. While the rest of the team and I have been hard at work creating your weekly releases, Cysero has been pushing on some MUCH needed updates to the game. These should hopefully improve your in-game experience.* He'll have more details about his projects tomorrow!
* But are not gameplay functionality. Guilds is still in progress, as are new tradeskills.
PS: More news about the war and rewards tomorrow!