Design Notes
November 20, 2013
Happy Birthday Memet
AQW's Nightmare Moglin Levels Up in Real Life!
In Lore, you don't GET presents for your birthday, you GIVE them! And that's why you should head to Battleon now: Memet, AQW's assistant game lead, has a chest shop full of cutely-creepy (also terrifyingly-adorable if you are scared of dolls or clocks) gear to say thank you for playing AQW!
Memet's apprentice, Blade, made her a very appropriately-scary gift!
Memet started working for Artix Entertainment in the Player Support department... until we saw how amazing she was as an artist and kidnapped her! After Cysero transferred to the BattleGems team, Memet leveled up to AQW's assistant game lead, helping with art, writing, and release design.
Wish her a Happy Birthday on Twitter, then head to Battleon to check out the gear in her shop:
- Clockwork Doll armor
- Clockwork Dolly morph helm
- Clockwork Doll Key +5 (gives 5% bonus to gold when equipped!)
- Clockwork Doll Bowler and Locks helms
- Clockwork Doll Key cape
This Week's Releases!
Prepare to face the Turdrakolich next Wednesday by stuffing your face AND your inventory with sweet gear TOMORROW! Login Thursday night to beat down the Turdraken and mash the monsters attacking the Cornycopia to earn a feast full of rewards!
Oishii's thankful for Lore's heroes!
Then log in this Friday to unlock a portal to the Chaos Realm, create a guidestone, and battle your way through the Chaos Realm to the heart of Drakath's Lair! You'll also be able to check out our shop full of Doctor Who-themed gear AND go on Quibble's quest into simulations of Lore's past, present, and future!