Design Notes

May 22, 2015

Get Bonus AdventureCoins Until May 31st

We're celebrating Memorial Day By Giving More to AQW's Heroes!

Get more AdventureCoins with each AC package until May 31st during our Memorial Day sale! The larger the AC package you buy, the more bonus ACs you get as we prepare to kick off our summer of crazy awesome events - written by Artix, Beleen, and Cysero as they return to AQWorlds for the next 2 months!

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Get up to 50% More Free on AdventureCoin Packages

Until May 31st, when you buy any of the following AdventureCoin packages, you'll get tons of EXTRA ACs, and based on what I've heard from Artix, Cysero, and Beleen as they plan out their releases, we're going to have reward gear so cool, you won't even need to turn on your AC (air conditioner)... but you WILL want to stock up on ACs (adventurecoins) to get the gear they're planning to create!

  • 12000 AC package + 6000 bonus ACs     $39.95
  • 5000 AC package + 2000 bonus ACs       $19.95
  • 2000 AC package + 500 bonus ACs        $9.95
  • 900 AC package + 100 bonus ACs           $4.95

Note: this offer is not available when you purchase through Paygarden or use Artix Points.

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