Design Notes
July 20, 2017
Summer Madness AC Sale
Get Up to 40% More AdventureCoins With Any AC Package!
Through Thursday, August 10th, the Summer Madness AC Sale is ON! Get more AdventureCoins with each AC package, and the larger the AC package you buy, the more bonus ACs you'll have to spend as we continue our Summer of Dragons storyline: the Seven Deadly Dragons!
- 12k AC: 40% more - 4800 extra ACs
- 5k AC: 30% more - 1500 extra ACs
- 2k AC: 15% more - 300 extra ACs
- 900 AC: 5% more - 50 extra ACs
So many of you emailed, Tweeted, Facebooked, and messaged us in-game thanking us for the bonus ACs last year that we wanted to keep that love and excitement flowing for the rest of the summer!
Note: this offer does not apply to AdventureCoin purchases bought on, or the bonus ACs that come with membership packages.
* On August 10th, the bonus amount will drop, so if you're looking to buy AdventureCoins, this is the time to do it!

May 26, 2015
OMG! AdventureCoins are on sale!?
Score limited time deals on all AdventureCoins bundles
Okay, so, I just came back to the Secret Lab from my 4-day weekend and… what do I find... but an AMAZING deal on ALL AdventureCoins!!
Never before in the history of all history has AdventureQuest Worlds offered bonus AdventureCoins for FREE! And who doesn’t love free stuff?
AdventureCoins allows you to purchase awesome and rare armors, classes, weapons, helms, capes, pets, and various special consumables (like potions, buffs, and food). Buying an item with ACs also lets you store it for FREE FOREVER in your bank. Woohoo!
Now is the BEST (and ONLY!) time to stock up and score up to 50% more AdventureCoins. Act fast—because this amazing offer ends Sunday, May 31, 2015!
Note: this offer is not available when you purchase through Paygarden or use Artix Points.

June 11, 2014
Real Life 10% Buff!
Earn 10% more Artix Points with a Credit Card
Everyone LOVES free stuff. And when you use a Credit Card or Paypal to buy Artix Points, you get 10% more Points FOR FREE!
Artix Pointers: What are Artix Points?
Artix Points are the most powerful points in the universe, forged from crystallized dragon’s breath, marbles, and, of course, a little duct tape. Artix Points are the universal currency for your 7 favorite Artix Entertainment games. You can use these Points to get memberships, upgrades, and elite game currencies: AdventureCoins in AdventureQuest Worlds, Varium in EpicDuel, SmashCoins in HeroSmash, and Soul Gems in OverSoul!
Bonus Mode: +100 AdventureCoins each month!
Ohh AdventureCoins, how we love you so. And if you want the coolest items in AQWorlds, you’re ganna need ACs. Well, you’re in luck, because you get 100 bonus ACs per month of your Membership upgrade! SWEET!
Better cast an agility buff, because these deals are only good through the month of June!
xoxo Beleen =D

May 31, 2013
The Golden Fury is Here!
Exclusive Armor Set for 12 Month Membership
Legend foretells all that glitters is gold… but the Golden Fury Armor Set has that beat tenfold!
Inspired by Norse Mythology, the Golden Fury Armor Set pays homage to Odin, ruler of Asgard. Ragnar of Battleon and his fellow Asgardians bow to the might of the Golden Fury, recognizing its great power and detailed craftsmanship.
Thou wish to become imbued with Odin’s might? Starting Friday, May 31, when you upgrade with a 12 Month Membership, not only will you receive all the epic perks of becoming a Member, you will also be granted with the:
- Golden Fury Armor
- Golden Fury Helm
- Golden Fury Cape
- Golden Fury Weapon
- Golden Fury Character Page Badge
Saving Money Rules!
Everyone likes to save money. And everyone loves a good deal. And when you purchase your 12 Month Membership package, you’re getting a GREAT deal AND saving the MOST money!
Let me break it down for you: a 12 Month Membership costs $57.95. So when you break that down, you’re only spending
$4.83 a month!
Dude. I spend MORE than that on my Frappichinos. Everyday. Why can’t Starbucks offer a sweet membership deal like AQWorlds?
But it gets even better. Your 12 Month AQW Membership includes:
- A whole year of Membership access
- 7,000 bonus AdventureCoins (valued at $28.00)
- Exclusive Golden Fury Armor set (priceless!)
- Option for an addition 5,000 ACs for only $5.00 more (valued at $19.95)
So when you take ALL that into account, you’re really only spending
$1.25 a month!
Are. You. SERIOUS?! Oh yes. Very serious indeed. Check my math if you don’t believe me… even though I triple checked just to make sure =D
Obtaining your 12 Month Membership is by far the best deal in the whole world(wideweb). So if you wanna become epic, get epic items, score epic bragging rights, and obtain the most epic deal,
Upgrade your AQWorlds Account!
Battle on!

January 23, 2013
Upgrade to Get Bonus ACs
Getting Free Stuff is Awesome!
Especially when you get MORE of it than you normally would! Cysero and I found out yesterday* that if you renew your membership anytime during the membership OR up to 1 week** after it expires, you get 100 BONUS AdventureCoins for every month you re-upgrade!
* Captain Rhubarb, who does a lot of the back end for our Payment system, knew about this and thought we all did, too. Now we're making sure YOU do, as well!
** When we announced this earlier today, we thought the period was for 2 weeks. It has been updated to the correct length of time, 1 week.
That's been true for a long time now... but it sounds like we haven't let everyone know about it. It's never too late to share good news! Especially when we are releasing a new set with the 1 year upgrade package this week: the Jade Samurai set!
What this means is... if you buy a 1 year membership while your account is upgraded, you'll get 1200 extra AdventureCoins! OR if your membership just expired and you upgrade this week with a 3 month membership, you'll get 300 extra AdventureCoins!
Upgrade to Become One of Lore's Greatest Heroes!
AQWorlds members make it possible for our servers to run (and for the dev team to eat)! But besides those very vital things, every membership unlocks even MORE awesome bonuses and extras than the one above!
Click here to see more Member Perks!
- The ability to create and lead your own guild
- Battling alongside pet companions... and Battle Pets who will fight WITH you
- Exclusive storylines, challenge battles, and zones
- Member-only servers
New Idea for Membership Bonus!
We are working on ANOTHER Member Perk! Cysero had the brilliant idea of giving a 5% AC bonus to ANY of the 4 main AdventureCoin packages purchased for any upgraded character. So if you're buying 12K ACs for your upgraded account, you'll get 12,600 ACs instead! We don't have a set date for this, but we are working to see if it CAN happen!